
Hotel Whore


Karen half stood half slouched over behind the reception desk watching the customers mill about in the lobby. She was five hours into what was supposed to be an eight hour shift which combined with the nearly hour and a half commute to the hotel made for a near twelve hour day. It was bad enough when it was the tourist season and the hotel was packed with guests . At least then she had a purpose and a real job. In the spring time the place was just dead and a well trained house plant could handle her job. It had been nearly an hour since the last time she’d so much as answered the phone.

“Karen! Stop leaning against the desk. Find something constructive to do!” Rick shouted from the back room. The twenty something mocha hued woman snapped to attention and tried to find something to do. She’d already sorted all of the pens according to color, organized all of the brochures in the lobby, and filled out as much of her paperwork as she could before the end of her shift. “Look the customers need to come in and see that everybody here is a professional. This isn’t some sleazy motel in the middle of no where. This is the Sterling Inn.” Karen mentally blocked her manager’s carefully practiced and oft repeated speech about the hotel that was still family owned after one hundred fifteen years. How much pride went into each building and how many former presidents had slept in this very location which first opened in nineteen thirty six.

As soon as the white noise of his voice stopped Karen replied, “yes sir,” with as much enthusiasm as she could muster and looked around for something she could do. She started by straitening the piles of flyers and coupons which were already straight to anybody without a terminal case of OCD but at least it gave the appearance of busy. Karen did a full lap around the lobby straightening anything she could find and a few other little tasks before returning to the desk and pulling up her email. It was one thing that she could do at work and look like she was doing something.

There was the ever present group of stupid emails, junk mail to enhance her penis size, a prince who needed her banking information to get untold millions out of a third world country, half a dozen jokes sent by at least a dozen people and twice that many updates to Myspace friends she hadn’t spoken to in person in years. She managed to stretch out checking her mail and responding to the few genuine letters long enough to get her in sixth hour but that still left her with two more hours before she had to hit the road. She almost half way through her second hour updating her MySpace and Facebook when she felt him behind her.

“When you were hired on to work here it was not so you could check your web pages Ms. Tracy. We hired you because we needed someone to work the front desk and supplement the room service when necessary. ” She didn’t turn to face him initially she didn’t need to see his face to know he was scowling. Karen’s lips had only started to part when he started speaking again. I don’t want to hear your excuses about how there is nothing to do. There is always something you could be doing. Right now for example almanbahis şikayet you could be turning down room four oh eight. If you’d been looking at the schedule you’d know that it needs to be ready for Mr. Stern. Or you could be setting up the conference room for the notary class.”

Slowly Karen spun to face her supervisor with painted on grin. “I’ll get right on it.” Without saying anything more she quickly walked to the elevator and summoned the car. It was probably only a few seconds but she could feel Rick’s eyes burning into her flesh. It would have been bad enough if he’d been staring at her ass. She was used to men doing that and as humiliating as being thought of as just a piece of meat was it was something she could deal with. He was looking at her as a girl and he’d made it quite clear the only thing he thought women were qualified to do. He was looking at her like the piece of shit who was about to be unemployed. He didn’t tell her that she didn’t have time to wait for the elevator but she decided on her own to escape the penetrating gaze via the quickest route possible and that meant taking to the six flights of stairs to get to the room.

“I needed the work out anyway.” Karen rumbled lightly. She’d always had a slight problem with her weight, not enough to keep her from getting relationships but enough that she was constantly aware of it.

Five minutes later a winded Karen walked up to room five oh eight dragging the cleaning cart with her. Normally she would have remembered to knock before walking into the room. It was burned into her mind as habit but the combination of frustration, exhaustion and boredom made her skip that step. She opened the door and backed into the room.

Peter might have noticed the door opening if he hadn’t been wearing head phones with his laptop that blocked out everything out. He would have noticed the door opening or the shapely ass backing into his room securely wrapped in black slacks that did an excellent job of framing Karen’s cheeks. The thing was with one hand wrapped around his cock furiously pumping and his eyes glued to his screen where two girls dressed up to look young girls were taking turns with an older man.

It was the door shutting behind Karen that caught Peter’s attention and pulled his eyes away from the monitor. His surprised gasp triggered the same response in Karen. The startled woman spun and screamed knocking over a glass of water onto an Iphone. “Holy shit!” Peter growled diving across the table to grab his Iphone. The damage was already done shorting out the smart phone.

“Oh my god I’m so sorr-”

Karen was cut short when Peter leapt to his feet. “You stupid fucking cunt! Do you know how much this phone costs? More than you make in a week!” He charged up into her face and stopped just shy of hitting her. “Oh my fucking God. Go get your manager.” Still not remembering his nudity Peter plopped back down on the bed glaring at Karen who still hadn’t moved. She hadn’t even taken a breath yet. “NOW. I want to speak to your manager right fucking now!”

“Please don’t. He’ll fire me.” Karen’s eyes were already almanbahis canlı casino brimming with tears. It had taken almost a year to find this job and she was still deep in debt. A few thousand spread over a couple of credit cards, more than that to her parents and her ex who’d continued to help her even after she’s gotten into her current relationship. “Please.”

