
Good Guys Don’t Date Bad Boys Ch. 31


Chapter Thirty-One — Green-eyed Monster

He didn’t expect the unpleasant feeling in his gut to go away as the days passed by, bringing him closer to the day when he was supposed to call his parents and announce that he would pay them a visit on Thanksgiving. That was no shock, really. The most appropriate course of action was to do it and be done with it. Still, something was keeping him from taking that step, and he kept postponing the call even after he purchased his plane ticket.

How would they receive his reaching out? After so much silence, Jonathan felt as if they had become so estranged that it was as if they lived on different continents and hadn’t seen each other in years if not more. Was this all that it took to forget about the importance of family? He liked to think he was better than to dismiss such essential emotional attachments from his heart. And yet, here he was, feeling more at home at Sunny Hill, in a tiny dorm room — tiny by the standards of his family’s estate, of course — surrounded by strangers. Of course, that last bit wasn’t entirely true.

He had friends, good friends, but they were all leaving to see their families, and that made him feel somewhat left out. Ray had extended an invitation to join him, and Jonathan didn’t doubt that his BFF’s parents had to be just as good-natured and easygoing as their son, but still, he couldn’t help feeling that he would intrude on a space that belonged to family alone.

“What are you thinking about?” Maddox pressed a finger to Jonathan’s forehead.

Supposedly, they were cooped up in Maddox’s room to study, even if they didn’t share the same classes except for Statistics. It looked like only one of them was keen on respecting the shared study time. Jonathan shook his head.

“I’m going to see my parents,” he said in one dropped beat.

Maddox gave him a long, pensive look. “You don’t sound very thrilled.”

“I’m not,” Jonathan confirmed. “I haven’t talked to them in quite a while.”

“They haven’t called? Not once?” Maddox asked.

He rolled on his belly and looked upward at Jonathan. Wasn’t he the luckiest guy alive? The sight of those pretty gray eyes, peering at him from underneath the rebellious dark locks, was making him easily forget about the unpleasant rock nestled in the pit of his stomach. “No. That doesn’t mean that I should leave things as they are, though.”

“Sure,” Maddox agreed. “Jonathan, if you don’t feel like visiting them, how about coming with me?”

“To your house?” Jonathan mumbled.

“That’s where I’m going,” Maddox said with a grin and a teasing wink. “And before you have one of those weird as fuck aristocratic strokes about protocol, manners, and who knows what else, no, you wouldn’t impose. And you’d get to visit my room. I could show you my Pokémon card collection,” he added and wiggled his eyebrows as if that kind of temptation should have been enough to tip Jonathan’s internal balance.

Jonathan laughed and ran one hand through Maddox’s hair to push it away from his handsome face. “Ugh, that’s a tough sell, right there. How could I say ‘no’ to something like that?”

Maddox’s face lit up. He even pushed himself up and sat on the bed with his legs crossed under him. “Don’t say ‘no’, then. Say ‘yes’.”

Jonathan sighed. “Trust me, I would. In a heartbeat.” Maddox’s face fell, so he hurried to add, “I just need to see them. Also, we might not want to drop a bombshell of such proportions on your folks.”

“What bombshell?” Maddox asked and looked at him with an expression of adorable confusion.

It was Jonathan’s turn to be a bit puzzled. “Have you told them already? About us?”

“Ah, that,” Maddox replied in an unconcerned tone. “Not yet. But I think it would be a good occasion to tell them on Thanksgiving.”

His boyfriend was completely nonchalant about the whole thing, so much so that Jonathan stared at Maddox for a bit.

“What?” Maddox asked him.

“Just like that?” Jonathan asked. “Don’t you think that they might be a little bit shocked about the situation? Or you plan on introducing me as just a friend?”

Maddox pulled at his right ear, only now seeming to consider the implications. “No, I would just tell them you’re my boyfriend.”

“Well, I don’t know your parents, but don’t you think that a bit of a heads-up would be nice? After all, they probably know you’re a notorious ladies’ man.”

Maddox smirked. “Now that’s something, and you’re right. From ladies’ man to one man’s man. Hmm, it sounded a little bit better in my head. Now, that you put it like that, I’ll call them first and tell them.”

“Wait,” Jonathan said, not really knowing why he was trying to stop Maddox from putting his plan into action. “I mean, maybe that’s the kind of thing you should tell them face to face.”

“My parents don’t care so much about formalities, but all right, I’ll do it the way you want. But only if you’re bent on going to visit your folks and absolutely don’t want to come with me. Otherwise, just say the word, and I’ll üçyol escort make that phone call.”

