
Indian Wife’s New Life


This is how my life changed. This is how it all started. A stranger’s hand, her hand, on mine. It was strange, but not unwelcome. The softness of her skin, the warmth of her touch. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into, but I knew that I liked it. I knew that it was right, despite everything I’d always believed.

Twenty minutes earlier I was having dinner with my husband in the Hotel’s restaurant. Twenty minutes earlier my husband and I were eating silently. Twenty minutes earlier, everything was normal.Then his phone rang and he had to rush off, again. Not that our evening was going perfectly, but I didn’t enjoy being left alone. This entire trip felt like a waste of time. I’d barely had any time with Ifran, he’d been working since the plane landed. I felt more alone than ever, sitting in a strange restaurant in a strange hotel in a strange city. No one to speak to, no one I knew. I wished I’d stayed at home, I wished I’d not tagged along. This was never going to be the romantic vacation I’d imagined. Ifran was too busy, Ifran was always too busy.

I was gathering my things and preparing to return to our room when I heard a voice. It was silky and warm, and it rolled over me like a silk sheet.

“Hey there, new in town?” She asked, touching my hand gently.

I turned to look at her, and found myself lost in her brilliant blue eyes. She smiled, warm and inviting. My heart fluttered and I started to stammer an answer, but couldn’t force one out.

“Are you shy?” She asked almost playfully.

I could feel my face flush with heat, I felt like a schoolgirl. I tried to break her gaze, tried to look away. I thought, if I could only look down at the floor I could speak. I felt frozen by her eyes, by her smile. I took in every facet of her pretty face, the way her blonde hair hung in flowing ringlets, the way her soft, pink lips curled up in her smile. Suddenly, shamefully, I was struck by a desire to kiss those lips. I fought the desire and returned the smile.

“I’m uh… I’m Sonam.” I whispered.

“Sonam, that’s such a pretty name.” She whispered back, leaning closer to me.

I watched her lips part as they worked their way around the consonants and vowels of my name. I could feel her breath on my cheek as she spoke. It sent shivers down my spine. I opened my mouth again to say something, anything, but she continued.

“Do you have plans tonight?” She asked warmly.

“No… I was just going back to my room to wait for my husband.” I managed to reply.

“That was your husband?” She asked, “Are you two fighting or something?”

“No… He’s just busy.” I whispered reflexively.

“Too busy.” She replied, the smile briefly leaving her face.

“Yes. He’s often too busy.” I admitted.

“I know what that’s like, my husband works a lot too.” She said, her smile starting to return.

“How do you…” I started, before realizing how close I was coming to opening up to a complete stranger.

I didn’t want to tell her too much. At least not so fast. I wasn’t sure how to process these feelings, and I was afraid that I would scare her away if I was too forward.

“How do I, what?” She asked, the smile turning sharp.

“I get lonely…” I whispered, my eyes returning to the floor.

“I used to get lonely too.” She said, grinning wolfishly now.

She closed my hand in hers, and my heart began to race. Her touch was electric, bolts of sensation shooting from her fingertips, and rolling up my arm. My breath caught in my chest.

“Lets have a drink, and I’ll teach you how to handle loneliness.” She said, pulling me towards the bar.

I followed dutifully. I didn’t know how to do anything else. Her touch, her eyes, her smile, her voice…. I was totally hypnotized. We took our seats at the bar, and she ordered us some wine.

“Put it on room 223.” She told the bartender, then she turned her attention back to me.

Her eyes glowed with an almost eerie internal light. It was like she was more alive than anyone I’d ever met.

“Neglect.” She cooed, running a finger over the top of her glass. “Neglect is a form of abuse.”

“Ifran does not abuse me.” I said quickly, feeling almost defensive.

“Neglect is a lack of attention, and it is abuse.” She said matter-of-factly, “Do you get enough… Attention?”

The way she said that word. The power she put into her breathy voice when she said it, made her meaning clear.

“We make love.” I said suddenly, then added “If that’s what you’re asking.”

“It’s close, but no cigar.” She laughed, “I’m asking if you two fuck.”

“I said that we made love.” I stammered out.

“So… no?” She replied coyly. “Let me ask you a better way. How often do you orgasm?”

“Oh… Um…” I started.

“Never, got it.” She shot back, sharply.

It was like those bright blue eyes were reading my soul. I couldn’t understand how she knew things before I told her.

