


We went on a holiday up into the mountains. When I say we I don’t mean just my family, because we’d teamed up with some friends and there were the two families combined. I quite enjoy holidaying in the mountains. I like hiking and there are some good nature trails near the holiday home we were renting. The down side was that it was rather an isolated spot, miles from anywhere.

About halfway through our holiday the parents (both sets) decided to run down to the shops. Personally I wasn’t interested in going and Maree and I prevailed on them to let us remain behind. We’re both eighteen, I pointed out. Adults really. We’ll be fine, especially if you’re taking the younger kids with you.

The parent um’ed and ah’ed for a short while, but as both Maree and me indicated that there might be a sudden reversion to grumpy, hard-done-by, teenage angst if we were dragged along, they agreed we could remain behind. They were only going to be a few hours, anyway.

So they set off and Maree and I just bummed around the place, doing nothing in particular and liking it fine. Then the weather started to close in on us.

When I say started, one moment we were under a bright blue sky, the next there were fluffy white clouds piling up, followed by these big black things which I assumed were clouds. There was a flash, a bang of thunder, two screams and Maree and I were inside before the rain hit the ground.

Middle of the afternoon and so dark you’d think it was night-time, and the rain was pouring down. I quite enjoy watching the rain, but this was the first time I’d experienced a storm so personal, you might say. We were way up in the mountains and I’m quite sure half the clouds were actually below us.

Maree was as nervous as a cat, jumping with every clap of thunder, which meant that she was doing a lot of jumping. The thunder almost made me overlook the banging on the front door. When I realised what it was I rushed to open it, cursing my father for driving home in this.

It wasn’t the family. It was a couple of drowned rats. Actually, that’s a little unkind. It was a couple of men, who were probably nice looking when dry, aged, I’d say, in their mid-twenties. They were both wearing suits and were so wet that I could have left them outside without worrying that they’d get wetter. They were saturated – hence the drowned rats appellation.

Being a polite young lady I invited them in out of the rain. They came in quite gratefully, shivering slightly. Their car had skidded off the road. They’d have stayed in the car, but saw the lights of our house and figured that they’d be a lot safer inside. They’d appreciate a chance to dry off and wait out the storm.

For some reason Maree was carrying on like a two-bob watch, flapping her hands and shaking her head. I ignored her. I didn’t know what her problem was but I couldn’t really kick the guys back outside. I told them to just wait in the hallway for a moment and I’d be right back.

I went and raided my father’s stuff, grabbing his dressing gown, then did the same with Maree’s father. I brought them back and gave the gowns to the men.

“If you care to use the bathroom you can dry off and put these on. We still have power, so just dump your clothes outside the bathroom door and I’ll toss them all in the drier.”

The men thanked me and almost bolted into the bathroom. I imagine a hot shower was uppermost on their minds. As soon as the door closed behind them, Maree rounded on me.

“Are you out of your mind?” she nearly screamed. “We’re alone here and you’ve invited two strangers in. They’ll rape us. We’ll be brutalised. And it will all be your fault.”

And I think she genuinely believed it.

“Relax,” I said, trying to calm her. “If they’d meant xslot harm they could have jumped us as soon as they walked in the house. And if they really mean harm, what makes you think they wouldn’t have broken in anyway? They’re just a couple of travellers stuck in the storm. As soon as the weather eases off they’ll be gone.”

With that I went and grabbed the clothes outside the bathroom and tossed them in the washing machine spin cycle to get rid of the bulk of the water. In a few minutes I would toss them in the drier.

I put the kettle on to make some coffee and went back to Maree. She was almost having kittens. I’ve never seen her like this. I mean, really, what on earth did she think was going to happen? Both the men had seemed perfectly normal and respectable but she was acting as if I’d invited in Jack the Ripper and Mr Hyde.

The men came out in the dressing gowns and we all went into the kitchen to have coffee. Maree’s eyes had almost popped when she realised that the men were only wearing the dressing gowns, and I’ll swear she was sneaking peeks to see if she could see any skin.

The men introduced themselves as John and Andrew. We settled down to the coffee and Maree’s behaviour was so servile it was embarrassing. And I’m quite sure that both men found it both amusing and embarrassing. I became even more certain of that when they started a mild argument and then appealed to Maree for her opinion. She almost tied her tongue in a knot trying to agree with both of them.

