
Incestuous Harem’s Passion 6: Sisters’ Naughty Roleplay


Incestuous Harem’s Passion

(An Incestuous Harem Story)

Chapter Six: Sisters’ Naughty Roleplay

By mypenname3000

Copyright 2019

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this!

January 28th, 2027 – Detective Nelson Tucker

I strode into the Sacramento Superior Courthouse with my partner, Sunny Savage. She had a march to her step like she was going into battle. In a way we were, the battle to take down that bastard Clint Elliston. He thought his perverted ways could continue. To flout propriety. This investigation was getting bigger by the day.

Once we hit him, we could hit so many others. The administration of his college, other members of his family, and who knew who else would be swept up in our net. This was a major corruption case as well as sexual crimes.

At the metal detectors, we pulled our ID and badges, flashing them to the sheriff officer manning the security point. He nodded, opening the small gate that bypassed the metal detectors. We strode fast, heading up to Ed Thomas’s office. He was a senior prosecutor. Experienced and sharp.

The perfect guy to bury Clint.

My trench coat swept as we hustled down the halls. We reached the third-floor office and knocked. “Enter!”

Ed Thomas had a large office, his desk covered in paperwork. He had a table to the right, buried in more paperwork that looked like it was in the process of being assembled into a case. A young paralegal was there, moving things around, glancing at a checklist.

“Nelson,” Ed said, grinning at me. He had graying hair, his hairline retreating swiftly. “You salty old mutt, they still letting you run around.”

“Still bumpers that need chasing,” I said. “Got one that belongs to a real asshole.”

“Yes, yes, I have those notes around here,” he said, glancing at his desk.

“Got a big case going on?” I asked.

“That pollution case with Tyler Metalworks,” he said. “Goddamn nightmare of paperwork.” He chuckled. “Going to be interesting.” He glanced over at my partner. “She’s young.”

“You’re just old,” Sunny answered.

“Ain’t that the damned truth,” Ed said. “Well, let’s hear this warrant you need.”

“Just you here?” I asked as I took a seat at his desk. “I thought there was another prosecutor on the case.”

“She’s getting a massage,” he said. “You’re an hour early, right?” He glanced at his watch. “Thought we were meeting at noon.”

“Did I say that?” I frowned.

“Doesn’t matter,” Ed said. “I need a break from staring at all this bullshit. We’re in discovery, and as you can see, they buried us in paperwork.”

Sunny glanced at the stack of boxes, the type that held reams of paperwork, in the corner. She winced.

“Yeah.” Ed grinned. “They’re trying to hide something in all that mess. Can’t wait to find it and bury their asses.”

“We got a real prick that needs burying,” Sunny said. She opened up her satchel. “We have a sworn witness statement here.” She handed it over. “This woman puts Clint Elliston in a sexual encounter with his aunt nine months before she gave birth to her last child.”

“That’s the one with the three kids by some Canadian you can’t prove exists?” Ed asked, scanning the paperwork.

“Yep. Just get us the warrants, we’ll draw blood from Clint, Vicky Samuels, and her daughter Phoebe. We prove his daughter and that’s incontrovertible proof that Clint’s committed incest. Then we just have to start testing other children. Like his mother’s fourth child, Clinton Elliston III.”

“Wait, she has two sons named Clinton?” Ed said. “Jesus, not even trying to hide that, is he?”

“Nope. Then both his sisters, Zoey and Alicia, have three children with fathers we can’t track down. Further, we have a statement from another witness who saw Clint and Zoey having sex, and we have a photo where it’s possible he’s having sex with Alicia. Though it’s inconclusive.”

“Right, right, this is a mess,” he said. “But I’m not going to get a blood draw warrant.”

“What?” Sunny gasped. She leaned down. “We got the fucker, let’s get him.”

“We have a hearsay statement,” he said. “She didn’t see anything.”

“You know that’s bullshit,” I growled. “Hearsay’s allowed if it’s statements made by the principal that show them in a bad light. Don’t fuck around with me.”

“It’s slim. She says she never knew Clint. How do we know that it was him.”

“She picked him out of a photo lineup,” Sunny said. “Along with Pam Elliston and Melody Samuels. They were with him that day.”

Ed leaned back. “It’s still a bad idea to do this. If I get a blood draw warrant, the first thing he’ll do is have his lawyer do an immediate stay. He interned with Elisabet Reenburg. You know her. She’ll have us spending three or four months dealing with her motions and appeals. She’ll challenge this on so many grounds. She might even win. This will give Clint time to work with his friends. Get me more. Real proof that I can spring on him at once. Hard evidence that doesn’t require us alerting him until we’re ready to bury him.”

“Fine,” I growled, frustration rippling through me.


