
Hit Me Harder! Ch. 10


“Hey, Danny?” Ashley’s voice came to me as if she was somewhere far, far away, not a few inches below. The main sound inside my ears was the heavy pounding of her heart. Or my heart. I couldn’t really tell.

“Yhmhmgf…”, my gibberish answer made Ashley laugh and her body shook under my motionless body.

“I asked if you are still hard”. She chuckled again.

“Oh, it’s probably rigor mortis…” I mumbled, rolled down from Ashley to the side of her body. She laughed loudly at my joke and lifted herself up on an elbow. I was laying flat, panting heavily, trying to catch my breath, while feeling her hand on my still semi hard and very sensitive dick. She stroked it a few times and it was almost unbearable.

“Oh, no! It’s dying!” Ashley said with a funny, overly worried tone, while holding my softening penis. When it went completely flaccid, she wiped the rest of the sperm from her hand on my thigh sporting an amused and devilish smirk. “Rest my little friend, you’ve done a great job!” She jokingly saluted towards it and we both laughed heartfully. “Hey, but it’s a relief that your dick went down finally, I began to be scared that you really took some pills, haha!”

“You work better than any pills”. Wow, what an original compliment I invented, but on the other hand, it wasn’t far from the truth.

“Oh yeah? So maybe I’ll keep you around then and use you from time to time.” That was really, sarcastic, not to say mean? Not that she has never said anything like this earlier, but her tone was different. That tone was weird, not what she exactly said.

“Hey, I’m not a toy” I said, half jokingly, half seriously.

“In my hands you are…” Again, I guessed it was a joke, but she said it without humor, with a serious face. For a short moment I had a hard time understanding what she wanted to say and got the feeling that she was trying to distance herself from me this way. Of course, it could be my typical tendency to overthink everything, amplified by the dizziness after this exhausting ‘activity’, but well, I believe that I have a really good intuition, insight and my first impression was, I don’t know, that she also thought that our sex was something more than ordinary fucking. And again, it is just a hunch or a possible figment of my imagination, but maybe she didn’t want to be involved with me so fast? I had to have a little disoriented face, because she suddenly cheered up.

“You know that I’m joking, right?” She moved closer to me and stroked my chest. Back to normal? I guess so. I probably made up all of this, right? Yeah, sure. Sometimes it’s really hard to be me. Always this stupid voice inside my head, constantly doubting, undermining, filling me with insecurity and asking these crazy mind-boggling questions ‘what if she…?’.

As if she wanted to assure me that it was nothing to worry about, Ashley leaned and kissed me. Then she placed her heavy leg across my groin and hips and it was really heavy! “But I really need to keep you close, you know? It would be unwise to let loose such a stud, haha!”

“Stud, huh?” It would be a terrible lie, if I’d say that Ashley’s comment didn’t make me feel as being an alpha male. Am I really so easy to be manipulated by her? She praises me and I’m floating on cloud nine, she says something opposite and I’m falling into the abyss? This is kind of alarming.

“Well yeah, stud! I shouldn’t praise you so much, so you don’t get too cocky!” Now it was typical from Ashley, funny, confident, edgy. And she was joking, now I was sure. So what was that earlier? God knows. She looked at me with one of her trademark smirks and then continued. “But on the other hand, I couldn’t lie either, haha! That was really a spot on performance. I’m surprised that you lasted so long and that, ‘jiu jitsu sweep’… You were on top of your game, babe.”

“But you’re still able to walk, right?” Ashley nodded and started laughing, connecting my obvious follow-up joke from our previous conversations, then I pretended to be very disappointed and angry. “Damn it! I didn’t fuck you hard enough!”

“Hahaha! Oh, my god!” She burst out laughing. “Well, if that’s your ambition, you can still try to achieve that tonight. Of course, only if you are able to repeat that performance”.

“Just give me like, thirty seconds and you will see.” I answered and we both laughed again. She embraced my neck with her right arm and pulled herself even tighter to me. Then she slid her hand under my head and closed me in a kind of human sandwich. I felt a warm whisper in my ear.

“But seriously, I’m really counting on you for this”. Again, she has this unique ability to say kinky stuff in both hot and intimidating ways.

“You got it.”It will be a long night, but that’s great I thought. I turned towards her and stared. The perfection of Ashley’s facial beauty struck me again. Despite the slight duskiness in the room, after all the nearest source of light were these two lamps, each feature of Ashley’s face was visible. They were harmonic and noble, but at the same time very natural.

