
Getting Frisky In The Wild


Chennai is a stunning city, but it is also stunningly conservative. Mamas and Maamis stare at you with icicle eyes if your clothes are anything slightly short of modest. Rickshaw annas and cyclists stop and do a stare back if they catch a girl smoking on the road. It seems like the traditional charm of the city leaves no room for anyone to have a little fun, let alone wild.

Yet, I have managed to squeeze in my fair share of wild in this rather purist city. You see, I’m quite the adventurous person, especially when it comes to sex. The idea of vouyerism excites me. Bondage is my jam. Public sex is my fantasies coming to life.

Despite my voracious appetite for sex, my early years of adulthood were rather tame. I mostly watched art porn in the confines of my room and fingered myself to orgasms. However, as I grew older, and heard of friends experimenting with another human, I grew more and more hungry for the touch of a real man. My fingers did a pretty good job, I must admit, but I always felt like I was missing out.

I didn’t have a boyfriend. I also had a work-from-home job that eliminated any possibility of me meeting someone romantic. So, I did what every non self-respecting millennial does — I went on dating apps.

After a lot of matches and a few lacklustre conversations, I finally found myself talking to Rohan, an environmentalist, who seemed interesting enough. He cared about the earth, loved animals and was vegan. The first few days, we chatted about work, exchanged memes and sent each other songs. I was surprised at how well our humour levels matched and our taste in music was compatible.

When he told me that he listens to Ray Lamontagne, and he was one of his favourites, I just knew I had to meet him. Now, you must know that even though I grew up in a conservative city, I am quite the modern girl. I don’t wait around for men to make the first move. I liked this boy and I knew that I wanted to get in his pants. So, without any inhibitions, I asked him out on a date.

I expected an instant response — YES! Turns out, the boy was quite shy. After I asked him out, there was no response for two days. I was getting impatient, so I shamelessly sent him a double text.

Do you at least want to exchange numbers?

A few hours later, my phone screen flashed with a message — Rohan had sent me his number. I smiled victoriously and didn’t waste any time in sending him a text. “Don’t worry, I don’t intend to take advantage of you 😉,” I texted him, although, I had all intentions of taking advantage of him, if he would give me the slightest hint that he was in.

He simply replied with a “Haha.” I was disappointed. I expected him to be more forthcoming. Maybe I would have to consider other options, I thought. However, a few minutes later, I noticed that he was typing.

“I was really hoping you would take advantage of me…,” he said.

My stomach did a flip flop. Exactly what I was hoping for. “And how do you propose I do that over text?” I replied.


Ting. I had received a photo. I opened it to see a picture of a naked torso, a smattering of curly black hair on the chest. His chest muscles were well-defined, chiselled in fact. His upper abs were not built, but they were taut. What really caught my attention was a long scar on the left side of his chest, near his nipple. I was getting wet. I had a thing for scars. My gosh, I hadn’t gotten action in a long time.

“Wow. I thought you were the shy kind,” I texted back.

“I am. That’s why you didn’t get to see the blush on my face.”

I smiled. He seemed sweet.

“Now don’t go sharing this picture with your girlfriends and taking advantage of me,” he texted.

“Well, I thought you did want me to take advantage of you,” I replied. Then I thought it would only be fair to return the favour of the photo and settle the dues. I quickly locked my room, took off my t-shirt and sent a picture of my well-endowed cleavage in a tight, plaid bra.

“Quite some melons you’ve got there,” he texted back, with a fire emoji.

“Want to see some more?” I teased.

“YES!” he replied.

“Well, you’ll get a live viewing if you meet me,” I responded.

Silence again for a few minutes. I waited, tapping my fingers impatiently.

“When?” the text came in. “What are you doing at 7 PM tonight?” I asked him.

“Seeing you at the beach, near Mash,” he replied. I smiled wide. I had a date!

By the time 5 PM rolled by, I was feeling skittish and giggly. I had rummaged through my entire closet to find something to wear, but since I was determined to make a good first impression, I was having difficulty finding a good outfit.

I spent some time scrolling through Rohan’s Instagram to get some inspiration. There were mostly pictures of wilderness and flowers on his feed. Hmm. Maybe green would be a good colour. It would make a psychological impact.