“Neglected Housewife is a depressingly Kadıköy escort bayan common condition, but luckily, I know the cure.” She said, clasping my hand again.

“Cure?” I asked, my heart beating so loud that I was sure she could hear it.

“Oh yes. Housewife tested, housewife approved. One-hundred percent guarantee.” She giggled.

I believed her. I didn’t know why, but I did. Somehow, I could just tell that she was right, even before I heard anything else. Somehow I could just tell that she’d been where I was, and that she knew how to fix it.

“What is this cure?” I asked, feeling the desperation well up inside me.

“It’s simple, sweetie. You just need some friends.” She replied, squeezing my hand on the last word.

“I have friends.” I said, tilting my head in confusion.

“No sweetie. You need a certain kind of friends. The kind that come with big… benefits.” She said, laughing softly.

“What kind of friends do you mean?” I asked.

“Come back to my room with me. I’ll show you.” She said, hopping off of the barstool and pulling me out of the restaurant.

I didn’t protest. Maybe I was just happy to be getting some sort of interaction with another person, or maybe I was completely bewitched by her. It was probably a bit of both. Regardless, I followed her again, despite the hesitation and anxiety that was coiling within me. Uncomfortable questions were building, forcing their way to the forefront of my mind.

What if this was some sort of trap? What if I was being robbed, or kidnapped? What if Ifran came back early, and couldn’t find me? I didn’t even know this woman’s name, what if she was dangerous? These questions disappeared faster than they arrived however, when the elevator door shut and she pinned me against the wall and pressed her soft lips to mine.

My knees shook and grew weak. Her hands ran down my body and cupped my backside. Her lips moved over mine, and her tongue entered my mouth. I didn’t struggle, not for a second. I gave in entirely, my body taking over for my brain and taking what it had been begging for since I first saw her. She kissed me long and deep, with a passion Ifran had never managed in all the years of our marriage. She kissed me the way I’d always wanted, always needed to be kissed. When she pulled our mouths apart, I almost begged her not to. Then she kissed my neck, and slid a hand up my blouse.

“I’m going to share one of my special friends with you, Sonam.” She breathed into my neck. “I’m going to show you how to never feel neglected again.”

“Show me.” I begged. “I need it.”

“I know.” She said, looking at me with a hint of pity stirring behind those shining blue eyes.

When the elevator door opened, she grabbed my hand again, harder this time, and all-but ran towards her room. We were kissing again before she even got the door open. We kissed all the way to the bed, shedding clothes on the way. Before I knew it, we were naked and she was between my legs, her mouth moving up the inside of my thigh. My hands moved of their own accord, finding her hair and entangling my fingers in it. Her mouth found my wet, aching sex, and she went to work on me. Jolts of pleasure wracked my body, I bucked and twisted, wholly unaccustomed to feeling this much at once.

I screamed wordlessly, rocking my hips at her as she brought me to orgasm again and again until my breath came out in ragged gasps. Then, apparently satisfied with herself, she popped her head up suddenly, smiling ear to ear.

“My name’s Allison, by the way. Incase you wanted to know what to scream.” She giggled, and reached over to grab her purse from the floor.

She rummaged in in for a moment, and then produced the largest sex toy I’d ever seen. She waved the massive silicone penis in my face and then pressed it gently to my lips.

“Show me on the toy, how big is Ifran?” She cooed.

I looked at it for a long moment, and then smiled. I put my thumb about a fourth of the way down it, and then my pointer finger on the tip.

“But this is just a toy.” I explained.

“My special friend is bigger.” She replied.

“Bigger than Ifran? I believe that, I guess…” I started.

“No, sweetie. Bigger than the toy.” She laughed, bringing the toy down and rubbing it’s thick tip against my dripping pussy.

“Oh…” I moaned.

“I’m going to call him.” She said in a sing-song tone.

“I don’t…” I started, but she pressed on the toy and it slid inside me.

The feeling was indescribable. I felt… Full. Stretched. Complete even. I suddenly understood that Ifran was small. I understood that he wasn’t enough, that he could never be. She pushed it deeper, and I threw my head back and screamed her name. She stared into my eyes, biting her lip as she dialed the phone.

She talked to her friend while she slid the toy in and out of me. I writhed and moaned, and when she hung up, she pulled it out and waved it in my face again. It Escort Kadıköy was almost reflective in how slick it was.

