
In Defense of Eunuchs


In Defense of Eunuchs

Saturday dawn was peaceful; my wife Valerie had gone off to coach a school soccer team, leaving me with little else to do than relax in my pajamas and slurp hot coffee while reading the paper. I sat in the living room, drenched in the sun’s morning light, and inhaled the smell of freshly brewed coffee. I felt calm and relaxed, free from the hustle and bustle of the outside world. I relished my Saturday morning solitude, simply enjoying the present moment without a care in the world.

I was startled by the doorbell. Beth, a close friend, who lived just a couple of houses down the road had dropped by unannounced. As always, I greeted her with open arms and asked her to take a seat while I got her a coffee. We began to chat about our respective day-to-day lives, but soon I realized that something else was on her mind. She was troubled by something.

“Is everything OK with John?” I asked.

“Oh yes, “she said.” John is off at some sports thing or other. Although this is about him in a way.”

“Could I discuss a very delicate subject with you?” she asked.

My wife Valerie and I had known Beth and John for years. John and I were regular golfers. Beth and I and my wife frequently took art classes together at our local arts center. The four of us had played at a winter weekly bridge club since they had moved into the neighborhood years ago. We were all in our fifties. Valerie and I had a son; Beth and John a daughter. Both kids away at different universities. John had had open heart surgery which seemed to slow him down a bit. I’d had prostate cancer which had restricted me a lot. Our wives were in much better shape than John and me.

My wife Valerie is a fifty-year-old teacher who has a love of sports. She has been teaching for more than two decades She is particularly passionate about soccer and coaches her school’s team. She loves being able to have a positive influence on young people and watching them grow both on and off the field.

Val is medium height and average weight. She had auburn hair that she keeps short, making her look fit and athletic. Her brown eyes tend to be her most striking feature and friends often remarked on the sparkle they seemed to have.

I’m Will, at fifty-eight, the oldest of our little group. I enjoy life, being married to Val, and my job. Although the prospect of early retirement does sound very appealing. My mid-level management job runs like clockwork. I am super-efficient, delegate well, and my polished people skills keep my team efficient and satisfied. So, life is not too stressful. I have many interests and hobbies which keep me happily occupied.

One big kick in the gut however was getting prostate cancer. I did not see it coming and had to get some critically grave treatment to beat it and pull through.

Between the radiation treatment and the hormone shots, I was basically impotent. The inability to have normal erectile intercourse was a handicap but Valerie and I figured it out over time. The only thing missing was vaginal penetration but that was really overcome with a variety of sex toys. Val’s sexual satisfaction level is probably higher than when we used to have a “normal” sex life a couple of times a week. Even though I could not ejaculate I got extreme pleasure and satisfaction from our many more frequent sex nights.

Val and I have kept our bedroom routine very private. We don’t tell anyone about it, preferring instead to keep our methods of sexual satisfaction to ourselves. We are both very private people, so this was a natural fit for us. We have never shared this with anyone else, even John and Beth.

John and Beth are an unlikely pair but a perfect match. He is a mid-fifties dentist with a practice on the outskirts of town. He enjoys watching sports, especially college football on TV. John appreciates good quality scotch whiskey, the real stuff.

He’s stocky, standing at about 5’8″ and tipping the scales at just over 200 pounds – a little overweight. His hair is short and neat, and he has a trimmed beard with a touch of white that gives him a friendly, almost grandfatherly look. John has an outgoing and gregarious personality and is always willing to lend an ear or offer a helping hand. He is well-known in our community for his big-heartedness.

His wife Beth is a librarian who loves literature, classical music, and art. She is about four years younger than John. She can recall stories from books with vividness and accuracy that leaves her listeners in awe. Although she is strict in her adherence to rules, she has a warm and inviting nature that makes her a popular figure in the library. Despite their differences, their conversations and company are intense and full of laughter; Val and I love to hang out with them.

Beth leaned forward in her chair.

“This topic is a bit touchy. Can I speak openly? Just a couple of questions.”

“Beth, I’ve known you for years. There’s nothing we can’t discuss freely, heart-to-heart.”

