
Hypno Camera Interview


Author’s Notes: As is usual to state on Literotica, everyone involved in sexual situations in this story is over the age of 18.

This story contains elements of hypnosis/mind control, and scenes of incestuous sex between a mother and son done under the influence of that. If you don’t like stories like this, you’ve been warned, if you like it, hopefully this story won’t disappoint you.

Please, don’t forget to comment, rate and if you like it, favorite the story. Constructive critique and feedback is always welcomed.


“OK, we have about five minutes left before we can start,” a young woman who was finishing preparing her camera equipment said. “Buuut, I’m basically done here, so we can do this right away, start a bit sooner. If you want to, of course.”

“Just wait for a bit and we can start Tammy,” an older woman replied to her as she repositioned herself on the large couch positioned in the middle of her spacious living room to make herself more comfortable, “I can call you that, right?”

“Of course,” Tammy truthfully replied. “That’s what we already agreed upon, so, don’t worry. The more casual this is, the better.”

“Great!” the woman exclaimed, before ordering a young man in the neighboring room, “Michael, come here, we’re going to start shooting now.”

“Roger that, Mom,” the young man replied in a slightly annoyed tone of voice, which, in turn, did a good job of annoying his mother for a little as he sat himself next to her on the couch.

The young woman silently sighed to herself understandingly. This must’ve been far from a comfortable situation for him, and she doubted that she would feel much different were she in his place.

The reason for that was that the young man’s mother was none other than Audrey Holmes. A huge film and TV star in her childhood and teenage years, whose shining light unfortunately very quickly dimmed after she had entered adulthood. The business can be quite ruthless, and a single badly chosen role can irreparably damage your career, as Audrey got to understand very well.

Not willing to try to fight to keep her career and successfully transition from a child star to an adult actress, as well as tired of annoying paparazzi and worthless tabloids chronicling her every move, she simply gave up on that life as she became a young adult, secure in the knowledge that she already had more money than she could ever hope to spend.

It seems fated that every middle-aged person will regret missed opportunities in their younger years, however, and Audrey was no exception. And so, after decades of media silence about her, during which she was almost forgotten by the public, fans, paparazzi, pop-culture watchers, and even some of her “fellow” celebrities were shocked to see that Audrey Holmes, that forgotten idol form their childhoods, was back.

Or, at least, was trying to be.

Unfortunately, she didn’t manage to land a single role in any of the movies or TV series she showed an interest in. She was huge once, sure, but there had been a flood of younger talent since then, with none of the baggage she had. She did manage to convince one of her male co-stars from the old days, who turned from a mediocre-to-forgettable child actor into a quite successful film and TV producer and director, to give her a short, but thankfully speaking, one-episode role in the next season of the show he was currently working on, which she was slated to shoot in three months and which she could conceivably finish in a day, but that was nowhere near what she had wanted.

She did also start hanging out with a bunch of young-and-upcoming starlets, who seemed to be rather fascinated by the way her career had gone and the fact that she was trying to get back on the scene, and this, if nothing else, did put her back on the radar a little, in the sense that some cheap tabloids were talking about her again, but this, likewise, was not even near to what she had wanted and expected.

She wanted more.

Much more.

And because of that, she and Tammy were now staring at each other, as Tammy finished setting up her tripod and said, “OK, we’re shooting. In three, two, one…” And just as she finished her countdown and turned the camera on, a strange, red light shot out of a small dark screen at the top of it, drawing the attention of the once-and-returning actress and her son.

They stared at it as if they had never seen anything like that before, and indeed they haven’t. Those specially designed cameras were something that only Tammy’s company was using.

However, there was also another reason why they were staring into the red light, and it had everything to do with what, exactly, Tammy’s company was using those cameras for.

While other tabloids might be OK with trying to goad celebrities into spilling their secrets and embarrass themselves in interviews by tricky or unexpected questions, or trying to emotionally manipulate them, her employers decided to go much further in getting some trash to fill their pages with. Instead of asyabahis yeni giriş hoping that at least a few of the famous people they were interviewing might fall for their tricks and give them some spicy content, they decided to simply make them give them any- and everything they wanted from them.

