
Halos and Heroes Ch. 20


Thank you all who have been reading and following along. I always appreciate getting feedback. It helps with becoming a better writer and it’s always an ego boost, so feel free to reach out. I will always respond!

The usual spiel: This isn’t a stroke story, (more porn with plot.) Be warned, it’s very long. 33 chapters, and many sexless ones to come before it gets sexy, which is why it was originally published under novels/novellas, but readers asked for it to be put under gay male due to content, so here we go.

This book is dedicated to all of the brave service members and their families who sacrifice so much every day so that the rest of us can enjoy the liberties that they swear to protect and uphold.

Although references in this novel may be made to actual places or events, the names, characters, incidents, and locations within are complete works of fiction. They are not a resemblance to actual living or dead persons, businesses, or events. Any similarity is coincidental. In an effort to do the United States Army justice, and to show my respect to my country, I have applied all possible efforts to merge fact and fiction to entertain, while portraying the military, and the hardships and achievements of soldiers, with respect, dignity and accuracy to the best of my abilities. It’s my hope that I’ve done you all justice, and that all of the creative licenses taken with this novel are understood to be the efforts of imagination, and not any judgment or disrespect against the U.S. military. Thank you all for your service.


Life itself is the proper binge. —Julia Child

By the time I arrived at the coffeehouse at half past eight, it was packed. Finding Ben in the crowd wasn’t easy, but I eventually spotted the back of his head, and made my way over to the counter where baristas were moving at a frenetic pace. I was amused to overhear him ordering a complicated iced coffee drink that had more crap in it than a human being should digest in a week.

“Hey,” I said dropping a hand briefly to his shoulder just to let him know I was there. Instead of moving away, Ben sidled closer, smiling up at me.

“Hey yourself. Right on time. I wasn’t sure you’d be able to find parking with this crowd tonight.”

“I walked.”

“All the way from Sofia’s?”

I held up a finger to ask for a second as I put in my order levent escort for a plain black coffee with one sugar. I paid for both it and Ben’s whipped-cream concoction. “Adelyn had Sofia’s car, and I let Sofia drive my rental since she was taking Emma to the movies. The walk wasn’t bad.” I put my change into the barista’s tip jar before shuffling farther down the counter with Ben to pick up our orders.

Smiling, Ben took his drink from me. “I’d have picked you up if you needed a ride.”

I sipped just enough coffee off the top of my mug to keep it from spilling, then shrugged. “You can always drop me off tonight.”

“That implies you’re going home.”

“A cup of coffee was all it took? I thought you said you weren’t easy.”

“I’m not, but you’ve said you are, so we’re good.”

Laughing, we wove our way through the throng of patrons to find ourselves a corner booth away from the center of the cheerful chaos.

Situated safely in our overstuffed, vinyl-covered alcove, the elevator music blasting from the speakers was acceptable. Having to yell across a table was a deal-breaker for me. It was one of the reasons I didn’t hang out at night clubs unless I was playing wingman with Max. If I was going to have a sore throat, it was going to be from a cock abusing my mouth, not from trying to make small talk over pounding bass.

Ben and I were the only same-sex couple in the room as far as I could tell, but I’d always found that a difficult thing to gauge. Just because two people were wearing wedding bands didn’t mean they were married to one another. That sense of not knowing had always protected me from my own paranoia in the past. Two guys could hang out together without it being anything more than buddies chilling out. But feeling the subtle pressure of Ben’s leg against mine beneath the table confirmed that this was definitely a thing.

He didn’t mention it, but I knew the contact was deliberate when he offered a wide smile. It was more sweet than sexy, as if he was pleased with himself for being slick. I had to fight my immediate inclination to press closer. After so many years in the military, I was a cliché who liked systems of order and regulation.

Instead I studied the patrons in the room around us, focusing on the happiness written in most faces. A few revealed the strain of having topkapı escort their kids off for the entire summer, but I imagined most of these people were normal, rule abiding, and well adjusted.