“You know John is going for the same treatment Sincan Escort as you for prostate cancer. He is – we are – concerned about the effect on his — our — sex life afterward. I can only imagine the effect this has had on you.” She paused.

“Am I embarrassing you? We don’t have to talk about this if you don’t want.

“No. It’s OK. Things are what they are. I’m alive and living a full life and happy life. Better than the alternative.” I smiled.

“When people say “erectile dysfunction,” what does that really mean? No ejaculation? No hard-on, what?” she looked at me carefully as she paused. “I am embarrassing you. I know I’m embarrassing myself. You and I have never talked like this before.”

“No. I’m not embarrassed. I rarely talk about this. I think it means different things to different people because the effects vary from person to person depending on how early it is detected. To be honest, in my case it means exactly that. No erection and no ejaculation. Unfortunate, but you have to live with it. It could be worse.”

“So, if I touched your penis, even played with it, you would not get hard?” she asked

“I don’t believe so.”

“You don’t believe so or you know so.” She pushed.

“I know so.”

“I have a request that you might find strange. A proposal that may not be acceptable.” Beth hesitated, still looking straight into my eyes. “I will not be offended if you reject my suggestion outright.”

“My god, Beth. It sounds like you want us to rob a bank together!” I laughed. “Or even worse, you plan to ravish me in my own living room!”

“I have no designs to violate your body, Will,” she lightly assured me with a hand on my arm. “But there is one part I would like to put to the test.”

“In the old days, in battlefield triage, there was a shortcut called ‘test touching’. It was part of the screening process, and medics used it to see how well a soldier was feeling. It was easy to judge if he was worth the trouble of saving. When done right, it can provide information about a wounded man’s health condition. The idea was to see if he responded to sexual stimulation.”

“So, I’m like a wounded warrior and you want to know if I can get a hard-on?”

“Basically, yes. Would you be embarrassed if I tried that?”

“I don’t think I’d be uncomfortable, but I might feel self-conscious that a beautiful lady was playing with my dick and it was not responding.”

“This is very awkward, Will, but would you disapprove if I checked? There is a reason.”

“OK, Beth. I don’t see how this will help. Just be gentle with me.”

“Could you just slip your pajamas down for a minute?” she asked.

This felt a bit weird. I knew Beth was not a crazed nymphomaniac, so it was a curious request. Since the waistband of my PJs was elastic, I was quick to ease them down below my knees.

Beth hesitated briefly, locking her focus on my docile penis.

“OK if I touch it?” she asked.

“Go ahead. I’m in your hands “I joked.

She grasped my soft dick teasing and playing around with it, flopping it from side to side. She tugged and swept it upright and cupped my balls with her other hand. After a few minutes of stroking and squeezing, she paused.

“Will, one more step. Would you just fondle my breast for a little while?” She undid a couple of buttons on her shirt, reached into her bra, and lifted out one beautiful full tit. She lifted my hand up to cup it. Surprised, I took her full breast in my hand and started to squeeze it and play with her nipple.

I really probed and caressed her tit reproducing all my choice techniques, squeezing and tugging for about five minutes, especially on her hard bud.

“You’re still pretty good at this!” She gasped.

“Oh, I still practice. There’s still a lot of fun to be had.”

“OK. Thanks, Will. I see what you mean about the penis. There is just no reaction. Thank you for this.” She looked reflective as she pushed her tit back into the bra cup and fastened up her shirt buttons. “Thank you.” She said smiling.

“I should be thanking you. That wasn’t too tough a test.” I joked, “I am eager for my second test, which promises to be more exciting. This will give me a better understanding of the female anatomy. I could demonstrate my knowledge and skills in my favorite area.”

Beth smiled, then frowned.

“No, that’s not the next test, you cheeky man! I said two questions, not two tests.” I was taken aback by the sudden change in her demeanor. Her cheerful smile had been replaced by a thoughtful expression. She held my gaze firmly and spoke in a low, measured tone.

She said, “I know you’ve cooperated well so far, but this is the point of no return. The big ask; the second part of my objective.” She paused. “Again, if you are embarrassed by my scheme or feel uncomfortable, then stop me. It may make you feel nervous or disturbed. She paused. “This is difficult for me to suggest because I could end up being very embarrassed and humiliated.” Etlik Escort She took a deep breath.

