
Isaac’s Education


Author’s notes: I thought about calling this story Project Pornstar, but that seemed too silly. It’s mostly your bog-standard boy goes off to college story, but with a few twists. I was debating what category to submit it under, as it mixes First-time, Group Sex, Transgender, and (of course) Anal. All of the sex is before the final act. This story contains cismale/transfem group sex (M/TT), college drinking, and some religious content. All characters are over 18 and fictional.


“But Father,” I begged, “it’s a full ride! I can transfer now for a full basketball scholarship for the next three years!”

“You’ve barely left our town, Isaac.” My Father growled. “Now you want to move across the country for a new school? A *secular* school!”

“Father, please. This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance for me! You know we can’t pay for even one more year at the Christian school. Think of what kind of job I could get when I come home!”

I saw my Father’s shoulders sag and I knew that had settled it. He continued to protest valiantly, but I knew then that he would eventually relent.

I spent every last dime I had buying the clapped out old Ford Ranger from Old Man Michalek up the street, and a brand new laptop. I crammed every one of my meager possessions into the truck’s tiny canopy and headed across the country.

My assigned dorm-mate and basketball teammate was Mike. He greeted me with a huge smile, handshake, and a hearty clap on the back. He talked loud and fast. “Good to meet you bro! You’re gonna love it here! Coach Nichols showed us your footage man–fuck bro–we’re gonna be fucking killer this year!”

I was shocked to hear someone curse so casually. I didn’t think I had sworn as many times in 19 years as Mike had in the past 30 seconds. Mike was actually my height, normally a rarity for me, but I suppose I should have expected it. These weren’t kids from the Christian school, this was the big leagues (relatively speaking). He had dark brown skin, and a more muscular build than mine with wider shoulders. His head was buzzed tight and he wore a t-shirt, gym shorts, and Jordans. I instantly felt awkward standing in front of him in a starched white shirt and blue slacks and brown shoes.

Mike didn’t seem to care though, he continued to ramble on, swearing profusely, about the team, the school, and how excited he was. “Christian ball though?” He asked.

“Uhh, yeah. It’s kinda the shallow end of the pool, huh?” I mumbled.

“Nah man! It’s the fucking fundamentals, right? Screw them nerdy bible thumping kids, you know what you’re fucking doing out there! We just need to get you used to going toe-to-fuckin’-toe with guys as big as you. I grew up in in Cincy, I’ve taken guys as big as me or bigger since I was fucking five! I’ll train with you one-on-one, bro. You’ll get up to speed lickity fucking split! We’ll crush these motherfuckers this year!”

He briefly paused, considering what he had just said. “Wait bro, you’re not super into that shit, right?”

“What, uh, *shit*?” I said, softly turning over the last word in my mouth as I spoke it.

“That churchy crap, man.” He paused, seemingly genuinely concerned that he might have offended me. “Look man, my Gramma tried pushing that shit on me, it didn’t fucking fly, okay? You do you, bro, I just don’t want to know, okay?”

I laughed. “With the way you talk I had you figured for a choir boy!”

My joke seemed to put him at ease. “Ah fuck, good deal bro. I knew you seemed cool, you just gotta relax now that you’re here. Get a decent fucking haircut and lose the churchy getup.” He chuckled, waving to my clothes. “I know they say you’re supposed to dress up on the first day to meet Coach, but no one gives a flying fuck.”

“Yeah, kinda overkill huh?” I said, tossing my duffle and laptop case on the bed and sitting down to kick off my shoes.

“Hey man.” He asked, undeterred. “You got a girlfriend or anything?”

My mind reeled a bit at the question. Father would never have allowed me to date. You could request an arranged courtship, but that’s just within the church, there’s a chaperone; you didn’t want anything to do with that. Realizing he was staring at me I mumbled out a “No, not really.”

“Sweet!” He laughed. “Time to spread your wings, bro! We gotta get you a girl quick. Imma help, it’ll be my fucking number one mission. Nah, number two mission. Number one is the one-on-one.” He laughed as he pondered. “Maybe two girls, man.”

“Do you, uh” I began to stumble. “Are you seeing anyone?”

“Seeing? Fuck man, we far from church now, you gotta lighten it up. But yeah, I got a girlfriend here already: Cindy. She’s hot as fuck, bro! Goddamn fucking tits out to here!” He held his hand up to illustrate. “Might be able to talk her into a threesome, dude, but if you get a girl it’ll be easier.” He pondered again. “Bro, we could fuckin’ swap ’em!”

My mind raced. I understood most of the words he was saying, but the concepts were almost entirely foreign. I had never Cihangir travesti had access to the internet, there was only one video store in town and it’s use was strictly controlled, and of course we had no cable.

