
In the Swing of Things Pt. 01


I had been friends with Tim and Evelyn for about two years when they invited me to their place for a New Year’s Eve party.

We met at college. I was a student, just entering the second semester of my freshman year. I met them each as Professor Anderson. He was teaching Literary Analysis, and she was teaching Women in History. I thoroughly enjoyed both classes, and performed admirably. They both made it a point to praise my work and Evelyn even told me I was her favorite student that semester. I would frequently be asked to stay after class and discuss my papers with them. They were genuinely interested in my insight on whatever the topic of the week was.

My academic achievement was not the only reason I enjoyed those classes. Well, Women in History at any rate. The first thing I noticed when I entered that classroom for the first time was that Evelyn was strikingly attractive. She was not tall, but not short, with an average build. However, the way she dressed showed off her figure in magnificent ways. Skirts that clung to her hips and ass. Blouses that only just kept her breasts in place, usually unbuttoned just enough to show off some cleavage (C-cups, easy). High heels, black-framed glasses, and her dark red hair pulled back with just little ringlets left to frame her face. What really stood out were her strikingly green eyes. No matter what expression she wore, her gaze could kill a man. I was really glad that the lower half of my body was hidden behind my desk, because I spent most of her classes with a raging hard-on.

Tim was not an unattractive man, himself. I had just never really looked at another man like that. I never had a problem admitting when another man was attractive. Objectively speaking, sometimes they just are. A lot of guys would probably never say anything like that out loud for fear of sounding gay. It never bothered me. Sometimes a handsome dude is a handsome dude. No sense pretending they’re not.

Tim was taller than Evelyn, and thinner. He didn’t have stereotypical good looks for a man, but he had a strong face and his smile always reached his bright blue eyes. He had blond hair, cut short and parted down the middle. He had an athletic build; I could tell his muscles were well-defined every time he wore a short-sleeved shirt. He wasn’t jacked, though. He was clean shaven, but he did briefly attempt to grow a mustache about halfway through the semester. That lasted for about a week, and I think Evelyn made him shave it.

When the semester ended, and they weren’t my professors anymore, they invited me to join them for a drink at one of the local bars. A few of my other classmates were there, and some of the other professors. When they weren’t teaching, they were both pretty laid back. Tim spent most of the evening leaned back in his chair with his feet up on the table, joking and laughing louder than anyone. Evelyn was just as hot dressed down as she was dressed up. She liked to wear low cut shirts and tight jeans. She still wore heels, but she had traded her pumps for a pair of thigh-high boots. Her hair hung down to her shoulders, but held the ringlet curls that suddenly drew my attention even more. I couldn’t help but stare as she bent over the pool table at one point, giving me a perfect view of her ass.

We continued to hang out over the summer, and really became friends. Even once the next semester started, we kept hanging out and went to a lot of college functions together. It was rarely just the three of us, though, as they were usually in the company of other professors. A lot of my friends among the students were usually around, too. So, we never really got to hang out just the three of us.

The New Year’s in question came in the middle of my junior year. We had attended parties together before, including New Year’s parties. However, this year they were playing host. I didn’t even think twice about accepting the invitation, and ran out to pick up a bottle of wine so I wouldn’t show up empty handed.

“Big plans?” my roommate asked. I was standing in our apartment (we had moved out of the dorm together the previous semester), adjusting my tie in the bathroom mirror. I had on a purple dress shirt with black slacks and tie. I had just combed my brown hair, parted slightly to the side, and shaved the stubble off the sides of my face leaving just my goatee.

“Everybody has big plans tonight,” I said, taking a last look at myself. “Where are you headed?”

“The Gamma Girls are having a party,” he said. He was dressed up for the night, too, with a white dress shirt and leather jacket. “Don’t expect to see me in the morning.”

“I rarely do on party nights.”

“You gonna get any tonight?”

“I don’t know,” I said. “Not sure who all is going to be at this party. Maybe I will, or maybe not. I’m not going to assume I am, just in case I’m disappointed.”

“Well, best of luck to ya.”

“Thanks. Either way, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

We went our separate ways, and I made Şirinevler Escort my way across town to Tim and Evelyn’s place.

The party was already going when I got there.

