
Journals and Parks

Big Tits

She went by the park on the hill by her house every night after her shift finished.

At first, she started going because she craved being alone, even if just for a few minutes. She was surrounded by people at work in a city that was quite actually teeming with people, and her home was frequently the destination for parties or get-togethers thrown by her extroverted roommate. But she craved solitude – and the park provided just that.

Sometimes she would listen to music – finding the perfect song for her mood each time. Sometimes, if it was still light out, she would just sit there and watch the world unfold around her; from the top of the hill she could see the houses in the valley below, cars going up and down the grid-patterned streets, and people strolling on the sidewalks – she could even see all the way out to the breathtakingly immense bridge that was plastered all over postcards in her childhood (“wish you were here!”). She would look around, breathe in the crisp ocean air and just appreciate how nice it was to be in that park, at that time, in that city.

On other occasions, if she was feeling particularly antsy, pissed off, sad or just had some pent up emotions, she would roll herself a spliff and stomp up to the park with just her journal and pen in hand. She didn’t care if anyone caught her – if someone should feel the need to scold her, she would have no problem telling them to mind their own business. How dare they steal the only moments of solitude and relaxation she might have all day?

This is what she was doing on the night she met him.

He could smell it from his apartment, which was situated just outside the entrance to the little park. Everything was so close together in the city – there wasn’t really a such thing as a “backyard.” It was just someone else’s house, or a park in this case. He liked to keep the windows open on cool nights like this to let the breeze in, but this didn’t include the scent of hoodlums smoking pot in the night.

How annoying, he thought. Why hike up to this hill to do drugs when you can do it in the comfort of your own home. Why subject everyone in the surrounding area to the stench? Normally he would just shut his window and grumble to himself, but tonight he felt the need to go say something. After all, this had been a nightly occurrence for the past couple of days, and if it was the same person, he wanted to inspire them to do their business elsewhere. The annoyance was now seriously cutting into his work hours at night

As he walked up the steps to the top of the hill, he could only make out the shadow of a girl sitting on the bench. The only color visible in the darkness was the small ember at the end of her joint, growing brighter as she inhaled, and dimmer with her exhales. She had her headphones in and was swaying to the music, occasionally bringing the joint to her lips to take a puff – completely oblivious to the approaching man’s presence.

She was sitting with her legs crossed on the bench, wearing dark jeans tucked into some fashionable boots and coat bundled around her with the hood up. Once the sun went down, it got cold. And on the hill, with nothing to break the wind, it felt even colder. But she liked the cold. She would always challenge herself to not be cold; to block out all of the sensations; focus on how warm she is internally. It never really worked and she would end up shivering anyways, but maybe if she tried hard enough, she could forget about it.

She had brought her journal with her, but didn’t really feel like writing yet. First she had to let the day simmer in her mind. Absorb everything that happened and comprehend it. Let go of all the thoughts that no longer served her. So the journal sat on the bench next to her – unopened, with a pen resting on top of it.

She’s listening to music, so of course she doesn’t hear him, but she does see him as he starts to make his way up the hill. A figure moving through the night, headed her way.

It was late. No one else should be on this hill. It was her hill right now. She assumed it was just someone out for a stroll, but started getting nervous when it got closer and closer to her. She started to bring the joint down beside her, out of view. The shape was close enough now for her to recognize that it’s a man. Tall, broad shoulders, walking fast as if he’s on a mission. The only thing illuminating him is the light from the moon.

What’s this guy doing? She thinks this to herself as he walks towards her, taking a few final strides before standing before her.

“Put it out,” his voice says.

She could tell that his lips were moving, but couldn’t hear him – her headphones were playing xslot the music too loudly. She stared at him blankly.

“Put it out,” he says again.

She blinks. “What?” she asked, yanking the buds out her ears.

“Put. It. Out.” he growls.

Great, a cop. Just what I need. Can’t a girl get high in peace?

He took one more step closer towards her, and his face become more visible. She recognized this guy, He must have lived nearby, because she saw him every once in a while at the bus stop that was situated at the bottom of the hill. He was handsome – slightly unshaven, unassuming clothing with just a hint of trendiness, dark eyes peeking out behind disheveled hair. There was no doubt that he was good looking, but something about the look in his eyes made her slightly uneasy.

She took one last, long drag on the joint – looking straight into his eyes while she did so before tossing the joint on the ground. It hissed on the slightly damp ground as the ember fizzled out. She blew the smoke in his direction.

“You shouldn’t be doing that here” he said, waving some of the smoke out of the way.

“What are you, a cop?” she said with an attitude. Screw this guy – ruining the only peace and quiet she has all day.

She could see him carefully selecting his response. “What are you going to do, run away?” he asked, one eyebrow raised.

“Stand up.” he demanded when she was silent.

“What? Why? Are you going to search me? I promise all I have is that joint,” she started defending herself. The hardened, pissed-off girl persona slowly drifting away as she got genuinely nervous about being arrested.