I sighed in deep awe and Ashley smiled softly, as if she had read my thoughts.

“Say izmir seks hikayeleri it, if you want, but please, try to be creative, surprise me.” She said with amusement visible on her smile. Many people would interpret such an attitude as arrogant or vain, but for me it was much better than beautiful chicks who like to publicly complain about non-existing flaws of their appearance, just to receive more compliments and attention. Posting photos on Facebook with stupid captions, such as “Oh, I look so terrible here” and then wait for flatteries in the comments from their ‘cult rings’. I’ve met a few girls like those and their behavior was extremely fake and annoying.

Quite the opposite, Ashley was simply aware of her own beauty. She didn’t pretend to be uglier for whatever reasons, she didn’t also present that ostentatious princess attitude. Somehow she found a way to strike a balance between two extremities and just remained herself. And if she asked me for a creative compliment, I was about to give her one.

“You have very beautiful… eyebrows.” Her eyebrows raised in surprise and then she snorted.

“Ok, I have to admit, that was a good one. I’ve never heard anything like that from a guy.” She raised her eyebrows quickly a few times.

“But I really meant it! I like the way they move, you have such a vivid facial expression.” I raised my hand and delicately touched Ashley’s eyebrow with my thumb. “And you know what’s best about them? They are real! Maybe a little bushy, but natural. Not some thick line made with a paint roller.” Again she snorted.

“Oh, fuck! I know what you mean, haha!”

“It’s like in this joke, right?” Ashley glanced inquiringly at me and I told her. “You know, today I came to work with a painted mustache. And I was called a retard by chicks with painted eyebrows”.

“Hahaha!” Ashley laughed so hard that she became air-locked. She rolled on her back. I’ve never seen her in such a state and I laughed crazily too. After a moment she calmed down, but was still giggling. Suddenly she grabbed herself between the legs and sat up. “Oh, shit! Haha, you made me laugh so hard that it pushed out your sperm from me! Fuck! Please, check if there is a paper towel behind the bed, it should be there.” I turned around and felt a solid slap on my butt with a loud ‘Ha!’ from Ashley. I should get used to it, I realized. Indeed, there was a half-used roll of paper towel, laying on the floor. I grabbed it and handed it to Ashley.

“Here you go. Why do you keep a paper towel near the bed?”

“To wipe out the lubricant from my dildo.” Her straightforward answer surprised me and Ashley laughed again. “Well, with such a stud like you, I suppose I won’t need that anymore.” She tore off a piece of paper and cleaned the sheet between her legs. “Fuck, you cummed like a fire hydrant! There is a gallon of sperm. I almost felt your first shot inside me”. She shook her head, while sarcastically bashing me, but I read that also as a kinky compliment.

“It was an accumulation from the whole week, gathered especially for you, haha!”

“I guess. Ok, Danny, move near the pillows, I won’t be laying on the wet spot”. We both crawled there and initially lay down on our backs, next to each other, but Ashley decided to hug and entwin me tightly. She placed her chin on my shoulder. Her desire to be in so close and intimate contact with me, completely resolved my doubts about her previous ‘mean’ joke. C’mon, you moron, how would she want to distance herself from you, if she keeps initiating hugging and cuddling?

“That’s better, right?” She exhaled right into my ear. Her massive arm was laying across my chest. I placed my hand on top of her and gently stroked the thick veins on her palm.

“Yes, definitely. But I wanted to go back to the eyebrows topic for a moment.” Ashley chuckled, but then made an encouraging ‘hmm’, so I continued. “Well, not only about your eyebrows, but generally about female faces in the bodybuilding industry, let’s put it in that way. Of course, it doesn’t include you in any way, but I wondered why so many fitness and bodybuilding chicks are getting plastic surgeries, you know, botox lips, nose jobs etc… I saw many photos and there were even girls who were very pretty or at least attractive when they started and then “boom!”, suddenly they have lips like Daffy Duck! Or an unnatural tiny nose as if it was made from plasticine! And I always was like, ‘why the fuck did she do that? What is it about?'” I glanced at Ashley and noticed that she listened to me with interest. She thought for a moment and then spoke.

“There isn’t a single answer for this, babe. I told you already, this is a fucked up and ruthless business. You’re working with your body and your appearance, if you’re not attractive, you’re a bottom dweller, you don’t have sponsors, ads contracts and things like that. So people sometimes get desperate. Some girls are just simply ugly, it’s brutal to say that, but there is no way around it. And with all these enhancements they try to improve what nature didn’t give them. And I don’t see anything wrong in it, as long as they make it subtle and don’t go overboard, like those with the duck faces you’ve noticed.

