
It Started with a Dream Ch. 03


This is the third part and I recommend you take the time to read the first two parts for context. All people are over 18.


It was now Friday, two days after my dream and two days since that incredible fuck.

Ruth and I had both been really busy with work. She had a weekend conference to go to and I had been flat out doing repairs on my latest investment property. We hadn’t had much time to spend together which with her going away over night wasn’t ideal.

I finished early that afternoon, hoping to get in one last ‘session’ with my gorgeous wife before she left for the conference.

I arrived home shortly after 3.00pm to find Ruths suitcase already packed and sitting in the hall.

“What’s happening?” I asked. “Sorry babe”, she replied “I was planning on leaving later but Ann offered to give me a lift. She needs to go down a bit earlier to set everything up.”

Ruth could tell from the disappointment on my face that I wasn’t too happy about it. She came over, kissed me hard on the lips and told me she would more than make it up to me…

Next thing I knew a car pulled into our drive and after a quick squeeze of my cock Ruth grabbed her bag and ran out the door to her awaiting lift.

So much for getting some quality time before she left.

I made myself a bite to eat, grabbed a beer and sat down to watch some TV.

I hadn’t made any plans for that night other than to have a few drinks and relax.

I knew the conference was an hours drive away and expected Ruth to phone me when she had arrived. She has a few conferences Anadoluyakası Escort a year and I always get a call when she arrives and then another just when she’s heading to bed.

The Friday night of the conference was always a dinner hosted and paid for by the company she works for. Free food and free drink were always a popular combination and there was upwards of 100 people expected to attend.

I was wondering why she hadn’t called when just after 6.00pm my phone rang. It was Ruth just checking in. She wanted to let me know she had arrived safely at the hotel and had just settled into her room.

When she arrived earlier and got her room key she discovered the room had a leak coming from the bathroom ceiling. She phoned down to reception and after checking out the problem they offered to move her to one of the suites on the ground floor with a four poster bed.

She told me the room was stunning but didn’t have time for a video call as she was already running late. She still had to get showered and dressed for dinner.

I told her to have a good night and after saying our goodbyes we hung up with a promise for her to video call me later.

I had a pretty quite night in front of the TV and was thinking of heading to bed when Ruth video called me from her laptop.

She had a bit of a buzz on from all the free drink and was chatting away when I noticed the dress she was wearing… or should I say nearly wearing!

She had bought it a couple of years ago thinking it would be great for holidays but never got round to wearing it. It was an electric blue Anadoluyakası Escort Bayan colour, very short and very low cut… It’s the sort of thing you would wear when it’s still hot outside and you’re heading out for the night to a bar. Not what I thought she would have worn to a work dinner?

I queried her choice of outfit and she spun round flashing her thong covered ass as the same time.

“Don’t you like it?” she asked.

“I love it” I replied “I just didn’t think you would have worn it in front of a load of strangers at dinner”.

I also didn’t think she would have worn a thong under it. Normally when she wears something short she’ll put on boy shorts because she’s afraid of the wind catching it.

“I brought it with me on the off chance and I wasn’t sure when I first put it on but I didn’t have time to change again.” was her reply.

I told her that I was sure she got plenty of attention at the dinner and that she looked amazing. I was just sorry I wasn’t there to help her take it off and fuck her!

We chatted for another few minutes about the dinner and she told me she had misplaced her handbag. She was sure someone lifted it by mistake and security would probably have it handed in to them later that night. She had already told them about it as they had to let her back into her room to get her spare room key. They said they would bring the bag round in the morning as soon as someone handed it in.

Ruth then went a bit quiet.

“Everything ok?” I asked.

She replied “Remember during the week you had that dream about watching Escort Anadoluyakası me fuck another man?”

“How could I forget” I answered

“You looked like you were really turned on thinking about it. Your cock was the biggest I’ve felt it in a long time” she replied.

“I was turned on, a LOT… I just didn’t think it was something I could ever bring up with you and thought never in a million years would you do something like that.” “Have you been thinking about it?” I asked.

“More than you know” she replied “I just didn’t think I could do it with you actually in the room watching me. I’m afraid you would get cross and try and stop it happening, or worse, end up punching the other guy!”

“Of course not” I said. “I would just love to see the look on your face as someone elses cock was buried deep inside you. I just want you to let yourself go a bit and enjoy it.”

“I’m glad you said that” she replied. “I’ve done something which I wasn’t sure you would like. I’m soo horny tonight and I was getting a lot of attention at the dinner. I invited someone back to my room. I told him to give me 15 minutes and then come round. He should be here any minute!”

I was speechless…

“But I’m not there to watch” I stuttered.

“I’ve thought of that” she replied. “I’m going to leave the video call running on my laptop but I’ll mute the sound so if you say anything I won’t be able to hear you. That way you can watch but you can’t interrupt.”

What could I say. I was torn between telling her not to do it and being so turned on I really wanted to watch it happen.

Next thing there was a loud knock at the door and I had no more time to think about it.

Ruth quickly told me she loved me before muting the sound on the laptop and minimising the video screen.

I watched on screen as she opened the door to not one but TWO guys!!! What the hell was going on?

To be continued

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