
How to Train Your Daughter Ch. 17


Editor’s note: this submission contains scenes of non-consensual, dubiously consensual or reluctant sexual situations.

Many thanks to all my readers; your letters and comments and ideas and hopes mean a lot to me, and do much to enrich the little world of the Festival. Just remember to include your email in the message if you’d like a reply.

All characters are 18 years of age or older.


As the schoolbell’s ring reverberated through the hallways of Stonewall Academy and called the students to their last class of this Friday afternoon, Ryan Desilva looked up with a smile from his briefcase he’d opened on the big white work table stationed at the front of the brightly-lit science lab, a sheaf of worksheets in his hand, and watched twelve adorable giggling and chatting schoolgirls file in to find their customary places at the desks facing him.

‘Hello, Mr. Desilva!’

Happy Friday, Mr. Desilva!’

‘Hello, Sir!’

They greeted him cheerfully and politely, their arms wrapped around their science textbooks and binders, their short blue pleated skirts below giving him teasing little peeks at the white gussets of their school panties with each bright step, while above, their pert young breasts perched delightfully atop their school books, presented nicely to his view as was only appropriate, in a captivating array of sizes and shapes that the evolutionary genetic variation of twelve healthy, sexually-maturing females statistically couldn’t help but represent.

The girls’ sheer white Stonewall Academy uniform blouses, buttoned according to regulations only to the bottom of their youthful cleavage, did little to conceal the curvaceous forms of their bosoms, and Ryan smiled even more broadly as he returned their salutations and enjoyed the sight of a dozen softly bouncing pairs of stiff, pink nipples pressing against the thin white fabric in the cool air of the laboratory, clearly visible above the lacy half-cups of the girls’ mandatory white shelf bralettes.

He was happy to see that his class was evidently going to make it through their school day without any egregious uniform violations; even Miss Jordanna, who had struggled with retaining her clothing when he’d started teaching at Stonewall, was perfectly attired, her nipples erect and alert, her underwear still on her body. He’d been tutoring her privately for about a month, and he was proud of how her grades and confidence had improved, and how much better she’d gotten at keeping her clothes on from class to class–and from uniform inspection to uniform inspection–under his care.

About midway through the gaggle, red-headed Beth Armstrong, her large round glasses perched studiously upon her button nose, walked alongside her new best friend Abigail Miller, who had just moved to town from Canada (where they had no such thing as the Festival, or any formal sexual training for young girls) and had transferred to Stonewall Academy a couple of weeks ago.

Ryan had been pleased to see their friendship blossom as they seemed two peas in a pod, both intelligent, serious-minded, academically-inclined young girls who shared a soft, invitingly sexual innocence and a gentle, fresh beauty that unfailingly warmed his heart and filled his cock with a tender longing.

He’d had the pleasure of handling Abigail’s intake process at Stonewall, including assisting with her thorough nude physical examination, fitting her for her uniform, and grooming her furry, unkempt vulva to the Academy’s strict pubic hair standards for girls.

Principal Darger had even granted him the privilege of being the first staff member to couple with the sweet, inexperienced, and somewhat bewildered new schoolgirl; and he was pleased to see that she seemed to be growing more comfortable lately in the demanding academic and social environment of the Academy, and in her newfound responsibilities as an eligible girl, with the companionship of Beth, who had grown up in Stonewall and was a brainy, matter-of-fact sort of girl who was happy to help Abigail feel at ease in her new school.

Unlike Abigail, who was a couple of years the elder of the two, Beth had yet to celebrate her Festival and was not yet subject to full sexual lessons, and Ryan knew it would be beneficial for the younger girl to have the emotional support of her older friend and study buddy as her own special day drew nearer, when she would have her virginity taken publicly on stage at the old theater downtown and then be offered to the community of eligible men for their training and care, and to fulfill her natural purpose as a freely-available object of their sexual enjoyment.

Ryan had taken a bit of a special liking to Beth; she was studious and smart, and while she wanted to be a physicist when she grew up, she was enamored with every aspect of science.

She was always helpful and attentive in class, ready to dive fully into any subject that would further enlighten her–and the world–with fuller knowledge of the universe’s laws, Didim Escort and he felt a bit of a kindred spirit in her whole-hearted commitment to the pursuit of understanding the deeper principles that undergirded her experience.