January 29th, 2021 – Clinton “Clint” Elliston II

I held my two eldest daughters, both three-and-a-half-years-old, to my chest. Hikaru and Christie felt light as I cradled them in my arms, but they were groaning fast. They were my two daughters born from Pam and Melody. Hikaru was tuckered out from the long wait, but Christie seemed rested. She parted her hair around, a fine down of light-brown silk that fell about her face.

“We’re going to meet your new sister,” I said as marched down the hallway. “Doesn’t that sound fun.”

“Another one?” Christie asked. Her face blanched. “I want to be your only daughter, Daddy.”

“Well, don’t you have fun playing with Hikaru?”

“Me and Hikaru then,” she said, her words adorable.

“What about Amber?”

“She’s okay. But she’s young.”

I chuckled. “Not that much younger than you. And Cassandra or Reina?”

Christie’s face blanched. “They’re babies.”

“So babies are bad?” I asked her, arching an eyebrow.

She nodded her head.

“Mmm, but you’re their big sisters, which means you got to look out for them. You and Hikaru. That’s your job.”

“I don’t wanna have a job,” she said.

“A lot of people have that idea,” Melody said, walking at my side. A smile played on her lips.

“Some jobs are fun,” said Zoey. My big sister marched down the hallway. She was getting out of the stripper business. This summer, she was going into business with the Campo sisters. They were opening up a massage parlor. Women only. It sounded positively naughty.

I heartily approved.

“What about you, Amber?” Lee asked. “Do you want a job?”

My third oldest daughter, Amber, tottered after her mother holding her hand. She was adorable in her pink frock, her dark-brown hair gathered in two small pigtails. She was sucking on her thumb. She popped it out and said, “No!”

“See, see!” said Christie. “I don’t want a job, Daddy. I want to play.”

“And you can play with your new sister,” I told her as we rounded the corner.

Christie’s little face twisted in disgust. “Not if she’s a baby. They’re boring. They just cry and sleep and poop.”

“I remember when you were a baby,” Melody said. “That does sound right.”

Alicia giggled. She was carrying one of our children, our daughter Cassandra while her twin, little Aaron, stumbled on his stubby legs, holding Alicia’s hand. My youngest sister still looked adorable, but her schoolgirl look was muted now. She had graduated from college, growing up. But she would always be my little princess even if she couldn’t quite pull off that adorable look any longer.

“Here we are,” Mom said. She had come to get us. She had been in there with Aunt Vicky while she was giving birth to my daughter. She was holding our son, Clinton III. He was sleeping in her arms, holding her tight. My firstborn son. I hoped he would be my heir.

I wonder how many sisters he would have in his harem. If I had my way, he wouldn’t have to hide the fact that he was loving all his sisters. He would be open about it, leading the submissive ones around by leashes, marrying the ones he fell in love with.

I just hoped he left a few for his old man to enjoy when they turned eighteen.

Mrs. Hiragawa held my now second-youngest child. Reina was six months old, cradled in her arms sleeping. Pam’s mother looked so radiant holding our daughter. She was an amazing mother. All my women were great mothers.

All save Zoey.

When would she let me breed her? She wasn’t my girlfriend or my princess or my sex slave. She was my fuck buddy. I couldn’t order her to be bred like I did with Aunt Vicky, and she seemed to have no interest in it, much to her girlfriend Stefani’s chagrin. They walked holding hands.

Mom shouldered open the door to the maternity room and revealed Aunt Vicky on her hospital bed. She looked exhausted and yet radiant. She was nursing our daughter Phoebe. The look of motherly delight on her face was incredible to see. Christie leaned forward. Hikaru stirred on my other side and looked up. She rubbed at her sleepy eye and then gasped.

“A baby, Daddy!” she said, twisting in my arm.

“That’s your new sister. She’s Phoebe,” I said, this feeling of awe falling on me that I always felt when meeting one of my children for the first time. A tingle raced through me as I came to the bed. My sex slave looked up and had shiny eyes.

“Isn’t she beautiful, Master?” she asked. “She’s a hungry one. Takes after her father.”

I smiled.

Clinton stirred. He lifted his head from my mother’s shoulder and had this serious look on his face. At two, he was rebelling more and more at being held by my mom. He squirmed in her arms and then glanced down at his sister. He stared at her and I wondered what he was thinking.

Would Phoebe be one of his women one day?

“Makes you think, huh?” Stefani said, nudging Zoey. “About our own.”

“I’m good,” Zoey said. “Nothing stopping you.”

“I don’t want to go through that on my own. We’re doing it together, Yunie.”

“Daddy,” Christie said, squirming, “how can Phoebe be your daughter if you’re not married to Aunt Vicky. Can’t only married people have gaziantep eskort bayan babies.”

“I’m not married to your mother, am I?” I asked her. “And we had you.”