“Look how wet you got it!” She cheered. “That’s good, I was almost worried you wouldn’t be able to handle him.”

“Handle him?” I asked, my naivety showing itself again.

Before she could answer, there was a knock on the door. Allison sprung to her feet and ran over, still naked, to answer it. Realizing what was happening, I made to cover up with the blanket. I wasn’t quick enough however, as I had barely gotten the blanket over my waist when her “friend” walked inside.

“So, this is your new Girlfriend, Allie?” He asked, looking me up and down with deep, beautiful brown eyes.

He was handsome, like an American sports super-star. Muscular and well-dressed, with short-cropped hair and a sharp jawline. He flashed a bright, confident smile and my heart skipped a beat.

“John, this is Sonam. She’s having some relationship issues, and I thought you could help her out.” Allison said, grinning ear-to-ear.

“Sonam? That’s a beautiful name. It suits you.” John said, walking over to the bed and removing his coat.

“Thank you.” I whispered, fighting the waves of trepidation that were threatening to swallow me up.

“You don’t have to be nervous, Sonam. You deserve this. You deserve to enjoy your vacation.” Allison said reassuringly as she crawled back on the bed.

A thought raced unbidden to the front of my mind. I barely had the time to register its presence before it forced its way out of my mouth.

“Is it really as big as she said?” I asked, my eyes dropping to his crotch.

“Take it out and find out.” John replied grinning, his rumbling baritone making me tremble.

“I don’t know… Maybe I should…” I started, but Allison stopped me.

“You do know, you’re just afraid. That’s okay, everyone is afraid at first, but it’s not like your husband is giving you much of a choice.” Allison said, taking my hand in hers.

“It isn’t Ifran’s fault.” I said quietly.

“No, but this isn’t Ifran’s life either. It’s yours, and you deserve to be satisfied.” Allison reasoned.

“Besides, Sonam, if your husband can’t give you what you need, you have a right to go get it.” John finished, stepping up to the edge of the bed.

“But…” I tried to protest, but Allison placed my hand on the bulge in John’s slacks and my voice halted in my throat.

“Don’t fight it. You know you want this.” Allison whispered, holding my hand and guiding it along his concealed length.

I didn’t answer her. At least, not with words. Instead I stroked him, slowly. Feeling the thickness, the length, and the heat radiating off of it. Then I unbuckled his belt, slid down the zipper, and watched in awe as his manhood revealed itself. It was bigger than I’d imagined. It was bigger than I’d even thought possible. I wrapped my fingers around it, and gasped when I could barely touch my thumb with my index. It pulsed and throbbed in my grip, and I stroked it slowly and gently, intoxicated by how incredible it was. As if in a trance, I leaned forward and slid its rich, ebony magistry into my mouth.

That was it. That was the moment. There was no going back. The moment that big, beautiful black cock touched my lips, I lost all ability to fight my feelings. Allison was right. I understood that as I ran my tongue along his ebony monolith. I pressed it against my face and nuzzled against it, tears of happiness beginning to build.

“Thank you.” I whispered to Allison before returning the huge black cock to my mouth and slurping loudly.

“It’s been a while since you brought me a cock-worshiper.” John laughed, running his hands through my hair.

“Then you’re in for a treat tonight, sweetie.” Allison replied, crawling over to us.

She started licking his balls while I sucked his cock. His knees went weak, and we switched positions. With him on the bed, and the two of us on our knees on the floor, we went to work worshiping his massive masculinity. I lost myself completely in the act. Sonam, the loving housewife, was nothing. Ifran, busy husband, was less than nothing.

In mere moments I became a servant, a devoted worshipper of something bigger, something far greater, something utterly more important than the life I’d left behind. My mouth and hands were exploring a real cock, a man’s cock. By extension, I was a real woman. I was my truest, realest self, lost in hedonistic abandon. My pathetic, tiny marriage to my pathetic, tiny, worthless husband was only the vaguest of memories.

Slurping, stroking, gagging, choking. Giving myself over to the wild animal within. I had never felt so alive. I had never felt so free.

I took John’s thick black cock as deep as I could. I took it until my eyes ran with tears and my face burned. I felt Allison’s small hands on the back of my head, and when I tried to go up for air, she held me in place. I gagged and choked. My head Kadıköy Rus Escort swam. The room began to dim and spin. The choice between his cock and air had been made for me, and I had never been more aroused.

