
Horrifying Transformation Pt. 02


This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.

All work is fiction intended for fantasy only, regardless of content, and consent must always be acquired when engaging in any sex act with another adult.

Please note that all characters are clearly over eighteen and written as such in all stories.

I squirmed.

“Um…” I couldn’t get the words out. “It’s kind of…embarrassing.”

“Oh?” Sylvia raised an eyebrow. “I’m sure it’s nothing I haven’t heard before, darling. Do tell, come now. I can make your wildest dreams come true, do anything you wish for. I’m sure it will not be all that bad as you’re imagining.”

Bad… No. Or maybe that depended on whose mind it was in. I took a breath to steady myself. It didn’t help.

“I… I want to be cursed.”

That got her attention, sitting up straight, eyes fixed on me.

“Cursed? Dear, I can do that, but that is hardly a fair payment for services. You know curses like that…they’re permanent.”

I shivered.

“Oh… Do they not…fade after a while? You mean…it wouldn’t just…stop after a while?”

I liked that idea more, of it being permanent, even though a chill trickled down my spine. I felt like the questions had to be asked.

The succubus nodded.

“Yes, of course,” she said, seeming relieved that I was “seeing sense”. “It’s not something that can be undone, not by anyone, not even the one who casts the curse.”

I smiled.

“Then…” My heart hammered. “That’s exactly what I want.”

The succubus drew back, eyebrows raised. Oh, so it seemed that I had to convince her. I hadn’t expected that, but I hadn’t expected everything to fall into my lap so quickly, just like that either. That was why I had to true.

“No… I want it. I definitely want it.” I tried to infuse my tone with all the grit and determination that could ever have been in my soul, my deepest and darkest of fantasies. “It’s…something I’ve wanted since my sexual awakening. Normal stuff… It just doesn’t do it for me. I want to be cursed, a transformation curse, so overwhelming sexual and depraved that it’s beyond anything that even the most twisted of human minds could come up with. Expect for me.”

Sylvia seemed to swallow, but I couldn’t say that I knew her well enough to read her expression. Though to say that she was upset at the idea would have been an understatement, shifting her weight and fussing where she sat.

“Er…” She brushed her hand back through her hair, patting down invisible strands back into place. “Yes, yes… Yes, that is within the realm of my abilities, I can, of course, use magic, I can curse you. But…why would you want that? There’s no going back from a curse! Even the best magic, when applied to a living soul, is hard to undo, even if there is no curse involved. This is different.”

I smiled.

“I just want there to be no going back. I want to go all in. I never want to have to live this life again.”

Sylvia eyed her dubiously.

“My dear, are you quite sure this is what you want? A sexual…transformation curse? Something you can never revert?”

I nodded, but she likely wouldn’t believe me until she saw it. That was fine.

“Yes. Definitely.”

I gave no more words, for I didn’t want her to try to convince me otherwise. I just met her eyes, steadily, levelly, hiding the shake of my hands against the long skirt that I had worn that day. I only hoped that I didn’t show my nerves too much, for I meant what I said about wanting to go all the way.

I didn’t have a life to escape from, oh no. Just a life to run into, arms outstretched, wanting every last sordid, twisted bit of my fantasy, everything that I had always thought would be out of my reach. That was, of course, without some kind of magical intervention.

“Okay, dear…” The succubus said, slowly, but, well…she could be as slow as she needed to be, as long as she then held up her end of the bargain. “There’s no going back though. So maybe you should start small, okay? Then you can stop if there is too much going on for you… But we’ll see what it is that you want. Perhaps it is not quite what I am thinking of!”

Of course, it could never be what she was thinking of. I was too twisted for that, but I knew that fantasies were permitted. I never had to make myself feel bad about what I wanted.

But saying it aloud was another thing entirely.

“Well…” My heart pounded, though with excitement, forcing adrenaline through my body as I licked my lips. “I want to be transformed… Crazy transformations! And cursed, so none of it can be reversed. All sexual… More pairs of breasts, all over my body, not just on my chest.”

I could feel my cheeks heating up as I said it, though I knew travesti seks hikayeleri too that there was no way that I was going to get what I wanted from her if I could not tell her. That was kind of how it worked.

