
He is NOT an Angel!


The gym was right next to a bar. Nolan hadn’t exactly had a bad day, but after an exhausting workout failed to make him feel better, he saw no reason NOT to go to the bar and try to drown himself in alcohol. At some point, the conversation he was having with a gorgeous Angel – that he was convinced was a figment of his imagination – turned into a rough encounter of dubious consent with a man in the dark and dank alley between the bar and the gym.

And then everything went black.

When Nolan opened his eyes, he immediately pressed a hand to his head and suppressed a groan of pain. His hangover was FIERCE! Fierce enough that he kinda wished he could just stab himself in the eye with a long knife and never have to feel anything ever again.

“Good morning, Nolan,” an unknown voice greeted him.

Nolan’s eyes snapped to the voice and saw something impossible… An Angel. “How…?” He asked, wondering how the Angel knew his name, before realizing that this HAD to be a figment of his imagination, and thus, it would naturally know his name.

The Angel smirked at him. “You told me your name, see?” He held up a phone, which played a video clip of the two of them talking at the bar. Nolan could clearly see himself acting rather drunk and raucous.

“MY NAME IS NOLAN!” He roared out much louder than necessary. “SO STOP CALLING ME ‘HEY MAN’ OR ‘DUDE!'”

“Alright, whatever you say,” the Angel agreed. “And you can also call me by name, which is Angel.”

“ISN’T THAT A BIT TOO ON THE NOSE?!” Drunken Nolan asked, swaying back and forth unsteadily. “I MEAN YOU HAVE WINGS AND EVERYTHING! AREN’T YOU supposed TO KEEP THAT A SECRET? OR WAIT! AM I DYING?!”

Angel could not have been nearly as drunk as Nolan, because he laughed in a normal volume. “Oh man! You are a RIOT! Wings!” He exclaimed with a shake of his head.

The video clip ended there, which gave Nolan a moment to look around and realize that he was in a place he did not recognize at all. He frowned, too hungover to decide if he was in a real person’s house, or if he’d actually died and his Angel of death had brought him to some form of hell. If so, it wasn’t a horrible hell, aside from his ferocious hangover.

Angel saw the confusion on Nolan’s face. “We’re at my place.”

“Who lives in an industrial… huh? Is this a warehouse?” Nolan wondered, since the place looked like a pole-barn or something that had been just barely remodeled into a living space.

“Not a warehouse, no, but it IS sort of industrial,” Angel said with a shrug. “It’s my studio.”

“What sort of studio?” Nolan couldn’t help but wonder.

Angel grinned. “Art, mostly, but also a little bit of music.”

“Alright…” Nolan murmured in acceptance before frowning in suspicion. “And what am I doing here? More importantly, why am I naked?”

Angel smirked. “The long and short of it is that you got drunk enough to puke all over your clothes before passing out, so I brought you here rather than leave you in the alley.”

“Ah… I see…” Nolan murmured, wiping a hand over his face in shame. “Sorry to cause you so much trouble.”

Angel snorted in amusement. “You didn’t really cause trouble for ME so much as you caused trouble for YOURSELF!”

“Huh?” Nolan asked in confusion and a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.

“We were having a rather hilarious drunken conversation when this guy came over and said he’d do a few things for 50 bucks, and you grabbed him and dragged him into the alley, lecturing him on how it was illegal to charge for it, but that you’d not call the police on him if he sucked you off,” Angel explained before playing a video that showed Nolan doing exactly that.

The video confirmed the vague memory he had of an encounter of dubious consent, and even showed him vomiting on the poor guy before passing out. Nolan groaned unhappily and rubbed his temples with his fingers. “What the hell was I thinking?! And wait! Why the hell did you get that on video?!”

Angel gave him a serious look. “Well, you might not have noticed, but we both work out at the same gym. I’d actually seen you lifting weights earlier and knew you had some strength to you. When you dragged the guy out into the alley, I was a bit worried that you might beat the shit out of him, so I sort of wanted to get it on camera in case I needed to call the cops. That said, the guy ended up being more or less willing and unharmed, so once you passed out, I stopped filming and decided to take care of you.”

“Why?” Nolan asked, definitely suspicious.

Angel gave him a bit of an evil grin. “Because I totally plan to blackmail you! It’s just easier to do if you’re here, and besides, unless I wanted to snoop through your wallet, I wouldn’t know where you lived in order to bring you home anyway.”

