
Friendly Agreement


Mae walked out of her very last final. In a week she would graduate college and begin her life after school. She was deep in thought and did notice her best friend, Scott, come up behind her. Per usual her hot chocolate went flying out of her hand, and Scott laughed.

“Always so easy to scare Mae.” Mae glowered at him. “Ok, What’s wrong now Mae?” Mae blushed and looked away from Scott, they were extremely close, always have been since they met freshman year in college. Mae was the quiet reserved one while Scott was out going. However when it came to her love life Mae kept her mouth shut, but Scott would always tease her about it just to make her skin shade turn red.

Scott watched Mae over the next week and could tell something was bothering her, but could not get her to open up about it. The night after the universities commencement he found Mae outside his apartment pacing and mumbling to herself. Mae lived with her parents to help on her school costs. “Mae? What’s wrong?” Mae looked up and Scott could see she had been debating something and wasn’t sure if she should say a word to him.

“Come on.” Scott unlocked his door and ushered her inside, when he turned after shutting the door he found Mae pacing again.

Mae was trying to think of how to broach the subject with her best friend, who she had never talked to about anything intimate. She looked up and saw him watching her cautiously, he had never seen her this nervous since the first time they literally ran into each other.

Scott knew that Mae was shy. She would barely look at guys, but he had seen her out with guys, none of who Scott that deserved her. He was protective of Mae, but he also had wanted her for a few years, but he also didn’t want to scare her away. He never let her near his room, if she fell asleep at his apartment he made sure she was covered on the couch.

Mae bit her lower lip “Mae, are you…” Scott was cut off by Mae “Is something wrong with me?”

“What the hell Mae where is that coming from?”

“Scott, is something wrong with me? We are done with school, real life is starting, and….”

“And what Mae?”

Mae whispered, “I’ve never gotten passed chaste kissed with guys.” Mae turned redder than Scott had ever seen her and was looking away. Scott was slightly surprised, but he had a slight suspicion. He had seen her relationships end quickly. He was thrilled, but couldn’t let her know that or how often he thought of her.

“Mae nothing is wrong with you.” He walked over and made her look at him. “Nothing. Is. Wrong. With. You. Those guys were losers.” Mae shook her head and pulled away walking to the other side of the room.

“Scott… It wasn’t them. I wouldn’t let them go father.” “So what? You knew it wasn’t right.”

Mae huffed. “No. I ran away from them Scott, refused to speak to them. Ashamed of my reaction when they tried to go farther.”

“Okay… Why?”

Mae threw her hands up. “I don’t have a clue. It is. So. Frustrating. This is crazy Scott, College is over, and I’m 25, moving to start my new job in two months. Going out into the real world on my own and I can’t even….”

Scott smirked and walked over to Mae, “Can’t even what?” He almost missed her small shiver. She couldn’t look at him. She was so quiet when she responded, her arms crossed over her chest. “Can’t even fuck a guy.”

Scott tried to hide the smile in his voice. “Well saying the word fuck is a start Mae, I don’t think I have EVER heard you cuss.”

Mae looked up at him with a fire in her eye and smacked his chest. She shook her hand from the sting.

“Come on Mae relax, sit we’ll watch a movie, maybe discuss this a bit later.”

Scott watched Mae that night, an idea started to form in his head. He didn’t know how Mae would react, and she would find out his biggest secrets if he went with the idea formulating in his head, but if it worked.

He invited Mae over telling her he had an idea to help her relieve her situation if she was truly that frustrated. When Mae arrived she found Scott had some papers on the table, she quirked an eyebrow.

“Ok, Mae, hear me out please?”

Mae started to fidget getting nervous, she had gotten over her nervousness around Scott years ago, and she trusted him. She took a deep breath slowly letting it out. She had been embarrassed about her outburst the week before. I Scott had something that may help her, she would listen to him.

“What is all that?”

“You trust me Mae?”


“OK, good. So you remember my parents have a cabin upstate on the lake?”

Mae just nodded and followed Scott to the paper filled table.

“Well, I have an idea. The papers here a promise between you and I. “Scott had never felt so nervous until this point. If Mae agreed to go with this hair brain idea he would be spending the next month planning.

Scott continued. “I know you haven’t been with any guy, you said that last week. You trust me, I hope you trust me enough to… help you. I have never seen you that frazzled. The promise here is for three days at my parent’s cabin before the Fourth of July. No one will be their but you and I.” He bonus veren siteler waited for any reaction, Mae just nodded for him to continue.