He stared at her expectantly. She put her feet on the ground and rose to stand, facing him directly. Now that they were both on equal ground, she realized how tall he was. And how genuinely stern he looked.

There was no doubt in her mind that he was an undercover cop now, but she thought about asking to see his badge just in case.

“Turn around.” He said it so assertively and matter-of-factly that she obediently turned around, facing the bench, back exposed to him. But she caught herself, realizing what she was doing – bending to the will of this stranger in a park on a hill. “Wait, what?” she said, looking back at him with an incredulous look on her face – the angry girl slowly starting to come back.

“Turn. Around,” his voice was low and precise in the darkness behind her. “Now,” he added.

She obeyed, and a deep, nervous feeling raced through her and she turned around. She stood completely still.

“Put your hands on the bench.”

She closed her eyes as she did it. Her mind raced. What’s he going to do, what’s he going to do.

But she knew what he was going to do, she’d been arrested before (well – at least placed in cuffs before).

He left her waiting for a few good seconds.

When his hand met the cheek of her clothed ass, the only sound she made was a small gasp. And it took her a few seconds before she realized what happened. Or rather, what hadn’t happened. She whirled around, staring up at him with anger in her eyes. “You’re not a fucking cop!” she lashed out, outraged.

He couldn’t help but start laughing.

“Fuck you, asshole,” she growled as she picked up her joint and started huffing her way down the hill – their eyes meeting for one last moment before she left that hill. She thought about what happened – so angry at first, so violated. But the anger turned into curiosity, especially about this person. Who did he think he was? Spanking girls in parks while letting them think that he’s an undercover cop. Normally she would label him as a pervert. A predator. But she’d seen him before, he was handsome, and there was something that intrigued her about him. She found herself wanting to go back up to the hill and give him a piece of her mind.

But what she didn’t realize was that the strange man did, in fact, have a piece of her mind. A rather incriminating piece of her mind, actually. The careless, stoned girl had left her journal on the bench – right next to where he had spanked her. She didn’t realize it was missing until the next morning, actually. And she just hoped to god that it wasn’t in his possession, but a part of her knew it was.

Maybe if it was a normal girl’s journal, it wouldn’t have been so bad. But it was her journal. For the most part, it was filled with boring things: random thoughts, quotes she liked and thought she might forget, little doodles, retellings of dreams, descriptions of her sexual encounters, and little snippets of the fantasies that would seep into her mind. This journal was her. It was like a roadmap to her xslot Giriş innermost feelings and desires; her truths, her fears. And now it was his.

Maybe if he wasn’t a cruel man, he would feel bad about having such a private possession. But he was loving every second of it. He read it cover to cover multiple times in the few days that he had it, taking care to understand each and every word he could.

And he remembered it for the next time he saw her a week later.

For the first couple of days after their encounter, she avoided the park and anywhere else in a two block radius, really. She stopped catching the bus that stopped at the bottom of the hill, the stop she would sometimes she him at. But then she needed some sort of closure – she needed to get her journal back. And so on the fourth night she went back to the hill. She brought a joint with her, hoping to recreate the events from earlier in the week. She smoked the entire thing, even doing laps around the park to see if she could spot him.

When the familiar smell drifted through his window that night, a devilish smile fell on his face. He reached towards the journal that he kept on his desk and thought about the girl. But he didn’t go up to the hill. Not yet. She needed to wait.

On the sixth day, she was nearing the point of giving up – accepting the fact that he had her journal, knew her inside and out, and she would never see it again. She could permanently say goodbye to riding the 7L bus line.

But she went to the hill one last time. And he was already waiting for her at the top, sitting on the same bench that he found her on.

“You probably want your journal back, don’t you?” he said quietly when she reached the top of the hill. This time she had on a slim-fitting little dress, some stockings, and the same boots and coat she had on last time.

She nodded. Being in his presence was like a rollercoaster of emotions. She wanted so badly to be a brat, or to be rude. To show him that she was strong, and that she wasn’t going to stand for his games. But all she was capable of was meek little nods, because another part of her, a larger part of her, had a deep desire to be controlled. And he knew this – it was in her journal.

He stood up and closed the distance between them. “If you want your journal back, you’re going to follow me, do you understand?” he asked. Not waiting for her answer before leading her by the wrist down the hill.

All sorts of questions ran through her head. Questions that she already knew the answers to. Where is he taking me? Will he spank me again? Something more? Will he tie me up? Fuck me like the slut I am?

When they opened the door to his flat, he motioned for her to stand in the center of the room.

She was a nervous wreck, but it was mostly excitement. She didn’t even remember the walk from the hill to his place, she was just focused on the way he had his hand wrapped around her wrist.

“Take off your clothes,” he demanded once she reached the center of the room.

She took a step away from him – sheepishly grabbing at the hem of her coat. “I just want my journal back,” she started to plead.

He’s quick to respond. “Listen here. I’ve read the thing cover to cover. And you don’t get to pretend that this isn’t exactly what you want. Now take your clothes off like a good slut.”

A wave of warmth and nerves traveled throughout her body, seeming to point right towards the throbbing between her legs.

