
Got Milk? 02 – The Reunion Ch. 02


[3 Years Ago]

“Is this the right dorm number?” David asks Delilah he carries a box full of her school supplies. Delilah walks along down the hallway of the college dorm, looking at door numbers. “No, it’s the next one, 78. That’s 75.”

“It WOULD have to be a co-ed dorm” Mac says behind David, carrying her last suitcase full of her belongings. “Haha, yup. I wouldn’t think too much of it, bro” David says to Mac. “Del’s a good girl and she can take care of herself. She’ll probably get hit on by girls more than guys, anyway! Hahaha!”

“Not making me feel any better, man!” Mac says in a worried tone.

“I can hear the BOTH of you idiots, you know” Delilah says as she brings out her key for her dorm room door. “Relax, ok? My roommate is gonna be Sandra, anyway. She’ll be watching my back, hehe. It doesn’t even matter, because YOU’RE the only guy who’s allowed to hit on me.”

“Aww, well I’m flattered and all, Del, but I ca—”

“Very funny, David” Mac says to David, who cackles back at him. Delilah sighs a giggle, and finally unlocks the door, opening the place where she will reside for the next few semesters. Inside, there are 2 twin size beds layered on each corner of the room. Near the bed on the left side, is a cluttered mess of clothes and backpacks scattered over the sheets; definitely Delilah’s side of the room.

“You can just place that box near the foot the the bed, Dave. Thanks, bro!” Delilah sweetly says to David, who carefully places her box down. “Your parents already got the rest of your stuff here, right?” he asks her.

“Yup! My mom had my dad have his moving truck and a couple movers get all the heavy stuff here 2 days ago” she says as she sits down on 1 of the 2 chairs between the beds. In front of those chairs is a desk table with a unplugged laptop that belongs to her room mate and best friend, Sandra.

“Kinda convenient that your dad owns a moving company. This is a save on money big time!” Mac says to Delilah, who chuckles at him. “Yeah, it’s almost like he planned this out years ago or something” she says, bringing her legs onto the edge of her bed. She is wearing a black T-shirt, blue jeans that cut just below her knees and her worn out low-cut black and white converse sneakers with no show black nylon socks. Mac makes sure that he sneaks in a couple of good looks at them.

“Should be everything, ain’t it?” David asks Delilah. She looks around and ponders a bit, then smiles while saying “Yes, that is the last of it. I got everything I need. All I gotta do now is just get all this shit together, and I’m set! I’ll get Sandy to help me out. She owes me for helping her set up that table.”

“Where is Sandra, anyway?” David asks her. “She’s at her advisor’s office getting some last minute changes for her schedule. Should be up here in about an hour or 2” Delilah tells him.

“Sweet, then, I guess that’s it, then?” Mac asks her as he slowly looks at David. “Mmm-hmm, that’s… that’s about it…” she says as she looks at David as well. David looks at Delilah, and then at Mac, and laughs. “Oh, ok, okaaay, I get the hint. You children wanna be ALOOOONE.”

Delilah laughs as she gets up and runs towards David, hugging him tightly. “I’m gonna miss the hell outta ya, you dork.” David returns the hug with his own, picking her up. “I’ll miss you, too, Del. Kick ass for us while you’re here, ok?”

“I promise, bro. Thank you for all the help” she softly says, holding back her emotions. David breaks etiler escort the hug, and leans over to Mac, a tear escaping his eye as well. “I’ll uh… I’ll warm up the car, man. Let the AC take over, yeah?”

“Sounds good, bro” Mac says to him. “I’ll be down in a bit…” With that, David makes his leave of the dorm room, and heads back down the hall to the elevator.

Mac turns his attention back at Delilah, who absentmindedly begins to twirl her left foot around the inside of her sneaker, letting her nylon sock covered toes fiddle with the laces. Mac can only sigh at the thing he will miss the most about her, and moves in closer to her. “You know… if someone would have told me that I would’ve met the coolest, most beautiful girl I have ever known when I was 12… I would’ve blocked them on my Facebook” he says.