Once I had begun, even as the succubus pulled back in shock and surprise, I could not stop, however.

“So many dicks…” Oh, it was a crude word, but it had to be said. “Sprouting from all body parts, heavy horse balls hanging into my eyes, oh…”

I was getting horny just thinking about it, but I could not be too carried away, not pushing my hand between my legs, not then. I needed to keep a clear head, all to get what I wanted.

“I thought about an old tale… A twisted tale… A demon that’s caught me and decided that I should have enormous, bulging horse cocks instead of legs,” she grunted, trying not to moan even as she fantasised. “Oh… Yes, they’d have me stumbling around on giant horse cock legs, only horse cocks, leaving me whining and whimpering, bloating out and out and out so I can feel every scrap and inch of them, losing control. And they wouldn’t be able to stop cumming!”

“Oh, my…”

Sylvia openly swallowed and I blushed, a little abashed, but, honestly, I couldn’t be ashamed, not then. Not when I was with someone that could finally do for me what I wanted. Maybe I shouldn’t have gone in so much with her, but I still wanted to make it really, really clear about the depth of what I wanted, that I didn’t want to be treated kindly or with kid gloves.

“I’d even fantasise about something like finding an artefact, not even a demon,” I mused, delving deeper into her fantasy material. “I wanted to be transformed like a cautionary tale I read from many years back, where the adventuring party took the treasure, but it was cursed… And then they woke the next night to find their limbs getting weaker and weaker…” Oh, I had to pause to take a breath there, because it was not that easy to keep going, not with the heat prickling and aching deep through my body. “Then…they find everything weakening, shrinking, then bulging into lewd breasts, no limbs left, only breasts. And their tongues would be cursed to become penises that can’t stop climaxing, pouring out more and more cum, pump after pump, losing control in a wet splurge of seed every few minutes. The victims wouldn’t be able to do anything other than wriggle and squirm, not even talk! Oh, to be like that… Yes…”

I closed my eyes, almost too much for me, taking a shuddering breath.

“Oh, I want everything, I want to be used, I want to be transformed and debased, to be a climaxing mess of horse cocks and tits, my body nothing but a sexual organ, pleasure upon pleasure sweeping me…”

“You know I can do that without it being permanent, right?” The succubus said. “It doesn’t have to be permanent, it doesn’t have to be a curse.”

But I shook my head, holding up my hands, though it was still wrong, in a way, to stop a succubus from talking. She, after all, was so much more powerful than me.

“No, no… It has to be a curse. It’s just…not what I want if there’s a way for me to turn it back. It’s what I want, I’m sure of it. I’ve been dreaming of this…practically every day since I uncovered the tales of what I wanted, the curses, the twisted body modifications…”

I had to pause there and lick my lips, for I was getting a bit too carried away with everything. That was why, in a way, I didn’t go into things like that too much aloud, why those that were close to me didn’t know anything of my kinky inclinations. Only online forums, chat rooms, the kind of places where everything was being a screen name and it couldn’t possibly be linked back to me. I knew what others would think of me if they knew what I was really like, but, well, I couldn’t blame them for that. Things were different for me, like that.

But I knew what I wanted and there must have been something about the conviction in my eyes that convinced Sylvia that this was the right path. I held my breath. It was finally happening. What I had always hoped for and yet had never quite dared to dream was finally happening!

“Okay…” Sylvia said, not seeming convinced still, but I didn’t honestly need her to believe me. “But we will start small, darling, so you can stop if you want to. I don’t make dodgy deals in my trades, I’m not that kind of demon. You say you want this…but I fear that it will be too much for even you.”

“Start small?” I laughed and shook my head. “Oh… Well… I don’t know about small!”

I jumped up and paused, glancing sideways into the mirror that was to the right of the sink, as if it was there for Sylvia to freshen up with during the day. But it was big enough to reflect a good portion of the little back room, everything soft and light and comfortable. And there I was prepared to deprave it beyond all recognition, beyond anything that anyone could ever have imagined being possible of being so totally twisted.

Maybe I was twisted. But that was how I was.