“Blackmail…?” Nolan questioned with a light glare.

“A little tit for tat, you could say,” Angel began with a shrug. “See, I think you’re absolutely gorgeous, and since bursa escort you apparently have no problem forcing guys to blow you, I thought maybe I could use this video as leverage to get you to agree to letting me do everything I want to you.”

Nolan was silent as he looked Angel up and down. The man who had called him gorgeous must not own a mirror, because he himself was the definition of gorgeous. He had short-to-medium length blond hair and green eyes in a handsome face. His body was on the short side – for a man – at around five and a half feet tall (as opposed to Nolan’s six feet), as far as Nolan could guess considering the fact that they were both laying in Angel’s bed. That said, they were both naked, and since it was apparently a bit hot, they’d kicked the blanket off the bed at some point, thus the view was excellent enough to show that Angel clearly worked out as well. He had well-defined muscles in a physique that suggested that he was more of a runner than a body builder.

“Why blackmail?” Nolan asked curiously. “Why not just ask? After all, you don’t look like you need to resort to tricks to get a man in your bed.”

Angel chuckled softly and gave Nolan an amused smirk. “That’s true enough, I can usually get any man in my bed who catches my eye, but the thing is that most men assume I’m the bottom just because I’m shorter than them. Also, you look very much like a top, but I want to top the hell out of you, so I figure this way, even if you’d normally never consider it, I might have enough incentive to get you to agree anyway.”

Nolan pursed his lips together as a thought occurred to him. This very angelic looking man clearly had no morals when it came to coercing men into having sex with him via blackmail, so… “Why didn’t you just have your way with me while I was passed out?”

“What fun is that?!” Angel asked in an incredulous tone.

Feeling grumpy that he’d gotten himself into such a situation, Nolan glared at the wall on the opposite side of the room. “Fine,” he growled softly. “Do whatever you want.”

The thing was that he hadn’t exactly had a lot of good encounters – which was not to say that he’d had BAD encounters, simply that he tended to go on an app where both partners agreed that all they wanted and needed was a quick and easy way to get off. Thus, it wasn’t like he had some sort of loving and devoted partner he was betraying. Nor was he really doing anything different than he was used to. This would be exactly like most of his encounters; two people using each other to get what they wanted. The only real difference was that he was being blackmailed into being the bottom, which wasn’t technically a first, just that he didn’t really like it and normally preferred topping. Angel had been right about that.

“Really?” Angel asked in excitement. “Sweet! But before we get to it, I think we need to do a few things first.”

“Such as?” Nolan asked with a glare aimed directly at Angel.

“Well, I made breakfast while I waited for you to wake up,” Angel said, gesturing to a table next to the bed. “Also, no offense, but you kinda smell, so, I think we should take a shower after we eat.”

“Uh huh…” Nolan murmured in disbelief. After all, this was blackmail, not a romantic date. That said, his head was still killing him and he would actually appreciate a chance to get something to eat, maybe some coffee, and a small handful of painkillers. “Alright…”

An hour later, Nolan felt much better. His hangover was gone, his stomach was full, and Angel had washed him up in a way that was fun and playful without being sexual – strangely enough. So now, he had to wonder if Angel had been serious about having sex with him, or if he’d just wanted to make Nolan sweat over the possibility as long as possible before telling him to learn his lesson and go home already.

But no, Angel suddenly looked very NOT angelic. He looked fairly predatory and almost creepy. Still gorgeous, but he made Nolan feel the way he imagined a rabbit would feel if a wolf loomed over him.

“Come,” Angel beckoned as he took Nolan by the hand and dragged him back to the bed.

Nolan was a bit apprehensive now. Back when he was still hung over, he was in the right mood to be like: Fuck it! Whatever happens happens and I’ll just sort of stare at the ceiling and let it. But now that he was in a better mood, he was having second thoughts about letting someone top him.

Then again, that video of him was really incriminating. Oh sure, most men might not have to worry about such a thing truly affecting their job. At worst, they’d have to find a new job if their current employer thought that the offense was bad enough to fire them over, but as it wasn’t at his place of employment, a blind eye could be turned. Except Nolan wasn’t just some retail schmuck who could change jobs so easily. He was…

A criminal defense lawyer.