“I uh, sure?” I managed to stammer out.

He laughed. “Probably moving too fast, bro. But we gotta have plans, right? Fucking goals, right man?”

I smiled. “Fucking goals…” I echoed.

“Hey man, I’m starving, I’m gonna head down. You wanna change and meet me?”

“Sure.” I said as he raced out the door.

What even *were* my goals here? I had been so laser focused on the idea of getting the scholarship that I hadn’t considered the sudden crash from escaping my weird little bubble. Maybe my Father had been right. I pulled the buttons on my shirt, searching my duffle for something casual enough. Maybe this was a mistake.

The next few weeks became a blur. Orientation after orientation, meetings, team meetings, classes, so many classes, so many new faces. So many people I never would have seen. I thought of Old Man Michalek. How many decades had he lived in that decrepit trailer? Could he ever have imagined the things I was seeing now?

Mike brought Cindy over a few times. I wasn’t sure what my type was, but I knew it wasn’t Cindy. You could tell she had been pale, but had spent far too many of her teenage years laying in a tanning booth. She had dyed blonde hair with streaks of purple. Her breasts were as Mike had described, but below them she was straight as a board. She wore halter tops and yoga pants and carried a different glittery designer purse every day. I had no interest but Mike was ecstatic about her. They fucked constantly, in any location at any and every opportunity, and even a couple times in the room when they thought I was asleep.

Standing under the hot steaming shower head after a shoot-around I heard Mike’s trademark shout. “Fucking pornstar-ass Long Dick Johnson over here.” He laughed.

I looked up to see his glistening nude body under the next showerhead. “It’s basically the same size as yours. Just not circumcised.”

He laughed. “That’s what I mean, man! You’re as much of a stud as I am!” I rolled my eyes at him. “It’ll be Iron Pike Mike and, uh, Big Dick I-zic? Ehh, I’ll work on it some more.” He laughed again and slapped me on the shoulder playfully. “Probably shouldn’t ask Cindy for a threesome though bro, might split her in fucking half!”

Aside from mine I had only ever seen my brother’s cocks, and that was long ago. Mike’s voice cut through my thoughts. He was speaking quietly for once, looking over his shoulder as he spoke. “Hey man, you’re not girlfriendless ’cause your gay, right?”

My mind reeled again. I had never been attracted to men, but I was a virgin–I’d never been with anyone in my life, never even seen a woman naked. “It’s cool if you are bro, no fucking judgment man.” Mike’s voice sliced into my thoughts again.

“Nah man, I guess I’m straight.”

“Cool. I figured. Church throws you the fuck out for being gay anyway, right?”

“I, uh…” I stammered. “Yeah, I guess.”

“Fuckin’ holy rollers though.” He laughed, returning to his shower.

“Are… are you?” Something odd came over me as I asked.

“Gay?” Mike laughed. “Nah, not really.” He paused for a moment. “I’ve sucked cock a few times during hazing, I guess, but I like some titties man! Like to slap some titties and fuck some pussy. Which, speaking of that, there’s a fucking mixer tomorrow night. I’m taking you. Call it: Project Pornstar!” He laughed.

My mind was still grappling with what he’d said. Sucking cock was sodomy. Sodomy was a sin! But, how could he have sucked cock and still be straight? He just tried both and picked one? Was that how it worked?

“Hey bro, word to the fucking wise though.” Mike leaned in close, speaking just above a whisper. “You got a trimmer right?” I nodded. “Knock down the fucking forest you’ve got.” He tapped my pubes casually with the back of his hand. “Asscrack too. That shit may fly with the church girls, but college girls don’t want to fucking explore the rainforest bro. Scrub it like a motherfucker too. Gotta get the baller sweat off, right?!” He laughed at his own joke.

True to his advice Mike was trimmed and clean, not just his pubes but his chest, ass, and legs. As he strolled out of the shower I raced back to my locker and pulled out my trimmer. I worked over my ‘jungle’ as best I could, and scrubbed my ass harder than I ever had before, finger in the hole and everything. I wasn’t exactly sure why, but Mike seemed to have a plan.


The mixer was a bust. Too many nervous freshmen, all standing in their own corners. Mike gave a valiant effort as a wingman, but was eternally distracted by Cindy, or one of her hangers-on. I stood there taking the tiniest sips I could off of my solo cup of warm beer. “Bro!” I heard Mike’s voice through the din. “Fuck this man. You got your wheels here though, right?”

He was right, Cihangir travestileri I had limped the ancient but nigh-indestructible Ranger and parked it up the street. “Uh, yeah.” I said.