So, I put on a pair of tight skinny jeans that accentuated my ass and a lowcut lime green spaghetti Ankara Escort top. Despite my acne and acne scars, I wasn’t much for make-up, so I just put on some eyeliner and mascara. I topped the look with big gold loops. I checked myself out in the mirror. Not bad. I was ready for the evening.

I drove down to the beach and parked right opposite Mash. Even though it was a weekday, the beach was buzzing. Would I get any action tonight, I wondered. Before I could ponder too much, I heard my phone buzz. “I’m here. Is that you in the red car?” Rohan had texted.

I looked out from my window to see a bike parked a little away. I pulled my top a little lower so my cleavage was just about visible and got out of the car. I walked up to him, my heart racing.

He was straddling the bike in a pair of black shorts and a grey t-shirt. Minimalistic. His hair though was a mess of curls. It wasn’t a full-blown afro, but wild enough to tell me he wasn’t a stickler for tidiness. I didn’t mind that in the least bit. As I got closer, I noticed he had a stubble.

“Hi!” I said in a squeaky voice, surprised at my own excitement. He smiled slightly, dismounting his bike. “Hi,” he replied, scratching the back of his neck. I could sense his nervousness.

“You finally decided to slide out of my DMs and into my real life, huh?” I asked him sheepishly. He laughed awkwardly. “You forced me to.”

“Oh. Don’t feel pressured. You’re welcome to walk away. I can enjoy some fries and burger all by myself, you know.”

“No, no, that’s not what I meant…,” he stumbled over his words. So adorable. “I wanted to meet you.” I laughed. “Relax, I know.”

We were standing a few inches apart now. I had the urge to reach out and run my hands over his stubbled cheek, but I resisted. I noticed his eyes slide down to my chest but he quickly caught himself and looked back into my eyes. Smooth.

“So, you want to take a walk?” he asked. “Or do you want to get something to eat?”

I shrugged. I wanted to get straight to the point. “Do you want to go through the small talk or get right down to business?” I asked him. He looked taken aback. “Down to business?” I shrugged again. “You know I’m attracted to you, right?” He gulped nervously. “I’m…attracted to you too.”

“So, what are you going to do about it?” I asked him. He stared at me blankly for a few seconds. I decided to take the lead. “Want to get some takeaway and find somewhere private?”

He shifted his eyes before nodding slowly. “Sure.”

As we walked to the food truck across the road and ordered our food, he began to ease up a little. We joked some and he told me how he got into environmental sciences. I listened intently, trying very hard not get distracted by his Adam’s apple as he spoke. He had a soft voice, not husky at all. He was a good 6 inches taller than me so I had to look up to meet his gaze as he spoke.

By the time our order was ready, Rohan seemed relaxed. “So, do you have a place in mind?” he asked, as we gathered our paper bags and began walking back towards my car. “I was thinking we just drive around and find a shady spot.”

“Well, I have a better idea. I already know a secluded spot. Let’s take my bike, it’ll be easier,” he suggested. I agreed.

I put the food in my backpack and got onto his bike. I was aware of the closeness of us but I wanted to be closer. I didn’t know if he would be comfortable. But as we hit the road and went over a few speedbumps, I automatically slid closer to him so that our bodies were lightly touching. I decided to take the leap and wrapped my arms around his middle to steady my perch. From the way his body eased into mine, I could sense that he didn’t mind.

We cruised through some back roads and finally, we came to a college. “This is where you’re taking me?” I asked him. “Just try me,” he said. “What about the security?” I asked him, when I eyed the watchman at the gate. He revved his engine and took off full speed into the gate and we disappeared into the wilderness even as the watchman hollered after us. We were on the campus of the city’s most prestigious engineering college. It was perhaps one of the only places in the city with so much tree coverage. I should have guessed this would be his preferred spot.

“You bring many dates here?” I asked him. “Not since I graduated,” he confirmed. “But I know some of the most secluded spots here.” There were butterflies in my stomach now. The anticipation was building. We criss-crossed through some thicketed roads and entered a semi-dark region. The place was secluded, not a soul in sight. He parked the bike near a clearing. I could hear the insects chirping in the background, but there were no humans in sight.

“This used to be my make-out spot. Not many people know about it,” he said softly, getting off the bike. I got off too.

It was a beautiful night. The sky was clear. The moon was shining in all its glory and I could make out the northern Balgat Escort star shining bright. I was mesmerized by the beauty in front of me to say anything for a few minutes. We watched the night sky in silence. Soon, I could feel his presence near me. I turned to my side to see him watching me intently.

