
Going Back to College


“Mom, I don’t need three sets of sheets!”

She added the boxes of bedding to the impressive mound in the cart. “You don’t have any idea how many sheets you’ll need since you’ve never washed your own sheets and barely ever made a bed. Trust me, I know how dirty your sheets are.”

He slapped his head to his eyes and shook his head. His mom would be gone soon and he could try to forget this mortifying shopping experience. A potted plant, a wicker clothes basket, hand soap- hand soap for shits sake, she had bought him vanilla hand soap.

The guys would never let him live it down if she prettied up his dorm room like she’s planning. All he has to do is keep them out of the room until she’s gone.

It ended up being a two-cart shopping experience by the time she was done. They loaded up her mini-van and drove back to campus.

She pulled into the loading zone and began to unload the many bags. Paul went back there and got a load but with what he brought from home and what she bought, it was going to be a lot of trips up the stairs.

“Hey, let me help with that.”

Mia and Paul were both surprised to hear that. The strapping All-American looking guy looked like something out of an ad. Shortish blond hair that was slightly messy, shocking blue eyes, and the not too muscular build of a swimmer. His best property was his smile though. And he was smiling when he looked at Mia.

Mia and Paul both blushed at his eager smile. Mia was dressed for a hot day, in a MILFy way. She wore a pair of cuffed khaki shorts and a pale yellow tank top. The hot day and the exertion had caused her to get a little sweaty and made the top slightly translucent. The outline of her lacy bra and the undeniable swell of her full breasts were more apparent than she intended.

“We’ve got it. Thanks.” Paul quickly replied.

“Don’t be so rude Paul. It was sweet of him to offer.” Mia interjected. This was a conversation between the two of them now. Paul realized this and began ardahan escort his walk up the stairs.

He could hear his mother laughing and the conversation continue behind him. Great, just great.

Paul threw the bags into the corner of his room and went down for another load. When he got to the bottom, the two of them were still talking.

“Paul, you left before you even knew his name. Come meet Ken.”

Ken? Seriously? Like Barbie and Ken? You couldn’t make up things like this. Paul shuffled over to them and shook Ken’s extended hand. “I’m Paul.”

“Ken’s been telling me about the school and his classes, and oh, you have to hear about his fraternity. You know, I was a Kappa Delta girl in my day and I’ll never forget those experiences or the friends I made.”

Oh shit, that’s all he needed was to think about his mom being a horny sorority girl or to listen to Ken talk about his Jock/Jerk Club. Because he thought things couldn’t get worse, they immediately did. Paul inadvertently looked at his mom’s shirt and her nips were hard and prominent.

Paul looped as many bag handles as he could carry into his hands and began walking upstairs again.

“Paul!” he heard his mom call to him but he kept walking.

As he walked up the stairs he heard, “I’m sorry Ken. He doesn’t have many friends and I think he’s nervous about being on his own. It seems like just yesterday he was my little baby boy in diapers.” Paul groaned. He would never say things couldn’t get worse again.

Paul heard the footsteps and conversation in the stairwell and he knew this time they were following. His mom’s musical laughter was hard to miss.

“Yes ma’am. I’ll keep an eye on him.” Paul didn’t hear much of their conversation but he heard that. Ma’am? Who says something like that?

Paul saw them walking up the stairs, Paul backing up and his mom walking regularly, each carrying an end of his trunk. They tried setting it down adıyaman escort easily but instead dropped it the last 3-4 inches to the ground. “Mom!”

Paul regretted it instantly.

His outcry broke the spontaneous laughter Ken and his mom were enjoying and made him sound like a petulant child.

“Nothing’s broken honey.” and Mia went to open it and show him.

“No!” Paul said and he sprang quickly to make sure they didn’t open his trunk. If this guy saw his models, he would never stop giving him shit about it.

“I’m sure it’s all fine. Let’s just get the rest of the stuff up here.” Paul turned to leave the room.

He heard muffled laughter behind him as doubtlessly one of them had mocked him to the other. They tried to hide it but the hard walls of the stairwell made the sound carry.

The extra hands did help and with two more trips they were done. Ken suggested they go see the fraternity house and Mia agreed. Paul didn’t object because he was going to see this guy and his friends for the next 4 years. Acting like he was interested in joining the neanderthal club was a small price to pay for keeping them from giving him shit.

The house was like every frat you’ve seen in the movies. An old, three-story home with gigantic Greek letters plastered prominently to the front. A high fence ran around a big back yard and Paul could imagine the toga parties and debauchery involving air-headed bimbos and these jocks. Unpopular guys always make fun of that stuff but you know they would change places with them in a heart beat. They never acknowledge it though…

Mia was in heaven. Talking to any man was a luxury she rarely afforded herself lately. Her ex lived in their small town and most of the men there knew him. I guess it was some kind of small town “guy code” thing there that kept them from hitting on her. But here? Here, she was just a woman.

She thought back to her sorority days. How many guys karabük escort had she been with? She knew she could never count them. Most of them blended into one long 4-year sexual blur. Seeing the frat house and all these eager young men made her wet.

Ken made sure each and every guy was introduced to them. Paul got a quick “Hey” and his mom got a full looking-over. Seeing guy after guy stare at his mom’s legs and tits, and having them all be too big for him to punch was like a beating for Paul.

“Mom, I need to get to the bookstore and do some other things,” Paul said.

“Oh yes, you’re right honey. We need to move along.” The “honey” had made him cringe but Paul was happy they were leaving.

“Why don’t you go on to the bookstore and I’ll go back to your room and start putting things where they belong?”

Paul really didn’t want her digging through his stuff but anything that shortened this day was ok. “Everything in my trunk and desk drawers are already arranged the way I like them, so all you really would need to do is hang up stuff.” Mia agreed and they went on their way.

It only took Paul about an hour to get all his books and things and get back to his room. He was so hot and the air conditioner felt good. His mom was red and sweaty as well. And her hair was messed up.

When she got up to leave, Paul pushed aside her attempt to hug and kiss him. She thought it was because he didn’t want anyone to see him so she contained a small smile and left with just a wave.

Paul shut the door behind her and sat on his bed. He hadn’t pushed his mom away because he didn’t want a hug, it was because of that drop of pearly white cum on her cheek. As he sat there he remembered her prior use of the phrase, “Putting things where they belong.” and he knew how it must have gone down.

After he walked away, either she said, “Want to cum with me and we’ll put things where they belong?” or Ken had said, “I’ve got an idea about where to put something.”. It had to have been something like that. He went to bed but sleep eluded him.

Which one started it? Was his mom easy or a cougar? Did it really matter which?

What was Monday going to be like if he saw Ken? Would Ken tell his friends?

What would he say when his mom called?

(Stay tuned for more.)

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