
Jills Day Out


Chapter 1: The Summons

When she found the note someone had managed to tuck un-noticed into her pocket as she was shopping, Jill felt alarmed; it was him again! Sipping coffee in a nearby cafe she read it carefully. The one who she thought of only as the Man wanted her again. Anxiety swept over her and she had to fight to regain calm. She told herself he wouldn’t hurt her; he had always let her go again, hadn’t he?

It had begun nearly two years before, when Jill had been abducted on her way to a girl’s night out. She had been dragged off the street with bewildering speed and force by an unseen attacker. The man had pulled her backwards by her hair, into a derelict shop. He was very strong and she was too afraid to resist. He had covered her eyes with a soft blindfold and warned her that she must never see his face. Her wrists had been held behind her back while he used thin cord to tie her thumbs together. She had caught only a brief glimpse, of his lower body, naked but for a t-shirt and work boots! The sight had shocked her; muscular thighs and legs topped by greying pubic hair and a thick, semi-erect uncircumcised penis whose large head seemed to be peeping from its hood of skin.

From his voice she knew he was not a young man. He gave her orders in a terse matter of fact way, which she soon learned to obey without delay. Her early reluctance was punished immediately; he slapped her face hard and warned that when she was naked he would do the same to her breasts, a promise which he soon carried out. She cried but he told her he always carried out his threats and she learned not to displease him.

In that stinking old building the terrified young woman was stripped and led around the room, as if being paraded. She was made to suck the penis she had seen briefly and then raped. He had even fucked her arsehole, something her husband Mark had done only rarely and then by just entering the head of his penis. The man had had some difficulty opening her tiny anus, but with the liberal application of some sort of lubricant and much effort (and a good deal of suffering for the woman) he had managed to go in up to the balls.

Jill had cried and begged for mercy but he showed neither sympathy nor irritation with her whining. Instead he had continued with each stage of her abuse coolly and methodically.

The session ended after four long hours of pain and shame. She was allowed to lie on the hard floor until she felt strong enough to stand and dress herself. The blindfold was pulled off and she saw the man was wearing a full head mask and coveralls. He passed her a towel and told her to get cleaned up and then get the fuck home. She had not been allowed to keep her knickers.

Although shocked and distressed she was not injured and since her husband was away at the time no one had seen her dis-sheveled state. She had told no one about the attack.

Jill had always considered herself a fairly strong person and soon put the memory out of her mind. But the Man had other plans. A few months after the abduction she received some photos in the post. They showed her performing sex acts on an unseen man, not her husband; there was no sign of coercion, it even looked as if she was enjoying it! But it was the letter that came with it that alarmed her more than the photos. It told her that she must submit to him at a time and place to be decided or the pictures would be sent to certain people who she would prefer didn’t see them. When a short note arrived with details of a rendezvous and also a list of the items she must wear, she decided to obey. If he wanted to take her by force like before he would have done it. This meant he was not intending her any greater harm, didn’t it? Terrified that she would be badly hurt or murdered but hoping he would release her, Jill had kept the engagement.

Dressed as commanded, she had kept the date and had been raped again in much the same way as before. The man had used less violence than before, using her fear of him to obtain her cooperation. Now, though, he was less hurried, having been able to plan better in advance. Again she was released after many hours, without her underwear.

She had been summoned on four occasions since then. Each time the letter arrived she became filled with nervous excitement, like a girl going on a date with a new boyfriend. The truth was; she had become accustomed to the sex. He never hurt her very badly and he always released her when he had finished, and, she reluctantly admitted to herself, she orgasmed during the performances. His attitude towards her had never softened however, and invariably treated her roughly and with obvious derision and spite. At times she had felt the sensation that a third party was watching or even taking part.

Chapter 2.

The Instructions.

Now, sitting alone in the cafe, she fought to remain calm. The note was typewritten; the previous ones had been scrawled, almost illegible. The instructions were clear; she must wear a dress, no bra. Suspenders and stockings, but not panties. High heel shoes with ankle straps. Jill was surprised by the “no panties” rule; Beylikdüzü escort he had seemed to like tugging them down her legs, then ordering her to step from them. Perhaps he just wanted some variety this time.

She found herself becoming intrigued, excited even by the letter, like a girl receiving a love letter. Don’t be stupid, she told herself, this is a terrorist demand. Today was Monday, he wanted her Wednesday of the same week; she would have to take a day off work, but she would do it, of course. She always obeyed him.