I glanced up when something slid across the table to my side. The penny gleamed bright copper in the fluorescent overhead lights and I smiled. Cute. Picking it up, I turned it over between my fingers, making it dance. It was an old trick I’d learned sometime in high school. I’d used it to amuse Adelyn when she was little, making it disappear behind my hand. When it reappeared behind her small ear, she’d loved it.

The penny flashed once more against my skin before I pocketed it. “It’s amazing how much the old neighborhood has changed.”

“A lot can happen in three years.”

“Yeah, but it’s mostly the vibe that’s changed for me I think.”

Curiosity lightened Ben’s eyes. “How so?”

“Even before Connor and I fell out of touch, it was tough coming home,” I said, trying to explain. “Lots of negative memories here; Dad being an abusive prick; Mom dying. Sofia and the girls were all that kept me coming back, and I still couldn’t wait to leave.”

“And now you feel like you can’t?”

“Just the opposite. I don’t want to. “

“Well you know I think you should stay close.” Ben’s smile widened when I smirked. “For Sofia and the girls, though if you throw me onto your list of Florida pros I’m flattered.”

I snorted. “I’ll bet you are, ye of little modesty.”

“Hey I’m plenty modest, just not insincere. Though I’ll have you know that all this is pretty outside my comfort zone. I’m actually very shy.”

I laughed as Ben tried to convince me with big eyes. “You’re shy? You’ve been chasing me for weeks.”

“It was more of a pilgrimage. I was hoping to find the Promised Land.”

“And did you?”

“That depends on where I’m dropping you off tonight,” he said, his voice light. Casual, though the look in his eyes was anything but.

Goosebumps rose on my arms, and I knew Ben had noticed when his thumb grazed over my skin.

“I love that I have that effect on you,” he said with a smile. “Makes up for the days when I couldn’t get anyone to look at me sideways in high school.”

I laughed again. “You were that kid?”

He nodded. “Up until senior year when I put my height beşiktaş escort on. What about you? Were you the type that cut the toes off your mom’s slippers to turn them into holsters, or did you make the decision to join the military later?”

“Honestly? No. I actually thought about teaching.”

Ben’s brows arched. “Really? A teacher of what?”

“Don’t get too excited. I’m no brain. I wanted to teach auto shop. Used to be a real gear-head, and I liked working at the body shop after school, so I thought it might be a good fit.”

“Why didn’t you follow through?”

“Connor enlisted.” I shrugged. “I couldn’t let him go alone, so I joined, too.”

“I can’t tell if you regret that or not.”

“Still trying to get into my head?”

“I need a hobby since you’re making it so hard to get into your pants.”

Smirking, I took a sip from my mug now that the coffee had cooled. “I don’t regret my life. I loved the military. Their beliefs made sense to me, and I don’t mind taking orders when done right.”

Ben’s lips twitched and I knew he’d caught the deliberate wording.

“You know I want to take it there, right?”

“It wouldn’t be a hobby if you didn’t invest in it.”

“Don’t bluff me, Sam,” Ben warned. “I’m the type of man to go all in.”

“So am I…As much as I still respect the men and women who can devote their life to the military, I wouldn’t go back even if I could. My responsibilities, my life, are here now.”

“So you’re definitely sticking around. Good. Means maybe I can get around to sticking you.” Ben smiled when I laughed. This time when he leaned in for a quick kiss, I didn’t pull back first. Ben took the cup from my hands so he could tangle our fingers together. “Let’s go.”

I looked down at our joined hands. Ben’s grip was gentle but firm, the word no, obviously not in the equation right now. “Is restraining me a thing with you?”

“Do you want it to be?”

I hadn’t been going for a sexual vibe, but the moment the words were out there, I could feel the tension crackle around us. Full color visuals of Ben tying my hands down, so he could do whatever he could imagine to me, made my feet clumsy, and I stumbled.

Ben’s gaze swept over me slowly before he grinned. “Still think you’re going home tonight?”

“Is it my choice?”


I didn’t realize he’d let go of my hand until he held his out to me, palm up. Giving me the chance to cross new bridges.

My gaze slid over Ben’s strong, square-tipped fingers.

Silently I slid my hand back into his and let him lead me out of the café to wherever he chose.

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