
Golden Showers in Black and White


Where had this fetish started? I am unsure, but perhaps it was at University when I went out with a young Indian woman who was 21 and dating me, a mere nineteen-year-old who was as virginal about sex as she was. Ok, I’d fondled women’s breasts as I grew from teenager to full adult male but ‘down there’ was a mystery until I fell in love with Indra. She had set boundaries on our sex-play, happy to pet above but because of her religious convictions refused to go further, or so she said. Then she admitted one day that she was in love with me – and I reciprocated as I’d been smitten from the start – and once that happened all hell broke loose!

We had been caressing, struggling to stay within our usual bounds of decency and chastity, when she suddenly pulled my hand under her light cotton skirt and straight on to her pussy lips that were completely uncovered; no panties and no hair. She was bald as a coot down there and it was a shock, but I felt like I had died and gone to heaven. Her cunt was hot and silky smooth, the swollen labia soaking wet. She was almost frantic for my fingers to caress and tease at her. Me doing this! I was equally frantic because I hadn’t a clue what I was doing but soon got the hang of it with her guidance. You know, I rubbed and rubbed that beautiful nub of flesh that stiffened and pressed against my finger as her whole body arched to greet me. Her hands had released her breasts from under her T-shirt and she was offering me her firm little titties to kiss and suck. What was even more surprising was her language. It got more and more foul as she reached a crescendo of screams as she came. They were only muffled by me planting my hungry mouth over hers. Even then, she bit my tongue and drew blood! She was like a person possessed.

From that point forward life with Indra was a mix of study and fuck. Eating was not compulsory, unless it was of her tits and cunt, or her on my cock. She became an avid reader of sex advice columns, sex books, pornographic magazines (the muckier the better) and manuals on how to do it properly. I have to say that not only did I get an all-round academic education, she was intent that I graduated from the Karma Sutra University, just outside of Cardiff. And the key that unlocked all this had been to declare our love for each other. Without it she would have stayed a virgin, as would I.

By the end of the final year when exams were over and we were idling around awaiting results, Indra and me were through all the positions, had used fruit and vegetables as sex aids, licked chocolate off our bodies and tried (and loved) bondage. Then she said to me…

“Paul, don’t you feel there is still something missing in our sex play?”

“Missing? What do you mean,” I asked, completely exhausted after another torrid round of fucking as my reward for helping her with her final assignment and as my birthday present. I was well and truly shagged out, to use the vernacular. I could hardly sit up she had ridden me so hard and demanded so much. Besides, being tied to the bed did not help.

“Well, all that we do stays within what most people would see as ‘safe’. You know, everybody is into bondage, a little spanking and uses sex toys now.”

There was silence. I didn’t know what to say. Was I boring her?

“I’m not bored with you,” she said, while stroking my cock for the umpteenth time that evening, but now to reassure. “I just think that there is more we have left uncharted.”

What could I say? There were some things I wanted to try but I was sure she would not. So I lied.

“Darling, I’m so happy with you. There is nothing missing from our sex lives, unless of course you want to try pissing and shitting on each other…”

I tried to make light of it, laughing gaily with her. Secretly I was hoping above hopes that she would be made curious.


“Yes. And shitting,” I added, the latter added with a little giggle. I noticed she was holding my cock harder, squeezing Escort Ankara as she repeated ‘pissing’ but releasing on ‘shitting’.

“What do people do when they piss and shit on each other? I thought the government and British management did that all the time, but on us not each other.” Then it was her time to laugh.

Silence seemed to hang in the air.

“They often make each other hang on to their pee, like me being tied to the bed unable to go to the toilet,” I said, struggling to contain my excitement at the thought of being made to withhold my piss for a long time then letting it out, preferably directly onto Indra’s face. You see I had been on the internet in my sexual researches and found interesting sites with a menu of sexual deviancies and I was hooked on the pictures. My cock was giving me away, she could tell. Could the fantasy become reality? Then she surprised me again…

“So, just for example, if I was to stop my pee-pee for a long time, then bind you up and squat over your face releasing my piss, you’d like that?” she asked, almost incredulously.

“Well, I didn’t say I’d like it, “I lied again, “I’m curious about trying it. In fact, last night I dreamt that you wanted to be pissed on by me after you had sucked me off.”

“I’m not sure,” she said, thoughtfully, but her nipples were showing other desires. She had teats like rocks! Then she went silent on me.

“Darling, are you going to untie me?”