Wednesday came around. Jill showered and dried her hair, put on a little make-up and dressed as per the instructions, carrying a slim shoulder bag with some cash and her house keys. She left the house at nine a.m. and caught the bus into town. The directions led her to a part of town she had never visited. It was run-down and contained mainly derelict buildings. Following the written directions was easy enough and soon she was leaving the busy street and walking through a narrow alleyway, which opened onto a hidden, disused factory yard. High buildings, making it a warm suntrap, surrounded the yard. She was a little perturbed by the change of venue; previously, the Man had always specified the same place for her visits. This was an unfamiliar area.

Gathering up her courage, she obeyed the letter and took from her bag the blindfold and a length of thin nylon cord consisting of two loops and a slipknot. Leaving the bag on a windowsill, she took them to the centre of the yard where, after a quick glance around her, she put on the blindfold. Putting her hands behind her back she slipped the loop of the cord over her thumbs, then pulled her hands slightly apart causing the knot to slide up tight, locking her thumbs together. She was now defenceless.

Jill waited in the warm sunshine, hoping he would come soon; she felt vulnerable and a little foolish standing bound and blindfolded in a rough part of town. The Man had always arrived immediately she was in the required position, but today she seemed to be waiting a long time. Panic began to rise in her belly. Perhaps he wasn’t able to be here, he might have been delayed or had an accident! What would she do if he didn’t come? She began to struggle against the cord; she had to get free, had to get the blindfold off somehow. How would she explain her situation to a passer-by? She must find her way to the wall and try to scrape the blindfold off.

She started to take a couple of tentative steps forward, fearing she would trip, when she heard footsteps. He was here! Relief flooded over her. Thank goodness! Her rapist had not abandoned her! She almost laughed with pleasure.

“See, I told you!” a voice spoke, quietly, “I told you she’d be here!”

“Fuckin’ hell, I’d never have believed it”. A louder, rougher voice, sounding surprised. She didn’t recognize either voice! Who were these men?

“The old fool was telling the truth, after all! And I conned him! I got his woman to hand herself over to me!”

The voices seemed very close to her. She didn’t recognize either of them.

“Please help me!” she cried out, “I’ve been attacked, please untie me!” hoping they would believe her.

“ No, girl you’ve not been attacked, not yet anyway. You came here by your own means. You’re a volunteer!” Laughter followed.

“Lets see if she followed all the instructions,” said the first voice.

A hand lifted her dress above her waist. Around her, unseen eyes took in the view. The large, round, firm bottom. The thick blonde bush of pubic hair. The shapely legs in the pale blue stockings. Then the dress was allowed to fall back.

“Did you see? She’s no panties on!”

“Yeh! That means she’s a good girl, obedient to the letter.”

“How come, Bernie? Surely it’s dirty girls wear sussies without knickers?”

“In this case it shows a dirty girl can be a good girl, don’t worry about it.”

Jill felt a bitter embarrassment that she had allowed some strangers to see her like that. Who were these people?

“Lets move. She stood where I told her to, but we’ve got to get her out of plain sight now.” Her elbow was gripped and she was pulled, stumbling, across the yard. She felt a coolness that meant they were in a shady place.

“Lets see her properly, now!” Jill felt her thin shoulder straps snapping and the dress was pulled down her body, sliding to the ground.

“Step out of it!” ordered a voice. When she didn’t move a hand slapped her bottom, hard. She obeyed. Someone whistled softly. The young voice made an appreciative comment.

“I want to see her face, properly”, said the voice she was becoming accustomed to think of as the leader. The blindfold was pulled off quickly, causing her to blink myopically at her captors.