“Should John end up in a similar situation, erection-wise, after his treatment for prostate cancer, he – we – thought it might be a good idea to capture our normal, traditional lovemaking on video for the record.” She paused to let that sink in. “We have tried setting up my iPhone on the bedside table, but the results were not good.

“There is nobody in the world that we could trust to capture such delicate moments. It would have to be completely private and totally safe and secure.

“Can you grasp where I am going with this, Will? Would it freak you out?

She continued, “John would not feel challenged or judged. And I would feel that nothing could get out of hand.”

“With me being a eunuch, you mean?”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to put it like that. But yes. That’s the general idea.

Also, we’ve all known each other forever. There’s nobody we would trust or count on more than you.”

“It’s OK. I know what you mean.” I assured her that I was not offended.

“Also, it would need to be strictly confidential” she continued, “Not even Val could know about it. Everything would be just on my iPhone. No copies. I would keep the record of it in the vault of my Dashlane account with password protection.”

Secretly, my heart raced with excitement. It was my chance to see her naked body in action. This was an opportunity too good to pass up. I couldn’t believe it. I had fantasized about such a moment since the first time I met her many years ago. Sure, I would play the nice guy. But the veiled inner pervert was on a path to psychedelia.

“Where would this happen?” I asked, trying to sound cautious. “In your house?”

“Yes, in the privacy of our bedroom. Just basic stuff. John loves blow jobs so we would start with that. He does not go for eating pussy so we would just follow up with basic sex. A couple of positions maybe. You could move around as necessary for different angles and close-ups, et cetera.”

She added, “We would make sure the room is well-lit!”

She looked deep into my eyes. I felt a connection with her that I had not felt before. The intimacy of the moment was unspoken, but palpable between us. I was unable to look away.

“Are you shocked by my proposal? It may seem extreme, but we want to capture a point in time that cannot be recreated. It may be an extreme act of voyeurism that we may regret in the future. Or it could be a treasured memory that we take to our graves.”

She paused as the question sank in. It was something she had been dreading for days, but now that it was here, she felt strangely relieved. She had prepared herself for this moment, gathering all her courage and her resilience for whatever was to come. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the answer.

“Please say something. I’m feeling really hung out to dry here.”

My initial reaction to her was one of surprise. I was overwhelmed by the sincerity in her voice, and the look in her eyes betrayed a deep understanding of the situation.

“Beth, I, more than anyone, understand your need to capture a memory of your love and to document it,” I whispered. “Of course, I will do what you want. I am humbled by your trust in me. I would never reveal a word of this to Val or anybody, ever.” I reassured her. “I’m grateful for the chance to help. I’ll make sure you and John are pleased with the outcome. I know what this means to you.”

I admired her courage and creativity to undertake such a task. It took a special kind of vision to bring such memories to life and preserve them

Taking her hand in mine, I said, “I will strive to make sure that this project is a success.”

I reassured her, “This secret will stay between us. I will not mention it to Val. Let’s keep life simple.”

Val was committed to her coaching duties the following Saturday. She had made a promise to her team that she wouldn’t miss any of their upcoming games. She had to leave early, but she was determined to make it back in time for lunch. She had left the house just before sunrise and then drove to the soccer field.

Beth and I had arranged for me to arrive at their house at about nine o’clock. This would give them time to breakfast and shower. I imagine that they had put some thought into how to maximize their appearance.

John and I had not discussed any of this. All communications had been through Beth, so I had no idea how he felt about the enterprise.

“Good morning, John.”

I waited for his reply.

“Hey, old buddy. How’s it hanging?” Somewhat inappropriate, I thought.

John offered me a cup of coffee. “Thanks for doing this, mate. It means a lot to Beth.”

He sounded quite upbeat and seemed to have no angst or qualms about the upcoming shoot. He was happy about getting laid on a Saturday morning, maybe with the kinky extra of being videotaped. He was probably looking forward to other sports Çankaya Escort activities later in the day. Beth, on the other hand, was totally uptight. Her face had a nervous aspect and she looked to be on the verge of calling the whole thing off as she wrung her hands together.

