
Good Grief Ch. 03


Hello everyone,

Thank you so much for your awesome comments and supportive words. This chapter was inspired by Adele’s “Chasing pavements”. As always, I look forward to your criticism and encouragement. Enjoy!

Throughout the following month, Jason found himself making all sorts of goals and promises. He had to change his life; he felt this was the only way to bring honor to his mother’s memory.

So one of the first things he decided to do was to remain celibate until he found ‘the one’. He changed his phone number and lost the names and numbers of all his hookups. In a weird way, he felt more clarity than he had in a long time.

Funny enough every time thoughts of ‘the one’ surfaced, Sienna would come to mind. He hadn’t had the nerve to email her. He felt he needed a little time to get his shit in order before he contacted her.

When he returned to work, he realized he hated it there. His only motivation for wealth was gone now. He began arranging his affairs to resign. This was going to be a challenge with his father on the executive board but he could give a rat’s ass about him.

When Francis died, Richard just patted Jason on the back and mumbled something generic. When Jason took the week off following his mother’s death, Richard complained about him not being at work.

Jason thought Richard could go suck his own dick for all he cared. Lord knows, if Richard could he probably would.

A month after Jason met Sienna, he handed his letter of resignation to Richard and the board and left the firm never to return. The only things he took were a few files for ‘insurance purposes’ if anyone tried to screw him over and the wallet sized photo of his mom and him.

He sold his luxury condo and bought a modest 3 bedroom apartment. Jason sold his Aston Martin Vanquish and his MV-Augusta F4CC motorcycle and bought a new Chevy Tahoe instead.

Being celibate proved to be much harder than Jason thought. He found himself at the gym a lot. In the past when he’d workout he made a show of it, to get female attention. But now he was just in and out. He picked up random hobbies and started practicing yoga which actually helped a lot; it centered his thoughts on positivity. He also boxed religiously as it helped release the anger and nervous energy he felt.

He even signed up for an art class in Soho on Saturdays. He thought he was probably going to be surrounded by hippies but who cares? It was a good way to channel his feelings.

At night, Jason found himself stroking his dick and thinking of those honey eyes and mocha skin.

He imagined eating, stroking, pounding and claiming that pussy as his.

Sienna was leaning against the wall, moaning incoherently. Her white button down shirt was open and her sexy bra and cleavage was exposed. Her skirt was bunched around her waist and she still had her heels on. Jason was busy kneeling in front of Sienna with his face buried in her pussy. Sienna’s hands were grabbing onto Jason’s hair holding him still. Jason was hungry and Sienna had just the meal he needed between her thighs.

He pulled her left leg over his shoulder to give him more access. He spent time exploring her pussy walls and lips. She tasted like honey and he was addicted. His tongue was twisting and digging into her pussy hole. His nose lightly rubbed her clit as she gasped at his ministrations.

“Yes… Jason… yes… your doing such a good job baby. You’re such a good boy… My pussy is fucking your face real good.” Sienna whispered huskily.

Her words turned Jason on and he accelerated his attack. He moved his lips up towards her clit, all the while twirling his tongue in circular motions. When he was almost at her clit he stuck two fingers in her pussy and stroked them in and out. This made Sienna wither and scream.

When Jason lips and tongue Anadolu Yakası Sınırsız Escort got to her clit, Sienna body shook.

“Fuck! Jason! Aaaahh I’m cuming…” she screamed.

Jason didn’t stop until Sienna stopped shaking. He withdrew his finger to catch her from stumbling over. He carried her over to his bed. He looked at his hand and it was soaked with her juices.

Sienna looked at Jason with heavy-lidded eyes and said, “I love you baby… do you love me?”

Jason smiled a toothy grin at this beauty and replied, “Always baby girl. You’re my heart. I love you so much”.

Jason took her clothes off and placed her in the middle of his bed. He stripped his clothes off and settled on top of her. He gazed upon her, leaned down and kissed her deeply. He felt her smile through the kiss.

He searched her face and found her eyes as they looked at him with pure adoration.

He felt like his heart was going to jump out of his chest. He entered her and groaned as her tight pussy walls gripped his dick.

He moved in and out of her slowly. It was as if his dick was stopping and getting to know every corner of her pussy. When he felt her pussy squeeze his dick and start to convulse underneath him, his dick automatically follow suit. He groaned and released his seed deep within her.

He was so happy; he had found the woman of his dreams. And she loved him back.