I waited to see if he would do anything. But he just averted his eyes. I guessed I would have to make the first move. I reached out and grabbed his palm gently in mine. He looked right at me and then interlocked his fingers with mine. I put my other arm around his waist and pulled him closer. He stumbled towards me clumsily and his chin collided with my shoulder.

We both laughed. “So, should I continue to make the moves or will you take some initiative?” I asked him. That was all the egging he needed. His hands found my waist and his lips landed on mine. They were surprisingly soft. He kissed me softly for a few seconds, before sucking on my lower lip gently. Gosh, he was a splendid kisser. But he was going too slow for my liking. So, I quickly slid my hands under his shirt and took a nip at his lips. I felt him smile in return. He kissed stronger and deeper, slipping his tongue into my mouth. He explored every inch of it, running it up my palate and then around my teeth. I fought back, pushing my tongue to his and doing some exploration of my own.

My hands travelled the contours of his back. They were strong and defined, unlike my chubby self. He slid his hands up my waist and rested them on my shoulder. We took a breather from kissing too much and I could feel myself panting. “You’re good,” I complimented him. “So are you,” he said sweetly, in my ear. Then, he ran his tongue on the outside of my earlobe.

That was my weak spot. I felt shivers go down my spine. I grabbed his face and began kissing him again. Even though my hands explored his chest, his arms and his body, his arms were still resting safely on my shoulder. I grabbed them and thrust them under my shirt. He paused for a while, then slid them up to my breasts. With both hands, he squeezed my breasts gently over my bra. He massaged them as we continued to kiss deeply.

Every now and then, we would take a break to come up for air and he would go straight to my ear. It’s like he knew. I would bend my head back and moan softly. I guess that’s where he picked up the cue.

This rhythm went on for a while and I was growing impatient. “Are you okay with going further?” I asked him. “Yes,” he whispered back fiercely. So I quickly grabbed his shirt hem and pulled it off.

I started at his neck, kissing slowly and kissed down to his nipple. I took his left nipple in my mouth and began nibbling at it. With my right palm, I played with his right nipple. I could feel his breathing get heavier. I licked his nipple till it was hard and then bit it. “Ow,” he yelped. “Sorry, was it too hard?” “No, I liked it,” he replied.

So, I continued playing with his nipples for a bit. His hands had gone into my pixie hair and he was tugging at it rhythmically, giving me cues on how to proceed. I started progressing lower and lower, licking and kissing his stomach. I kissed the rim of his pants, going the whole length around his stomach. I ran my hands down his thighs and legs, inching them down with a feather touch. I felt the goosebumps.

“Should go I on?” I asked him for consent. He moaned, and I took that for a yes, grabbing his dick. It was rock hard, sticking out sharply under his pants. I massaged it for a bit as he continued to moan softly.

Suddenly, he slid his arms under my armpits and pulled me up. “Enough of me, let’s do you,” he growled softly. “But I was just getting started,” I protested, but he had already pulled my top half-way up. I lifted my arms and he took it off. I was sweating by now and so was he.

He looked me directly in the eyes and I saw raw desire in them for the first time. Before I could process or say anything, he had popped my bra open. He flung my top and bra on his bike and shoved me against a tree. He had gone from shy to rough in no time. I loved it.

He buried his face between my breasts as he massaged them. This time, it was much rougher. He kissed down my chubby stomach and slid his tongue into my belly button. I felt a rush come over me as I shut my eyes and let him take the lead.

It felt great to feel his strong palms on my soft breasts. His tongue was warm and wet on my belly. Now, I could feel a moan rising in my throat but I bit it back. I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction just yet.

As he continued to kiss my stomach, his hands slid down and grabbed by butt. He squeezed tight and I couldn’t help but gasp. He took the cue and bit my stomach. I moaned loudly. He suckled at my belly and I knew that I would have a purple bruise the next day. I was looking forward to see how bright it would be.

A horn honking in the distance broke our reverie. He stopped what he was doing Çankaya Escort abruptly and I opened my eyes. He got up and looked around. We heard the honk again, but didn’t see any headlights.