John was wearing sports shorts and a tee shirt. Beth had on yoga pants and a loose white top. I could tell she was braless.

“OK, mate. Let’s do this.” Said John as he grabbed another piece of toast and headed toward the bedroom.

I glanced at Beth. I gave her a reassuring look, to let her know that everything was going to be all right. She seemed to take comfort from my expression and nodded her head slightly in understanding. Her own features softened a bit and she sighed in relief. I smiled back at her and gently took her hand as we slowly followed John.

The room was quite luxurious. It had a king-size bed that was surrounded by high-end furniture, such as a dresser and a nightstand. The room was well-lit by a large ceiling lights, as well as two bedside lamps that were situated on either side of the bed lending a warm and cozy atmosphere. The heavy drapes were closed to fend off the morning sun. creating a snug mood enhanced by a quiet background of smooth jazz. The room was filled with a beautiful mix of colors, patterns, and textures that blended together seamlessly to give it an air of elegance.

We started with Beth kneeling on the edge of the bed facing John who stood in front of her. John casually slid his shorts down and stepped out of them. His tool was limp and just hung there, suddenly becoming the center of our attention. He slipped his tee shirt off and cast it aside. John reached down and lifted Beth’s shirt up, as she knelt upright, lifting her arms. John drew the shirt over her head. revealing her full breasts in the lamp light.

As I guessed, she was not wearing a bra, so she knelt in front of us leaving both her full ample breasts exposed to me for the first time. I knew her breasts were nice; smooth white skin with delicately rounded contours, crested by dark nipples. Without a bra, they hung from her chest like fruit begging to be tasted. Her areolas were enlarged, but her nipples were not erect. She was well aware that we found her breasts pleasing, and she was not ashamed to show them off. She felt empowered when she was able to use her body to draw John’s attention. Now she knew that she had the potential to make me admire her beauty. John’s hand moved to work first on one breast, before concentrating on her dark nipples

His fingers wandered over the surface of her areola and tweaked her buds, circling her nipples with a gentle stroke. Her eyes looked down following his caresses, her lips slightly apart. He looked at her with appreciation. I looked at her with a desire to capture every detail of her beautiful breasts.

John moved his hands onto her shoulders as Beth took his dick in one hand. When she leaned forward, her tits hung down as she moved her mouth towards John’s member which was now responding to Beth’s ministrations. After a few licks and sucks John’s dick responded with a generous erection; longer than I expected for such a stocky guy. Beth was working John’s tool with both hands and taking him well into her mouth. John’s head was thrown back; his eyes closed. John reached out his hands and started to play with Beth’s free-hanging tits, feeling the weight of them, squeezing them, and playing with her nipples.

Beth now had John’s dick in her mouth and was cupping his balls.

I moved closer and zoomed in on a pair of beautiful full breasts. The areolae were perfectly round. Dark brown and not too large. The nipples were cute little nubs. They were perfectly shaped but still quite flat. I wanted to spend the rest of the movie just focusing on her tits. But Beth got back to work on John’s knob so I had to get back to work capturing the scene. I got some great close-up angles of the fellatio with some nice shots of Beth’s face and closed eyelids.

Beth asked John to sit on the side of the bed and shuffle backward and lie down. She moved around to straddle his legs, her knees on either side of his ankles. She leaned forward to continue sucking him off. I moved around behind Beth. In this position, she was totally exposed to me. Her cunt was right in front of my face. I took some close-ups of her vaginal area. Her outer lips hung down a bit, one a little more than the other. She had a delightful shield over her clitoris. Her vulva and mound were cleanly shaven. I guess she had prepared for the occasion. I was surprised that she was completely dry. I was expecting at least a glistening of moisture, especially as she was moaning a lot while sucking off John.

Then I realized she must be faking it a little. She was nervous and not letting her natural reactions take their course. This situation was less than normal and did not fit the narrative of what we were trying to capture., I decided to add a little realism by wetting her a little. I put the video on pause and then I soaked my fingers in spittle and wiped her lips making them shiny and wet. It made Beth jump a little. I ran my fingers over her. Then I added more moisture stroking inside her outer lips. She must have realized what I was doing and why I was doing it. She reached one hand behind her back and gave me a thumbs-up.

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