Jonathan leaned in and kissed Maddox on the forehead. “I have to go see them, as difficult as it might be for me and them equally.”

Maddox opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something but then appeared to think better of it. “Are you finished studying yet?”

Jonathan nodded. His mind wasn’t completely on the task at hand, and sometimes, as he well knew, he had to focus on what bothered him. As deep in thought as he was, he missed how Maddox snuck closer. Taken completely by surprise, he fell on his back with a short yelp.

“Hey,” Maddox drawled and stared at him with obvious naughtiness in his eyes.

“Hey,” Jonathan replied in kind, his heart beating a little faster.

“Is there any rule I’m breaking if I suggest a little bit of fun?”

“One or two,” Jonathan teased.

“Good,” Maddox said with determination and closed the gap between them for a short intense kiss. “Because I love being a rule breaker.”

Jonathan couldn’t protest that and adjusted his position to allow Maddox to settle between his legs with ease. They connected at the groin level, and the soft groans that left their lips at the same time triggered snickers from both. Maddox bit his bottom lip and hooked his crotch into Jonathan’s. “Someone misses you very much.”

“Who might that be?” Jonathan asked and grabbed Maddox by his sexy ass to pull him closer and make their hips move in synch.

“A good friend of yours,” Maddox breathed out and snuck his tongue between Jonathan’s lips, giving him a taste of the deliciousness that was all him.

“I have a few good friends,” Jonathan teased a little bit more and then flipped Maddox off him to capture him underneath. “But I think you refer to the little guy that enjoys my mouth to tip resuscitation technique the most.”

“Did you just make a joke?” Maddox snickered. “So lame. And little guy? Really?”

“Hey, I’m trying,” Jonathan replied, determined to make that smirk on Maddox’s face turn into something else. “And he’s not that little, I admit,” he added.

He only had to touch the hard thing stretching Maddox’s jeans to the limit when he achieved his goal. Maddox’s curly eyelashes dropped, and his lips parted, letting out a sighing whisper. Jonathan decided that he wouldn’t be the kind to tease his boyfriend endlessly and moved lower until he could comfortably fish Maddox’s cock from his jeans and give the tip a long passionate kiss.

The thing twitched in his hand, and Jonathan took that as a good sign right away. He stuck out his tongue as far as he could and licked around the mushroom, letting his eyes flicker up to Maddox from time to time. Maddox had placed his hands behind his head and was taking in the view, his eyes at half-mast, with an expression of unhidden bliss on his face.

Jonathan continued to up the ante. He used all his skill to make the mushroom head grow and fill his mouth with it in one go. Maddox’s gentle encouragements to go faster and deeper didn’t deter him from his plan. After all, there was a part of him that pushed him to tease his boyfriend a little bit more before giving in completely.

“Swallow my cock,” Maddox let out with a moan. “Oh, fuck, you look so beautiful like this.” He placed one hand on Jonathan’s head, pushing him to take more, but then realized what he was doing and moved his hand away.

Jonathan protested with his mouth full and grabbed Maddox’s wrist to bring his hand back. Maddox appeared happy at the prospect of being allowed to do as he wanted and his hand firmed on the crown of Jonathan’s head.

In all honesty, Jonathan enjoyed both sides of Maddox. He liked the pliant, slightly submissive one, but he simply adored to be used, too, because he wasn’t afraid Maddox would take advantage of his surrender. He settled into a rhythm while Maddox gave him cues with how he pressed his head down from time to time.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Maddox chanted his release while he filled Jonathan’s mouth with fresh tasty cum.

Jonathan withdrew only a little so that it didn’t all go down his throat. It was one of his kinks to show his mouth full to his lover. He did so as he pulled back completely and stuck out his tongue slightly, wiggling it a bit. Maddox groaned and threw one arm over his face. “What do you want me to do now?” he moaned. “I just came.”

Jonathan swallowed quickly and laughed. “I think I just love to tease you.” He closed the distance to Maddox and lay by his side.


There couldn’t be one contender in the whole frigging world. Jonathan knew how to suck cock for real. Maddox knew that he was supposed to have a lot of basis for comparison, but frankly speaking, he couldn’t recall any other blowjobs, not as he was coming down from his high. And Jonathan was such a freaking tease, showing him his mouth full of cum and his enjoyment at swallowing like an expert. On top of it all, no one else could say they knew what it felt like to have ulus escort those perfectly arched lips wrapped around their cocks.