She had been a willing and very cooperative model a few weeks ago in the mock Festival Ryan had organized for social studies, happily stripping naked in front of the class and allowing three of the boys, playing the parts of Festival judges, to inspect every inch of her beautiful nude form with their eyes and hands as they filled out her scorecard.

Ryan could tell that though she had been a little uncomfortable at first, she had known that her cooperation was essential to the educational success of the rest of her classmates, and he was impressed at how her clear commitment to the high call of science enabled her to overcome her embarrassment even as the three somewhat maladroit boys pawed at her body and fumbled clumsily about her vagina.

He sensed she liked him and wanted to be bit of a teacher’s pet, but though he held a soft spot for her as well, he knew better than to humor her girlish infatuation with him too much; still, he was happy to encourage and cultivate her passion for the sciences, and he made sure to give her a bit of extra special attention every so often to further fan that little flame.

He caught her eye now and beckoned as the rest of the schoolgirls were taking their seats.

‘Miss Beth, can I talk to you for a moment please?’

‘Yes, Mr. Desilva!’

She practically glowed at his request as she nodded briskly and stepped to the lab table with what she felt was a scientist-like officiousness, which nonetheless wasn’t quite able to fully conceal her little bounce of excitement at finding herself the momentary object of Ryan’s regard.

She stood tall and straight like a good girl, imagining she was balancing a glass of water on her head the way she’d been taught in her etiquette classes to let him know she took his words seriously, which pushed her tidy breasts out towards him over the top edge of her big science textbook; and she pointed her little nipples (which she felt were sadly too small) straight at him, willing them to be as hard and pink as they could be with all her might in order to show her favorite teacher that she was paying total attention.

‘What do you need, sir?’

Abigail had trailed her friend a little uncertainly, and lingered a bit behind her, waiting to see if Beth would be soon ready to continue on to their adjacent desks.

Abigail’s tummy was always a fluttery mess whenever she had class with Mr. Desilva, and she didn’t know what she was ever going to do about it, because what had once felt delightful and dreamy now was only confusing and a little sad.

She had been deeply overcome by attraction to him when she met him on her first day of school.

Something about his thick, dark hair, his strong jaw and handsome mustache, his twinkling eyes behind his stylish glasses and his trim, muscular body had tapped directly into deeper parts of her girlish longing than she’d ever imagined existed, and had turned her instantly into a puddled, needy mess both between her legs and between her ears.

And the way he’d undressed her in the showers of the girls’ locker room and cared for the most private parts of her body that day, his big hands and his deep voice reassuring her she would do great at Stonewall Academy as he’d gently lathered her vulva in white cream and carefully trimmed and brushed her thick dark cunny hair, then taken her to the principal’s office and fucked her nearly senseless…well, needless to say, she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about him, wanting him–desperately needing him–since that first day of classes.

While Abigail felt she was surely, if slowly, adjusting to her life in Stonewall as an eligible girl, she still harbored some of the old-fashioned, innocent ideas and emotions about romance and sex from her upbringing in rural Alberta, and parts of her transition had been more challenging than she’d expected.

She truly tried her best to be a good girl for every man who trained her now, obeying their instructions and doing everything she could to bring them pleasure as they handled her inexperienced young body and put her through her paces until they filled her with their cum, or sprayed it on her soft skin, or made her drink it down.

She understood that her primary purpose for existing as a young girl was to be a willing mating partner for eligible men, and a vessel of that supreme pleasure men experienced when fulfilling their own natural, immutable purpose of inseminating girls like her, and she was pretty sure that most of the men who selected her for sexual lessons enjoyed using her body in that way–but it still puzzled and perplexed her, despite her best efforts to not care, that so few of them ever reserved her again for more training.

Of course, men had a nearly endless supply of young girls to choose Didim Escort Bayan from, and it made sense that they would usually take the opportunity to enjoy a new girl rather than return to one whose pleasure they’d already tasted, and Abigail knew she shouldn’t mind, but sometimes when a man finished with her, called her a good girl, and went on his way with an approving pat on her head, she still felt kind of…empty…inside, even if she was filled to dripping with his semen.