Delilah giggles and says back to him “And if someone would’ve told me that I would meet the most charming, down-to-earth, sexiest guy I have ever known when I was 12… I probably would’ve never gotten these socks. Hehe…” As she says that, she takes her left shoe completely off, and places her nylon-sock covered foot on top of his own right sneaker. He sighs again, causing her to curl her toes inside the tongue of his shoe.

“It’s gonna be a long Fall semester for me” Mac says as he gasps from the feeling of her toes digging inside his shoe, a habit she picked up during their foot fetish adventures. “It is… it’s gonna be weird not walking to school with you anymore…” As she says that to him, she begins to slowly rub her foot all over his sneaker, showing it a special love it has for it.

“It’s… it’s not fair, Delilah…” he says to her, whispering.

“What’s not fair, tiger…?”

“This… you… just having to leave just RIGHT when we… right when we…”

“I know… I know, Mac… but this is something we had prepared for…”

“I don’t know how I am gonna get through this first year without you, Del…”

Delilah hugs Mac, bringing her arms around his shoulders. She then wraps her foot around his shin, and flexes her socked covered toes into it. Going on pure emotion, she looks at him and says softly “Mac… you fucked my feet hard that night… and it was the most amazing experience you have ever given me. That was the night you and I became official. That was the night you finally became my boyfriend.”

Mac softly grunts, feeling her foot caress his leg and listening to her honest teasing through her words to him. He hugs her back, and kisses her forehead. “I’m scared, Delilah… I’m afraid.”

“Don’t be, tiger. We can get through this. Just one year… we have to get through this one year…”

“Fuck, man, I wish I could, mnng… fuck them now…”

“Me too… but they have security cameras in here… besides, David is waiting for you.”

“I don’t want to let you go, Del.”

“Just hold me a little bit longer, sweetie…” Del softly says, a tear escaping her right eye. “Look at my feet, Mac…”

Mac obliges, and begins to look down. As Delilah’s foot unclamps itself from his leg, she stands it on the floor on its heel and scrunches her sweaty socked toes hard for him, as if her foot was saying it’s temporary farewell. Mac licks his lips at it, and sighs at the love it is expressing to him. Delilah’s voice breaks his concentration on her foot as she says “Listen to me… I got some new ballet flats for you…” etimesgut escort

Mac gasps at her and says “… R-really?” As he asks her, Delilah places her toes on top of her other foot. She rests them on her sneaker she still had on, making her arch visible.

“Yes… pink ones… and if you can hold out, by the time you see them, they will be nice and ready for you. When that day comes, baby… you can do whatever you want to them.”

“God… will you play with them for me, Del?”

“Yes… every chance I get… I will wear them every day here… I will get them worn out, sweaty… and smelly for you…”

Mac leans in to kiss her deeply, and she takes it all in, twirling her tongue into his own. A tear falls down his cheek, and he closes his eyes as she continues talking to him. “Would you like that, tiger? To see my new pink flats worn out and flexible like my white ones?”

“Yes…” he says in between their kisses. “God, yes…”

“I promise I will play and fidget with my flats REAL good for you… really, REALLY good. My feet are gonna have so much fun with them…”

“I am gonna miss you so much, Delilah” he finally says to her. She looks at him, and begins to softly cry. “I am gonna miss you, too, sweetheart. I love you… I love you so much, Mackenzie…”

Hearing her say his full name, he finally breaks down himself, and softly sobs “I love you too, Delilah. I fuckin’ love you.” They lean back in to kiss each other, as they both slowly back away towards the dorm room door.

“I will call you every day, ok?” he says to her.

“Same here. If you even miss a day, I will kill you.”

“Ain’t gonna happen. If any guy even tries to touch you, I will hunt his ass down.”

“Not if I kill him first.”

“That’s right, because I’m your tiger, understand?”

“Yes, and I am your Delilah. I am all yours. Especially my feet.”

“Uughhh… I need to go now… make us proud ok?”

“Hehe… you do the same. I want you to make awesome music for me.”