When she let me breath, I took the opportunity to slap his hard cock against my face again and again, wallowing in the filthy, taboo pleasure of it all. I wiped the slick-sweet intermixture of my saliva and his pre-cum all over my face, becoming drunk on the taste and scent and heat of him. The sheer, undeniable masculinity of John’s big, black cock was more than I could bare. Holding it in my hands, the difference between him and my husband could not have been more clear. John was a man. A real man.

In contrast, Ifran’s tiny, limp, thing was barely a penis at all. I felt embarrassed. Ashamed even. Not that I was cheating on my husband, of course, but that I had ever allowed my husband’s pathetic little dick to ever touch me in the first place. I had done myself a disservice. I nuzzled my face against John’s rock-hard member and let the heat and scent of him overwhelm me.

As I climbed up the bed, positioning myself over John’s throbbing cock, I knew that there was no going back. If I descended, if I let him inside me, I’d never be the same. Ifran, my husband, would never be enough. I could never go back to not knowing what a real cock felt like. I could never be satisfied by anything lesser. I knew all of this in an instant, knew all of this as gravity drew me towards the only choice there really was.

I dropped, feeling him fill me. In that instant, a flash of understanding washed over me. I understood the true purpose of the human mating drive. I understood what it meant to seek the best mate. I understood the female animal within me, and I was one with her desires. I understood the pathetic truth about my pitiful husband. I understood how sex was supposed to feel. I understood what it was to really be a woman.

I bounced, hard. I rode his big, hard, thick, black cock to orgasm after earth-shattering orgasm. My head swam. My world shattered. The life I had before this night was obliterated by the sheer enormity of the obsidian pillar inside me. This was it. This was bliss. I peaked, spiraled, and descended into ecstatic madness. I rode his cock like a woman possessed. Driven by a demoniacal desire to come again and again and again. To orgasm until my mind broke.

I lost myself in it, in the feeling of him within me. I came so hard that the world went black, and when it returned I was face down on the bed and he was fucking me savagely from behind. He had one of my arms wrenched behind my back, and his other hand was pulling my hair hard. He took me like an animal, and I loved every second of it.

“You love this big, black cock, don’t you?” He growled, not missing a beat in his brutal rhythm.

“Yes! Yes! So much!” I shrieked, eyes brimming with tears of pleasure.

“How much?” He asked, mockingly, using my hair to turn my head so he could see my face.

“I love your cock…” I gasped in between ragged breaths, “I love it more than anything… I love it more than I love my husband…”

The statement was so true, so final, that it was easy to admit. The truth, as they say, sets you free. Though, that saying is lacking. The fact is that true freedom, comes very often from surrender. Surrendering to something greater than oneself, surrendering to one’s animal instinct. Surrendering to nature, and letting one’s body chose its own destiny, its own mate. When nature is allowed to take its course, the superior specimen dominates. There was no question here, between John and my husband, John was the superior male. And so, it only made sense that he dominated. It only made sense that he fucked me. It only made sense that I begged him to not stop, to never stop, to fuck me until I forgot all about my husband and his pathetic little dicklet.

I begged. I moaned and mewled and whimpered. I had long-since screamed myself hoarse when he finally began to slow. He pulled out and away from me, despite my whispered pleas. Then he turned me onto my back, straddled me, and slapped his slick, throbbing cock between my breasts. I moaned and writhed, pressing my breasts together around his incredible manhood. He ran it between my breasts in long, slow, slick thrusts, and each time he reached my mouth, I kissed his broad tip.

Allison climbed behind me, and lifted my head into her lap, stroking my hair gently. I felt his cock pulse against my chest. Allison hooked her fingers in my mouth and opened it wide. I stuck out my tongue just in time.

John’s huge cock surged, spraying an almost unbelievable load on my neck, chest and face. I caught as much as I could in my mouth, swallowing greedily. Then I used my hands to scoop up the remainder, and then I licked them clean. My mind was broken. The old me was long gone. I had been transformed. Baptised in a Black Man’s hot cum, I was reborn. I wasn’t a quiet, obedient housewife anymore, I’d discarded that part of me. I was a whore. A proud whore for Black Cock. There was a freedom in that, and I embraced it.

I sucked John’s beautiful cock clean, and asked him and Allison to follow me to my room. I couldn’t wait to tell Ifran about our new life.

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