When Maree excused herself for a bathroom visit Andrew turned to me.

“Um, I’m sorry if this is out of line, but does your friend have some sort of problem with men?”

“None that I’ve ever noticed. I think it’s just because of the storm and that we’re alone here. She was a little nervous about having you come in.”

“We couldn’t really have stayed out in that, could we,” said Andrew, jerking his head towards where the rain was lashing against the window. “What does she think we’re going to do? Rape her or something.”

They correctly interpreted my blush, and laughed.

“That explains why she’s being so polite,” said John. “She doesn’t want to upset the ravening beasts.”

A few moments later Maree came back in. Before she could sit down, John spoke up.

“Ah, Maree, before you sit down would you be so kind as to take off your top. I’d like to get a better look at you. Help me choose, you know?”

I could hear the laughter in his voice and glared at him. He really was being a bit callous I thought.

“Ignore him, Maree,” I said, turning to her, and then shut up, if you can still call it shutting up with your mouth hanging open.

That idiot was actually in the process of taking off her top.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I yelled at her.

She just dropped her top and bra on the table and then pointed at John.

“He said I had to,” she protested.

“He didn’t mean it,” I snarled. “He was having you on.”

Maree dithered, not sure whether she should put the top back on or not. I think she probably would have if that practical joker hadn’t spoken again.

“Put your top back on by all means,” John said. “Just take off your tights and panties to make up for it.”

Maree seemed to just freeze, staring at John.

“Ignore him, Maree,” I shouted. “Just get dressed.”

Andrew wasn’t being much help either way. He was just sitting back looking amused. Maree, to my absolute shock, seemed as though she was going to take of her tights rather than put on her top. Then John chipped in again.

“I’ll tell you what, Maree,” he said, softly. “You just lean forward over the table. I’ll take down your tights and panties myself.”

And while I watched xslot Giriş Maree did just that. She leaned over the table, topless, resting on her arms. John, meanwhile, just got up and casually walked around behind her. He hooked his thumbs inside her waist band and as calm as you please he just pulled down Maree’s tights and panties, leaving her naked.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, Maree,” I howled. “Tell that idiot to take a hike and get your clothes back on.”

Maree just totally ignored me. She was turned around, watching John. He’d unfastened the dressing gown and it was swinging free. It wasn’t the only thing swinging free. I blushed fiercely as I saw his cock was standing up and waving to everyone.

I’d risen from the table during all this and I had a perfect view. John just carefully lined his cock up and started sticking it into Maree. I thought she’d scream or cry or something, but apart from a small gasp she didn’t even seem to react. I’m a virgin myself, and I’d have thought Maree was, but she sure seemed to know what was going on.

John just kept pushing and I could see his cock just sinking deeper and deeper into Maree. And I could swear she was lifting her bum and pushing to meet him.

“She’s a natural submissive,” a quiet voice next to me said. “She’s been waiting for one of us to command her since we arrived.”

I turned shocked eyes on Andrew. He just grinned at me and lifted a hand in the general direction of my breasts.

“How about I take your top off?” he suggested softly. “I’m sure you have the most amazing breasts.”

“And I’m sure that if you so much as lay one finger on them I’ll break it. Anything more than that and you’ll be a natural soprano for the rest of your life,” I said, smiling sweetly.

Andrew laughed and went and sat down again. Meanwhile John and Maree were having a fine old time. At least, John was. I’m assuming that Maree was also from all the squealing and bouncing she was doing. John’s hands were wrapped around her, holding her breasts, while his bum was jerking back and forth at a great rate. I could see his cock being pulled back and then pushed forward hard, and I couldn’t help feeling irritation with Maree when she lifted her bottom and pushed back hard to meet him.

I wanted to protest that John was raping my friend, but he wasn’t. Not really. He’d just told her to bend over and then started fucking her and she’d let him, without even a whisper of protest.

And he kept on taking her. I’d always had this feeling that the whole thing would be over real quick. I’ve heard other girls talk about their boyfriends and some of them had laughed about how quick their boyfriends were to draw and fire. John just kept on going, with Maree squeaking excitedly as his cock plunged into her.