Her brow furrowed. This look of confusion crossed her face. “You’re not married to them? Don’t you love Mommy and Mommy Pam?”

“Of course I love them,” I said, the words prickling at my thoughts. “It’s complicated, honey.”

“That’s a big word.”


I found myself stepping back from the bed and allowing my women to sweep in around Aunt Vicky. Lee picked up Amber so she could see better. The sight pushed down my daughter’s words. I held the two girls and smiled at my family around me. This was something worth fighting for. Worth changing the world so we didn’t have to lie about anything.

Then I could marry all my women, especially the two I loved the most. Incest and bigamy. Why did the world have to think this was wrong? Who cared who I loved? I wasn’t forcing my sisters. They were all consenting.

Why couldn’t we be allowed to make it official?


Vicky Samuels

I shuddered as everyone surrounded me. The last time I had a child, the family was smaller. Clint had looked much like Clinton, the same age as him, and my Master had been held in my sister’s arms. Clinton even had that same serious expression Clint had at two. Back then, the first Clint, the man whom I still love and whom I missed, held Melody and Zoey in his arms like my Master did now with his eldest daughters.

Bubbling joy shot through me as the children all began to babble, talking about their new little sister. Phoebe was such a delight. I was so glad to have one last daughter. I glanced at young Clinton and hoped he would be as good a big brother as my Master.

My Master had to succeed in legalizing incest. Our family was too beautiful to be considered illegal.


Clinton “Clint” Elliston II

Christie’s words still echoed through my mind that evening. My mom was with Aunt Vicky, keeping her company, while the rest of us took the children home so they could get some sleep. I was feeling antsy, so I got out the rope.

Lee was always a delight to tie up. She kept herself limber and in great shape. She loved running, her body leaned and lovely. I went with a bright-red rope to contrast against her skin, a deep scarlet that would look beautiful.

“Ooh, yes, that’s tight, Master,” Lee cooed as I worked the knot.

Shibari, Japanese rope bondage, was a work of art. There were always new ways I discovered to wrap them about her body. Tonight, I had her legs bound at the ankles and then spread wide at the knees. They were thrust over her head. Her arms behind her and bound down her back. I wrapped the ropes around her breasts, squeezing them tight, and had two going around her pussy lips, pulling them open and revealing her pink depths. Her juices dribbled out of her as I worked.

“I like this pattern,” Pam said, smiling as I worked the braiding weave of rope up Lee’s back to finish up the binding. “And the legs being spread wide. That’s a nice touch.”

“She’s going to be dripping pussy juices on us all night,” Melody said, this gleam in her eyes.

“I figured you’d like that,” I said, grinning at my blonde queen.

“Mmm, all night long,” said Lee with this happy contentment.

I didn’t know how she could sleep tied up, but she could. She was happily confined and dripping wet. It was amazing how different we could all be. We had the same father and our mothers were sisters. Melody and I were dominants, Lee was a masochist submissive, Alicia a pampered princess, and Zoey just liked having fun.

How would my children turn out?

“You’re ready,” I said, attaching the right part of the bondage thick hook dangling from a heavy-duty rope that was hung from an eye bolt sunk deep into the ceiling joist. It could hold three times Lee weight without issue.

I hauled her up, pulling on the rope, sliding her higher and higher. She gasped as she lifted off the bed. The rope creaked and swayed, turning slowly. She turned, her hair swaying around her face. She squirmed as she reached the peak. A naughty chandelier to dangle over us.

“How’s that?” I asked as I secured the end of the rope to another hook set in the wall with a bowline hitch.

“Just perfect, Master,” she said with a soft sigh. “Mmm, I feel amazing.”

“I bet you do,” I said. Already a drop of cunt cream fell onto the bed. “It’s not biting into you in any places. No tingling.”

“Circulation feels fine,” she said, wiggling her fingers and toes. “No pinched nerves.” She smiled at me. “Just a hot cunt and that wonderful abrasion all over my skin. Ooh, I’m going to be striped for days.”

“Good,” I said as she rotated around. I grabbed her head and turned her, I planted a hot kiss on her mouth. I plundered my tongue past her lips, dancing with hers.

Pam turned off the lights and then I pulled the covers back. I slid into the bed and my two women followed, Pam snuggling up on my left, Melody on my right. I stared up at Lee as she slowly creaked above, her eyes gleaming in the dim light coming through our bedroom window. The rope was almost black against her pale flesh.

“Phoebe was so cute,” said Pam. “Mmm, you make cute babies, Clint.”

“Wanting another one?” I asked.

“If we weren’t in graduate school,” she said. “But I do. When things are more settled. It would be nice to have a second one of your children.”

“More rugrats to run around the house,” said Melody, a big grin on her face.

