
Innocent Devil’s Harem Ch. 43


Innocent Devil’s Harem Ch. 43 — Dominating a sexy maid with thick thighs.

Submitted: August 4, 2022 to Literotica (Copyright Kaizer Wolf)

Tags: harem, supernatural, shifter, big tits, redhead, blonde, MILF, succubus, mystery, taboo


Hi there!

Thanks for checking out this story! This series is written like a novel, so be sure to start at Chapter 1 if you want to avoid any confusion.

Otherwise, I hope you enjoy!


– CHAPTER 43: Ego –

As I held the terrified succubus in my arms, I struggled between what I wanted versus what was ‘good’ and ‘right,’ all of us falling silent while my internal turmoil raged. But as the seconds ticked by, my willingness to do as they wished slowly increased with each passing minute, with my mind incrementally feeling more and more like my old self, even as my body remained unchanged.

After a handful of minutes, I became less opposed to the idea of letting go of this succubus and roughly pounding the naked imp – became less opposed to climbing on the sexy female devil, aggressively grabbing her furry muscular thighs, and shoving my engorged cock in her cunt.

And then, after a few more minutes, I slowly became less opposed to not fucking at all right now.

Became less opposed to waiting until they were both more willing…

It wasn’t until one of the doors creaked open down the concrete hall, an obviously anxious redhead MILF peeking her head out of the doorway, that I focused again on the others.

Meeting Mrs. Rebecca’s gaze briefly, watching her visibly gulp, knowing she was still just as naked as Gwen, I looked back down at Ms. Miriam, taking another slow deep breath.

“Sorry,” I whispered. “For scaring you,” I added quietly.

The maid finally sat up the moment my ‘old self’ clicked more fully in place, focusing upward at me, considering I was still quite a bit higher even while on my ass. This time when she spoke, I felt like she was speaking to my old self, rather than speaking to something that scared her.

“Kai,” she said gently. “My mistress did not get a chance to activate her spell earlier, but she still lost a lot of blood, and even just setting the spell up is draining on her. On top of that, you forced her body to heal much faster than she would normally be able to handle. Faster than should be possible with that spell. I believe she will be alright if you choose to continue holding her, and nothing more, but she needs to rest.”

I nodded, glancing back down at my succubus, finally truly registering just how exhausted she really looked.

“Furthermore,” Gwen continued. “If the barrier was breached, then it is probably still open. If possible, I would prefer you let her rest in her own bed, and come protect me while I try to close the dimensional gate.” She paused. “Please,” she added.

I took a deep breath, focusing down on Ms. Miriam, finally finding myself able to voice a question that I wouldn’t have been able to voice mere minutes ago.

“What…what do you want?”

Miriam paused before answering. “I want to rest in my bed,” she agreed. “And I want you to help Gwen close the gate. I want you to protect her. And when you’re done, I want you to watch over me until I’ve recovered. Preferably at your normal size, if you can go back to how you were.”

I took one last deep breath, and then nodded, deciding to respond to her last request. “If that’s what you wish, then I’ll do that now.”

I then grimaced slightly from the discomfort, as Miriam slowly began growing larger in my arms, with me loosening my wings as the curled space began growing tighter, finally looking up at Gwen as her head rose to be more level with mine.

My body actually got smaller…and yet I found it easier to perceive it as if I was allowing them to match my size.

Strange how my pride had grown so significantly.

But then again, it was that same pride that allowed me to win a fight against a creature that killed me, so easily, only moments before.

The same pride that would never allow me to die again.

Because I was invincible now.

I was unkillable.

I was immortal…

More than that.

I was so much more than that.

Fuck, I was practically on par with a mythical god…or at least a demigod.

Nothing would ever defeat me again.

I’d slaughter all my enemies without hesitation.

Finally standing up with Miriam in my arms, Gwen rose to her feet as well, anticipating my intentions and quickly passing me up, to lead me down the hallway and up the stairs. We both ignored the pile of black ashes, walking around on the small amount of flooring that was left untouched by the soot. We likewise ignored all the chunks of concrete littering the stairwell as we climbed to the first floor.