I heard the front door close. She had gone out, leaving me tied to the bed, and I fell asleep after worrying for a little while if it was safe to be left in this state. What if a university cleaner came in or there was a fire? However, as I often did if worried, I went to sleep.

I awoke to Indra surrounding me with towels and tucking some plastic sheeting under me. I was half asleep still and couldn’t work out what on earth she was up to. As I came round so my bladder reminded me I’d not had a pee for over five hours. Had I really been asleep that long? She must have milked me dry.

“W-what’s going on?” I asked drowsily.

“Shhhh…your dream is about to come true and I am so full of piss that you may drown in ecstasy,” she said in such a wildly seductive way. She was making this event sound more and more erotic. “I have been on a web-site too at Karen’s house. She was intrigued by my researches to say the least and admitted that she had the same fantasy but is too scared to ask if she can try it out with Dave. I said I would report back.”

Now I was awake!

“Sh…You told someone about this?…my…do you realise it means others know of my fantasy? Does she know you are interested too?”

“Of course.”

Then it happened. She climbed onto the bed, placing her feet either side of my head. She still had her bright red thong on so I thought maybe she was bluffing but then I saw the scissors. Lifting her short pleated skirt and tucking it back into her waist, she slid the blade down the side of her panties cutting away first one side of the waistband and then the other. She was teasing me, holding the cut material between her thighs, and then let it fall onto my face. I could smell her sex juice, stronger than ever on the cloth. Then her cunt was lowered slowly, letting me take in her shaven beauty and realise the enormity of the act that was to follow.

She let out a dribble of piss, then a short stream that soaked my face from nose to under my chin. It smelled fresh and sweet. I thought it was not too bad, until she ordered me to open my mouth with a barking, thunderous command.

“Open your fucking gob and take my piss. You are not to spill a drop my ‘piss slut’.”

Well, all I could see now was her mons pressed close to my nose and feel her cunt lips. I was open-mouthed, tasting the saltiness of the ‘entrée’ she had given me, then I nearly choked as the rush of piss streamed suddenly into my mouth. It Ankara Escort Bayan was hot and steaming, slightly acrid at first then salty and pleasant on the palate. I drank it down greedily, just as I had read and seen on the net how people did. I felt my cock harden to aching-point and my own bladder swell with the hours of accumulated piss.

Indra had noticed too, having bent right over to take the throbbing cock-head deep in her throat. I couldn’t piss because my cock was hard, but I began to forget my own urgency as another feeling took over. My balls ached as they filled with cum. I wanted Indra to suck me off, releasing the tension, then I could even the score and attend to her piss-fantasies, which I was sure Karen would have encouraged knowing that slut (meaning it in the most affectionate of ways). And oh, did she suck. It was as if the pissing hot urine into my mouth was acting as a wild aphrodisiac. I felt so horny; control was not on my mind. I wanted to spend in her mouth and coat her throat as fast as I could.

My lips and tongue were coated with the taste of her piss, my nostrils had the smell and the liquid was sending signals to my bladder to empty its pee too. Battling and winning at this point was my desire to cum. Her mouth slid right down my shaft and back to the engorged head in ever faster pumps of my cock. I felt the tip hit the back of her expert throat, so adept was she at not choking as she sucked. I felt my balls tighten, the spunk rising and my prostate working overtime to fulfil my pleasure. Shudders began to pass through me, her mouth tightened like cunt muscles do, with paroxysms of sexual delight and my wrists and ankles tugged and twisted against their bindings as the orgasm overwhelmed me. She pressed her urine-covered cunt closer onto my face, forcing me to gasp for air whenever she moved to allow me some respite. I in turn pumped my cum deep into her throat, letting her savour the sharp-tasting fluid, its viscosity honed by the drinking of exotic spiced drinks that Indra insisted helped give my cum the flavour she adored.

When spent, I lay quietly, wondering what would be the next stage in this adventure. The story unfolded quickly.

“Well, piss-face,” she sneered, lifting her cunt a little higher so that I could see her from clitty to anus, “you have to clean me up and then I may want to drink at your fountain. Lick my pussy clean.”

Well, I licked and licked, getting my tongue hard into her slit and all around the puffed and obviously aroused labia. I’d never seen her cunny so excited and judging from her reaction to my ministrations, so sensitive either. Her language was appalling too as she used me as a masturbating aid. For that period of time I was not Paul, I was the fuck-tongue, the ‘pissed-on fuck-tongue’ that was only good for pleasuring her cunt. She abused me verbally and she used me as I lay there unable to move, totally at her mercy and full of her piss in my stomach.