“You can breed me whenever you want, Master,” Lee said. “Say the word, and I’ll stop taking the pill.”

“Or just forget again?” Melody asked slyly.

“I’m forgetful sometimes,” Lee said with that faux innocence.

“Furniture is supposed to be quiet,” I reminded her.

“Right, Master,” she said. “Sorry. I just like being bred. You could do it against my will. Just pin me down and ram that dick into me from behind and pump me full of your cum so I’ll be your pregnant slut that you—”


“Right, sorry, Master,” she said.

“Maybe we should put a vibrator in her cunt,” said Melody.

“Then I won’t be able to sleep,” Pam said. “I’d have to hear that buzzing away all night.”

“Hmm,” I said, staring up at Lee. She slowly turned above us, creaking back and forth. The sound was comforting. The personification of domination. I studied Lee while Christie’s words echoed through my mind. They resonated again and again.

“Should we get married?” I asked my two women.

“Bigamy’s not legal yet,” Melody said. She pressed against me, her breasts round against my side. “I thought you wanted to wait until then.”

“Maybe…” I stared up at the ceiling. “I could marry one of you legally and both of you spiritually like Dad with our mothers.”

“So you’d be marrying Pam, huh?” Melody asked.

Pam stiffened beside me.

“I didn’t say it would be Pam,” I said carefully.

“She’s the one to marry though,” Melody said. “No rumors that she’s really your sister. No one outside the family has any idea about it. There would be no issues. I’m still your cousin. Might look weird to outsiders.”

“You’re not mad?” I asked, still studying Melody.

“No,” Melody purred and then she straddled my body. She rubbed her shaved pussy on my cock. She rubbed her snatch up and down my shaft. She slid up me. Her juices soaked me. “I get to be the mistress. Mmm, you can fuck me in public. Let people see you screwing someone that’s not your wife.”

“Are you going to make me into a cuckqueen?” Pam asked.

“A what?” I asked.

“You know, a female cuckold,” Pam said. “The one watching in the corner while the wife gets nailed, only it’s my husband nailing this trollop who’s enticing him with her beautiful body. And I just have to sit there in the corner, fingering my pussy, watching you drive your cock in and out of her pussy. You’ll fuck her so hard.”

“Oh, god, yes,” moaned Melody. “You have to marry her.” She ground her juicy pussy on my cock. She coated me in her cunt cream. She slid her snatch up and down my cock faster, her pussy felt amazing on me. Her clit rubbed pressed hard on me, this delicious bump. “Then I’ll fuck you. We’ll make her watch as I make you explode.”

“Oh, yes, yes, make him explode,” moaned Pam. She pulled away from me and boldly thrust her fingers between her thighs. Her round face twisted with pleasure. Her plump breasts jiggled. She slammed her digits deep into her cunt. “Fuck my husband. Ooh, give him all that pleasure.”

“Yes!” hissed Melody, squirming on me. She pressed into my chest, her breasts soft against me.

“This is hot,” whimpered Lee. “Wait, sorry, Master. I’ll be quiet.”

“So hot,” groaned Pam. “Slide that twat down my husband’s cock. Ooh, just engulf him with that slutty cunt!”

“Such a slutty cunt,” moaned Melody, her juice soaking me. I loved the feel of her nipples on my chest, the plumpness of her breasts. “I’m going to engulf your married cock in my pussy. I’m going to massage you. I’m going to slide up and down your cock. Ooh, you’re going to erupt in me. You’re going to explode in me.”

“Am I?” I asked. “Can you make me cum harder than my wife can?”

“God, yes!” Melody moaned. “Look at her. Mmm, she’s just so wet for you to fuck my pussy. She’s masturbating like the little cuckqueen she is.”

“Yes, yes, I just want to watch you fuck her, honey,” Pam whimpered.

Damn, this roleplay was getting hot. My sisters were delicious. I grabbed Melody’s ass. I squeezed her rump, my fingers digging into her tight ass. I slid her pussy up my cock, her breasts rubbing into my chest. Her labia slid against my shaft. Her clit brushed across the tip before her cuntlips nuzzled against the crown. She wiggled her hips, staring down at me.

Then she slid her pussy down my cock. She engulfed me with her incestuous twat. This incredible, silky heaven slid around my shaft. I groaned, my fingers gripping her asscheeks. I held her tight as she took more and more of my cock into her cunt. My half-sister took every inch of me.

“Ooh, yes, you’re fucking my husband now,” moaned Pam. “Look at you, just taking his cock like a nasty whore.”

“Mmm, but I’m the whore that’s fucking your husband,” panted Melody, her cunt clenching around my cock. “Ooh, he’s so big. Such a huge cock I get to fuck while you just get to watch.”

“Uh-huh,” Pam moaned, her fingers pumping in and out of her pussy.