She was surprised to see four people surrounding her. Two were men in their twenties, dressed scruffily in identical jeans and t-shirts, with eyes too close together, making them look like halfwits. A man in his fifties or even sixty-ish was standing with, of all things, a midget! The midget had the wrinkled, wizened face of Beylikdüzü escort an old man. All of them were staring intensely at her. They saw a woman of medium height, with fair hair and green eyes. Her breasts were full and pointy, the nipples standing out like small fingertips from areolas, which were wide and pink. The woman’s shapely legs wore nylons, held up by a matching suspender belt, which fitted snugly across her belly just under the navel. Above the stocking tops, the sun shone on fine golden hairs adorning the skin

No one spoke for a few moments, as if in awe at the sight of the beautiful captive. It was the older man who broke the silence, “Lets get a move on, before some-one sees us. This way, cunt- move!” he snarled. Jill was guided towards a narrow cobbled street, which led off the yard to a warren of back streets. She could see that, once in there she would have no hope of a passer-by seeing her predicament; she would be lost to the world. Self-preservation and panic made her move. Suddenly she turned and began to run across the cobbled yard, back to the street she had come from. For a moment the group froze, just watching the strange spectacle of Jill’s big bottom bouncing as she ran in that comical stumbling short-stepped trot of a woman in high heels. The old one shouted, “ Get her, Billy!”

Jill ran as fast as she could manage, her breasts slapping painfully against her rib cage, but she had to get away from these horrible men! She had reached the alleyway; she could see people passing the other end, on the street! Before she could enter the narrow gap, the midget had grabbed her by the arm and swung her around. The man only came up to her elbow but his grip was painfully strong. “Bad cunt!” he hissed and then slapped her bottom three times. “You fat-arsed bitch! Cop that!” As they came back the men laughed to see he was pulling her by her pubic hair.

“Good lad!” called the old one, “you can have a reward for that”.

“Can I, Bernie? What reward can I have?” Even though he was obviously an adult it was evident that Billy was retarded; not surprising, coming from a family like this, she thought.

“What would you like,” asked the old man.

“Can I put my willie in her mouth?” the man asked shyly, “now, before the others do it?”

“Okay, but not now, we’ve got to get going”.

“Please, please let me do it now.” the voice had begun to wheedle, horribly.

The old man considered for a moment then said, “No, we’ve got to get her away from here, you’ll get a turn with her later.” The other two men were waiting, grinning inanely at her. Jill was scared, and angry; how dare these pigs kidnap her and order her around? In normal circumstances she would not give any of them the time of day, they would certainly not get the opportunity to see her naked! But these were not normal circumstances; Jill was in serious trouble.

Chapter 3.

The Van.

The men quickly herded her like a cow to the cobbled side street, making sure she didn’t have another opportunity to try to escape. At the end waited a dirty white Transit van, its doors open ready. She knew she was beaten; this was her transport to shame and, possibly, death. With her head bowed and tears running down her cheeks she was pushed in to dark interior. She was forced to sit on a dirty rug with her back against the front bulkhead.

The two weird brothers climbed in the front and Billy and Bertie climbed in the back with Jill. The engine started and the van moved off slowly.

“Where are you taking me?” asked Jill, “please let me go!”

Neither of them answered but Billy said to the old man, ”Can I have my reward now, before we get to the farm?”

Bertie said, “Yes, good time for it. Cunt, suck him off!” The misshapen little man jumped to his feet, unzipping his flies as he moved. He pulled his grubby jeans down his bandy legs to his knees and thrust his hips at her face; he wasn’t wearing underpants. The woman stared in disgust at the huge, erect cock with its hairy pink balls, which were all out of proportion to the rest of his body.

“Do it!” he commanded. Jill didn’t move. Bertie told Billy, ”Bitches are stupid, Billy. Sometimes they need teaching what to do. But remember this; never tell them twice!” He slapped the woman hard across the face, then again with the backhand. Jill’s head snapped back against the bulkhead banging the back of her head painfully.

“She’ll have got the message now!” said Bernie. He was right; Jill leaned forward immediately and took Billy’s penis into her mouth. It didn’t taste too bad, just a coating flavour of piss and sweat and she soon sucked it clean of that. Billy pushed his hips forward and she gagged. He pulled back again and she was able to suck hard. She felt his cock twitch against her cheek, he gasped and jerked back, pulling the knob clear of her lips and a squirt of warm cum shot into her eye and ran down her cheek, making a snail trail.

“Oh! Brilliant, oh that was great!” he gasped.

“Dirty bitch,” snarled Bernie, “she loves sucking cock, can’t get enough. All right, clean his knob and Escort Beylikdüzü then he can put it away.”

Jill obeyed; she sucked on the end of his penis, removing any drops of the sticky cum still remaining. Roughly, Billy pushed her head away and fastened his pants, disgusted with her and himself for his weakness for her.