“Shit,” I muttered, turning around to face the tree so that my breasts were covered. Rohan did a quick scan of the area. “No one here. Probably someone near the hostels. It’s quite far from here and the route is covered with trees, so don’t worry, we’re safe.”

But for good measure, he pulled me away from the clearing and into a patch of trees. Dry leaves rustled beneath us and the cool breeze tickled my bare upper body. As soon as we reached the insides, he pulled me back and started kissing me violently. I returned his fervent kisses, squeezing his butt hard as we both moaned into each other.

His hands found my jeans and he unbuttoned it. He pulled down the zipper and snuck his palms to feel my panty. I was already soaking wet by now. He massaged my pussy for a bit before unexpectedly slipping a finger in. I gasped once again.

He was swift with his hands because before I knew it, he had pulled down my jeans and my panties. He parted my legs as far as they could go and began fingering my clit. He went around in slow circles and then began flicking it up and down. I arched my back into the tree and let him continue.

My legs were growing weak as he increased his pace. Then, he shoved two fingers in my vagina, curled and began thrusting. I was going crazy by now. He kept a steady rhythm, alternating between my clit and my vagina. I had to cover my mouth with my hand because I didn’t want to scream.

He went faster and faster as my legs grew weaker and weaker. I was beginning to bend my knees. I bit my lip and dug my hands into his hair. He kept kissing my stomach and fingering me with his curled fingers, hitting just the right spot. I was almost there, I could feel the orgasm coming, but then, he abruptly stopped.

“What happened? I was almost there,” I panted. He didn’t say anything. He got up and walked away. I was puzzled. What was he doing? He appeared a few minutes later with a blanket.

“Where did you get that from?” I asked him, still leaned back against the tree trunk. My jeans was bunched at my ankles and I was standing awkwardly, dissatisfied from the almost-orgasm. “I had it in my bike. I thought we could picnic at the beach, but this is going to be much more useful.”

He lay the blanket on the ground and pulled me onto it. He helped me out of my jeans and pushed me down so I was lying on my back, stark naked. He parted my legs and began again.

This time, his bent his face and gently licked my clit. I had goosebumps. His tongue felt like a warm, wet tomato on my pussy. He continued licking and then began fingering me again. He thrust in and out slowly at first and then, he went hard. “Curl your fingers,” I muttered. He thrust a third finger in and began fucking me hard.

I groaned in pleasure, picking my butt off the ground and doing a bridge. I couldn’t hold my scream in when he finally hit the spot. I came, warm and wet on his fingers. I dropped to my back, sighing in relief. My pussy was throbbing and pulsing hard.

I didn’t even get a chance to catch my breath when I felt something hard slip into me. I opened my eyes to see Rohan on top of me, his dick was inside me. He was thick and averagely long. He didn’t quite hit my spot while thrusting, but I was stimulated enough that the penetration was doing its job.

He held my legs and put them on top of his shoulder, bending into me. He grazed his lips on my forehead as he continued to fuck me fast. Just as I was getting close to my second orgasm, he began to moan loudly as well.

I put my hands on his chest and tried to get him off me. “What’s wrong?” he asked. “Nothing. Change of position.”

I pushed him on the floor and got on top of him. I began riding him, cowgirl style. I bobbed up and down, and then rocked side to side. He squeezed his eyes shut and then grabbed my boobs. I continued riding him until I was close.

Before I could finish though, he let out a growl and I felt the condom swell up inside me. He had cum.

I slowly lifted myself off him. He was lying back, panting heavily. I dropped onto him, my ear to his chest. I heard his heart beating loudly.

“How was it?” I asked him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer, planting a sloppy kiss to my cheek. “That was the best I’ve ever had,” he huffed. “Me too,” I admitted. It was true. Apart from the orgasms I had given myself, this was the best with another person involved. Perhaps the wilderness added to it, but it was a rather romantic setting.

We cuddled for a few more minutes before quickly wiping off our hands on the bedsheet and putting on our clothes.

“Do you still want dinner?” he asked me. I nodded. I was hungry after the exercise. We ate our burgers in silence. My heart was still beating at a hundred miles per second. My hands were shivering from the intense orgasm. I could see that his were too.

We finished our food. “Let’s go?” I asked him. He wordlessly pulled me towards him again and kissed me passionately. Our tongues were doing the tango and our hands were knotted in each other’s hair. We kissed till we were out of breath. He finished by slowly kissing the side of my neck.

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