Jason woke up gasping and sweating. He looked down to see an enormous erection.

He was on his back and looking up to the ceiling, thinking…

“Love… What the fuck?”

He just met Sienna once and his fantasy included him professing his love to her?

That was a first for him. His fantasies were usually a couple of women in raunchy places and positions. They were usually centered on his wants and needs but this fantasy felt so real. It was like all he wanted to do was make her happy, give her what she needed. This must be what love felt like, Jason thought.

He imagined Sienna’s beautiful body and how it would look straddling him on his bed. He imagined her perfect breasts bouncing up and down, with her silky skin glistening while she smiled down on him. He started taking deep breaths and panted as he stroked his massive erection faster and faster until he groaned loudly and squirted his seed on his stomach.

“Fuck…” He said as he caught his breath; “This is going to be a long day.”

At their favorite bar, Jason told his buddies about his dream with Sienna. He explained how he fantasized about Sienna telling Jason she loved him and how he reciprocated it without hesitation.

Jason of course, left out all the erotic parts only hinting at them. Among their friends, Jason was always voted least likely to ever get married because of this fear of commitment. Jason never introduced a girlfriend to anyone even though there were plenty of women who elected themselves to that position. He never told a girl he loved her, not even in the heat of the moment.

So it was funny that now, he was dreaming about it with a girl he didn’t even know. His friends thought Jason had gone mad.

“Sooo you’re in looove.” Billy said in a high pitched voice batting his eyelashes.

“Congrats bro, when’s the wedding?” Carlos, his Miami native friend asked expectantly.

They all started laughing.

“Whatever man, it’s not funny.” Jason said.

“Yo! Just email her already you pussy!” John, his best friend said before he gulped his beer down. John ran his hair through his short blond hair; he was tired of hearing his boy sulk about a girl he was too scared to contact.

“I don’t know man. What if she has a man or God forbid what if she’s married? …Or what if she’s just a figment of my imagination?” Jason shook head. “I’m all fucked up man.” he Anadolu Yakası Suriyeli Escort said as he nursed his beer.

John grabbed the worn receipt from the counter Jason always carried with him. He put it up to Jason’s face.

“You couldn’t write this girly if you tried. She’s real; you’re just making up excuses. Man listen up, you gotta go find your balls and email this chick… and quick. Stop thinking of the what ifs and just do it. It’s just an email.” John said, his blue eyes serious.

Jason looked at his friend and sighed, “Ok ok I’m gonna email her tomorrow. I gotta get going; I have that class in the morning.” Jason said.

“Alright let me know if you get to at least paint some titties since you can’t touch em.” John smirked.

“It’s not a figure study art class, you fucker… it’s like freestyle drawing type of thing. Why am I explaining it to a moron? I’ll talk to you later. And thanks man.” Jason said as he gave his best friend a one handed manly hug.

“Aww, we don’t get any hugs? We’re not included in the bromance, are we?” Carlos said shaking his head.

“I got something for ya.” Jason said and shot both Carlos and Billy his two middle fingers.

They chuckled and Jason walked out the bar and hailed a taxi home.


Sienna had almost forgotten about that mysterious stranger she met at the cemetery the month before.


She was reminded of Jason in the oddest moments. At work, words like adjacent… sounded like Jason. Tall, thick, gray, slate, grief, brief… Any random words she would think about that muscular frame and haunting gray eyes.

She was embarrassed to say her vibrator has taken a toll as she had to use it a couple times a day. As soon as she woke in the morning, she was drenched from the night’s previous dream.

She would pull it out and slowly run it over her pussy. The only sound you could hear was the faint humming of the vibrator and Sienna’s quiet moans and murmurs. Sienna would tease herself paying close attention to her entrance and clit.

Jason came through the door. He saw Sienna’s legs wide open and stalked towards her. Sienna gasped and was startled but didn’t stop rubbing herself.

“You started without me, baby girl. I’m gonna have to teach you a lesson in obedience.” Jason said.

Sienna said in a husky voice, “I’m sorry Jason… I… I… I couldn’t help myself.”

Jason chuckled and his gaze turned predatory. “Now your going to keep strumming that pussy for me but you can’t cum until I say so.” Jason replied in a deep voice.

Jason took his shirt off unbuckled his pants and slowly pulled them off. Sienna looked at his perfectly tanned skin and ripped chest and moaned. He hungrily stared at her as she continued to stroke herself with the vibrator. Jason knew she was getting close but continued to take his time torturing her as she was holding off cuming until he said so.

