
Fun with Jane Ch. 01


I got to the party late. I had known it was fancy dress but as usual, I hadn’t bothered, instead spending longer than I should have in the pub. The door opened as I got to the end of the drive, a skeleton and a sleeping beauty emerge, allowing me to slip in behind them. A few people stand in the corridor, two men in suits share an animated conversation whilst a roman soldier French kisses a surprisingly plain Marilyn Monroe.

I take a swig from my bottle of larger as I move passed them, coming to stop in the livingroom doorway. Music blares out from two huge speakers that dwarf the room. The Dj’s shaven head bobs up and down above the decks whilst a writhing thong surge up and down before him. My eyes pick up friendly faces, and glimpses of cleavage.

A flash of white attracts their gaze, the blouse of a schoolgirl draped on a goddess who dances in the centre. My eyes pass over her body, curvy and voluptuous, strong sturdy thighs encased in nylon, two sumptuous inviting breasts that struggle to escape from the black bra that pokes out tantalisingly. I know instantly that it’s Jane even if I’ve never seen her like this before, her body free from the layers that leave it sexless. She whirls round the dance floor with a confidence and sexuality that I’ve not seen before, I cannot help but become mesmerised.

It’s impossible to do anything but mentally kick myself as I watch this vision weave her spell. I ask myself how many times had I rejected her before she dared throw off her inhibitions and unveil her dangerous beauty. It’s as though she taunts me, showing me what I could have had, showing me what I could have won.

As she prowls the dance floor the surrounding men’s gaze moves with her, her curves proving too enticing to escape the leers of those around her. Skinny bitches try to distract us but they do nothing but provide an unwelcome obstacle to sight of this glorious queen bee. They watch her with jealous envious eyes, wanting to be her, wanting to fuck her. For she is more than them, bigger, better, sexier. For why have a snack when you can have a feast?

As I watch her I realise how stupid I was to ignore her before, not for the manner in which she dresses, but for the way she carries herself. Gone is the doubt, the shyness, to be replaced by a woman too intoxicating for words.

Suddenly a tall dark stranger comes up behind her, his hands coming to sit on her hips. She spins round, a smile on her face. They dance closely, her body rubbing against his, his hands stroking and groping. I expect her to resist, she doesn’t instead she pulls him closer, her long black boot positioned between his legs, her thigh rubbing his bulging crotch.

I can’t believe what she’s doing but I can’t take my eyes off her. She’s sexy and naughty, she kisses him and I want her.

She spins again, turning her back to her partner. Our eyes meet, hers excited and curious; mine, jealous and lustful.

She smiles at me as he pushes her forward, leaving her sumptuous arse pressed against his. He slaps it as he thrusts forward, simulating the act that every bloke present imagines. She let’s him, pushing her pert buttocks against his, rubbing his bulging crotch, seemingly wanting it, loving it.

Still she looks at me, brazen and wanton. I hate her, I hate her for I know that this is her revenge for the rejection after rejection. I hate her because she punishes me. I hate her because I love, I want her, I need her. She pushes her partner away, he leaves, annoyed and unhappy. Seconds later she stands before me, ravishing and beautiful.

‘what the fuck are you doing?’ I ask angrily without knowing why.

‘what?’ she replies irritably, seemingly hurt at the question.

‘On the dance floor…’ my voice trails off as my arm waves in the direction of the thong of gyrating people grouped by the decks.

‘what about it?’ she looks at me seriously, seemingly scrutinising my expression carefully.

‘you’re making a spectacle of yourself,’ even as I speak I realise that I’m lying.

‘oh, so that’s why you’ve been staring at me since the moment you walked in,’ she spits back with a smug grin. ‘and I thought it was because you’d finally come to your senses.’

I was about to fire another put down in her direction knowing that I had to take out my frustration on her without knowing why. The words evaporate in my throat. She’s right, she’s sexy and she’s right.

‘it’s not you,’ I say eventually, still not knowing what I want to say. ‘it’s that prick.’

Hateful eyes pick him out, this six foot streak of piss who’s only crime has been to chance his arm on the sexy little bitch I didn’t even want.

‘his hands are all over you,’ I keep talking, seething at what feels like deliberate slight delivered to punish me.

‘good isn’t it?’ she winks and licks her lips. She’s winding me up, making me hate her, making me want her.

‘He’s only trying to get in your knickers,’ I say forcefully, my voice rising an octave as I struggle to control Kilis Escort my anger.