It was the first time she was to be naked in front of him – a man who’s name she didn’t even know. He slowly started stepping towards her, watching, waiting, observing her every move.

The coat was the first to go, followed by her shoes, her stockings, her dress. He watched as more and more of her skin became visible. Her beauty was intoxicating, and he wanted to wreck her.

He waited until the last of her undergarments were in a pile on the floor before grabbing by the neck. With his other hand, he began running his fingers along the length of her naked body. He loved how he could feel her squirm under his touch.

He moved his hand down to her pussy and stuck two fingers roughly inside her. Smiling to himself when he felt her wetness. She was positively dripping, just as he suspected.

“This little journal of yours is quite the thing, you little slut. It’s a good thing it fell into my hands and not someone else’s. Lucky for you I know just what to do to little sluts like you. Now take off your clothes.” He growled this into her ear, his hot breath against her neck made her legs weak.

“I bet you’re used to guys treating you like a little princess,” xslot Güncel Giriş he hissed. He pressed against her clit hard, and she let out a desperate moan. She couldn’t help it. “There we go,” he muttered. “You’re nothing more than a whore. You’ve been dying for a man like me to ravage you – make it hurt, make you cum over and over. Tell me you want it.” he growled.

She moaned again and he started fucking her with his fingers. “Tell me,” he said. The hand around her neck was gripping harder and harder. “Tell me how bad you want it.”

The sounds coming out of her turned into quiet, but quick little whimpers as he fucked her harder and harder. She tried to resist saying the words, still coming to terms with the situation, but his thumb was rubbing against her clit just so, and she couldn’t keep it in much longer.

So she finally gave it up. “I want it so bad. Please, I want you to fuck me so badly.”

Wirth that, he stopped finger fucking her and bent her over roughly. There was a chair next to her that she could conveniently lean her arms on. “Very well then,” he said while unzipping and pulling his cock out of his pants. He rubbed the tip against her wet opening, grabbing her ass with both of his hands.

“You have quite the dirty mind, girl. Some of the things I read in those pages shocked even me – and that takes a lot. I’m going to fuck you now, and you’re going to thank me for it.”

She responded by pressing back into him, trying to get him inside her.

He met her with one thrust, filling her completely. She cried out. He was bigger than she was used to. And she loved every delicious inch of it.

He smirked to himself as he heard the sounds of her pleasure meeting pain – relishing in the fact that he was able to slip into her wet little cunt without so much as any lubricant. The little whore in front of him was wetter than he’d ever seen.

He fucked her slow at first, driving her wild – watching his cock disappear into her with each thrust. The sounds coming out of her mouth were enough for him to get lost in, but he kept his focus. He wanted to show her what no other man had ever shown her. He needed her to be fucked like the perverted whore that she was – it felt like a disservice to her to not absolutely destroy her with his cock. To teach her a lesson.

As his pace quickened, he felt her muscles tighten against his cock. She was more turned on than he anticipated. “God, you’re filthy” he growled and planted three hard smacks on her right cheek, matching them with his thrusts.

“Do you want to cum for me, slut?” he asks, already knowing the answer. His thrusting was very controlled up until he said those words. More spanks, this time harder, and alternating between the right and the left. “Ask for it nicely.”

“Y-yes, please” she manages to slip out, her voice shaky from being rocked forward as he fucks her cunt hard from behind. “Please let me cum, I want it so bad.” She’s panting and whimpering now, inches away from releasing her orgasm all around his thick cock.

“Do it. Let me see you cum all over my cock, you little pervert.” he growls, pushing into her deeper than he has been, hitting that spot in her with rapid frequency. He was fucking her in the way that men do just before they’re about to cum. It’s primal, it’s rough, it’s intense.

She obeys – and he feels her entire body shake as the orgasm moves through her in a wave. It vibrates through her toes and finger tips, and a wail comes out of her mouth as her body goes limp.

But he keeps fucking her until he pulls out and releases the thick ropes of cum all over her ass and back. She gasps as the hotness hits her skin.

For a moment there, she almost forgot that he was a stranger. She looked around and realized that she didn’t know who’s house she was in, or even what street they were on. But she looked back at the man behind her, and felt comforted by his hungry gaze looking down on her.

She saw how out of breath he was and felt slightly pleased with herself. There’s nothing she liked more than making men cum.

“What do you say?” he said, one eyebrow raised as he watched her stand up and use her already-wet panties to wipe the cum off her back.

He slips his pants back on, and motion his head towards the journal of hers that was sitting on the coffee table. Had it been there the whole time?

She faces him and looks him square in the face. “Thank you. Can I go, now?” She starts reaching for her clothing to hastily put it back on.

“You may,” he says – handing her shoes once she’s got her stockings and dress on. She threw the cum-soaked panties in her coat pocket. “But smoke pot in my park again, and there will be hell to pay.”

“It’s not your park, you know?” These were her last words as she walked out his front door and into the cold night back to her house.

Three nights later, she brought another spliff to the park.

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