“Bro, fucking lifesaver man. Fucking genius right here. Look man, this chick Alex said she knows the spot!” He looked back over his shoulder and waved over another small group. “Guys this is fucking Isaac, he’s a fucking genius and a pornstar! He can drive us over!”

I had not agreed to drive this many people anywhere. I had not, in fact, agreed to drive anyone anywhere. On the other hand, leaving now would give me an excuse to dump my beer. “The Ranger only has three seatbelts.” I muttered.

“No bro, you’ve got the fucking grandpa topper on it! We can fit like twenty people!” He laughed, turning to the group. “I told you this guy was a fucking genius.”

I don’t think the longsuffering Ranger had ever carried so much weight. The rear bumper practically drug on the ground as people piled into the back. A couple I didn’t know sat in the passenger seat, the girl on the guy’s lap. Alex, who claimed to know where we were going, sat in the middle, straddling the shifter. Nervously I reached between her legs, trying to find first gear. She was actually really cute. She had medium-brown skin, a short afro dyed green, and was wearing leggings that glowed in the darkness of the truck cab. “Are you really a pornstar?” She asked, as I brutally slipped the clutch, trying to get the poor truck rolling.

“Uh, not really.” I stammered. “Mike just says things.”

Mike jammed his head through the smoker’s window from the canopy into the cab. “Nah, don’t listen to him, babe. You should fuckin’ dump Jules and date Big Dick I-zick here: tha mothafukin’ ballin’ pornstar!” Mike was already drunk.

“Oh my god! Shut the fuck up, Mike!” Alex turned to scream at him, but managed to project directly into my ear.

Mercifully the Ranger made it up the hill out of town. We arrived at a big private house with cars lining both sides of the street. The exodus from the back of my truck would have put a clown car to shame. This party was– very different than the last. The house was also very different than the last. The center room had been gutted and a live band was playing on a makeshift stage. There was a disturbingly large fire going in the back yard, and every type of person I could imagine was milling through the house. I walked through in a daze, every one of my senses under full frontal assault.

“No fucking drink bro!” Someone shoved a cold can into my hand and popped the top. I took a sip as I walked, and suddenly felt a slap across my back. I choked, trying not to spit beer everywhere. I turned to see one of my teammates, Ricky.

“Fucking swig it, goddamn!” Ricky laughed. I took a full swig. It tasted like sour bread and suds. It was terrible. “Where’s Mike?” He yelled over the noise of the band. I shrugged, and pointed vaguely in the direction of the last place I’d seen him.

I wandered aimlessly through the party. It was an unbelievable experience. There were probably more people here than lived in my entire hometown! I tried to stand still and watch, but it was too packed. Walking through the back room behind the ‘stage’ I watched a girl giving a guy a lapdance. She locked eyes with me and pulled her shirt down, flashing me directly. I really needed some air.

Walking out to the back patio I watched the attempted bonfire from a safe distance. It was packed out here too, but at least it was cool and I could breathe. The beer was making me heady and flushed. I suppose having absolutely no alcohol resistance will do that.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw one girl in particular staring at me. As we locked eyes she looked back towards her friend, blushing. I was immediately taken aback. Her dark blonde hair tumbled over her shoulders. She was slim, with little breasts. She wore a loose pink blouse and a black skirt. She stood awkwardly in her heels whispering in her friends ear. Her friend was just a bit taller, with a cherubic face and short brunette hair in a pixie cut. She had on a tight, sleeveless black top and glittering pink leggings. They both looked at me again and smiled. I smiled back. I’m not sure what propelled me, but I started to walk towards them.

“What’s up, Stilts?” The dark haired girl spoke first. I was a bit shocked but she flashed me an amazing, angelic smile.

I tried to think of something smart to say. “Hey you’re the second tallest one here after me.” Ehh, it was the best I could do in the moment.

Her blonde friend started laughing and turned away. “Mister smartypants here.” The brunette smiled again. “I’m Dharma, this is Tia.”

“I’m Isaac.” I debated putting out my hand, but women didn’t shake hands, did they?

“Are you on the basketball team?” Tia asked. As she looked up at me I could see her amazing brown eyes and I was completely undone.

“Uh, yeah.” I stammered, suddenly there was Travesti cihangir much more than the beer making me flushed and heady.

“So you know Ricky?”

“Uh, I guess yeah.”

“He’s a fucking jerk.” Dharma interjected. Tia just laughed.

“Yeah, I had noticed that.” I smiled, feeling more at ease.

“You’re new this year?” Dharma asked.

“Yeah, I transferred in.”