“Okay…” I posed with a hand on my hip, hair bouncing back behind my shoulders — would I even have that for much longer? “Hm… Okay! My chest first! Bigger — much bigger! I don’t want anything in the natural range of sizes either…”

Sylvia sighed and stood to join me, brushing off her dress skirt, a little primmer and more proper than me, but it was not as if that mattered anymore. I could easily imagine her going about her day with a pair of glasses balanced on top of the bridge of her nose.

“Okay… If you are quite sure. I will make your breasts larger.”

I felt that Sylvia at least had some idea of what I wanted, but her eyes focused on me and I felt the magic surround me rather than saw it. It was as if it was perceived with a sixth sense, knowing where it was around me without being able to see or hear it at least, though it still took my breath away.

And then it sank into me and my heart raced faster than it ever had done before, the tightness in my chest filling out, slowly but surely. It was as if, quite clearly, the demoness didn’t want to push things too quickly, wanting to stay in the realm of things that maybe she had done before, but I could understand that. In a way, it was kind of sweet of her to think of me and to be considerate of me, even though we’d only met a short while ago. I wondered if she would be as considerate after everything happened.

Yet I was more and more convinced as I relished in the sensation of my dress swelling out against my new breasts, my skin pulling tauter and tauter, though, very quickly, it had to stretch too to contain my bigger chest. All that additional fat, after all, had to go somewhere, and I grunted softly in the back of my throat, relishing in every tiny sensation. From the brush of my dress over the top as I pushed against my bra to the aching need deep inside, the feeling of something being drawn from me.

If only the succubus would truly have taken me as her toy to overpower me with so many breasts and cocks and balls that I couldn’t move… That would have truly been my dream, but there was only so much that I could do there. Just getting my impossible fantasy fulfilled, well — that would have to be enough.

“Is that enough?”

My breasts were barely F-cups, at a guess, but I grinned, nodding encouragement. My bra strained over them, but my hands could run over, feeling the definition of my nipples, how they pushed out against the front of the bra, the fabric that, suddenly, felt so fragile.

But they weren’t big enough.

“More… I’ll tell you when to stop! And add more pairs! Under my normal ones!”

The pain of my bra stretching dug painfully into my back and I had to adjust my weight, huffing and panting as my centre of balance was thrown off. I didn’t realise that having bigger breasts would be so awkward! Yet that was only the start of the awkwardness to come as the seams of my dress stretched and tore over the growing extra breasts especially, exposing more, falling forward from my shoulders as it became loose around me. I could have been modest about what was happening, but I clicked my tongue, a little hastily, against the roof of my mouth, and pulled the dress down, pooling at my hips.

I wanted to see what was happening to me too badly, running my hands wondrously over my breasts through the strained, plumped-out bra, the feeling of them filling out increasingly, as large as my head, exquisite. It made me want to do more, to feel more, even tweaking my nipples as they grew fat and swollen, all in proportion with the breasts. Even though it might have been slow, I knew that it was all because the demoness wanted to make sure I was okay with it, but if she was to hold up her part of the trade then it would all go off without a hitch anyway.


I moaned, half-dropping to my knees. It was not overwhelming, as she had said, but…oh. Oh, it was something different indeed, though my stomach rippled too, bulges appearing where they had never existed before. That was a different sensation entirely, something more being added to my body, two more pairs appearing beneath the top pair that I was used to. I didn’t hide my groan, not as I ran my fingers over them. The time for embarrassment was long passed and if I truly wanted to get everything that I wanted from the succubus I would have to be completely open and honest with her. My body and privacy in that regard were the least of it.

“Are you sure that’s not enough?”

I shook my head, eyes closed, revelling in everything. The bra was about to pop, the tightness of the straps and the back digging into my flesh, though I wanted it even more than before, so very much more. I didn’t want to take the bra off, not even as it cut in, knowing that my growing body would take care of it for me. It stretched more than the fitted dress I’d been wearing (now hanging in tatters off my body), though that had been mostly destroyed by the multiple pairs of breasts pushing into existence.

“Oh no… Finish it!”