School felt even stranger. In the short time she’d been attending Stonewall Academy quite a few of the teachers and staff had taken her aside for private lessons, but it seemed so awkward to pass them in the halls later, or take their classes, and for them to treat her simply like any other student, nodding politely in greeting, grading her papers, or brusquely tugging the gusset of her insubstantial white school panties aside and unceremoniously probing her girl parts with their fingers to check her grooming and vaginal wetness during uniform inspections, as if they hadn’t recently done unimaginably intimate things to her naked body.

Clearly eligible men truly considered having sex with girls like her simply a routine, enjoyable, but otherwise unremarkable part of their day, and they thought little about the feelings of their young trainees, but although Abigail knew this was right and natural and all part of her purpose, it certainly still took some getting used to.

Mr. Desilva was even more of a special case for her, however, and it was truly unspeakable torture for Abigail to see him every day in class and to have to try and concentrate on the subject matter at hand, all while knowing from breathtaking experience what it felt like to be held down by his strong arms and kissed deeply by his refined lips, the spiced scent of his musky aftershave filling her nostrils as he reamed her little vagina out with his splendidly sculpted penis until she shook and cried out in creamy bliss under his muscular body.

Abigail knew, having been taught a stern lesson at the father-daughter party in the form of a painfully rough fucking by Mr. Stevenson, that it was very bad manners for a girl to ask an eligible man to train her; but still it took every ounce of her strength to resist the urge to throw herself to her knees before Mr. Desilva every time she saw him and beg him to let her suck on his penis, for him to touch her, to kiss her, to take her and give her his cum just one more time…just one…more…time…please…

‘Miss Abigail, are you listening to me?’

She was snapped from her reverie by Mr. Desilva’s voice, whose tone indicated he’d been trying to get her attention for more than a moment, and she blushed furiously as she nodded under his slightly irked gaze and cocked eyebrow, a sheaf of papers extended toward her in his hand.

‘Yes, Mr. Desilva–I’m sorry, sir.’

‘You’re a million miles away, girl.’ Ryan shook his head at her flustered attempts to come back to earth from whatever planet she was on. ‘Would you please distribute these worksheets to the rest of the class and then take your seat while I talk with Miss Beth for a minute? Thank you, that’s a good girl.’

Ryan turned back to Beth with a smile, ignoring the lingering look with which the red-faced Abigail tried to hold his gaze for just a moment longer before making a downcast little pout and proceeding with his instructions.

‘Miss Beth, I need an assistant for our project this afternoon. You’ve been doing a great job in our studies lately, and I know you take the subject matter seriously–would you be my special helper, please, for today’s class? I know you’ll do your best to help the other girls learn the material.’

Beth nodded ecstatically, her big glasses slipping down her nose in her enthusiasm and her thick copper-flashed ponytail bobbing like the tail of a spirited little chestnut filly beneath her big blue hair bow. She pushed the bridge of her glasses up with her finger, her wide green eyes shining with excitement.

‘Certainly, Mr. Desilva! I’ll do anything you need! Oh my gosh, thank you so much for asking me–I’ll really do my best, I promise!’

‘I have every confidence you will, dear girl.’ Ryan smiled. ‘Now go ahead and take your seat, and I’ll call you up when I need you, okay?’

As the students settled in behind their desks and retrieved their pencils and notebooks in preparation for class, a titter of intrigue rippling through the lab as they looked over the worksheets Abigail had passed around, the door opened and Coach Dave Kendrick’s large, muscular, fireman-mustachioed form entered, accompanied as always by his bluff personality and wide, ever-enthusiastic grin.

He was popular with most of the students at Stonewall Academy, and he was met with a chorus of fond, if somewhat quizzical, salutations from the schoolgirls, who wondered to each other in stage whispers why he was joining their human biology class today.

He waved and returned their Escort Didim hello in a booming voice as he strode to the table at the front of the class and greeted Ryan with a firm handshake before stepping a bit to the side and standing quietly with his arms crossed over his broad chest, his giant biceps bulging in the short sleeves of his blue-and-white Stonewall Academy Athletic Department polo shirt, a smile playing about the corners of his luxuriously full red handlebar mustache and a twinkle in his eye.