“I definitely will…”

Delilah sniffles away, and says to him “… Bye for now, tiger…”

He looks at her, and says back “See you in a year, Del… goodbye…”

Fighting back more tears, Mac heads out into the hall way as Delilah watches on. He makes his way to the elevator, and takes one last look at her door. Delilah stands in her doorway with tears in her eyes, and has her shoe in her hands. Bringing the shoe to her nose, she looks at Mac lovingly, and takes a deep sniff of her sneaker. Mac bites his lip, almost puncturing it with his left canine tooth. As Delilah closes her eyes in bliss of her own foot odor, the elevator opens. Mac backs into it, never taking his eyes off of her.

The last thing he sees before the elevator door slides close is Delilah planting an affectionate kiss onto her converse sneaker, solidifying the bond she and Mac have together with their relationship and their now-shared foot fetish.


[Present Day]

Mac gets water onto his already wet face inside of the shower. As he begins to turn the water off, the bathroom becomes steamed with heat and water vapor forming on the mirror. He steps out, reaching for the big towel to dry himself off with. As much as he is happy to be back home, part of him misses the college life: The total freedom of flexible schedules. The brand new camaraderie of his new friends. The music studio where he etlik escort can work on his compositions. He smiles as he wipes his head, the towel soaking his freshly cut head.

But as much as he misses the college life, he is thankful to be taking a break and getting reacquainted with his old life: The Kliq. His mother, Jessica. And of course, Delilah. Getting lost in his thoughts about her, he almost doesn’t see or hear his phone vibrate on the bathroom counter. Mac shakes off his daydreaming, and picks up his phone, looking at the screen: It’s an incoming call from Delilah.

“Jeez” he says. “It’s like she KNOWS I’m thinking about her.” As he chuckles, he accepts the call, and brings it up to his right ear. “Hey, you…” he softly says.

“Hey there, tiger… I’m back…” Delilah’s sweet sounding voice says through the phone.

Mac sighs deeply, and smiles “For a second, I thought you would still be asleep.”

“Hehe, yeah, same here. I didn’t get home ’till like 3 in the morning. I woke up just in time for my parents to practically tackle me!”

“Haha, I know what you mean. My mom basically turned into a waterfall when I stepped through the door.”

“Is she… ok, I mean? You know…?”

“Well… she said she is, but we are gonna talk about that tomorrow. She wants me to have fun with you guys today.”

“Ok. How about you, tiger? Are you… ok, or…?”

Mac sighs sorrowfully, but clears his throat and says “Right now, I just want to focus on being with you guys. That will make me feel a lot better.”

“Sounds like a plan. I’m getting dressed now. I can stop by your house and we can head to the park together.”

“I would totally love that. I want to see you before they do.”

“Haha, I bet you do. I want to see you too. I think you’ll enjoy what I have on. Hehehe…”

Mac softly groans, licking his lips and saying “Get over here and surprise me.”

“I’ll be there in about 10 minutes ok?” Delilah says to him.

“Sounds good. I love you!”

“I love you too, sweetheart! See you real soon!”

Mac and Delilah both hang up their phones, and Mac is now completely dried up… but with a major hard-on. He is not aware that during the phone call, he kept stroking himself with the towel. Shaking off his hormones, he reaches for his boxers and begins to put them on, followed by his old high school basketball shorts. After putting on his deodorant, he steps out of the bathroom and heads back to his bedroom, continuing to get dressed.


Delilah carefully and slowly begins to blow the light pink nail polish she has put onto her fingernails, and they begin to dry fairly quickly. She then looks at both of her feet on the edge of her bed, showing the same coat of polish on her toes. She arches her left foot, and proceeds to wiggle her toes, letting the nail dryer work its magic on drying off the component. As it becomes dry, the polish sets easily.

Even though she had already dried off her right foot, Delilah decides have some fun with it. Using her flexibility, she lifts her right leg towards her and stifles a laugh. She then carefully grabs her foot with her hands, and brings her coated toes towards her lips. Taking a deep inhale, she slowly curls her toes so that the toenails face her mouth. And with a delicate exhale, she allows air to breeze onto her toes, drying off the polish. She giggles at the sensation it creates, and plants a loving kiss onto her wrinkled sole. Mac is going to really enjoy her feet even more now!

All is left is the matter of putting on her socks and sneakers. She takes one crumpled up black sock, looks at the white hearts on it, and smirks. As Delilah straightens it up, she extends her toes on her right foot, and begins to slide the sock on…


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