“The reason I decided to go ahead and get things on paper is because I know you Mae. A promise especially one on paper you will not back out of. However I know you have ran before, so I have a thing in here that IF you try to back out. I can take you.” Scott heard her gulp but he continued. “Three days to explore Mae, experience, and let me help you past your panic.”

“Three days?” Mae got up and started pacing. Scott couldn’t hear what she was saying she was talking so quietly and fast. Rambling. Scott stood walked over to Mae and did one thing he has wanted to do for quite a while. He grabbed her as she turned back towards him and crushed his lips to hers. Mae froze. He felt her tense, he pulled back slightly and looked in her eyes. “Mae. I want to help you. I promise not to do anything that you are fully against. I have a list of all different things for you to see what if anything you want to try.” Mae relaxed, Scott being so close and having had a small taste of her ran his thumb over her lower lip staring straight into her eyes and moved slowly this time to kiss her. She didn’t tense Scott kissed her and then as he pulled away gently grabbed her lower lip in his teeth and pulled. Mae gasped, none of the guys before had kissed her like that. She didn’t feel anything when they had kissed her, not like now.

Mae was the next one to move and kissed Scott, he licked her lower lip and she gasped, Scott took the opening and slid his tongue into her mouth truly kissing her. Mae moaned, Scott pulled away. He had plans he had to wait.

Mae walked back to the table and sat. “Ok so how will this work?” Mae trusted Scott, maybe it was fitting that he would be her first. She started to look over this list he had and scrunched her eyebrows reading. She reached into her bag and grabbed a pen. Scott watched as she placed question marks, some had one, others had up to three. He also watched as her eyes got wide face blush and she would cross something off.

Mae and Scott both had a copy of their promise, neither could back out, though Scott spoke with Mae leading up to the weekend. They would leave Friday morning to drive up. Mae’s parents didn’t think anything of the two taking off together, they had been up to the cabin before. Scott had chosen it as his parents were not using it. It was secluded, and neither of them would have to be worried about parents calling non-stop.

Friday morning came. Scot had everything he wanted packed and in his car. He was just waiting for Mae, she would leave her car at his place. She arrived a minute late, Scott exhaled, he really did not want to go to her parents’ house and grab her, even knowing no one was home but her.

One in the car Scott turned to Mae “Are you ready?” Mae looked over at him, he could see the hesitation in her eyes. She slowly nodded and put on her seat belt. He pulled out and started on the road. The trip was a quiet one, so much different than most of their road trips the last four years.

When they pulled up to the cabin Mae hesitated. Scott looked at her. “Mae, it’s me. We’ve been here before.” Mae nodded and got out of the car. Scott steeled himself, he knew that one they entered the cabin things were going to change. He grabbed his bag and Mae’s.

Once inside Scott walked into his bedroom and closed the door leaving Mae to go and get some water. He tossed her bag under the bed, she wouldn’t need it ’til they Left Monday night. It was five in the afternoon. Scott opened his bag and pulled out the stuff he had brought and purchased. He had wanted Mae to experience a lot, but not more than she was ready for in the next three days. He just hoped that she wouldn’t hate him when they left the cabin. He knew she would panic he just had to get her in place before that happened. He was afraid she would run out the door otherwise.

Scott walked out and found Mae in the kitchen making them dinner. He walked up behind her making her jump slightly. He moved her long hair away from her neck and kissed where her neck and shoulder met. Mae tensed and shivered. She still remained quiet. He had removed his shirt while he was placing things in the room where he wanted them. He moved his mouth to Mae’s ear and whispered. “Mae, go into the bathroom and remove ALL your clothing. Leave it in the bathroom and come on out here for dinner.” Mae gasped and trembled. She turned to look at Scott. She had never seen the intensity in his eyes that she saw now.

“Mae… Go. Now.”

She scurried out of the room. Once she was in the bathroom she shuddered. Scott was intense now, he was different then the Man she knew. She had seen that look when he had given it to the girls he was seeing through college, but for it to be focused on her…. She had no idea how to react to it. However something inside her said she did not want to not do as he instructed.

With her hands shaking she slowly removed her clothing and folded it onto the counter. She remembered that their agreement showed she would bedava bahis not be clothed while they were at the cabin. Her hand touched the handle to the bathroom and she took a deep breath and slowly opened the door and slowly moved out of the room. The past six weeks she was very self-conscious looking at herself in the mirror. This would be the first time any man would see her in her birthday suit. Goosebumps ran all over her skin. She had gone a couple days ago to get waxed for the first time. She hoped to never do that again. It was embarrassing and painful.