That was the reason why Tammy, a semi-professional hypnotist, was hired for this job, along with other practitioners of this art, ranging from amateur novices to professionals with decades of experience, and why the company paid for a special camera for each of them, custom made to fit their specific techniques and approaches to hypnosis.

She was still quite unsure of just how much the various celebrities who had at some point been interviewed by either her or her colleagues knew about what exactly was happening during those sessions, apart from the fact that the company published more risqué photos and quotes than the usual, but she knew that it was rather meaningless in the end. They generally barely remembered anything that had happened, and what ended up printed out almost always got them as much attention as they wanted, anyway.

As for those two, well, she was most likely about to find out soon.

Her technique was in full swing by now, with the mother and son duo dully staring into the crimson red, almost laser-like light emanating from that tiny black screen added to her camera.

Now, it was time for her to start pushing this forward.

“Aaand, we’re on,” Tammy announced. “You guys up for this?”

“Hell yeah,” Audrey replied in a much more animated manner than the dull expression she had on her face just a moment ago would imply, seemingly waking both of them from the trance, before quickly adding with the smallest hint of the dullness from before. “Just give me a question, you can ask me anything Tammy.”

“Oh, I know I can,” Tammy thought to herself with a knowing smile. “So, first question, get ready,” she said, as Audrey theatrically stiffened and repositioned her body to brace herself for it. “And let’s dive head-first right from the start. Are you happy with your current life?” Tammy asked, startling Audrey and Michael a little.

Then, Audrey laughed loudly.

“Well, to tell the truth, and this might make me sound like a bitch,” she said, starting to reply to Tammy. “But, I’ve always been happy with my life. Content as well. Always was, still am, and probably always will be. Happy ever since I got picked for We’re Great Friends when I was seven, and content ever since I learned how much I was to be paid for every single episode I appeared in. Ever since that, it just continued going like that.”

“So, what would you say convinced you to get back in front of cameras?” Tammy asked, as she flipped a few buttons and switches on her camera. Suddenly, the bright red light disappeared, its sudden absence startling the two people on the couch in front of her slightly for a moment. Now, in place of the light, there were three small, bright circles, running around the screen and each other wildly, while changing their colors erratically.

“Well, ummm,” Audrey replied, getting used to the new scenery on Tammy’s camera. “Well, how to say this… Nostalgia. That’s, that’s really all I can say. Thought about those days, and, well, you know, just, I kinda got nostalgic for that.”

“I understand,” Tammy replied with a smirk, the noticeable simplification of Audrey’s vocabulary not passing her by. It would of course soon recover as her mind got used to the lights, nobody needed them to sound like that for the entire interview, but it was a clear signal that her technique was working. Just a couple of moments, and she’ll be getting what she actually came in here for…

“I’d like to ask Michael something now, if you don’t have a problem with that,” Tammy added.

“Course not!” Audrey enthusiastically replied.

The young woman smirked to herself, before turning the camera to face the young man, who was just as entranced by its hypnotic properties as his mother was.

“What do you think about your mother’s attempts to get back into the spotlight?” she asked.

“Well, it’s what it is,” he dully replied, before adding in a much more animated manner, “As long as she’s happy, I will of course be happy as well. I am her son, so, I do not need to be reminded that I should.”

Tammy nodded, the smirk from before still on her face. She hadn’t missed the sudden change in the tone of his voice right in the middle of his answer. Or the one in the way the two of them were looking at her. Or, for that matter, the quite transparent, rehearsed nature of his dishonest answer.

This was it. Now was the time to up the ante.

“So, Miss Holmes,” she said, before being suddenly interrupted by her.

“Please, Tammy, call me Audrey!” she enthusiastically demanded.

“Alright, Audrey,” Tammy corrected herself. “What kind of movies, or shows, do you see yourself most likely doing in the near future? If you do in fact manage to get back in front asyabahis giriş of cameras?”

“At this point, whatever gets thrown my way,” the former star admitted with a light sigh. “I of course hope that it’ll get better eventually, but, I think that all of your readers already know what my career is like now. Beginnings are always hard, even repeated ones.”

“Quite right,” the interviewer replied, before adding, without missing a beat, “So, if the situation calls for it, are you open to any adult-only roles?”