Principal Darger had been consistently impressed with Ryan’s teaching ability and creative methods, and this class was a special advanced placement biology seminar he’d created for a select few girls who’d shown above-average interest in the topic, and demonstrated excellent grades.

‘Alright girls, quiet down and let’s get started,’ Ryan said. ‘You’ve all done really well this week as we’ve been studying human reproduction. I’m very impressed with all of you, and proud of your hard work–that’s okay, yes, give yourselves a hand; I know it’s been some challenging material–”

He and Coach Kendrick laughed as they joined the girls in some well-deserved self-applause.

‘–And so, like I promised on Monday, we’re going to have something special and fun to celebrate finishing this module on the male reproductive system and behavior.’

This announcement was met with a cheer from the girls, and he raised his hand with a smile to quiet them down so he could continue.

‘Thus far we’ve only used your science textbooks in your studies. Now, while the information and illustrations in there are certainly accurate and informative, you’ve all shown exemplary interest in mastering the particulars of the subject, so today, as a reward and treat, and because I know it will greatly enhance your knowledge of the matter, I’ve arranged for a live demonstration for you of the complete cycle of male sexual response.’

Ryan was gratified to see a hushed thrill of disbelieving excitement ripple through the class; clearly none of the girls had expected their prize to be quite so dramatic or unusual, and they were evidently very proud to have merited such a special, advanced reward for their academic efforts this week.

‘I’ve invited Coach Kendrick to be our model, and he’s graciously agreed to help you all gain a better understanding of the practical mechanics of the matter, using his own personal reproductive anatomy as an example,’ he continued. ‘So let’s thank him, and I expect you all to be respectful and pay close attention, and make the most of this special opportunity he’s willing to give you to learn.’

Coach Kendrick nodded and smiled broadly, his dimples creasing deeply below his high cheekbones.

‘The pleasure is mine, Desilva. When you told me you had a class full of good girls with a strong interest in the subject, I was delighted to help out in any way I could.’

‘Excellent,’ Ryan said. ‘Now girls, you’ll see on the worksheets I’ve provided that there are a number of questions, with space to fill in the answers as we go along. This is all stuff we’ve covered this week, and so you’ll simply complete the sheets as you observe each of the elements we’ve studied take place in real life here with Coach Kendrick. You’ll turn in your completed papers at the end of class, and I’ll grade them over the weekend.’

He motioned to Beth to join him at the laboratory work table at the front of the classroom.

‘As we know, typically an eligible man will experience a strong mating urge when presented with a young, pretty female, so I’ve asked Miss Beth Armstrong to be my class assistant today in helping Coach Kendrick demonstrate the various phases of the male sexual response cycle for you all, and to aid in extracting his semen.’

Beth’s eyes grew wide as she stepped beside Ryan, and she tugged on his sleeve and whispered, her voice full of concern.

‘Mr. Desilva, just so you know sir, I’ve never done this.’

‘That’s alright, Miss Beth,’ Ryan replied, patting her bottom, ‘I promise you’ll do great. Just follow our instructions–Coach Kendrick’s body will respond perfectly well to you, I’m confident.’

He turned to Dave.

‘Coach, how do you like this girl? Will she be an adequate assistant for what you’ll need to do today?’

Dave’s sharp gaze slowly, methodically took in Beth’s body from head to toe for what seemed an eternity, and he stroked his big mustache thoughtfully, clearly enjoying carefully considering her various assets as they pertained to the task at hand.

She blushed and stood up straight as she’d been taught a long time ago; she knew it was her duty to let men inspect her fully in this way, although it was still terribly embarrassing sometimes, and she felt that she never really knew if they liked what they saw.

Nevertheless she set her chin as she resolved to do her best for Mr. Desilva, and clasped her hands politely behind her back like a good girl so Coach Kendrick could properly evaluate her lithe figure, her bare legs where they emerged below her painfully short skirt, and her breasts and nipples nestled beneath her sheer open-collared blouse, and she bit her lower lip and held her breath as she felt his experienced eyes take in every detail of her scantily clothed body.

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