Well, no one but one guy. Maddox knew, deep down, that he had to be a bit nutso to be jealous of that dude, but he couldn’t help thinking that Jonathan had been like this with Drew before. It made him want to learn more about the asshole, he wanted to know what he looked like. What he would do with that information, he had no idea. But it was annoying to know that somewhere, out in the world, there was a rival to what he had.

Jonathan didn’t have to know about that fucked up shit in his head. He would probably hurry to assure him that Drew was nothing but old history, and that he only liked Maddox. Well, that was another problem. Stupid or not, Maddox wanted to hear Jonathan say it first. That was a secret he hadn’t shared with anyone. Dex would probably call him an idiot to his face, Kane would try to work some psychoanalysis on his ass, and Rusty would offer to convince Jonathan to confess his love to Maddox through who knew what fearsome means.

Therefore, it was on him to make sense of it all and to convince himself not to be an asshole. It was a good thing that Jonathan had brought their families into the conversation. And as caught up as he had been in wooing Jonathan — if wooing was called whatever he had done — and making him his that he hadn’t thought of talking to his folks about how he had gotten himself a gorgeous boyfriend.

Maddox knew they would be all right with the whole thing. They were gentle people, open-minded, and surely not the kind to shun their son for liking a boy. But he could bet that Jonathan’s parents were the complete opposite of that, and of course, the guy had his hang-ups and they were completely understandable.

Nonetheless, it was only considerate and polite — two things Jonathan was very good at — if he told his parents about it all before introducing his boyfriend to the family. His mom would love Jonathan; he was sure of it. She had a soft spot for handsome, well-mannered men. The fact that she married his dad was proof enough of that. Between the two of them, she was the one more down to earth, and that had imprinted on how she had brought them up all. Even his sisters were completely no-nonsense and direct, something that might not have endeared them to many men, but proved, as their mom said, very useful in setting apart the worthy ones from the good-for-nothing ones.

His dad would probably want to know a lot of things about Jonathan. He was overscrupulous when it came to who his sons and daughters married or chose as their girlfriends and boyfriends, and that meant that Maddox would be no exception. So far, he had had it easy, but that was only because both his mom and dad were convinced that he was only going through a phase when he just liked girls too much to settle for one.

What would they think and say once they learned he finally got in a serious relationship? Jonathan was right, in a way. It was a bit of a bombshell, and it was a sign of maturity not to treat things lightly when telling them about Jonathan.

Jonathan put his head on Maddox’s chest and his breathing soon became even. Only then did Maddox realize he had been so caught up in thinking about what Jonathan had said about talking to his parents that he had forgotten that he wanted to reciprocate. “Jonathan?” he called out hesitantly.

He had noticed lately that his boyfriend was a bit troubled, and he assumed that it was because of his strained relationship with his folks. From all of the experience he had with Rusty on that topic, he was patiently waiting for Jonathan to open up to him.

“Hmm?” Jonathan’s sleepy voice replied.

Maddox caressed his hair. “Do you think you could come while sleeping if I blow you?”

Jonathan’s head snapped up quickly. He no longer seemed very sleepy. “I don’t know. Is it a theory you want to explore?”

“Not if you’re not sleepy anymore.”

“I could try to go back to sleep, and you could put your theory to the test.”

Jonathan enjoyed teasing him a lot. Maddox loved being teased. What else could be said except that they were a match made in heaven? “Let me blow you anyway,” he offered.

As he said that, he felt his mouth water. Oh yes, who would have thought he’d like to suck cock so much? And Jonathan’s was like a delicious lollipop, good to lick from all sides. Also, those hairless balls were to die for. Maddox could tell that Jonathan enjoyed it that he didn’t shave or wax by how the guy practically worshipped his entire body, but he had to admit that he enjoyed Jonathan’s smooth skin.

With those thoughts in mind, he pushed Jonathan onto his back, deciding that it was his turn. He freed Jonathan from his dress pants — always the well-dressed one — and took a moment to admire the tent his guy was sporting. That bulge was mouth-watering indeed. Maddox opened his mouth wide and trapped it between his lips, wetting the fabric of his underwear.

“I ümraniye escort so want to eat this thing,” he declared.

“Then please go ahead,” Jonathan urged him. “I mean, I would very much like for you to–” His words died on his lips as Maddox pulled down his underwear and took hold of his cock in one fell swoop.