“Well, yes! Of course!” she replied, eliciting a pained groan from her son, prompting her to quickly discipline him, “Quiet, Michael!”

“I’m sorry if this question was inappropriate,” the young woman fake-apologized.

“Don’t worry, I knew it was coming,” her male peer replied.

“Shush!” his mother further silenced him, bringing a finger to her lips as she did so. “No reason to apologize. As I’ve said, you can ask me anything. It’s just that, being a caring son, Michael sometimes does things he doesn’t need to protect me.”

“I see, I see,” she commented.

In truth, she saw much more. Their verbal abilities had fully returned to them, but the rest of their cognitive skills was only more and more lacking, with their emotions and base instincts taking over.

Good. That was exactly what she needed, and it came even sooner than she had expected!

“But, I can’t help but ask, and I’m sure most of our readers would be interested in this as well. I mean, haven’t you already had a naked role in a movie? Have you never talked about it with your son?” she asked.

“Oh, yes!” the older woman replied excitedly, her eyes gleaming, as her son started shifting around nervously and uncomfortably. “Sweet Chronicles of Adulthood! My best role. I turned eighteen a few months before the shooting started. The content of the movie makes it quite obvious, heh!” she said, before once again turning away from the camera to start disciplining her son.

Tammy just stood there until this short verbal fight was over, ending with the young man’s shoulders slumped and his head looking down, while his ecstatic mother was staring back straight into the camera. She knew exactly what kind of action was required from her at this point…

“Clearly, there’s some tension in the air here,” she said. “Stemming from the fact that only one person in here had gotten naked in front of a camera. How about we change that? Michael, could you take off your clothes? I’ll do it as well, if the thought makes you too uncomfortable.”

She barely kept her poker face as his gaze shot up to meet hers, before falling to focus on her breasts. What she had just told them didn’t make any real sense, but thanks to the camera, it wasn’t like they could really think logically at this point, or that they wouldn’t obey her orders anyway. Though, if her experiences had taught her anything, it was that young guys like him would happily get naked, no matter their personality or circumstances, if a young woman like her had offered to do so as well. The fact that he was hypnotized merely added some additional certainty as to what was about to happen.

“Well, look at the new adult star!” Audrey commented with amusement, as her son nearly ripped his clothes off of him.

Tammy undressed much more slowly. She was in control of the situation and liked to enjoy that feeling, even if she knew that they didn’t really understand what was happening. First, she slowly sent her tight T-shirt on the ground. Then, she teasingly swayed her hips a few times, enjoying the way Michael’s gaze was glued at her body, before letting her black jeans cover the T-shirt. Then, her bra came off, and she was pretty sure she could see the young hunk’s body shake as his heart skipped a beat while he watched it. And then, finally, her G-string had likewise left her body.

“Quite right Audrey,” she commented. “I’ve seen a lot, but trust me, your son would do really well in this kind of business.”

“Oh, you also don’t look half bad, honey!” the actress reassured her. “Just look at the way he’s looking at you.”

“Better?” she asked him.

“Much better,” he replied.

“That’s good, cause Sweet Chronicles of Adulthood is all we’re going to talk about,” she admitted to them, eliciting a burst of muffled laughter from her.

“So, Audrey,” she said, her tone once again quite serious. “What made you take a role like that?”

“Well, I was eighteen, what more can I say!” she replied. “Just seemed like the right thing to do.”

“Did you enjoy the naked scenes in there?” was her next question.

“Quite,” she admitted. “But one was much better than the other ones.”

“Yes,” Tammy admitted. “Do you believe you could do a scene like that today as well, if you needed to? After all, it’s inevitable that our looks fade, so…”

“Wow, wow, wow!” the older woman had once again interrupted her, before starting to take off her clothes. “Don’t worry, I’ve still got what it takes to draw the viewers with my body, asyabahis güvenilirmi and I can prove it to anyone, at any time. You guys think you’re gonna flaunt your bodies and make me look like a middle-aged asexual? Yeah, forget that.”

“That wasn’t my intention in the slightest,” Tammy admitted. “But, if it makes you feel more comfortable, feel free to do this. After all, if we can do so, so can you.”