I smiled at my Japanese sister, loving the lust reflected in her dark eyes. She was so gorgeous. All my women were. I groaned as Melody slid her pussy up my cock. She gripped me. She held me tight. Her snatch massaged me. Teased me. She undulated her hips, stirring her amazing twat around my cock.

There was nothing like being in the pussy of a woman related to you. Sister. Mother. Aunt. All delicious.

Her lips kissed at my cheek. She licked me with her hot tongue as she swiveled her hips. She stirred her incestuous passion around my aching cock. She slammed down my shaft, engulfing every inch of my dick. Her nipples rubbed against my chest. The pleasure surged through me, warming my balls.

She rocked on me, her ass flexing beneath my hand. Melody moaned and panted. She gripped me tight in her silky heaven. Her breasts rubbed into my chest as she worked her pussy up and down my cock. She gave me such bliss. She spilled pleasure through my body.

The rope creaked above.

I glanced up at Lee. I loved the sight of the rope bound about her body. The red cords were wrapped around her round breasts, squeezing them into jiggling mounds. She watched with lust in her eyes. A drop of pussy juices fell from her cunt, splashing on my hand.

“Oh, yes, yes, I’m going to make you explode in front of your wife,” purred Melody in my ear. “You’re going to fire all that juicy cum into me, aren’t you.”

“Yes!” I growled.

“Cum in her cunt, honey!” whimpered Pam. “Ooh, yes, yes, I love watching you. It’s so hot. Fire all that jizz into her.”

Melody moaned, rocking faster. I helped her, pulling on her ass and then slamming her down my cock. Her breasts massaged my chest, those hard nipples sliding over my skin. I loved the feel of her on me. Around me. My cock throbbed, the pressure building and building at the tip.

She was bringing me closer and closer to the point of eruption. To spurting into her juicy snatch. I would pump into her cunt. Just flood her with all my incestuous seed. Pam whimpered beside us. She bit her lower lip, both hands now between her thighs.

They were rubbing and fingering and pleasing herself. My Japanese half-sister groaned. Her eyes watched us with such lust. Her breasts trembled together. The wet plunge of her digits echoed beside us.

“Oh, damn,” I growled. “I’m going to fire so much jizz into her cunt, honey. I’m going to flood the slut with all my seed.”

“Do it!” she moaned. “Oh, yes, yes, do it, dear! Make me utterly into you cuckqueen!”

“Then I’m going to make you lick your husband’s cum out of my cunt!” Melody moaned, her pussy squeezing down around me.

“Yes!” Pam squealed and then she came.

It was a sight to witness. I couldn’t believe she was beating us to that moment of explosion. She bucked on the bed, her spine arching. Her breasts heaved and jiggled together. Both her hands rubbed feverishly at her cunt. She moaned and gasped.

Melody worked her pussy faster, her hips swiveling, stirring around my cock. She massaged me, whimpering as we both watched Pam writhe through her orgasm. My dick throbbed in Melody’s cunt. The pleasure built and built in my balls.

“Damn,” Lee muttered. “She’s getting off on that. I love it.”

“I know!” I growled. “Look at you, honey, just getting off on being my cuckqueen!”

“Yes, yes, yes!” howled Pam.

“Oh, god, I need you to cum in me!” moaned my half-sister. She slammed her pussy down my cock. “I need that jizz in me, stud!”

Her pussy went wild around my cock. That silky, delicious snatch spasmed around my shaft. Her snatch milked me. Sucked at me. I groaned, my balls tensing, bathed by the hot juices gushing out around my dick.

“Fuck!” I snarled and erupted.

My hot cum fired into my sister’s pussy. I basted her with my jizz. She squirmed atop me, her pussy writhing around my dick. Her delicious flesh milking me made every spurt of my seed send ecstasy slamming through me.

Stars burst through the darkness. I bucked beneath her, thrusting up and shifting her cumming pussy around my cock. Her hungry cunt worked on me. Eruptions of my jizz fired into her pussy. My spunk splashed into her pussy, soaking her in my cum.

“Oh, damn, yes,” I growled. “Make her lick your cum out of you. Make my wife lick you clean.”

“God, yes,” Melody moaned as her pussy wrung out the last of my cum.

My orgasm peaked and then died.

In a flash, Melody was sliding off of my cock. Her pussy popped off as she crawled off of me. She rolled Pam onto her back then pivoted. Melody threw her left leg over Pam and straddled her head. She sat up straight, pressing her pussy right onto Pam’s face.

“Lick out all your husband’s cum from my pussy!” moaned my blonde half-sister. “Oh, yes, yes, see how much he came in my cunt. Mmm, clean me up, you naughty cuckqueen!”


Pam Hiragawa

I loved this fantasy.