Damn, indeed, that kind of thing was tastier than Maddox would have ever imagined. He wondered briefly if different cocks had different flavors. Cum tended to not always be the same, and he had tasted his from Jonathan’s mouth on many occasions. He could vouch that it was slightly different from Jonathan’s cum which was smoother than his own which tended to be creamier and denser.

Unlike him, Jonathan seemed to lose his usual polite ways when it came to sex. He grabbed a handful of Maddox’s hair and guided him to take him in his mouth to the rhythm he wanted. It was a bit like being used, and Maddox couldn’t say that he disliked it. If anything, he liked it a lot when Jonathan took the reins. He was a smooth leader, but a firm one, and that kind of gentle power made Maddox want to give in any time he was asked.

So he allowed Jonathan to fuck his mouth as his hips bucked off the bed and pushed upward. Maddox couldn’t tell what he liked more, to be sucked off by Jonathan’s skilled mouth, or to be the one used for pleasure like right now. Everything was new and a thrill ride. Jonathan took very little time to reach his peak, and Maddox swallowed everything as he was made to take it.

They lay on their backs, breathing hard, their hands entangled. “You’re a bit of a dom,” Maddox said and snickered.

“Me? A dom?” Jonathan asked, surprised by his words. “I doubt it.”

“Nah, you definitely are,” Maddox insisted. “The way you hold my head to fuck my mouth, that’s a telling sign.”

“Am I too forceful? I’m sorry–“

“Shut up. I like it,” Maddox drawled the words teasingly. “You know how to take guys in hand, don’t you?” He hadn’t meant to let it come out like that, as if there was someone else, there in the room with them.

“Guys? No,” Jonathan protested quickly. “Just you, it seems.”

“You never did it with Drew, right?” Clearly, he couldn’t keep his tongue in check today.

“He never sucked me off, Maddox,” Jonathan said pointedly.

“I know that. It’s just that, I mean, were you ever like this with him?”

Jonathan pushed himself up on one elbow and looked at him. Maddox kept staring at the ceiling. “Where is all this coming from? I’ve already told you everything about Drew.”

Maybe he had, and maybe he hadn’t. Maddox twiddled his thumbs as he held his hands linked over his belly.

Jonathan let out a annoyed grunt. “Fine. Ask me,” he said.

Maddox peered at him with just one eye, closing the other. “Okay. What was it like to be with him?”

Were you in love with him? Jonathan had said something to that extent, and Maddox was now pleased to discover the source of his strange jealousy.

Jonathan averted his eyes. The gloomy expression on his face made Maddox feel guilty, but he felt like this was the kind of thing that needed to be brought out in the open and not allowed to fester and stir up unpleasant stuff later.

“He used me as he saw fit,” Jonathan said in a strained voice.

“That’s not what I’m asking,” Maddox insisted.

The hurt in the amber eyes as they rested on him made him recoil a little. But he had opened that door and didn’t intend to close it until he got his answers.

“It was exciting.” Jonathan sighed and his gaze dropped. He began tracing invisible circles on the duvet. “He made me feel things I’ve never felt before.”

“Did you think he was beautiful?”

Jonathan let out a short cruel snort. “Of course, I did.”

Maddox felt a pang of internal pain at that blunt admission. Maybe he deserved it.

“I thought I had a real friend in him,” Jonathan continued. “Perhaps that’s why I felt so betrayed. He knew things about me, things no one else knew.”

“What things?”

Jonathan looked at him again. He seemed upset. “You know more, if that’s any comfort.”

“Name one.”

Jonathan pushed himself off the bed, straightening his clothes in the process. “You know I can tell a joke,” he said in a light, yet somewhat forced tone, and Maddox couldn’t help thinking that it was an attempt to throw him off the trail.

He kept on it. Just like Jonathan, he moved, zippered up his jeans, but remained seated on the bed. He followed Jonathan with his eyes while the other paced the room. “He knew you for longer than me, right? When you left?”

Jonathan ran one hand through his hair. “He did. But he didn’t. He didn’t care to know who I was, just that I was a fucking warm mouth when he needed one.” The last words were spoken in a harsh tone.

Maddox climbed off the bed and caught Jonathan’s arm, stopping his pacing. He pulled him into a hug. “You’re something else to me,” he said and moved one hand over Jonathan’s back in circles, feeling the tense muscles underneath.

“Thank God for that,” Jonathan replied. “I mean, thank you, Maddox. And trust me, you don’t have one reason to be jealous of him. Besides the fact that he’s a part of my past, I don’t care for him at all. I don’t even think about him anymore.”

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