Yes. He was 32 years old and a junior altıparmak escort partner in a firm that defended all the nastiest and most rotten men from charges they rightfully deserved. He made a LOT of money allowing bad guys to go free, and yet, he himself was expected to maintain a spotless reputation. If this was a simple case of a male prostitute trying to claim he’d used him – true or not – they could easily make that go away. But NO! This was a case of someone who had real (and clear) video footage of him forcing a male prostitute to service him for free, while drunk.

It was NOT his finest moment. Should the video get back to his firm, he’d almost certainly be let go. Worse! His license to practice could be suspended or revoked. All in all, it was in his best interest to cooperate with this blackmailing bastard who was most definitely NOT an angel!

Taking a deep breath, he surrendered when Angel pushed him face down onto the bed, over a pile of pillows that must have been arranged when Nolan wasn’t paying attention. Determined to bear it in silence no matter what, he crossed his arms over his head and buried his face in the mattress.

Meanwhile, his hips were cushioned by the pillows, which elevated them to the perfect position for Angel to caress and worship his ass. The hands stroking his ass cheeks felt nice. Nothing Nolan couldn’t handle. Until a tongue directly on his tight pucker startled him so much that he nearly yelped. He expected a little bit of lube and just enough fingering to get him more or less ready, not this!

That wriggling tongue felt surprisingly good! So good that he couldn’t help but moan into the mattress. By the time a slick finger probed him, Nolan was almost ready to beg. He was hard and far more into it than he expected to be.

With infinite patience, Angel worked him open. Softening and preparing him. But then he did something else that astonished Nolan. Rather than simply get him ready and get to it, Angel found his prostate and played with it until Nolan was clutching the sheets and crying out like a cheap whore. It was at that point that Angel reached around and used a hand on Nolan’s shaft to really rock his world.

“Holy FUCK!” Nolan cried out in amazement as an orgasm far more intense than anything he could remember having slammed into him like a Mack Truck.

“Mmhmm!” Angel hummed in satisfaction. “I’d say you’re definitely ready!”

“Wait!” Nolan exclaimed breathlessly into the bed. He was pretty sure that the dick was supposed to go in the ass before the orgasm, so that it still felt good. If it happened now, it was just going to feel weird.

But Angel either didn’t hear his – admittedly faint – protest, or he simply didn’t care. After all, Nolan had agreed to let him do whatever he wanted. With almost no warning, Angel pressed himself into Nolan’s lubed up and well-prepared hole.

“Wait,” Nolan muttered into the bed, clutching the sheets all over again and tensing up a bit, but one of Angel’s hands stroked his back soothingly even as he hummed encouragement to relax. This inexplicably calmed Nolan and helped him breathe out his tension.

It took at least half a minute for Angel to get fully inside Nolan, but then he was balls deep and purring happily about this fact. Nolan squirmed and shifted a bit uncomfortably, but since he’d been very well prepared, he wasn’t in as much pain as he thought he’d be. In fact, aside from a bit of a burning sensation, there was almost no pain.

Then Angel moved and took his breath away. The lube combined with the slow pace made everything feel really good. Not good enough to revive his deflated shaft just yet, but definitely enough that he wouldn’t mind letting Angel keep on going until he had an orgasm too. All in all, this was actually one of his better sessions in bed!

Angel sped up just a bit. Just until he reached a moderate and steady pace that clearly was not intended to get him to the end any time soon. In fact, he didn’t seem interested in his own orgasm yet, as evidenced by the fact that when Nolan eventually got back up, he stopped plowing him so that he could flip him over and blow him instead.

“Christ!” Nolan swore in a strange mixture of dismay and awe. He’d already thought about how the vast majority of his encounters had been arranged via an app. Thus, they were all quick and easy. Some of it was more frotting than actual intercourse, and so, he honestly couldn’t remember the last time he’d had a lover that wanted to spend more than 10 minutes on his pleasure. Hell! It was usually more like 10 (or five) minutes on BOTH their pleasure!

When Nolan exploded into Angel’s mouth, his mind went blank from the bliss for an unknown amount of time. He floated in a white void for an eternity – or probably more like 15 seconds or so. Then he was back in his mind and body, only to discover that Angel was rather opportunistically thrusting in and out of görükle escort him again.