My half-sister’s shaved twat ground on my face. She rubbed the hot folds of her pussy into my mouth while our brother’s cum poured out of her and into my mouth flavored by her sweet juices. They were incredible. I flicked my tongue out. I ran through her cuntlips, lapping, licking, and feasting on her.

They felt incredible against my tongue.

I fluttered my tongue up and down her slit. I danced through her folds. I caressed her. Teased her. I darted my tongue through that wonderful and juicy snatch. I feasted on her. It was incredible to do. Her cunt tasted just amazing. Hot spunk dribbled out of her and flooded into my mouth.

She ground her pussy on my lips. My tongue darted through the depths of her pussy. I flicked up his salty cum and her sweet cream. Her breasts jiggled above me. She grinned as she stared down at me.

“Mmm, yes, yes, see all that cum your husband fired into my twat?” she purred. “How much he loved my cunt.”

“Yes!” I moaned, this cuckqueen fantasy rippling through me. I was studying psychology and sexual paraphernalia. It was so exciting learning about the science behind kinky behavior that our family delved into.

I loved to watch, and this cuckqueen fantasy just fed on my voyeuristic delight while adding this strange, almost masochistic rush into it. This humiliation that only intensified my orgasm while I was masturbating. For a moment, it was like I was watching my husband being taken from me by another woman, witnessing the pleasure they shared.

I came so hard.

“He fired so much jizz into you,” I groaned. I fluttered my tongue up and down her slit. I licked at her. Lapped at her. I loved every moment of it. She rotated her hips. She ground her hot twat on me. She shuddered, smearing her pussy up and down my folds. “Feed it to me.”

“God, that’s hot to watch,” groaned Clint. “Fuck, just feed her all that jizz.”

“Yes, yes, yes,” moaned Melody. “Lick all that jizz out of me. Ooh, you’re just such a slutty cuckqueen. Feasting on your husband’s cum marinating in my pussy. He loved my cunt better.”

That sent another wicked thrill through me. I shuddered and thrust my tongue deep into her pussy. I was strangely submitting to this. It was such a delicious roleplay. My tongue darted through her folds, lapping at her, devouring every bit of cum out of my half-sister’s cunt.

The incestuous mix of their juices fed this wild hunger in me. I fluttered my tongue up and down. I swirled through them. They were gasping. Moaning. The bliss flowed through me. I wiggled my hips from side to side, my thighs rubbing tight, my pussy on fire.

It was so hot eating her.

My pussy was on fire. I needed a cock in me, but I was too busy licking her cunt to ask for it. I fluttered my tongue up and down her folds. I teased her. Licked her. I feasted on her while she moaned and squeezed her tits.

“Oh, yes, yes, you little cuckqueen!” moaned Melody. “Damn, that’s it. You’re getting me clean.”

“Just lapping all my cum out of you,” Clint said. “What a nasty, little wife she is.”

“Yes!” I squealed and bucked, wanting to marry my brother so much.

I slid my tongue through her folds, not finding any more of his cum. That was always the sad part of eating a creampie but it also meant I got the full enjoyment of eating my sister’s incestuous twat. Now I just had her sweet juices to enjoy.

They were wonderful.

I brushed her clit. Stroked her labia. My fingers, sticky with my cunt cream, grabbed her rump. I massaged her as she ground on me. She gasped and moaned, gripping the headboard as she ground on me. Lee panted above us, the ropes creaking.

“Damn,” growled Clint. “That’s it, just devour her. Feast on her, honey. I love it. Lick my mistress’s cunt clean!”

“Yes, yes, yes!” gasped Melody. “I’m cumming on your slut-wife’s mouth, stud! Oh, god, yes!”

Sweet cunt cream flooded my mouth. The hot cream gushed out of her. She flooded my mouth. Filled me up again and again. This was incredible. A rush to enjoy. My body bucked and trembled. The bliss rippled through me. My eyes fluttered as I licked up her pussy cream. I wiggled my hips from side to side, rubbing my thighs together.

My tongue kept stroking her, cleaning up all those wonderful juices. Her moans echoed through hour bedroom. Clint watched us with hungry eyes. I knew he would fuck one of us before we all fell into sleep.

Which one? His mistress or his wife?

This was such a naughty game.

“Oh, damn, that’s good,” she moaned. “Oh, yes, yes! I love it. Oh, my god, I love it so much! Just drink all my pussy cream!”

“So good!” grunted Clint.

He ripped Melody off of my face. She gasped as she landed on her back. He was kneeling. The top of his head brushed Lee’s thighs. If he rose his head up all the way, he could feast on her pussy while fucking us. It looked like he was going for Melody again.

I was the cuckqueen tonight. No cock for me, but that was okay. It was so hot getting to watch.