Sienna noticed the huge bulge in his black boxer briefs and bit her lip at the sight. She needed him inside her now. She wanted to feel of his tight powerful body over her. His distinctive fresh masculine scent was sweeping her senses and pushing her over.

Jason pulled his boxer briefs off and started stroking his thick long dick for her display.

“You like what you see baby? Because, I sure like what I see. You’re so fucking beautiful. How wet is that pussy for me?”

Sienna moaned a little louder but still remained in control of her orgasm.

“Very wet, baby…” She said quivering.

“Mm-mm, I can tell.”

Jason crawled on the bed and put his face as close to her pussy as possible without touching it.

Sienna was about to pull the vibrator out of but Jason stopped her.

“I didn’t say you could stop… How close Anadolu Yakası İranlı Escort are you Sienna? How much do you want this dick stuffed in your pussy?”

Sienna whimpered and honestly didn’t know how much she could take. She was beyond her limit of endurance.

“Please baby please.”

“Please what, Sienna?”

“Please, let me cum.” Sienna panted.

Jason gave her a sinful grin and lowered his face to her pussy and inhaled deeply. He grabbed the vibrator and watched her swollen pink folds ooze with cum. His wicked eyes bore into hers as he gently blew over her clit let his mouth hover over her it and heard Sienna gasp and start to shake. He withdrew the toy and noticed her pussy spasm.

“Cum.” Jason commanded, seemingly talking more to her pussy than to her.

Siena exploded and squirted into his waiting mouth. Sienna yelled so hard she’s sure the neighbors heard. Her orgasm seemed to last an eternity, probably because Jason’s mouth was latched to her pussy sucking all the juices up.

Sienna opened her eyes to find herself alone. Her hands still twitched from the extraordinarily intense orgasm she experienced.

She had never in her life felt something so powerful. And all because it featured this mystery man she met once upon a time.

Sienna didn’t know why but she felt a little sad. She didn’t know if she would ever be the same after she met him. She pitied the poor bastard who tried to win her heart because Sienna’s standards were now impossibly high. She hoped one day she would find a passionate lover that made her turn to putty but was also a loyal friend.

She wasn’t exactly surprised Jason never emailed, just disappointed. She thought Jason probably had a million women falling all over to ‘console’ him. She probably would’ve never had a chance. Maybe he was married, although she did unconsciously sneak a peak to his left hand and didn’t see a ring.

She shook her head and laughed, boy was she pathetic.

Here she was fantasying about a man she briefly met a month ago who was grieving his mother’s passing. She didn’t even know his last name for God’s sake! She hoped wherever he was, he was ok and was healing from the loss.

Sienna was excited because for her birthday because Nicole bought her a 4-week art class in Soho on Saturdays. She always loved art. She had to remember to get some new art supplies like charcoal sticks, blending sticks, some erasers, pastels and a large drawing pad. She would have to stop by Pearl Paint on Canal Street on her way home.

The next morning Sienna grabbed some coffee and headed to Ozzie’s art studio on Spring Street. She wore her favorite ‘art jeans’, they were old but cute; a little on the snug side and had a little red paint splatter on leg. She coupled it with a black and white striped tank top and threw on a yellow jacket on top. She was feeling good and had an idea of what she wanted to draw.

She went into the studio, signed in and grabbed an easel. The instructor Ozzie seemed nice. He was about to begin and said they were just waiting on one last person. At last, the door chimed and in walked the last person who was taking the class.

“Welcome, welcome… come in and grab an easel. There is one available next to Ms. Johnson” Ozzie said.

Sienna looked up when she heard her name and gasped. There stood Jason with his impressive height and build looking at her shocked as well.

He wore a fitted black t-shirt and dark blue jeans. He looked like pure sex. He is so hot, Sienna thought as she nervously gulped.

Jason looked different from the time Sienna met him in the cemetery. He didn’t have those dark circles under his eyes and his skin had a healthy tanned color. His hair was slicked back as if he just got out of the shower.

Yum… she felt her panties moisten. But she couldn’t bear to look at his eyes which she knew were fixed on her.

She all of a sudden realized how embarrassing this could turn out. What if he didn’t remember her? And here she was acting like a freak. She felt a strong urge to run and hide. She averted her eyes and made it look like she was organizing her supplies.

Just stay cool.

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