There is another group of women, who, by going to surgeons, are trying to mask severe side effects from steroid abuse. You know, they took heavy shit, too much and too early in an irresponsible way, then started to notice a progressing masculinization of their faces, like sharper features, bigger noses, squarer jaws. And they think that making, for example, fuller lips will soften their overall appearance, but it’s rarely the case.”

Again Ashley proved me to be a very open and an almost transparent person as for someone coming from such a weird and fake world. I respected and also appreciated her attitude very much! “And then you have a third group, chicks who have some sort of body dysmorphophobia or other mental issues. They can be very pretty or even perfectly beautiful, but always see something that is not good enough in their eyes. And it’s sometimes a vicious circle, you know? Once they start, they can’t stop. They look in the mirror, they think that they are too small, so they take more steroids and their faces look worse, so they make surgeries, and it has a snowball effect. I’ve known one girl, she was a figure competitor, so you know, one of the tiny girls, but the thing was that she had a really pretty face. There was nothing that you could complain about, she had this innocent daintiness, cute little nose, sweet features, she was a real cutie! She had kind of thin lips, but it was working perfectly with the rest of her face, it was just harmonic, you know, not everybody has to have Angelina Jolie’s lips, for fucks sake! And once I saw her backstage at some contests… I thought that something happened to her, I don’t know, as if she was attacked by wasps or someone beat her up really badly. Her lips were three times bigger! It looked ridiculous! She couldn’t fully close her lips and when she smiled, they looked like a toilet plunger!”

We both laughed, but Ashley continued with a more serious tone. “Yeah, I know that sounds funny, but when I first saw her after that procedure, I couldn’t believe that she did this to herself! That she went straight away for gigantic bloated lips, she didn’t even consider subtler changes. And the most fucked up part was that she genuinely thought that she enhanced her look. She was proud of that, can you believe that?”

“I had no idea that it could be so serious. She disfigured herself, probably forever, right?” Ashley shrugged and then nodded. “And I’ve noticed that some of these girls are getting addicted to surgeries. I remember one Brazilian chick who had like three completely makeovers of her face. If you followed her photos throughout the years she looked like three different people!”

“Yeah, that’s true… This business draws people with issues. But you know, when you work out on your body so hard, it’s easy to fall into the traps of delusion. It’s just tricking the mind. And if you’re not a grounded person with a healthy self-esteem or you have bad advisors, then you end up like the girls we talked about.”

“Please, don’t do anything with your lips, they’re beautiful”. I leaned forward and kissed her prolongedly. It was funny, but Ashley, despite her tendencies to be dominant and cocky, sometimes could kiss like a shy teenage girl, so softly and tenderly. This was one of such kisses. I broke away from her lips and looked intensely in her eyes, as if I was about to say something very important. “But the most important thing, don’t you ever paint your eyebrows!” She chuckled again.

“Oh, Danny, I won’t. I don’t have such dilemmas or body issues”. She stopped for a moment, as if she reminded herself of something. “Well, maybe except one. I made two big enhancements…” She grabbed her breast with a wide grin. “…and everybody can say that it was due to vanity, that I couldn’t accept having only pecs, that’s true. I won’t deny it. But if we talk about faces, I’m aware that it will sound arrogant, but I know how I look. I always knew. And I don’t have a bigorexia too – when I look in the mirror, I don’t see a small girl, haha, the truth is I’m fucking huge. And I love it. I don’t have an obsession to be bigger at all costs. And objectively looking, it’s really hard to be bigger than me”. Ashley’s honesty worked on me like an aphrodisiac. It seemed that there was no topic in which she wouldn’t provide her true and frank opinion. It was so different, not only from the bodybuilding world standards, but also from most people I’ve known so far.

“That’s great, because your face is absolutely perfect and your body is… mind-blowing!” This time I said that very affectionately and seriously, looking directly into her eyes. She smiled gazing at me.

“You’re sweet Danny, but also naive. Body is only the package, I have tons of other issues, but you’ll need to witness them personally, because now you are with these butterflies in your stomach, thinking that I’m so perfect, right? So you wouldn’t believe me if I’d tell you about how messed up I am.” She grinned sarcastically, again bringing this topic. I wondered what she really meant, which character flaws she had, in her opinion of course, which could be so bad? Although Ashley didn’t give me a chance to ask about it, because she directly changed the topic. “Anyway, you probably haven’t observed things which we talked about in your background, in the office or back in college, right?”