“Let me put it in, Honey,” I moaned and slid around. I straddled Melody, bringing my trimmed bush to her hungry lips. “Let me slide your cock into your mistress’s pussy. I know you love her cunt more than me.”

Clint’s head shot up. He had this look on his face. Concern. He met my gaze, and I could see he was about to ruin the fantasy by saying something wonderfully romantic. I smiled at him and winked. He relaxed, knowing it was just part of the game.

Tomorrow night, we’d be back to being his sister-lovers. His incestuous queens. Tonight, I was reveling in this fantasy.

I grabbed his cock, still wet from Melody’s pussy. As Melody slid her tongue through my cuntlips and sent such a wonderful wave of delight through me, I grabbed a pillow. I shoved it beneath her rump, forcing her to lift herself up with her legs.

“Now you have to fuck her asshole,” I moaned, pressing his cock past her pussy. I had to go by feel because I couldn’t see. I slid him past her taint, my hand caressing her skin. I felt the edge of her sphincter and knew he was on target. “You have to pound your whore in the asshole and cum hard. I know she’ll make you explode.”

“God, you’re such a loving wife,” Clint said, staring at me with hunger in his eyes.

I winked at him.

He rammed into Melody’s asshole. She moaned into my cunt. Her tongue fluttered through my depths. I gasped and arched my back. My head snapped up and I came face to face with the grinning, mischievous Lee. She licked her lips and arched her eyebrow at me.

I grabbed her head and kissed her hard on the lips. I thrust my tongue into my sister-slave mouth while grinding on our other’s sister’s lips. Lee whimpered, her tongue caressing mine. Melody groaned into my cunt. The bed rocked as my husband fucked her.

“Damn,” growled Clint. He thrust hard and fast. “What a view. You got a dripping pussy, slut. Just such a nasty cunt. I bet you could use some stimulation.”

Lee moaned into our kiss. The ropes creaked. Her entire body twitched, shifting her mouth against mine.

I held her head tight, kissing her as Clint devoured her cunt and fucked Melody’s asshole. The bed rocked as the four of us loved each other in our own perverted ways. Incest blazed between us, uniting us.

I rubbed my furred muff into Melody’s hungry tongue. I savored her exploring my twat. She feasted on me with that naughty tongue. I kept kissing Lee, savoring the sweetness of her mouth. The ropes creaked as she squirmed and ground her cunt on my face.

The slap of flesh on flesh echoed through our bedroom. Clint growled into Lee’s cunt. I bet he had his tongue thrust into her pussy like Melody’s was in me. Just swirling around, stimulating the little brat the way bliss was rushing through my body.

Only I could cum all I wanted.

I broke the kiss with Lee and stared into her brown eyes. “You wish you could cum, don’t you?”

“God, yes, Mistress Pam!” she moaned. “Ooh, Master’s got his tongue deep into my pussy.”

“Mmm, yes, yes, my husband is feasting on you while your sister is devouring me.”

“I hope she makes you cum so hard, Mistress Pam,” Lee groaned. “Oh, god, because Master is going to make her explode with his cock. He is fucking her so hard. Hear them?”

“Yes!” I gasped as that smack of flesh on flesh echoed through the room.

“Her asshole feels amazing, honey,” growled Clint. “And your pussy tastes delicious tonight, whore.”

“I’m so glad my nasty, slutty cunt is pleasing you, Master!” she moaned. “Eat me! Devour all my juices out of me while fucking Mistress Melody’s asshole!”

“God, he’s fucking me so hard!” whimpered Melody. “I’m going to explode on him. Ooh, yes, yes, ram that dick in me.”

She thrust her tongue back into my pussy. My pleasure built and built as my orgasm hurtled towards me. What a wonderful and wicked night. I was so glad to share this wild experience. I ground my cunt on Melody’s hungry face, the pressure building and building. I was moments from that explosion of rapture that would send me over the edge.

That delicious burst of ecstasy that would have me trembling and heaving. My breasts jiggled and swayed. My pussy ached. My cunt clenched around Melody’s probing tongue. My clit rubbed into her chin. As her lips moved, she massaged my bud.

“Fuck!” growled Clint. “I’m going to flood that tight asshole.”

“Oh, god, do it!” hissed my half-sister into my pussy. “Shit!”

Melody bucked beneath me, her turn to cum first. She moaned into my twat. Her passion vibrated around my pussy lips. Then she latched on my clit. I gasped and kissed Lee hard. I squealed into her mouth as I came.

My pussy juices gushed out of me.

Waves of rapture washed through my body.

The pleasure flowing through me had me shuddering and groaning. Stars burst across my vision. I wiggled my hips from side to side, feeding Melody all my cunt cream. Lee whimpered into my lips, shuddering and twitching.

Fighting the orgasm she couldn’t have without Clint’s permission. She wasn’t like Melody and me.