‘well if that’s his plan, he’ll find it difficult,’ she replies innocently. ‘but only because I’m not wearing any.’

She smiles mischievously as I almost drop my drink in shock. She giggles as she registers my expression, eyes widened, mouth hanging open in disbelief. My mind is a maelstrom of emotion, a thin mist of surprise and confusion obscuring what I know as jealousy and lust.

‘I don’t believe you,’ I say certainly, more as a reaction than a comment.

‘whether you believe me or not it doesn’t make it any less true,’ she answers


‘you wouldn’t go out without knickers, you’re not that kind of girl,’ I say, realising that as I speak I do more to convince myself than her.

‘and what kind of girl would that be?’ she asks forcefully.

‘you know what I mean,’ I feel uncomfortable, knowing that I’m squirming before her questions.

‘I really don’t,’ she snaps back, although her tone is betrayed by the cheeky smile that shines through. ‘why don’t you tell me?’

I return her stare without flinching, unsure of what to say. I know what I think, I know how she’s been acting, and as much as I hate the fact, I know how it’s turning me on.

‘you’re acting like a slut,’ I reply eventually, unable to skirt round the topic before continuing apologetically.’ even though I know you’re not.’

‘well, I obviously am,’ she answers abruptly. ‘and what’s so bad about that?’

I look her intently, the question buzzes through my mind. What is so bad about

that? What is so bad about that? Repeatedly, searching for an answer that looks ever more elusive. I think it through again and again, what is so bad about that. What is so bad about that the fact that my friend just so happens to be a beautiful, desirable women, a sex kitten, a femme fatale. That there’s a side to her that’s exciting and sexy, the side I had fooled myself into refusing to acknowledge existed.

I look at her intently, desperately looking for some indication that this is a wind up.

‘you’re drunk,’ I assert eventually, grasping at a straw I know I have no desire to hold.

‘maybe a little,’ she giggles before leaning in and lowering her voice. ‘but I’m also a horny little slut.’

‘you can’t be a slut and a virgin,’ I hate myself as I say it, knowing that I do so for no reason other than to hurt this fantastic creature for no reason. I’m behaving like a dick, a jealous, angry, stupid dick, driving her away even as I’ve never wanted her closer.

‘yes you can,’ she says eventually, her voice devoid of the seductive humour. ‘but only for tonight.’

‘why?’ I ask, confused, struggling to make sense of her point, knowing that if there is a reason for my sudden stupidity, it comes as a result of the jealously and lust that this vixen inspires.

‘why?’ she asks disbelievingly, her smile betraying the power that she feels as the knowledge grips her that it is her femininity, her sexuality that has disarmed me. She leans in and whispers into my ear. ‘because by the time I wake up tomorrow, I’m not going to be a virgin.’

My eyes widen in shock, a reaction that induces a delicious grin that drips with wanton femininity. I want her, I know I want her. She flashes me a knowing, wry smile. She’s beautiful and wanton, I can’t help but want her. Her eyes study mine intently, she’s so close I can smell her perfume, it’s sweet and intoxicating.

‘of course if you don’t believe me…’ she says quietly before pausing and looking up and down the hall to check that there is no one in earshot. She leans in, allowing me to leer at her cleavage as it threatens to spill from the tight lace of her bra. As my eyes linger I realise she’s caught me starring. I look guilty as she smiles a sexy triumphant smirk.

‘you could always let me prove it,’ it’s barely more than a whisper, delivered calmly with no hint of uncertainty.

I return her burning stare as what little doubt remains slowly drifts away, freeing me of my suffocating inhibitions in the process.

She flashes another glance towards the living room to make sure we’re not being watched, and when satisfied that we’re not, she raises her hand and places it on the bulge in my jeans. It’s only a light touch but it sends what feels like electricity surging round my body as her fingers trace the outline of my already throbbing erection.

‘Not that I need to,’ she whispers as she squeezes my cock through my jeans. ‘because you knew it the moment you walked in tonight. You’ve not been able to take your eyes off me, have you?’

I shake my head, knowing that she’s right, not wanting her to be anything else. Her hand gently strokes my cock, making it throb deliciously in reply.

‘now, ask me nicely and I’ll let you be the one responsible for turning sweet innocent little me into the sexiest bitch you’ll ever meet,’ she purrs deliciously, as she moves her exquisite Kırıkkale Escort body closer to mine.