“Alex!” Evelyn greeted me enthusiastically as she answered the door, and my jaw nearly hit the ground. She was wearing a nearly skin-tight black dress, with a short shirt that showed off most of her thighs. Once again, she sported a pair of boots, knee-high this time. The top of the dress was low, and it looked like her breasts would burst out of it at the wrong move. Her eye shadow made the green of her eyes stand out even more, framed as ever by her striking red hair. “So glad you could make it!”

“I wouldn’t miss it,” I said, shocked that I was able to utter a word without my voice cracking. She pulled me into a tight hug, and I took a moment to revel in the feeling of her chest pressed up against mine.

“Come in and get yourself a drink.” She took my coat and the bottle of wine, then directed me through the living room and down to the basement.

I had been to their house once or twice before. They had a finished basement, with a bar along one side. Opposite the bar was a sliding door, leading to a patio in the backyard. Despite the freezing winter night, they had a fire pit blazing and few people were gathered outside. I, however, went straight for the bar.

“Hey, Alex!” Tim shook my hand as I approached. “What can I get you?”

“Just start me off with a beer.”

“Start you off?” he said, pulling a bottle of lager from the minifridge and passing it to me across the bar. “How drunk are you planning to get?”

“I don’t know,” I said. “I still have to drive home at some point.”

“We have a guest room in case you can’t,” Tim said. “And lots of couches. Don’t hold back tonight. Enjoy yourself.”

I took his advice, and after my third beer I switched over to cocktails. Tim was something of a chemist, apparently, when it came to mixed drinks. He liked to experiment with new mixes, or slight variations on old favorites.

“What’s this?” I asked at one point, as he passed me a drink. I hadn’t asked for anything in particular.

“Try it,” he said. I took a sip, and was hit by the sweetness of it. There was a good amount of alcohol, too, but it wasn’t overpowering.

“What is it?” I asked again.

“You know how a Fuzzy Navel is orange juice with a little peach schnapps in it?”


“Well, this is peach schnapps with a little orange juice in it.”

Needless to say, I did get rather tipsy as the evening drew on. I wouldn’t say that I was completely without my wits, but I was certainly not fully in control of myself. Especially the words coming out of my mouth.

When the moment came, and the ball started to drop on TV, I found myself standing alone in the room. It was packed with people, of course, but nobody was with me. I was okay with not having someone to kiss at midnight, so I just counted down along with everyone else and didn’t give it a second thought.

What caught me completely by surprise was when Evelyn came up to me. The confetti was still falling as she swooped in and placed her arms around my neck.

“Happy New Year, Alex,” she said, and pulled me into a kiss. My eyes shot wide open and my heart exploded in my chest. Instinctively, I kiss her back, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her in closer to me. My cock stirred in my slacks, and I suddenly hoped she couldn’t feel it. Even so, when we broke apart she flashed me a huge smile before turning back into the crowd. I had to take a moment to catch my breath, then with a sudden shock of realization at what just happened I looked frantically for Tim.

I spotted him almost right away, and he was already looking at me. For an instant, I completely panicked. He had definitely seen what had just happened, and I braced myself for the worst. As if I wasn’t shocked enough already, he surprised me even further by raising his drink and winking at me.

I decided I needed another drink, so I made my way back down to the basement. I was drunk enough that it was quite a stumble for me to get there, and by then the initial shock had worn off. So, when I saw that Evelyn was tending the bar now, I had no reservations about walking right up to her and asking for another drink.

“Are you okay?” she asked. “Are you sure you haven’t had enough already?”

“I’m fine,” I said. “Just need to clear my head a bit, I think.”

“Well, here…let’s open up that wine you brought.” She opened the bottle and poured a glass for each of us.

Just about then, another one of her friends made her way over. She was laughing as she approached, and held out her phone for Evelyn to see.

“What the hell?” she said.

“I know!” her friend said, still laughing.

“Is that from David?”

“It is!”

“He seriously sent you a fucking dick Şişli Escort pic?!”