“What school?” Tia chirped.

“Uhh…” I didn’t want to admit it, but I couldn’t think of a lie. “It was ah, uhh, Acadia Christian.”

Dharma laughed. “You on the God squad, Stilts?”

“I uhh.” My faced flushed red.

“Are you a goodie good choir boy? Are you Moral Orel?” She laughed as Tia jabbed her with her elbow.

“Stop it Dar, he’s fine. If he was a big Christian would he be out here drinking beer with the rest of those jock idiots?” Tia saved me. What an angel.

We chatted awkwardly for a bit, talking too loudly at each other over the noise of the band, and the noise of the patio. “C’mon, I’ve got an idea.” Dharma said. She led us through the din of the house and up the stairs to a small corner bedroom. “Help me up, Stilts.” She ordered, leaning out of the open window. I lifted her feet and she clamored through out onto the roof of the front porch. I helped Tia out then climbed out myself, sitting down on the roof and leaning against the wall.

“Little better out here?” Dharma smiled. I nodded. She handed us three more beers from her purse. They were, surprisingly cold, considering.

“I’m still…” I held up my half full can.

“Sounds like a you-problem, Isaac.” Dharma winked and gave me that incredible smile again.

“Oh don’t listen to her.” Tia said, sitting down between my legs, facing out. It was the closest I had ever been to a woman that wasn’t my mother. I could smell her perfume, smell her beer, smell her sweat from the dance floor. “You’re sweet, Isaac. Don’t get mean like Ricky.”

“I won’t.” I laughed.

Tia reached out and set her hands on my knees. It was like an electric shock on my legs from her short fingers.

“Do you have a girlfriend somewhere, Orel?” Dharma eyed her friend as she spoke.


Dharma laughed. “Good, cause if you did little Tia here would make you dump her.”

“Shut up Dharma!” Tia squeaked indignantly, her hands flying off my knees and up to cover her mouth.

“What? It’s true.” Dharma smiled again, winking directly at me. “Actually,” she continued, “a real good girlfriend would join you.”

My jaw dropped.

“My girlfriend always joins me.” Tia pushed back into me as she spoke, wiggling her shoulders against my chest.

My mind stumbled to understand. “Your girlfriend–you’re–lesbians?”

Dharma threw her head back and laughed. “Only on the full moon, Orel. We’re Werebians.” She kept laughing.

My mind reeled at the flood of information. I was swimming in a haze. I could feel Tia’s ass almost coming in contact with my thighs, almost brushing my raging hardon.

Tia was amazing. She was quite literally breathtaking as I looked down at her, smelled her, felt her touch. Could I really sin with her? But was it sinning if I stayed with her? I leaned back against the old clapboard of the house and tried to steady my breathing. I wanted to touch her, like she touched me. I reached forward, gently setting my hands on her shoulders. I massaged her neck and down her back as softly as I could. She was so incredibly soft and warm, I had never felt anything like it.

“See what I mean?” Dharma said, moving across to sit on my right. “You get one bit of Tia and you’re in trouble.” Dharma grabbed my hair and leaned in, kissing me directly on the mouth. My eyes snapped open. I’d never kissed anyone on the mouth before. It was amazing. I felt the noisy house spinning around me.

Tia pressed herself between my legs while Dharma cuddled alongside me. “Tia’s right, Orel.” Dharma said. “You’re a sweetie.” She kissed me again. I could taste the beer in her mouth. Tia rolled onto her side between my legs, and stroked my chest through my t-shirt. My need to rationalize the sin of what I was doing had completely slipped away. My cock was hard and angry, my balls ached, I was in freefall.

Dharma stood and climbed back through the window, but I was lost with Tia. She was kissing me, sliding her hand along the bulge in my pants. I slid my hands down over her, grasping her hips. “Psst! Hey!” Dharma stuck her head back out the window. “Coast is clear, lovebirds!” Tia and I pried ourselves apart and ran back to the window. True to her word Dharma had locked the door and the tiny, empty upstairs room was ours. She flopped down on the only piece of furniture in the sparse room: an ancient overstuffed loveseat.

Dharma wriggled down to the end and patted the open seats. Tia slid me to the middle and sat on the opposite end. She and Dharma grabbed and stroked at me, both of them kissing me, then meeting in front of me to share a kiss themselves. “Isaac!” Dharma whispered. I looked at her in a daze. “We’re gonna find out how Christian you are, ’cause you need to know something: Tia and I are trans.”

My mind raced. I didn’t understand what she meant. In my sheltered little life I had never considered it. Foolishly I decided to make a joke. “Trans, like Trans Am?”

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