
Freshman Love Ch. 02


I woke up to the horrid sound of my alarm clock. I looked over and saw the red numbers saying 7:20. I don’t know why I thought it was ever a good idea to go to the gym in the mornings. Something about being more motivated, or some shit like that. I quickly realized that I couldn’t feel the warmth on my back as I had when I fell asleep. So I turned over and realized that Matt wasn’t in my bed.

I got up, went to the bathroom, took a piss and brushed my teeth, then headed downstairs. I turned the heat on because I walked out of my room naked and my house is naturally cold. When I got to the bottom step that’s when the smell hit me. Scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon and most importantly coffee.

I turned the corner into the kitchen and saw his glorious torso. The massive arms hung over the stove as if they were made for it. His pecs housed his hard, dark nipples. I looked further down to his chiseled 8-pack. The v-line on his hips lead my eyes down even further to the apron that was failing at trying to hide Matt’s bulge. When he turned around I noticed his bare ass cheeks. He was naked. God how he turned me on.

“Morning” he said. I didn’t even say a word to Matt, I went straight to the coffee machine to pour me a cup of liquid energy. After downing more than half of my large mug I finally said morning back to him. “Well somebody’s not a morning person. Good to know.” he said to me. All I did was nod my head in response.

After a few more minutes of silence a plate with scrambled eggs, hashbrowns, sausage and bacon, as well as a biscuit was placed in front of me. A finger was placed under my chin that forced my head to look up. Matt’s soft plump lips touched mine for what I wish were an eternity.

“Do you want to come to the gym with me? Not that you need it or anything.” I said.

“Yeah. I’ve been meaning to find a good gym ever since I moved here. Seems like the one you go to is good because you have a great body.” he replied and sat down in the stool next to me.

We leisurely ate our breakfast and when we were done I cleared the island of all the dirty dishes and put them in the sink. I pulled Matt into a close hug and felt the warmth I missed when I woke up and found Matt missing from bed. He pulled away and whispered in my ear, “I just realized that I don’t have a change of clothes. What am I going to wear?”

“I have just the thing, don’t worry. It might be a little tight on that huge ass of yours. Not that I’m gonna complain.” I said as I gave it a squeeze. “Come with me.”

I pulled him up the stairs and back to my room, through the bathroom and into my closet. “Are there anymore surprises you could give me. This is the biggest closet I’ve seen in my entire life. It’s bigger than my dorm room.” he stated.

I opened a drawer and revealed my athletic underwear. I picked out a pink shorts that have a built in jockstrap, put my legs through it, pulled them up and tied the drawstrings together.

I then pulled out a baby blue pair of long-legged boxer briefs and tossed them to Matt. He untied his Halkalı travesti apron and let it drop on the floor and unveiled his monster dick. It swung in between his massive thighs. As he bent down to pull up his underwear and I got a perfect view of his juicy ass. But his ass wasn’t the only thing I saw. In between the globes of his ass I saw a twinkle. It was a piercing.

I had never heard of anyone having a piercing anywhere below the belly button. I don’t know how I missed it last night, maybe it was the fact that he was fucking me for most of it.

I then handed his some black workout shorts and a rainbow-patterned tank top. I thought of a way to ask him without seeming too intrigued. I finally asked as I pointed “When did you get that?”

His eyebrows furled as he tried to figure out what I was talking about. “Oh, you mean my guiche. I got it a month after I turned 18. I’ve always wanted a genital piercing. So one day I just decided that I had been wanting for too long without acting on that want. So I went to a piercing shop and got it done. I want to get more done, like my ears, nipples and belly button but I haven’t had the time or the money to get them pierced.”

“Well I’ve been wanting to get my ears and nipples pierced too. Let’s go after the gym. I hate pain so if I don’t have someone else there with me I know I’ll chicken out. Actually let’s skip the gym, we can go tonight. Let’s go to the shop that my mom went to get her ears pierced. You down?”

“Are you sure? I mean I really hate needles. And I’m not sure if I can just make a rash decision like that.” he said in a shaky voice.

“Yeah. I’ve never had a piercing so I’m scared too. Come on, let’s do it. Pleasssse.” I begged.

“Fine. But on one condition.”

“Oh yeah.. And just what is that one condition?”

“We do it in turns. You get your ears pierced, then I do. Then you get your nipples, then I will. Deal?” he said as he held out his pinky for a pinky promise.

I smiled and said, “Deal.”

“Pinky promise?” he said as his right eyebrow raised to the center of his forehead.

“Pinky promise.” I put out my pinky finger and we shook on it.

I quickly finished getting ready and making sure Matt had everything he needed and headed out to the car.


I just pulled into the parking lot of “Marcel’s Piercing Shop” when reality struck me. I was about to get four different needles plunged through me. And just like Matt, I am afraid of needles. “How am I gonna get through this? Why did I do this to myself?” I thought. But there was no backing out as Matt pulled me inside and made an appointment for us that would be in five minutes.

I didn’t notice that I was wiggling my leg until Matt put his hand on my thigh and gave it a slight squeeze. Somehow within the 24 hours I had known him he had already figured out how to calm me down. Not even my own mother could figure out how to do that. I remember a lot of times when I was a nervous wreck and my mom tried her hardest to get me to calm down, Levent travesti but nothing she would do worked.