“He really did!” Evelyn was not laughing as hard as her friend. Whoever this David guy was, I almost felt bad for him. Not a lot, mind you. I never understood the whole dick pic thing, and anyone I knew who had ever sent one always proved themselves to be a major douchebag. As Evelyn and her friend continued to lose it over this guy’s pitiful attempt at flirtation, the phone ended up being set down on the bar. I glanced at it for a second, and got a full view of this dude’s junk. The humor of it was the fact that this guy felt the need to send the pic. Fortunately for poor David, Evelyn and her friend were definitely not making fun of his size.

I have no idea what possessed me at that moment. Must have been the booze talking because I said, “I’m about that size.”

There was a momentary pause in the laughter, but it quickly resumed again. Evelyn, however, wasn’t laughing quite so hard anymore.

“Is that a fact?” she asked. One eyebrow raised, and her smirk turned from pure amusement to something I couldn’t quite read.

“I mean…last I checked,” I said. I casually took another sip of wine. I wasn’t lying. The last time I measured my dick it came out to nine inches when fully erect. Judging from the size of the hand holding the dick in the picture, it was roughly about the same.

Evelyn looked at her friend, her expression changing again. Now she seemed…determined, I guess.

“I’ll be back,” she said quickly, and hurried out from behind the bar and disappeared up the stairs. I thought that was a little weird, but then immediately decided I was too drunk to care. I finished my wine, then stood up and went upstairs, too. I knew there was food laid out in the dining room, and I decided to see if there was anything left.

As I reached the top of the stairs, though, I almost ran straight into Evelyn. She was hurrying back toward the basement, and nearly crashed into me.

“Whoa! Sorry about that,” I said, and moved aside to let her pass. She did not move past me, however. Instead, she took my arm and started to pull me along behind her.

“You should come with me,” she said.

“Why? What’s up?”

“I…just want to show you something.”

I started to follow as Evelyn pulled me along. It was a few seconds before I realized, however, that she was not leading me back into the basement. We were not going downstairs…we were going upstairs.

The sounds of the party died away behind me as we reached the second floor hallway. I had no idea where Evelyn was taking me, but my mind started to race as we passed the guest room. Once we passed the bathroom, my heart leapt into my throat. The only other room was at the end of the hall. Tim and Evelyn’s bedroom.

The door was wide open, but I hesitated at the threshold.

“What did you want to show me?” I asked, seriously wondering. As I said, I had been to their house before. I had never seen their bedroom.

“Actually,” Evelyn said, letting go of my arm and grabbing a hold of my tie, “I was hoping there was something you could show me.”

Before I could say another word, she pulled me by my tie into the room and kicked the door closed. I was about to try to speak, but she silenced me by pulling me into another kiss. This wasn’t like our last one, though. That had been somewhat playful. This kiss was deep and passionate. She let go of my tie, wrapped her arms around my shoulders and her hands started wandering over my back.

Once again, I was completely taken aback, unsure what to make of this. Then the alcohol decided to think for me, and I dove into it. I kissed her back with all the passion I had in me, my mind flooding with memories of every time I checked out her ass in the classroom. Every time I caught a glimpse of her cleavage. Every time she flashed her green eyes in my direction. At that moment I could not have cared less that she was another man’s wife, or that that man was a friend of mine. One of the hottest women I had ever had the privilege to know in real life was shoving her tongue in my mouth, and that was the only thing that mattered.

The next thing I knew, her hand had moved down to my crotch and she was stroking me through my slacks.

“I did feel this thing before,” she said, breaking the kiss. “When I kissed you at midnight.”

“Yeah,” I managed to say. “I…couldn’t help it.”

“You don’t have to apologize,” she said. With each stroke of her hand, my cock got a little harder. “What I want you to do is show it to me.”


“You heard me,” she said, starting to undo my belt. “You made a pretty bold claim a minute ago. I want to see if it’s true.”

“You could just take my word for it.”

“Where’s the fun in that?”

She locked her eyes on mind, sporting a wry smile as she undid my belt and opened my slacks. I felt her Taksim Escort hand gently move up the inside of my thigh, then reach inside the flap of my boxers. I gasped as I felt her hand brush up against the bare flesh of my cock. Her smile turned even more mischievous, and before I knew it my cock was out.

“Oh,” she said. “You weren’t kidding.”

“Thank you,” I managed to say. How I do not know. At that moment I felt like every drop of blood in my body had flowed into my dick, and it was harder than ever, thus removing my capacity for tangible thought. Evelyn stroked down on it, slowly, until her hand came to rest against my stomach. My cock gave a little twitch.