I cast a nervous glance at Andrew but he seemed quite relaxed, sitting back and enjoying the show. He didn’t show any inclination to try and jump me. Funny that. I was relieved and a little piqued, both at the same time. Relief won. I wasn’t going to lose my virginity to a complete stranger without a hell of a fight, thank you very much.

Looking back at Maree and John was still in the throes of entertaining her, and she didn’t seem to mind. His hands were now on her hips, as he seemed to be pumping her harder than ever, and her breasts were bobbing around like crazy with the rocking motion of her body as John drilled in. Andrew I noticed was watching those bouncing breasts with keen appreciation.

Then John started jerking wildly and Maree just shrieked and seemed ready to collapse over the table. John was ejaculating into her, I realised, and Maree was having an orgasm.

Then John was pulling out, doing up the bathrobe and xslot Güncel Giriş going back to his chair. Andrew, for some reason, pushed his chair back away from the table, but continued sitting.

“A total submissive,” Andrew said to me. “Watch.”

Watch what, I wondered? After a minute or so Maree stood up, looking slightly dazed. She snapped out of her daze pretty fast when Andrew spoke to her.

“Maree,” he snapped. “Why’d you let John go first?”

Maree focused on him. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled.

“So you should be. Come here and bend over.”

To my disgust and fury, Maree did just that. She practically ran over to Andrew and bent over his knee, bum up.

“Naughty girls get punished, you know,” Andrew told her.

Maree just nodded in agreement, waiting. I couldn’t believe it. Andrew started spanking her, and she didn’t even try to struggle. He wasn’t holding her down or anything. Andrew spanked Maree’s bottom, and I could see he was leaving big red hand prints, but apart from a few yelps and squeals Maree did nothing. If he’d tried it on me he’d have been trying to dig my teeth out of his leg, I swear it.

So Andrew proceeds to give Maree this nice spanking and she just took it. When he apparently decided that it was enough he lifted her back onto her feet.

“All right, lean back against the table now,” he snapped, and Maree did, just leaning back, arms behind her, legs parted, and I could see everything, and part of the everything I could see was Andrew’s cock as it started pushing between Maree’s lips.

I mean, once wasn’t enough for her? Apparently not, as she was already squealing and pushing herself onto Andrew, taking him into herself fast. Then Andrew was leaning over her, biting on her breasts while his hips started going crazy, really pummelling Maree.

For a girl I’d never really considered athletic, she put on a fine athletic display right then. It didn’t seem to matter how fast Andrew was dipping in and out of her, she was right there with him, answering his demands and making demands of her own.

I tried not to watch what was going on, but it seemed that everywhere I looked I could either see Andrew busy making time or a reflection of the pair of them going at. I was quite relieved when I heard Andrew shout and Maree shriek her way through another orgasm.

I turned and walked out of the kitchen, returning a few moments later with the clothes out of the drier. I dumped them on the table with a heavy hint that the men might like to get dressed. Bastards showed no modesty. They just dumped the dressing gowns and started dressing. I took the dressing gowns and went and put them in the washing machines. I kind of thought that dad wouldn’t want his back with love juices all over it.

Coming back to the kitchen I noticed that it wasn’t raining any more.

“Oh, look,” I said. “It’s stopped raining. That means you’ll be able to go and get your car on the road. It also means that our families will probably be home soon.”

That last bit brought a startled squawk from Maree. She grabbed her clothes and vanished into the bathroom. John and Andrew just grinned and ambled towards the front door.

“Don’t worry about that one,” Andrew told me, nodding towards the bathroom. “She had a great time, and she’ll be able to claim it was rape because she was too scared to say no. I’ll give you a tip. If you’re ever really pissed off at her, demand that she pull down her pants and bend over, because you’re going to spank her. The odds are that she’ll do it. If there’s a man in the room she’ll almost certainly do it, because you’ll find she’s also a bit of an exhibitionist.”

John and Andrew headed off down the road towards wherever their car was. I watched them go in a thoughtful mood. Maybe there’s a touch of voyeur in me. I couldn’t help wondering what would happen if I demanded Maree get spanked while we were off on a hike, possibly when some handsome hiker was nearby. Something to think about.

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