“Yeah, in general, I haven’t. I don’t know any girl who had plastic surgery on her face, however I saw a handful of painted eyebrows! This one feature is common between ‘our worlds’.” Ashley laughed again, it began to be our first inside joke. “On the other hand, I saw a lot of pretty girls, but none was even close to you.”

“Oh, really? C’mon, this Christine you were dating was pretty hot, she was like, an eight out of ten!” I couldn’t figure out if Ashley was trolling me again or something else. But she was right, Christine was one of the prettiest girls I’ve met, of course before meeting Ashley.

“Yeah, maybe she was…”

“Was she good in bed?” Ashley surprised me with this question, but when I opened my mouth to speak, she stopped me with her crazy enthusiasm and a malicious smile. “No, wait, before you answer, you need to confess to me…” She was creating suspense by leaving her words hanging with silence and the wide grin she was having, obviously she had fun with that. “…how many girls have you slept with?”

“Oh, Ashley…” I decided to tease her back a little and pretended to be shy. “…actually… you were my first.” She burst out laughing and slapped me cheerfully on the chest.

“Haha, sure! Nice try, Danny! You’d better tell me right now, how many pussies did you ruin with your huge cock?” She whispered in my ear with her ‘sexy-threatening-intimidating’ tone.

“You really want to hear about it?”

“I want to. It’s not like these chicks are any competition for me, right?” Of course they were not, but the confidence with which she said that, again spread that weakening warmth inside me. I began to like this feeling. “So… how many?”

“Well, I don’t have a record worth being labelled a stud, before you I slept with only four girls.”

“Only four? I thought there would be hundreds of them!” She joked, but not in a mean way. Her hand was wandering on my chest and pinching my nipple. “But it’s good news, that means I need to hide only four bodies, haha! I can’t let anyone know about how awesome my hung boyfriend can be in bed. Because you’re only mine”. She squeezed her embrace tighter with an overwhelming possessiveness. I felt how her bicep hardened and used that moment to touch it.

“How about you? How many guys were wrecked by you in bed?”

“How dare you ask a woman about such things?” Ashley joked and laughed loudly. Apparently she loved these kinds of conversations, endless opportunities for her to tease and prank. “I’ll tell you, but first you’ll try to guess. Huh? What’s your bet? How many dicks did I have?” She had crazy sparkles in her eyes and of course a wide, teasing smile. “What would you say? Was I a naughty slut, fucking different guy every week? Or an innocent and bashful girl, chastely protecting my pussy?” Ashley had wild fun in setting those traps for me. This one was tricky, because it had multiple layers and there was no good answer at first sight.

“Oh my god, you are a devil” I laughed and she made an even wider grin, like the Cheshire Cat from ‘Alice in the Wonderland’.

“What? It’s a normal question, Danny”. She lifted her hand to adjust her hair and deliberately flexed fully her enormous bicep, as a form of warning to me.

“Ok, let me think it through… hmm, I would say that you had less than ten partners… I guess?” Ashley was observing me with a stern face and slightly squinted eyes. Again, I had trouble finding out if she was serious or just fooling around. Her face was not giving anything away. After an endless wait, she laughed and answered.

“Hah! Gotcha! You started to sweat babe, haha!” It wasn’t true, but I nodded just to play along with her game.

“See? You’re a real imp! But was I at least close with my guess?”

“Hmmm… yes, but also no, haha! I’ll tell you, but I’ll first elaborate your thought process, what brought you to that conclusion?” If the definition of cunning could be pictured by one smile, it would be this one on Ashley’s face. She loved those games!

“Eh, you’re impossible, Anyway, I took into consideration the few facts I know about you and made a few assumptions. Facts – you’re beautiful, so for sure you had a lot of admirers, but, you said that you were in a long relationship, so there are some time line disturbances in my theory. But also you are six years older than me, which is still hard to believe for me…” Ashley rolled her eyes and giggled. “… so you had more time in your life for being naughty, haha. Also, there is your character and for example – you’re a very honest, truthful and straight person, not slutty for sure. I can’t imagine you behaving like a hussie. But on the other hand, and there is an assumption, in my opinion very possible to be the truth, namely that you simply love having sex…” Ashley made an exaggerated innocent face expression and also mouthed the question ‘who? me?’. “… So my final guess would be less than ten, even closer to eight.”

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