Mae walked into the dining nook and found Scott standing there with something in his hand. His back was turned to her, she just stared at the muscles moving as he placed a plate down, the other object in his hand she had never seen.

Scott turned and Mae froze eyes wide. Scott took her in, slowly a smile built on his face. “Perfect.” He walked over and kissed her nose she immediately relaxed and let out the breath she had been holding. Scott walked back out with two wine glasses. Once he had placed them he turned and looked back at Mae who hadn’t moved.

“Mae, come here please and place your hands on the edge of the table. Mae gulped and walked over and did as she was told. Scott placed his hands on her sides and moved her back slightly so she had to bend. He ran his hands over her ass.

“Mae, relax this,” he held the item in front of her face so she could see it fully, “is a butt plug. A small one. By Monday night I want to be able to take you here as well.” She shivered but didn’t say a word. It was an agreed upon thing to try. She was curious. Mae felt Scott’s fingers roaming and spreading her cheeks. Her whole body flushed. She felt a cold drop of something hit her ass followed by Scott’s fingers taking that liquid on his finger and press her anal opening. She tensed. “Relax.” The only word Scott spoke, Mae had to remember that this was her best friend she trusted him, he would not harm her. Plus she wanted this. She relaxed and felt his finger press until it popped through. A sharp gasp escaped Mae and she tried to grab the table. Scott moved his finger in and out slowly. When he removed his finger a few minutes later she missed that new sensation. Then she felt the cold plug. It pressed where Scott’s fingers had been. Scott massaged her ass as his other hand slowly pressed the plug to penetrate her ass. He pressed it in until the base of the plug sat at her opening.

Scott leaned over and whispered, “Excellent Mae. So far so good, yes?” Mae couldn’t speak so she just nodded.

Scott stood back up. “Have a seat Mae.” Scott walked back into the kitchen and washed his hands returning and sitting to eat. Mae squirmed unsure of the new feeling taking over her body.

Scott watched and quietly chuckled. “Mae are you ok?” Mae looked up and blushed biting her lip and nodding. Scott raised an eyebrow, he was not used to Mae being this quiet. The two sat and ate in silence, Mae fidgeting once in a while a couple moans escaping her. Scott new the biggest test for the weekend would be when dinner was completed and he took her into the bedroom.

After dinner was done and dishes were cleaned they both stood in the kitchen, Mae on her second glass of wine. Her hands were shaking. She finished her glass and Scott took it from her. He set them on the counter and took her hand. He walked her into the bedroom. Not turning on the lights, the less she saw at first the better. He needed to get her where she couldn’t run before she saw the items he brought with them.

He spun her so that she was facing him, and her back to the bed. He took her face in his hands and leaned in capturing her lips. He demanded entrance in to her mouth, she opened for him. His hands started to roam. One up into her hair, the other skimming down her side. She groaned when she felt his hand brush her breast.

Mae squeaked as her legs hit the back of a bed. She pulled away and started shaking. Her breathing picked up, her mind started racing. Scott took her face in his hands and forced her eyes to focus on him. She had handled the plug so well. He debated on placing that first or waiting, but knew the sooner the better.

Scott kept his eyes locked on Mae and picked her up. He didn’t allow her to take her gaze from his as he laid her on the bed, she was shaking. He slowly moved her arms up, never leaving her face, and bound each wrist to the headboard. Her breathing picked up even more. Scott slid onto the bed, her eyes weren’t focusing. He started calling her name. She wasn’t fighting the bindings on her wrist. Scott ran the back of his hands over her cheek trying to pull her from wherever she went. He still had two more bindings to do, but wanted to get her through this attack first. He knew she had said she had done this prior, but seeing it almost broke his reserve, and his plan.

Minutes past and she was finally calming. Her eyes focused back onto him. He smiled, “Hi Mae, are you ok?” Mae’s breathing was finally back to normal and she took a shuddering breath and whispered “Yes.”

Scott leaned down and kissed her. His one hand closest deneme bonus to her body slid down and circled her nipple, one then the other. Once Scott was confident that he could move on he stood and walked to the foot of the bed. Mae watched him, when her eyes landed on the bindings at the foot of the bed she started shaking again eyes pleading with Scott. Scott looked up at her. “Mae you are ok, I’m only doing this initially to help you. Show you that you have nothing to fear.”