With a satisfied look on her face, she watched as the older woman stripped herself right next to her son, and in front of her camera. The comfortable-looking T-shirt and asymmetrical skirt went off almost immediately. Then, her heavy bra, 36F from what Tammy could tell, followed, freeing her large breasts. They’ve, of course, already sagged a little, but that didn’t stop them from looking great, as the entranced look on her son’s face while he stared at them proved. When she took off her underwear, exposing her mature, bushy pussy, Tammy had barely noticed it.

“Damn, now that’s something,” she commented at the sight of Audrey’s body. “You could really do that scene again, right now, and nobody would be able to tell the difference. By the way, we can never be sure whether everyone knows what we’re talking about with our interviewees, so, could you explain what scene we’re talking about? It would be much hotter than adding a footnote or something.”

“Oh, of course!” she replied. “The, so-far, one and only unsimulated sex scene of my career. The characters of me and my co-star, Patrick Crane, were at a party where some aphrodisiacs got passed along, so, of course, we showed what would realistically happen in that situation. We didn’t have any aphrodisiacs, but he still fucked the shit out of me, all on camera.”

Tammy smirked as she saw Michael’s cock hardening.

“Have you ever talked to your son about that scene?” she asked.

“Not really,” Audrey replied. “But, I’ve mentioned some bits here and there.”

“Did you enjoy that scene?” was the following question.

“Of course!” was the chipper answer. “With such a hot guy, how could I not?!”

“How did Mister Crane look like?” Tammy asked.

“Like this,” the older woman replied dully whilst pointing at her son, as if she was answering the dumbest question she had ever heard.

“Was his cock similarly hard?” the young woman asked as she stared at the rock-hard, seven-inch prick pointing straight at her, surprising herself with how much the action in front of her was turning her on.

“Well, certainly seems so,” the star replied with a mischievous grin on her face. “Let me check that.”

Right after she had said that, she grabbed her son’s cock, and Tammy knew that she got what she needed out of this interview. Entranced by the sight in front of her just as much as the two were entranced by her camera’s hypnotic lights, she saw as the woman completely shamelessly jerked her son’s cock a few times, before turning back to look into the camera with a happy, oblivious smile on her face.

“Similarly hard, but I think he’d hold back much longer,” she proudly announced. “But, of course that my son would be awesome,” she added, making Michael smile for the first time since the interview had begun.

“All right,” the younger woman replied, still processing what had just happened. “So, back to that scene. There are rumors that Michael was conceived during it. Is that true?”

“Well, I did just say that he looks like a young Patrick, didn’t I?” the older woman replied without missing a beat. “And, well, why else do you think I would’ve stepped away from the spotlight, than taking care of a child?”

“Understood,” Tammy replied.

Her heart was beating like mad. She had seen a lot in this line of work, but this was getting ridiculously arousing even for her. Involuntarily, not meaning to do so in the slightest, her right hand had slid down her body towards her groin, and she started to lightly tease her moistening pussy.

“So, when you’ve mentioned some ´bits and pieces´ about that scene to your son, those were?” she blurted out.

“He knows all the basics of how he was conceived, of course,” Audrey replied matter-of-factly. “But I haven’t talked about stuff, like, the way I was feeling during each thrust, the stuff we were eating before that, and so on.”

“So,” Tammy spoke again, thrusting her fingers deeper into her pussy as she did so, “if I asked you two to reenact that scene, would both of you know what to do, or would you have problems with it?”

“Of course not!” was Audrey’s response. “Right honey?”

“Hell yeah,” her son replied, his desire to come obvious.

With her heart pounding so hard she could feel it in her ears and a look of disbelief on her face, she watched as the mother and son repositioned themselves to get ready to fuck, while she just masturbated at the sight.

“Alright, so, that scene started with a nice, sensual blowjob,” Audrey commented into the camera, before turning back to face her son’s cock.

She had by now gotten off of the bed and was kneeling in front of her son, who was likewise kneeling while staying on the bed, allowing his cock to point straight at her face. Without hesitation, she hungrily took the hard cock into her mouth, and Tammy’s body shook lightly as she could feel her pussy twitch at the sight.

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