Honestly, I shouldn’t have been so surprised that Ms. Miriam’s ‘bedroom’ on the second floor was like its own suite büyükesat escort of rooms, involving a living room, mini-kitchen, master bathroom, and of course an actual sleeping room for her massive canopy bed.

And somewhat unsurprisingly, the color schemes matched what I’d seen in Mrs. Rebecca’s house, including various shades of red and gray, making the space look very romantic and modern, even if it was clear that romance wasn’t on the menu right now.

My hormones had finally calmed down, the overwhelming hunger that I’d felt previously having mostly died out, allowing me to begin focusing on the important task at hand that needed to be accomplished.

Which was completely accomplished in the nude.

Maybe it was the sex earlier, or maybe it was my new sense of pride, but I just didn’t care to put on clothes when the only purpose would be to hide an otherwise awkward embarrassment that just didn’t exist for me right now. And similarly, Gwen appeared to be much less concerned about hiding her nudity than she was about closing the dimensional gate that could theoretically release another monster.

However, when we together made our way deep underneath the mansion to the cavern lit with orange glowing crystals, the ominous aura of bloodlust having disappeared, we discovered something entirely unexpected.

The barrier was intact.

The crystals were completely undrained.

And after a few minutes of confusion, Gwen finally identified the faint traces of a summoning ritual. Which meant, rather than fully breaching the gate, something intelligent had essentially made a temporary portal to bypass Ms. Miriam’s defenses.

A true loophole to her barrier.

All the castor needed was an anchor into our world. Something full of magical energy that could be latched onto.

It was something Gwen never would have imagined being feasible, but it was the only explanation for what we found. And her first thought was that we might have left an opal behind, which would have been the perfect catalyst for a transdimensional summoning, but none were missing.

I briefly recalled that some of my precum had splattered on the floor and walls, dripping from Ms. Miriam’s tail and ass, but immediately thought the idea ridiculous that my fluids could be used as such an anchor. Gwen didn’t respond to that thought, and I suspected she might not have even caught it, since she wasn’t actually reading my mind, instead only sensing the shadows of my thoughts.

Thankfully, on a positive note, now that they knew they had a gap in their defenses, Gwen felt confident her mistress could use wards to prevent such a thing from happening again. However, it still raised a really important question, beyond the ‘how?’


Why go to so much trouble? What was the goal?

One option was that the monster was meant to succeed in killing everyone, so the gate could be opened permanently. But another, possibly more likely option, was that the whole thing was just a distraction, for the intelligent individual to escape the hellish world while we all fought for our lives, with our survival or destruction being insignificant either way, assuming their own goal was personal freedom from the other dimension.

Of course, that last idea caused us to do a full sweep of the mansion, searching for any detectable traces that someone else had been through, but we found nothing. And while the idea was truly disturbing, such an individual wouldn’t be hanging around to go ‘boo’ in the night anyway.

On the contrary, if they put in all that effort to escape, then they would probably be highly motivated to put as much distance between themselves and the dimensional gate as realistically as possible.

However, in the end, we didn’t fully know what their goal was.

And all Miriam and Gwen could do in the future was ward against summoning rituals, so that nothing like this ever happened again. Personally, I still wasn’t sure how I felt about the situation, feeling a little aggressive still, and a bit angry, while also feeling emotionally numb at the same time. However, I felt like there wouldn’t be any further threats from this gate, considering Ms. Miriam had gone so long without having a breach in the first place, and would be able to eliminate this gap in their defenses as soon as she recovered.

Thus, in the meantime, once I’d spoken briefly with Mrs. Rebecca, I took my phone back to Ms. Miriam’s bedroom, intending on making a phone call before keeping my promise to stay with the short minx until she recovered.

“Hey Kai!” Serenity said cheerfully in greeting, the moment she answered my call. “Are you on your way home now? It’s so weird, because I’m used to not seeing you all day, since I have work and you have school most days, but it’s like your absence has left a void for all of us. Can’t wait to have you home again.”

I cleared my throat, suspecting that her recent blood meal çankaya escort was the reason for her chipper mood. “Umm, actually we might be a bit longer, Ren,” I admitted. “Something actually happened. Something really bad.”

Serenity’s tone was immediately serious. “Something bad?” she repeated. “Are you okay? What happened?”