Scott reached up and bound each of Mae’s ankles. Scott moved back towards Mae her gaze followed his hands to the button and zipper of his jeans. Scott removed his remaining clothing in one motion. Mae blushed and turned her head away. “Mae look back over here. You are going to be seeing a lot of this over the next three days and feeling even more of it inside you.”

Mae looked back over Scott watched as her entire body flushed even more. She tried to squirm but couldn’t move. Scott moved back to the bed and sat next to her. He looked her in the eyes. “I thought that binding you this first night would help. Let you panic and see nothing will hurt you, Also not allow you to kick or try to run from anything you are about to feel. Also no trying to squeeze my head when I go down here.” Scott moved his hand to her mound.

Mae arched to his touch then looked away embarrassed that her body was reacting this way so quickly. Mae turned back at Scott’s next question. “Mae have you ever used any toys or your own fingers here?” He slid a finger between her folds, surprised to find she was so wet all ready. Mae shook her head no. “Have you ever played with your nipples?” Again her response was no.

“I was surprised to see you were bare down here.” Scott stated as he moved to the foot of the bed and crawled up ween her spread legs. He looked up and saw Maw looking at him like he was crazy to be down between her legs. Scott whispered to himself. “Oh I am going to enjoy this.” With that he placed his fingers in her slit and spread her lips open. Inhaling and then licking from the plug up to her little nub that was already peeking out for attention. Mae bucked up and moaned loud. Scott smiled thinking he was really going to enjoy this weekend and the opportunity to hopefully make Mae scream many times.

Scott slowly placed a finger at Mae’s opening after a few more licks and sucks. Scott focused his mouth on Mae’s clit sucking, flicking, and licking as he slid his finger into Mae. He thrust his finger in and out of Mae before adding second. He felt Mae tense and then she bucked. None of the others he had been with had been so responsive. He was drinking it in. When he pulled his fingers out Scott noticed that Mae’s sweet center was clear and as he tested it something popped into his head. His cock throbbed at the thought. However as to not freak Mae out, he kept the thought to himself for the time being. He hay bring it up in the morning.

When Mae finally came back to focus she had her voice back. “Holy Camoly Scott!” He just chuckled. “Mae I am only starting by Monday you will be wanting more and more and more… granted you may be exhausted.”

Scott stood and Mae saw his cock again hard and leaking. “Scott shouldn’t I help with that? She nodded towards him. He grinned, “Oh you are about to, but I want full lights on for this.” Mae gulped. She watched as he walked over and flipped the dimmer of the lights up. Mae at that point also notices a table with all these different items on it. She could make out candles, small clamps, different size plugs, and a vibrator. And a plug with a pump on it. She gulped. Scott noticed. “Mae… slow, three days. So slow.” Mae just nodded and looked back at him. She was expecting him to come towards her head. Instead he moved back down between her legs. Scott saw the question in her eyes. “Tomorrow… Tomorrow I will have my cock in your mouth. Tonight though, tonight is about you.” He shrugged. “Well and about me… I want… need to be here.” He slid the head of his cock through her slit a couple times before settling it at her entrance.

Scott pressed forward pushing the head to enter her. Scott held his cock as he slowly pressed in making small success pushing into her. “Mae this may… or will probably hurt.” Mae nodded and steeled her breath but relaxed. Scott pressed in more hissing feeling her warmth surround him. When he had the head inside her he leaned down capturing her mouth in a kiss. Not moving, he placed his forehead on hers looking in her eyes and pressed forward until he was fully sheathed inside Mae. They both groaned, a slight yelp also coming from Mae.

Both broke into a sweat. Neither moved. Mae was working to control her breathing. Scott was holding waiting for her ok. She finally nodded. Scott first rose up and release Mae’s hands. He gripped her hands in his entwining their fingers. Then he began pulling out and pushing back in. Slowly he went, savoring everything. It didn’t take long before Mae started moving with him. Scott smiled. He knew once she was moving with him he wouldn’t hold back much longer. He reached between them and started lightly rubbing her clit. When he finally felt Mae’s pussy fluttering, he leaned down and whispered into her ear. “Mae, I. Am. Not. Going. To. Pull. Out.” Mae gasped but her body then caused her to scream and with that first squeeze of Mae’s orgasm Scott pushed in and came inside her.

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