“Yeah I hope he does fire you. This is brand new, not even available on the streets yet. And the warranty doesn’t cover dumb bitches pouring water on them. ” Peter roared proving they were most likely alone on the floor since nobody came. “Get your manager. You know what fuck that.” Still nude Peter rolled across the bed and reached for the hotel directory.

“Please sir. I’ll do anything. I can’t lose this job. Whatever you want. I’ll pay for it!” Karen begged running around to the bed.

“I already told you it’s not on the market!” Peter was almost trembling with rage visually struggling to keep from slapping Karen half across the room.

“Anything.” Karen repeated this time lowering her tone to something seductive. Before he could say anything she wrapped her hand around his still oiled cock. “Please.”

Peter jumped slightly at the unexpected but not unwelcome touch. “Anything?” His mind was finally catching up to what the young woman was offering. “You’ll do anything I ask?” Karen responded by tightening her grip and slowly pumping her fist over his oiled cock. “So if I told you to suck my co- oh my God!” Peter gasped. Karen had already wrapped her plush lips around his cock and started bobbing her head up and down over his swollen member. Peter just watched as his cock vanished between her lips her tongue eagerly exploring his flesh. “What else would you do to keep your job?”

“I already told you. Anything.” Karen purred. She’d only just tasted him but already the thrill of a new man was flowing through her. She could feel her blood beginning to boil. It was something about being with a new man. It always excited her. “Whatever it takes so this doesn’t get back to my boss.”

“You’re lying.” Peter replied. His eyes slid shut. Karen sucked like a woman who truly worshipped cock. Even if her motivation wasn’t genuine it was obvious that she was enjoying every second of it. “But you are enjoying sucking my cock aren’t you. Little slut.”

“Mm hmm.” Karen replied inching his cock deeper into her throat. She was nearly halfway down when she gagged and backed away. Now slick with her spit her hand sped over his cock. “I’m not lying, test me.” She moved her lips down to his scrotum hungrily licking at his nut flesh lovingly taking on after the other into her mouth.

“You really need this job don’t you?” Peter groaned. His left leg was starting to twitch, she twisted ideas that had floated around his mind all starting to surface at once. Karen’s nodded nonchalantly. Her focus was on running her tongue along the length of his cock paying special attention to the tip. She could sense those thoughts already. “Lick my asshole.”

For a moment the world stopped as Karen’s breath caught in her throat. She’d almanbahis casino already expected he’d want something a little out of the ordinary. The kind of things wives and girlfriends were likely to refuse. He wanted to fuck her in the ass. He wanted to give her a facial or he wanted her to beg and let him call her a whore. That was all expected. “You want what?” Karen whispered.

Peter reached down and took hold of her chin pulling her unique green eyes, so captivating that people often asked if they were contacts. “I want you to lick my asshole like the little whore you are. Or I call your boss.” Karen pursed her lips then exhaled and leaned in closer. He’d just gotten out of the shower so the only scent when she lifted his cock out of the way was the faint aroma of soap. After a moment’s hesitation Karen’s pink tongue wriggled out of her lips and pushed against his puckered hole. She expected to be revolted but there was almost no flavor at all. “That’s it girl work your tongue in my ass.” Karen obey forcing her tongue against the tight ring of muscle while Peter squirmed. Every time her tongue started pushing into his rectum his entire body jolted.

“Hold still.” Karen said lowering her voice slightly into a more seductive tone. “You taste so yummy.” Her hand closed around the tip of his cock just squeezing slightly every time his hips pushed forward to excape her tongue. Even though it was her first time she knew by the cries and the way his hips jerked each time her tongue wriggled into his rectum that she was doing it well. “Is this what wanted? My tongue all up in your ass?”

“Oh God yes. Motherfuck that feels good.” Peter dug his fingers into the bed spread uprooting the sheets as he strained to hold off the orgasm. It was difficult to describe the combination of her hand wrapped around his cock and her tongue reaming his rectum.

A partial smile curled Karen’s lips when Peter’s moans melted way to incoherent babble and his cock started pulsing in her grip. This was the part she loved most, that moment of complete power over a man. If she wanted she could keep him like this on the edge for as long as she wanted. She didn’t need to look to know that his toes were curled and his face was contorted into whatever ridiculous position it did when he came. If the situation was different she’d be making him beg right now but she was in a rush. Instead of taking her time she rammed her tongue as deep as it would go as the same time she furiously stroked Peter’s cock.

Peter’s world blinked out of existence for a moment. The only things he was aware of were her tongue and his cock. He roared as his orgasm shot through his body. He was aware of each spurt as the seemingly molten cum splattered first against his own chin, then across his chest before the last bits dribbled down over his belly pooling in his naval. Karen’s tongue was still going when his orgasm passed. “Too much! Too much!” He howled while the hotel worker continued her assault for another agonizing moment before stopping and smiling.

Karen sat back and started up Peter. “So my boss never finds out about this?” Peter nodded. “Thank you.” Karen smiled and left.

Fifteen minutes later the conference room was set up for the notary class and Karen was back at the front desk pretending to be busy by straightening piles of brochures. She could already feel Rick’s gaze traveling up her backside. . .

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