“I probably shouldn’t say much over the phone, but we are all okay. I’ll explain everything when I get home.”

Unexpectedly, I heard Gabriella speak up in the background, her improved hearing likely having heard what I said. “Is my mom okay?” she asked seriously.

“Yeah, she’s okay,” I said reassuringly to my fiancé, knowing she could hear. “Literally just spoke to her a few seconds ago. But the person we came to see actually got a little hurt, so we’re going to stay until she’s feeling better. Might be later tonight before we head home.”

“Oh no,” Serenity said in sincere concern, lowering her voice, as if that did anything to reduce the chances of someone spying on our phone conversation. “Was it the stone?” she asked seriously. “Did it hurt them?”

My eyes widened in surprise, having almost forgotten about that. “Oh. No. Actually, it wasn’t.” I sighed. “I promise I’ll explain everything when we get back. And like I said, Mrs. Rebecca and I are both fine, so don’t worry.”

She took a deep breath. “Okay. I miss you, Kai. And I love you. Please try to come home as soon as you can.”

“I will,” I agreed. “And honestly, I might just have to skip school tomorrow,” I added, recalling it would be Monday. Shit, what a ridiculously long weekend. Longest ever. I wasn’t sure I’d believe someone claiming that so much could happen in such a short period of time, were it not for experiencing it myself. “Not sure I can deal with normal life right now.”

Serenity sighed. “Yeah, actually, I think I’ll just call in sick for work myself. I need to spend time with you. Maybe we can make a trip to the mall or something, just me and you, and hang out together. Or we can stay home if you want. I just need to be with you really bad.”

“I know,” I agreed, realizing I felt the same way. Realizing that how I felt about Serenity was tugging me out of my numbness and apathy. “And we’ll sleep together tonight, okay?” I added.

She made a happy noise. “Okay,” she replied, almost sounding timid.

“Love you!” Gabriella called out. “Please don’t wait too long to come home.”

“Love you too,” I replied sincerely to my fiancé. “Bye for now. Love you both.”

They both said a final farewell, and then I hung up.

Taking a deep breath, still completely naked and feeling no need to put anything on, I walked over to Ms. Miriam’s bed, setting my phone down on a lamp table, and then climbed into the massive structure. I then carefully laid down next to her unconscious form, gently pulling her silk covered body into my arms so that she was between me and the doorway, allowing me to keep an eye on anyone coming into the room, with her not rousing at all from my slow movements.

I then just held her in my arms, unsurprised when Gwen made an appearance only a few minutes later, likewise still naked.

“Do you need anything?” she whispered, walking right up to the bed. “You are still welcome to use me, if you need to fuck. I’ll do everything in my power to pleasure you. And you may be as rough as you desire.”

I took a deep breath, not looking at her face at all, just staring at her muscular thighs, examining her thick silky fur starting in the middle, sincerely contemplating her offer. I also noticed a spot where her midnight fur was a bit glossy and clumped together on her lower thigh, recalling that had been where Ms. Miriam placed her wet hand after fisting the maid.

I then spoke.

“If you have nothing else you need to attend to, then please stay close,” I finally said. “I’ll fuck you in a little while. Once I feel a little more confident that I can control myself,” I added, deciding to be honest, since she could catch traces of my thoughts anyway.

She nodded. “As you wish,” she replied, giving a little curtsey and then carefully sitting on the edge of the bed, resting one leg flat on the blanket to angle herself toward me, her other hooved foot on the floor.

Neither of us spoke then, and my mind began to wander, thinking of all kinds of random things, mostly remembering thoughts that I’d had earlier in the day. Because my unmistakable death and resurrection were sort of like waking up from a bad dream, and being confused about where you were upon rousing, needing a few seconds to remember where you were.

Except, for me, it felt like I was remembering my old self, with distant memories feeling very real while my most recent experiences felt hazy, almost as if I couldn’t remember the difference between what happened earlier today, versus what was just a dream.

At least I hadn’t forgotten my sexual experiences, but I was only cebeci escort now beginning to really remember all the little details, regarding the offer Ms. Miriam had made to me, as well as how she planned on dealing with the black rock, and the fact that it had a curse on it meant to kill me, and so much more.