I return her stare, knowing that I want her, my body tingling with excitement and anticipation. Her hand gently caresses the bulge in my pants, my eyes feast themselves on he ample bosom and her wanton face.

‘ask you?’ I whisper as I register her glorious reaction, part innocent delight, part sinful. ‘ask you?’

I repeat as I release myself to the machismo, to the strength, to the power she induces.

‘I’m not going to ask you,’ I tell her as my mind fixes upon my desire without the slightest hint of uncertainty or doubt.

‘I’m going to tell you.’

‘tell me what?’ she purrs quietly, her eyes sparkling triumphantly, alive with her rampant femininity.

‘to get that perfect arse of your into the bedroom before I make you,’ I say quietly and forcefully knowing that I’ve never wanted anything more.

She releases her grip as a wanton and triumphant smile explodes on her lips. She steps backwards, to where a bedroom door stands open a crack, the interior of the room is dark, and silent. We slip through the gap, the door closing behind us, muffling the sound of the party. She twists her body, although I can barely see her in the gloom, her white blouse emits a luminescent glow. I walk over calmly as her silhouette shows her raising her leg so that it sits on a chair, her knee at right angels to her curvaceous body.

I extend my arm, my fingers fan out in

anticipation before the context with the coarse nylon, warm with the heat of her body.

‘Mmmm,’ she purrs deliciously. I squeeze her leg, my cock stiffening in my trousers.

I run my fingers up her leg slowly, caressing and exploring as they go. As they move I manoeuvre my body so that I come to stand behind her. She leans backwards so that her back comes into contact with my chest.

She’s breathing heavily as I wrap my arm around her waist. My fingers push at the hem of her skirt, pulling it over her firm, womanly thigh. Suddenly the texture changes against my digits as the nylon give way to the lace top of

her stocking.

‘sexy bitch,’ I whisper in to her ear, an exclamation that I can’t resist making.

She twists her head towards me and wiggles her arse, rubbing it against my bulging crotch.

‘is that for me baby?’ she asks in a voice that drips with honey and seduction. In reply I kiss her, my mouth opening widely as though to bite. As lips touch, tongues jostle and salvia mingles. It feels unrestrained and needed, sexual and glorious. My fingers continue their path up over her stocking top, on to the smooth skin of her thigh. I raise my other hand, the fingers fanning out to cup her firm, ripe breast. I squeeze it hard, eliciting another moan in response. Her body rubs against mine, her arse on my now throbbing erection.

My fingers move higher, I feel her muscles of her thigh, I can smell the scent of her sex in the air. I know she’s wet, dripping, and I know it is I who make her so. I ready myself to slip my in to the source of that sweet, intoxicating scent but as I probe closer to her pussy my finger brushes the

delicate lace of what must be her panties.

I break off the kiss instantly, pulling my head back and flashing a smile that’s only just visible through the darkness.

‘I thought you said you weren’t wearing any,’ I whisper into her ear, my body still pressed against hers.

‘I must have been mistaken,’ she giggles as she replies, it’s playful and naughty. ‘still it’s easily rectified.’

I kiss her again, our mouths merge, debauched and wonderful. She breaks it off suddenly, twisting her body to break my hold. I step backwards, eager to take her, even keener to let her conduct this beautiful seduction. It’s dark but I can see her grin. She leans forward slightly as her hands grasp at the hem of her skirt. As she pulls it up I see the dark outline of her stockings give way to her milky white thighs. She hitches her skirt higher, up over the small dark triangle of fabric that barely protects her modesty. Her fingers slip into the waistband before she bends forward, pulling them down her thighs and under her knees. They fall to the floor as she straightens get body, her eyes burn in the gloom as she steps out of the thin lace knickers that sit on the floor. Once again she leans over, bending at the waist in a manner that causes her delicious cleavage to almost spill out of her tight bra. She picks up the panties and walks over to me, returning my stare with barely concealed lust. As she stops before me, the atmosphere crackles with electricity. Slowly she raises her hand, lifting the wisp of lace to within inches of my face. I can smell her sex, the aroma is strong and enticing.

‘naughty, aren’t I?’ she says as a wanton grin.

‘deliciously so,’ I reply before kissing her again.

As our mouths merge I wrap my arms around her, squeezing and caressing her sumptuous form. I feel Kırklareli Escort the warmth of her body pressed against mine, she lifts her keg and wraps it round my leg, balancing on her vertiginous heel as our bodies entwine. Tongues and hands move incessantly, stroking and probing in a way that reverberates within us.