“Hm!” He chuckled, unable to blame a man for seeking his pleasure after giving him two orgasms. This time, they were facing each other and Angel seemed like he was finally interested in blowing his load. He was going fast and hard, positively ramming Nolan into the bed. “Nice…”

Angel grinned at him. “I was hoping you’d like it!”

Nolan grinned at him in return before his eyes widened in shock. With Angel laying full on top of him, his shaft was getting a lot of stimulation. This had prevented it from going soft again, and – for better or worse – he was squirming from a weird and never before felt sensation. It was both good and bad, like he could orgasm again, or he could punch Angel for annoying him. It was up in the air.

Then Angel gripped his hips, shifted his weight a bit, and sped up until he was going so fast he could win a race. This minimized the annoying part and concentrated the part where he could maybe have another orgasm.

“FUCK!” Nolan cried out when it happened. Happily, Angel was right there with him, roaring triumphantly in his ear. They collapsed onto the bed to pant heavily for a few minutes.

Then Angel sat up. “I’m going to grab a bottle of water; want some?”

“Yeah,” Nolan panted in agreement.

“Good, and just warning you now, you’d better go to the bathroom if you have to, because the moment I’m up again, I’m starting all over!”

“WHAT?!” Nolan gasped in shock and dismay. “HOW???”

“I only came once, so it’s not that strange,” Angel reminded him with a shit eating grin.

Nolan rolled over and buried his head under a pillow. What the hell have I gotten myself into?!

The next morning – or more likely close to afternoon – Nolan was half afraid to open his eyes in case Angel took that as a sign to go for round… six??? He ached all over and wondered if he might need to stop by the drugstore for some ointment to soothe his very well-used hole. That said, he might have actually seen heaven once or twice, so… worth it?

Angel must have noticed a change in his breathing or something, because he rolled over and kissed him on the cheek. “Hungry? Want me to make breakfast?”

Nolan cracked open one eye just enough to glare at him. “That depends on whether or not you plan to attack me again once I’m finished eating.”

“I’d LOVE to!” Angel cried out enthusiastically. “Unfortunately, I have to go to my parents for dinner, so I can’t, or I won’t have time to drive there by dinner.”

Nolan exhaled in relief. “In that case, I could go for breakfast.” Since it was Sunday, and since he’d actually won a rather big case on Friday, he didn’t have to worry about working today.

An hour or so later, Nolan sat in the back of an Uber, seriously wondering if he’d just had some sort of playdate. After all, Angel had fed him a few times, showered with him a couple of times, and even made him cum so hard he’d passed out. The whole experience had definitely been far more romantic than it should have been, considering that it was blackmail.

Eventually shrugging it off, he caught up on the sleep he’d missed during the week and prayed that the new client he was scheduled to meet with on Monday was less of a scumbag than the majority of his clients. To his resignation, he was wrong.


On Friday, Nolan was happy to be done with work for the week. He hadn’t had anything too big to work on, just minor cases that took place in court sessions that didn’t last very long – once his client was actually called upon. For the most part, they were plea deals that the prosecution and judge accepted pretty easily.

For example, one of his regular clients pled to possession rather than possession with intent to sell. The man was a dealer who totally intended to sell, but long history had proven that their firm was good at obfuscating the facts until he could get the charges dismissed should it actually go to trial. Thus, it was actually easier for everyone involved if the client pled to something lesser; the prosecution at least got a charge to stick, the client only had to pay a fine, and his firm made money. It was win win all around.

Nolan knew he should feel satisfied that he’d done his job well and earned money, but he was more and more disillusioned by life. After all, his literal job was to help criminals get out of being punished for their crimes, and the more he succeeded, the more he wondered if everyone he passed was secretly a criminal who walked free only because some other bastard like him had helped them walk free.

The first thing he did whenever he felt like this was go to the gym to work out. It normally worked. A good intense workout normally made him feel better. The endorphins elevated his mood and the soreness gave him something else to focus on. That said, lately, it hadn’t been helping, which led to him going to the bar next door and getting drunk.

Putting his suit back on after his workout was never fun, but he looked forward to relaxing with a few beers. Actually, once he got there, he decided that he wanted to drink a couple of Voodoo Ranger IPAs. Not only did it have slightly more alcohol than beer, but it just tasted better to him.

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