“Yes,” Gwen unexpectedly whispered. “It was something my mistress considered in passing, prior to falling asleep. The fact that you died and resurrected – the fact that you’ve become something so powerful upon coming back to life – has caused her to wonder if the death curse was meant to kill you…for your benefit. To force you to become what you now are.”

“And what am I?” I wondered seriously, still having no clue as to who might have been responsible for putting that dangerous curse on the stone.

“I don’t know,” Gwen replied honestly. “Your presence is filling me with more power than I’ve experienced before, something that only Imp Lords can do to someone like me. And yet, you are not an Imp Lord.” She chuckled a little then, seeming to lighten up a bit. “And you’re giving me so much control. I don’t even have my, umm, butt plug inside me, and yet I’m able to regulate my temperature on my own. Because of you.”

I nodded, already being aware. Because I did feel a link between us.

A link that existed because I felt her presence, and immediately claimed her, the exact moment that I regained consciousness back in the room I died in. And since then, she’d had access to some of the power simmering inside of me, because she was mine.

“But you can’t be an archdemon either,” she continued. “I mean, you did kind of look like one when you were really big, but you have traits that such a being wouldn’t have. Like existing without a physical heart.”

I simply shrugged in response.

“They also don’t drink blood,” she added quietly. “Or at least, not to heal.”

Of course, Ms. Miriam and I had already discussed the subject a bit, about how I was sort of a Frankenstein of supernatural creatures, on a genetic level. But that such magic to actually do that level of modification had long since been lost.

Honestly, I felt like finding out what my mother truly was might shed light on some of the mystery, and maybe even allow it all to make sense, but at this point contemplating didn’t help much, since there was nothing we could really do until I could hear the message on that stone and hope it offered some clues.

Sighing, I then recalled Ms. Miriam’s offer again, as well as how hard I’d made her cum, just prior to shit hitting the fan and us all almost dying.

Gwen replied to my unspoken thoughts, even though I really wasn’t trying to ask right now.

Answering a question that I had intentionally refused to mention when I’d first thought of it.

“You have to understand,” she whispered quietly, proceeding cautiously even though she knew I didn’t want to talk about it. “Sex has been an everyday part of her life for thousands of years. She’s lived almost every day of her life fucking whoever she wanted, whenever she wanted, and the activity itself serves to feed her, entertain her, and give her life meaning. Never mind the fact that she siphons off energy to keep the barrier sustained.” She paused to let that sink in, before getting to her point. “So expecting her to just stop that all entirely is expecting a lot. And it would be a lot for anyone in her situation. It would be a million times harder than a smoker kicking the habit.” She sighed. “If my mistress is bored, she doesn’t watch TV, she finds someone to fuck. If my mistress is hungry, she sometimes visits the kitchen to eat, and sometimes visits the kitchen to fuck her chef. Or to fuck one of the hired help. And that’s been her life basically forever. Truly forever, compared to how long you’ve been alive.”

I tried not to let her words bother me, but there was a reason why I hadn’t asked this question outright. A reason why I hadn’t asked Ms. Miriam myself earlier when I’d first thought of the subject.

Gwen continued, her tone more gentle. “I wouldn’t dare presume to know what my mistress will or won’t do, but I also feel I should speak the truth. That such an expectation should be perceived as unreasonable, given how she’s lived her life for thousands of years now.”

I found myself incrementally tightening my embrace on the short woman in my arms without realizing it. Because she was mine.

“You can expect that of me though,” Gwen unexpectedly said quietly, her tone almost somber. “My mistress and her daughter Rebecca, as well as Rebecca’s now deceased biological mother, are the only three people I’ve ever had sex with. I’ve never fucked a man – only watched occasionally – and once you fuck me, you’ll be the first and only male who has.” She paused. “I can’t deny my mistress, and would like to still be able to share intimacy with Rebecca, but it seems like you don’t mind any of that. So you can place those expectations on me. Your cock will be the only one to claim me.”

Oddly enough, while I felt like I would be claiming her with my cock, the moment I grabbed her and fucked her, I didn’t feel like all the cocks that had been in Ms. Miriam had anything to do with her being claimed.

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