And then she came, not once, not twice but in multiple waves of pleasure. She ground her cunt into my face almost suffocating me with the pressure and urgency of her gyrations as she sought out as much hedonistic joy as she could grab. I’ve heard women scream when they come but this was astonishing and so loud I was afraid a neighbour might ring to see if we were alright. If they had then it would not have been true to say ‘I’m alright’. I was more than that and so was she. This transcended anything we had done before.

Then she collapsed onto me, her cunt lips still pressed close to my face, her torso resting on my chest and her face now by my cock. The weight of her head was on my bladder, reminding me again of my hours without peeing. Now I desperately needed a piss but how? She was exhausted from her coming and I was tied up so could not force anything on her.

“Darling, I need untying.”

“Why?” she asked, half drowsy.

“I’m desperate for a pee-pee.”

She giggled. Ankara Escort Then there was silence.

“Darling?” I asked again, hoping she had not gone to sleep on me as she sometimes did after a marathon session of fucking.

“Just piss.”

“Just piss?” I asked, warily. “If I do that then it will go everywhere.”

She started to gyrate her hips again, pressing her cunt lips back onto my nose and mouth, reminding me of how wonderful it was when I drank her pee and licked her clean as she orgasmed. Did she want me to do it again?

“No, it won’t. I promise,” she said, clearly teasing me by pressing her hand onto my pubis to urge the bladder; like parents do to get their infants to wee when they stand them at night.

I couldn’t hold back. After only a few minutes of teasing pressure, I had to let it go. I could see and feel she was excited again, her cunt dripping with her juice. I trusted her to be ready to deal with me. The piss was building in my bladder. It was too hard to hold back any more. The discomfort was too great. Then I leaked a little drop, unable to sustain denial of what I most needed.

“I’m going to have to piss!”

And I did! The jet of piss shot from my dick. The first second of the stream must have sprayed in an arc between my legs. She had lied; she did not catch it as she said she would.

Then I felt the mouth close around my pissing cock. I heard the slight choking then the adjustment and a sucking and gulping action as my piss splashed to the back of her throat. It felt wonderful to have such control over someone and such complete trust that they would take my pee; and for so long, as I took ages to complete.

Meanwhile, Indra had another orgasm as she rubbed her cunt mercilessly again over my nose and mouth. I helped by sticking out my tongue like a stiff rod and just let her find her pleasure upon it. She was insatiable.

Then she climbed off me, turning herself round to face me and rub her naked breasts against my chest as she took my face in her hands and kissed me deeply on the lips. Her tongue was incessant in its searching of my mouth, fighting with my tongue and seeming to lap up any hint of piss. I could smell my semen on her mouth, but not the piss, and that surprised me.

That’s when I realised something was not quite right, especially as my cock was rising again in response to the administrations of someone else’s mouth! I stopped my tonsil hockey with Indra, shaking my head to the side so I could speak.

“Darling, what are you up to?”

The mouth on my cock stopped.

“Hi Paul! Karen here at your service.” I heard from behind Indra. “I love your piss, and this gorgeous salami of a cock. It really turns me on.”

Then the dismembered voice of Indra’s closest friend and confident stopped as Karen returned to attending to my prick. I had been hard, but now I was harder. It was a fantasy come true.

“I hope you don’t mind?” Indra whispered in my ear. “I can’t do something like that without learning from someone else first and I knew from your talking in your sleep that you fancied Karen. It’s a double present to you – pissing and a threesome. I lied about Dave too. He loves pissing.”

“When I get…ooo…” I struggled to say, as Karen sucked harder on my cock, “out of these bindings, I am going to…”

I gave up trying to speak as two sets of lips took control: Indra over my mouth and Karen, the buxom West Indian, over my cock. I thought how both would have tasted my cum and me the piss of my lover. That was enough. I could not contain myself. The spunk shot from me without any warning for Karen. I heard her moans and gulps as she washed my piss down with sticky jism. I also heard Indra come, moaning in my mouth, clearly from ministrations by her friend as she still held my face with both hands. Then I heard Karen come. Her fingers must have worked overtime as she sucked on me.

“Happy Birthday, White Man” Indra said some time later as all three of us lay on the bed together, naked and exhausted but happy.

“Thank you darling.” Was all I was able to muster. My energy exhausted.

Indra sat up, naked breasts jiggling and asked enthusiastically…

“So Karen, tell me about shit-play…”

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