I could not easily describe how big my breasts were, but the extra pairs swiftly increased in size, plumping out nice and round with new skin as the stretch rippled through me, so that they were the same as the top ones. Heavy and dragging me forward as I knelt with my tits out, they layered down my chest, stomach and abdomen, leaving my crotch bare. Not that it was easy to see my crotch with each breast on its own ending up the size of my head, pulling down very lightly under its own weight, though they were still nice and perky too. The bra ripped through dramatically, a clip pinging off the back, though I didn’t care, not as my largest and fullest pair of breasts spilt gloriously into the light.

I couldn’t help but run my hands over them, bare for the first time as I relished in it, tweaking my nipples and practically climaxing on the spot. In the heat of the first transformation, I had forgotten my arousal, moaning, whimpering, my underwear soaked between my thighs. But it was there, heat prickling through my skin, tingling and aching deeper still, making me want to rock and shift my thighs just to get a hint more of it. My hands could not drop to press between my thighs, not with the dress in the way, but I still wanted to, feeling as if I could orgasm just from rubbing and caressing my breasts alone.

Yet it wasn’t enough. Nothing but complete immobilisation, a massive, orgasming pile of horse cocks that was, at some point, my body, could be enough for me.

And I had to tell the succubus that.

“Mmm… Oh, that’s so good…” I panted heavily, rubbing her breasts, not knowing which ones she wanted to caress at once. “More… I need more.”

Sylvia clicked her tongue dubious against the roof of her mouth.

“More? Are you sure?”

But I nodded, wanting to show her, to tell her, to make it clear to her in the best of ways.

“Yes! My body… Oh, I need more, please, curse me, this is what I want…” I moaned, though it was hard for me to get the words out. “In the end, I don’t want to even be able to talk! Please, be creative, do everything you want to me, transform my body into so many breasts that I can’t move, just like the old tales, and horse cocks and balls… Curse me, make it so I can never go back to the life that I had.”

Sylvia nodded. I understood her trepidation, but the problem there was that, well, she still didn’t think that I wanted it. Maybe it would have been easier if she was less reluctant and the kind of demon that enjoyed causing suffering — even if, in my case, it would not be suffering, but insane pleasure.

“You’ll have to keep giving me some ideas, for now,” Sylvia said slowly, though she, at the very least, seemed to be going along with it. “I know of the old tales and, indeed, I have known demons that liked to do things like that…”

“Yes…” I breathed, imploring her. “Only horse cocks though… So many of them, throbbing and ejaculating… Change my hands, all my fingers, cover them… Please!”

The succubus wrinkled her nose, but it didn’t matter to me if she didn’t want to do it. She had agreed and, at least from my perspective, it was not as if Sylvia had to agree to my fantasies. The magic wrapped around me again and I gasped as my hands ached and tingled. It was as if there were no more bones in them anymore, going liquid and droopy, though I couldn’t help but reel from it, trying to rub them against my breasts as if I still had fingers.

“Do you want to stop?”

“Never! Make the transformations as awkward and unwieldy as possible, it doesn’t all have to look as if it’s typically erotic… It’s to be crazy, out of one’s mind, so kinky and depraved that…oh… Do what you will to me. Nothing is off limits within what we’ve talked about, so don’t worry. This is what I want, I assure you. Go far, go all the way, so I am a blob of horse cocks and balls, breasts all over…”

Sylvia looked a little more convinced after that. Maybe there was some part of her magic that told her the truth about a person too, but I didn’t have to worry about that. Not as my fingers ached and wobbled and firmed up again into cock-like shapes, though it was as slow as my breasts. It allowed me to revel in it, to allow every pulse and every throb to ache through deeply, moaning, whimpering, though I didn’t think that I would have my voice for all that much longer.

My hands were useless, already, for anything but pleasure. Even I was shocked to find out just how sensitive they were — was that really what it was like to have a dick? I could barely believe it, huffing and puffing, panting heavily, my chest rising and falling so sharply that it made my new breasts and the huge old ones too wobble and judder with every gulp of air I dragged into my lungs. I didn’t even know if I would need air like that any longer, but there was a part of me, even then, that hoped I would not. That I could exist purely on orgasms, on cumming, on being a sexual being that did not exist in the world that I knew for anything other than one orgasm after the other.

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