“Well,” she said, with a seductive chuckle. “Somebody’s happy to see me.”

“I can’t say I blame it,” I started. “I mean here we-“

I never finished my sentence. The only thing I could do was fight for breath and back myself against the bedroom door. Evelyn dropped to her knees and ran her tongue along the underside of my head. I gave another twitch, and with an impish smirk she took me in her mouth.

My back slammed against the bedroom door as I lost all feeling in my legs. Evelyn took the whole length of my dick in her mouth all at once, then slowly drew back. All the while she moved, she rolled her tongue in slow circles around the bottom of my shaft. She stopped and kept sucking on the head of my dick, and brought a hand up to slowly stroke me as she did. Her other hand reached up my shirt to my chest, where I felt her nails dig in. She slowly dragged her hand down, leaving bright marks in my chest and stomach. At the same time, she moved forward, taking my full length back into her mouth again.

I didn’t realize at first that my eyes were shut tight. I forced them open, looking down to see this absolute goddess on her knees, a perfect view of the top of her cleavage, and her gorgeous green eyes looking back up at me. How I didn’t cum right then and there I have no idea.

“Jesus fuck!” I managed to say.

“Glad to know you’re enjoying it,” Evelyn teased. “I certainly am.”

I looked down again to see that she had pulled down her dress. She pushed up on her knees, and pressed my cock between her breasts. I couldn’t believe how soft they were. Without even a second thought, I started to move my hips, fucking her tits as she moved in time with me. With another sly grin, she leaned down and let the tip of my cock brush against her tongue while I fucked her chest. Each time it did, she gave her tongue a little flick. After a few thrusts, she opened her mouth and took the head, each time rolling her tongue around it.

“You’re dripping,” she said, as a few drops of precum escaped. She lapped them up eagerly, her eyes rolling back into her head a little as she did. “You taste amazing. I want more.”

She practically jumped to her feet, grabbed my hips, and turned me so I could be pushed back onto the bed. In less than a second she was on top of me, my cock in her mouth again, bobbing her head faster and stroking me with both hands. As she increased her speed, my head fell back and I reveled in the feeling. She was amazing! Her hands, her mouth, her tongue! Evelyn knew what she wanted, and she was fantastic at what she did.

I was so into it, so lost in the sensation of what may well have been the best blowjob I had ever received, that I never heard the bedroom door open. I never heard it close. What I did hear…was the sound of someone clearing their throat.


My eyes shot open, and I looked up to see Tim leaning against the door. I flew into a total panic. A rush of embarrassment and guilt swept over me. I felt like such a piece of shit. I braced myself for whatever wrath Tim was about to visit upon us, already conceding that I fully deserved it.

Much to my surprise, both Tim and Evelyn seemed completely at their ease. Tim leaned against the door with his arms crossed, looking almost as if he were casually waiting for a bus. Evelyn has stopped sucking my dick, of course, but looked over her shoulder at her husband and smiled. After a brief pause, Tim spoke again.


He waved his hand in a way that encouraged us to continue. Evelyn’s smile grew even wider, and she went right back to what she had been doing. She lost no momentum, picking up where she left off and going at it even harder than before.

I was in complete disbelief. I don’t know what I expected, but it certainly wasn’t that. As Evelyn worked on my cock, Tim moved to stand behind her. Slowly and methodically, he lifted up her dress to expose her ass. I watched him slowly slide her black lace panties off, then he stood up again and leaned over his wife’s shoulder.

“How does it taste, baby?” he asked her. Evelyn surfaced to answer him with a grin.

“It tastes amazing!”

“Is he enjoying it?”

“He better be. I’m using some of my best moves.” She went back to it, now accompanying her strokes with a slight twist of her hand. Her head matched the motion as she slid up and down my shaft. A moment later, her eyes shut tighter and she began to moan. I peered over her shoulder and saw Tim’s arm moving behind her. I couldn’t see his hand, but I had a pretty good idea that he was fingering Evelyn while she blew me.

“Give it to him good, sweetheart,” he told her. “Don’t hold back.”

“Give me more,” she gasped.

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