The van, which had been moving slowly, with lots of short stops as if for junctions now stopped again, but this time she heard the handbrake being applied. She felt fear grip her again; something was about to happen.

Bernie got up as the van doors were opened from outside by the two brothers. Billy was ordered to stay with the van, in case the traffic wardens came along. “Come on, girl, haircut time”. She was guided out, puzzled, they hadn’t gone far. She recognized the back street they were in; it provided a narrow access to some of the shops on the towns’ main street! She was ushered through an iron door and up a stairway. The men were all behind her and she was aware of them as they followed looking up at her vagina. She tried to keep her thighs squeezed together.

At the top the stairs shared a landing with a flight of steps, which led down to the front of the building. A door led off the landing, on the glass was sign written, “Barber”.

Chapter 4.

Short, Back And Sides?

The naked woman was ushered into the room. Only Bernie came in with her. The barber, an old man, looked up from his newspaper.

“Ahh! She turned up then”, he remarked. “And very nice she is, too”.

“Yeh, she turned up, she’s a dirty bitch though!” said Bernie.

“Oh? How, dirty?”

“Well, you know I told you the old guy said she does everything she’s told? Well, she does anything, without being told, she loves it, the bitch!” The barber looked impressed.

“So, she just presented herself like that, naked?” he asked.

“No, I’ve stripped her, but she only had a dress on. ‘Course, she thought she was meeting her boyfriend, didn’t you luv?”

“So, you want me to shave her, yes? Baby smooth, hmm?”

“That’s right. She has to be bald for what we have in store for her.”

“Okay then. Put her on the bench.” He indicated a tatty, leather covered bench standing against the wall. Bernie moved it out a bit and then positioned Jill on it, pushing her onto her back.

The old barber stropped a cutthroat razor as he spoke. “It’s lucky I had no customers when you came in.”

“It’s all the same to this cunt,” said Bernie, “she would just have had an earlier start than expected, that’s all. She would just have to take her chances. She’s already sucked Billy off!”

“Has she? That well-hung little cunt! Suppose I fuck her in lieu of payment, then, hmm?”

“No chance, nobody fucks it until she’s done her turn for us. Now get on with it or the day will have gone before she has the chance to show us what she can do!”

The barber brought a shaving mug with brush and crouched beside her, “This will tickle a bit, dear,” he told Jill. He whipped up a thick lather and applied it to Jill’s pubes.

She closed her eyes, embarrassed by the intimacy of this new stranger with her pussy. The man whistled softly as he scraped the razor over her upper thighs, moving slowly towards her vaginal lips. He flicked the razor at the floor occasionally to clear it of the soap and hairs. Jill was terrified he would cut her but he was careful not to.

“So, the old guy told you he was blackmailing this woman for kinky sex then?” he asked Bernie. He was holding her cunt lips together between his fingers; he pulled them outwards so he could get at the nooks and crannies with his razor. Jill felt her internal muscles twitching; she hoped she wouldn’t start to respond visibly to this man’s ministrations.

“Let’s just say I found out about his little game, and decided to take over.”

“Hmm. So what have you got planned for her today? She’s very pretty, you wont spoil her, will you?” asked the barber, casually.

“Mind yer own fuckin’ business will ya? Just get that snatch shaved and keep yer nose out!” snarled Bernie. The old man continued his work in silence. When he had removed all trace of stubble he dried Jill’s skin with a towel.

“A little pomade?” he asked, “it’s not a stingy one, and it’s very soothing”.

“Okay, just get it done with.” Bernie was obviously feeling very stressed. Just then, one of the two brothers came in, “Bernie, there’s a police car in the street!” he murmured without any sense of urgency.

“You keep an eye on the bitch,” he told the barber. “I’ll be back in a sec!” He left the room, shutting the door behind him. The barber pulled Jill to a sitting position and pulled out his penis. It was thick and only semi-hard. Uncircumcised, it resembled a thick slug. Jill opened her mouth and he put it inside.

Immediately, she felt the penis stiffen. She sucked as hard as she could while the man wanked at its root. They knew there wasn’t much time before Bernie returned. It became very hard and long. The man wanked vigorously, while thrusting deep into her mouth. He exploded into her throat, hot cum making her cough, forcing it back out through her nose like a gush of white snot. The man pulled out and wiped himself with the towel, then wiped the girl’s nose and mouth for her. “You are a good girl aren’t you? Do you suck every cock you see?”

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