“God fucking damn, yes!” growled Clint. “Take it, Melody!”

“Oh, I love it when you flood me!” gasped Melody.

I broke my kiss with Lee to howl, “Me, too! Oh, my god, you’re making her feel so good, Clint! Trust me!”

“I do!” he growled.

I shuddered, dizzy on this pleasure. My rapture carried me to this wonderful height. I hung there, Melody licking at my cunt while my mind whirled. I had to write a paper on this. The Psychology of the Cuckqueen. There wasn’t much research into it.

I loved my family. They inspired me.


Clinton “Clint” Elliston II

As my women snuggled up to me, I stared up at Lee. Was it time to actually marry my women? We were still in graduate school. But it would be great to do it. To make it official. It had to be at the right time. The right place. I wanted to marry them both, but I was moving into a new world. Through the Reenburgs, I was meeting more and more of the powerful people of California.

Discreetly, some of them were indulging in incest. One of them had even let his daughter get trained by Mrs. Umayyah. He now had his own slut daughter to please him. He would be a useful man to have in my pocket.

But more work needed to be done.

Sleep was a long time in coming as I stared up at Lee bound and dreaming above me, her face twitching.


September 13th, 2021 – Leann “Lee” Samuels

I liked my new job. Master was right to make me work at the Campo sister’s massage parlor. Those two naughty dykes, Zoey, and Stefani were having so much fun teasing their clients and driving them wild. Sometimes I got to play.

But most of the time I had to suffer in the reception area, not getting to have any of the fun while knowing they were giving their female customers “happy ending” massages. It made me squirm and shudder. I bit my lower lip as the vibrator churned away inside of me.

Master was playing with the settings. He was at college, probably bored for a moment and wanting some fun. He could even be watching me on the security cameras. He had access to them on his phone through a simple app.

I glanced at the one in the corner and smiled.


I shivered and then glanced at my computer, seeing what was coming up. There was a messenger app opened. My mom had sent me a massage, asking if Clint had turned on my vibrator, too. We were both suffering together.

She was off maternity leave and back teaching college history. Phoebe was eight months old and just so adorable. All the children were growing up so fast. I squirmed on the chair, the vibrator humming away driving me nuts.

I would be a good girl. I wouldn’t cum. Not one bit. I would save up all this sexual energy. When Master slid his cock into me and said those magic words, I would explode on his dick. I would orgasm so hard I’d black out.

It would be wonderful.

The front door opened, chiming the bell. I looked up and smiled to see a Hispanic woman walking in. She was middle-aged but took care of herself. A delicious MILF with a rocking body in a business skirt suit and a ruffled blouse. Her skin had a delicious, golden-tan hue to it, her black hair pulled back in a sexy bun.

“Welcome to the Lady’s Touch Massage Parlor,” I purred. “You must be new. I’m Lee, the receptionist, and I’ll take care of you.”

“Oh, yeah, my friend, Olivia Wright, recommended this place. She told me it would help me relax.” The Hispanic woman played with her wedding ring with a nervous tick.

“Marital problems?” I asked.

“Not for long,” she muttered. “But, you know, it’s so stressful bringing it to a close. I could really, really use a massage.”

“Well, what did Olivia say about our service?” I asked. I knew Olivia. She was one of our very first customers. She had a sexy daughter. The pair both enjoyed having a “couples” massage that always ended up with mother and daughter pleasing each other.

“Just that your masseuses were skilled at helping a woman relax,” she said. “That this is a special place.”

“Well, it is,” I said. “We only take on female customers, so we’re skilled in what you need.” I glanced at my schedule. “Juana is free. We have some options, including the full relaxation package. Or you can have a nuru massage or a soap massage.” I smiled at her. “That’s where the masseuse uses her body covered in soap or this wonderful nuru gel that makes her quite slippery.”

“Her, uh, body?” the woman asked, looking shocked.

“It’s Japanese,” I said. “Very relaxing. And, of course, we have the vibrating massage.”

“What?” the woman asked, sounding almost scandalized.

“Yeah, we use a wand massager to run over your sore muscles and other problem areas,” I said, my cunt clenching on the vibrator humming away inside my pussy. “It’s sooooo relaxing on certain spots. You’ll love it.”

“Well, uh, sure,” she said. “I’ll take that one.”

“Okay,” I said, starting typing. “What’s your name?”

“Cruzita Gutiérrez.” She shifted her purse on her shoulder. “I need this bad.”

“Mmm, I know what you mean,” I panted, my pussy on fire. It was incredible holding off my orgasmic release. “But you’ll be in good hands here! Olivia is one of our favorite customers. She and her daughter come in all the time.”

I couldn’t wait to hear Cruzita moaning. I loved watching the video feeds of the massages.

To be continued…

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