My lips break contact with hers as my mouth moves down her neck, kissing and licking as it goes. She leans back, letting my body take her weight, her fingers grasping my hair as she pulls me closer. Wrapping my arms tightly round her waist I lift her up, taking the weight as she wraps her legs around me, pushing my throbbing erection against her plaint body. I carry her across the room before depositing her perched on the edge of the desk, sending it’s contents flying across the room in the process.

As my tongue descends towards her inviting cleavage I push my hand up under her skirt, groping her thigh as it moves. As it gets higher I pull back, releasing my grip as she takes her weight on her arms. My tongue roams her breast, I tug at her flimsy bra, letting it flop out in all it’s glorious majesty. Instantly my hungry mouth homes in on her stiff nipple, my lips envelop her dark Aeolia as I unleash my tongue on her bud. She purrs seductively, her hand grabs my hair, pulling me closer as I suck on her teat.

I push my hand up towards her crotch.

She’s as wet as I imagined, as I’d hoped she would be. She moans, a long low satisfied sound that soundtracks my forefingers passage into her. Her pussy lips part easily, inside it’s soft and velvety, tight and moist. My thumb strokes her clit as my middle finger pushes inside.

‘you’re so fucking wet,’ I exclaim joyfully with a low moan.

‘I’m wet for you baby,’ she murmurs in my ear in between her moans and sighs.

I feel her hand pulling at my belt, pulling it tight before the tension releases. My fingers

pump in and out of her glorious cunt as she tugs at the buttons on my jeans. They fall down my legs suddenly, hitting the carpet with a muffled thump. Her hand grasps at my already throbbing erection, wrapping her fingers around it through the thin cotton of my boxers.

‘your cocks so big,’ she whispers in my ear as she pulls it from my pants and begins stroking it furiously.

I lift my head from her breast. Her eyes sparkle with lust and excitement. She’s beautiful and sexual, wanton and ravishing. Her sumptuous breasts flop over her bra, her skirts bunched up around her waist displaying her perfect cunt.

‘fuck me baby,’ she whispers in my ear.

‘I haven’t got a condom,’ I state in a panic as the realisation hits me, puncturing the moment with the speed and efficiency of atom bomb.

‘so fucking what?’ she replies, her voice desperate and impatient. ‘I don’t give a fuck.’

I stare at her, scarcely not believing what I’m hearing whilst loving every word.

‘everyone says it’s better without,’ she purrs with a grin that’s the definition of sin and seduction. ‘so fuck me properly or not at all.’

I smile in response, revelling in the glow of this voluptuous minx. Without reply, I rub the sensitive tip of my cock against her wet slit, teasing her as I tease myself. She pushes against me, her pussy lips parting to envelop my thick erection. As it inches into her we watch each other, our expressions those of excitement and lust. Inch after inch penetrates her wiling body as my mind empties all save for the glorious sensation of her tight wet cunt against my dick.

She arches her back with an almost feline grace, letting me deeper and deeper inside her. I withdraw slightly before thrusting back in, harder and deeper as her legs tighten around me.

My hands grasp at her arse and her breasts, squeezing and groping as I build up a steady rhythm. My balls slap against her thighs, she pulls my hair, pulling me closer. Her pussy is so hot and wet, so tight and soft, so perfect.

‘oh yeah baby,’ she purrs deliciously. ‘that feels so good.’

‘you’re so fucking horny,’ I reply breathlessly as I take this sex kitten.

‘only because you make me,’ she moans as my cock impaled her again and again.

I’m losing it as I fuck her, losing the ability or will to do anything but fuck this siren’s filthy kittle brains out. It’s carnal and animalistic, wild and free. She wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me tighter, shifting her weight to allow my cock to penetrate her womb. Her stocking tops scratch my thighs as her legs surround me. As I thrust harder and harder I lift her pliant body, taking her weight as my cock sinks deeper and deeper into her.

Her bodies plaint and luscious, my hands explore her back scratching and probing. I push finger in the crack of her pert buttocks.

‘dirty boy,’ she squeals playfully, encouraging me to slip it inside her tight hole.

I’m fucking her faster and harder. As I slam my cock into her body lifts off the desk, her weight forcing me into her. Her moans and squeals are getting louder and louder as all semblance of control disappears. I feel her body tense, her pussy spasm. I slip my finger further into her anus, impaling her with my cock, conquering this goddess with my body and mind even as she conquers me.

‘oh my god!’ she cries out. ‘I’m cuming.’

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