But all Matt had to do was squeeze my thigh. A simple touch and small application of pressure and all my anxiety and fear completely left my body. I’ve only known this man for less than a day and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been since going to college.

“Matt. You can come on back.” the secretary called out.

“You ready? I can tell you’re nervous.” Matt said to me as we both stood up.

“No, but I keep my promises so I’ll do it anyways. And plus I want them done so better to do it now that I have someone to do it with. Are you ready? There’s no turning back after this point.” I told him.

“As you said it’s best to do it now.” he replied as he walked through the door the secretary had opened for us.

“Just wait here and someone will be here within a few minutes to help you. Good luck” said the secretary as she closed the door.

Less than a minute later a piercer, who introduced himself as Paul, came into the room and asked us who was getting pierced and where. Matt answered with a short and simple , “both of us, and the earlobes and both nipples.”

“Well alright, who’s going first?” Paul asked.

I raised my hand and sat down on the medical bed lined with parchment. Paul sanitized both my earlobes and on the count of three stuck a needle through one ear. Then this time before the count of three was finished, Paul pushed the other needle in the other ear. I then chose what jewelry I wanted. I went with solid blue studs.

Once I was done it was Matt’s turn. It was the exact same process. Sterilizing, piercing, and putting in the jewelry. But Matt didn’t get up from the table, he instead lifted his shirt and said in kind of a nervous voice “I also want my belly button. If I don’t do it now I never will, so let’s do it before I change my mind. Sorry for making you wait longer, babe.”

That last part he said with a wink and a smile. He called me babe. Up until then I had never felt so cared for and loved. What is it with this guy? He automatically knows how to calm me and make me the happiest I’ve ever been by just saying one word to me. All I could do is stare at him. Stare into his beautiful sapphire eyes, that I’m sure were twinkling just as mine were in that moment.

Paul interrupted our gaze with, “Alright, this one’s going to hurt a lot more than the ears so I want you to breathe out when I tell you to. Alright deep breathe. And ou-“

“AAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHHHH” Matt screamed at the top of his lungs. His hand automatically reached for mine and squeezed what felt like the hardest anyone could squeeze. It felt like an elephant was stomping on my hand.

After about 15 seconds Matt’s grip on my hand stopped hurting, as he eventually let it go. As soon as he let go I wanted him to grab it again.

After getting the jewelry put in, it was my turn again. Same old process. Sterilize, pierce, and put in the jewelry. The process happened on both nipples. Şirinevler travesti I ended up choosing a straight, silver barbell. I always did think those looked the best for nipple piercings. Next was Matt’s turn again and this time was a breeze. Both pierced and only a slight squeeze of my hand, no noise whatsoever.

Paul told us how to take care of the piercings and how to make the healing process as painless as possible. We thanked him and headed to the front desk so I could pay.


On the way home we got some starbucks, cause I’m a basic bitch, and stopped at chipotle, because again I’m basic. It was Matt’s first time trying the fast food place and he fell in love. I guess small towns in Illinois don’t have chipotle, which deeply saddens my heart.

We stopped by his dorm so he could get some real clothes, because we were still wearing our workout attire, which I didn’t mind at all because these short shorts really showed my ass off. And I must say Matt was totally rocking my pride tank top. And those black shorts showed the bulge in his crotch which excited me. A little too much if I might say because I began to grow hard while we were still eating our lunch.

Great, just what I needed, to get a boner in public. I got up out of my chair, grabbed our food and Matt’s hand and lead his to the back of the building towards the restrooms.

“Carter, what are you doing?” he asked in confusion.

“I can’t stand it anymore.” I said.

“Stand what?” He asked.

“The constant boner I get from having you around. We’ll have to solve this problem right away. I can’t be exposed in public. My dad would kill me.” I responded as I opened the door to the family bathroom. I put our food on the changing table, making sure only the aluminum foil was touching it. Then I pulled my shorts down and got on my knees and hurriedly pulled down Matt’s shorts as well. I then pulled his underwear down enough that I could get his rock hard dick out.

“Wait.” He stopped me, backed towards the door and locked it. “Ok, carry on. Can’t have someone walk in on us now can we.” He said as I slipped the tip in my mouth.

I sucked him while stroking my own dick, which was so erotic. It didn’t take Matt long to cum, but it sure was a lot. I recalled the sweet taste of his cum from last night as I felt it drip down my throat into my stomach. He groaned as I sucked every last drop of cum out of his mouth.

I then stood up and started stroking harder, and almost immediately started cumming. I aimed for the toilet, but Matt turned me around and knelt in front of me and opened his mouth. I came right onto his tongue. When I was done cumming, he opened his mouth and showed his empty mouth. He had swallowed it all. “Mmmm. That was so fucking sexy.” he said as he stood up and pulled me into a passionate kiss.

“We should head back to my house. I have to let Rose out or she’ll get cranky and will start destroying my furniture.” I said. He shook his head in agreement.

We pulled up our underwear and shorts, grabbed our food from the changing table and headed out to the Bentley. Once we pulled into my garage I could tell something was going on because the door leading into the house was open. I specifically remember closing it myself. What was waiting inside for us was certainly a surprise.

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