
June 28, 1971


Everybody has a story. This is Bill’s.


Every year when June 28th comes around that date brings back memories of what happened on that date back in 1971. Almost all of those memories are great but there’s one thing that occurred on that day that isn’t. It’s the worst memory I have in my entire life, and it was so bad that it almost made me regret everything that came before it.

I lost my best friend that day. Kenny Praga was like a brother to me, a kid I grew up with and with whom I shared so many laughs and tears that I could never count them, but it all came crashing down that day in June and although we eventually resumed speaking to each other it was never the same.

I understand that and while I’d like to think that if the situation was reversed I would have not only forgiven Kenny but actually been happy for him, but that’s easy for me to say because I wasn’t the one that saw what he saw.

That day I had gone over to Kenny’s house around 10 in the morning, prepared for a fun day we had planned to celebrate our recent graduation from high school. The plan was that we were going to spend the day hiking and swimming at nearby Thatcher Park, with the prospect of meeting girls as always on our minds.

When I left my house, I was just locking the door behind me when the phone rang. I hesitated as I turned the key, torn between going back in to answer it or not, but I decided against it, figuring it was somebody selling something. If I did go back in none of what happened afterwards would have occurred.

As it turned out the call was from my friend Kenny, who was calling to tell me that he got called in to work at the local McDonald’s where he had just started. While he didn’t want to go in, it was going to be a whole day’s work and since he was in need of money for books for college, that along with having just started and not wanting to lose the job had him calling me to bail out on our day.

I learned all this from Kenny’s mother after I got to his house, and while I was pissed I understood, and when Kenny’s Mom invited me in I took her up on it mostly because I had nothing else to do, but my having the hots for Kenny’s mother had something to do with going inside.

Mrs. Praga was a really nice woman who I had always gotten along with, and after Kenny’s father took off on the two of them, I really felt sorry for the lady. I guess that his father fell for somebody younger and prettier, but I didn’t understand that at all.

Mrs. Praga might not have been a raving beauty but I thought she was attractive in a natural way. She was about 5’5″ with jet black hair and while she might have been carrying 20 extra pounds or so since her husband left her, a lot of that had gone to her boobs which was alright by me.

I would have liked it better if she dressed a little more provocatively on occasion so I could have seen more of her, but she was a Mom around 50 after all, so I just used my imagination as to what she looked like under her modest clothing.

Inside the house we sat at the kitchen table and chatted, mostly about my college plans, while I tried not to stare at her breasts which looked great even in the loose fitting short sleeved blouse she wore.

One thing the blouse did was permit me to peek up Mrs. Praga’s loose fitting sleeve when she would animatedly raise her arms as she talked, and although I could never get a really good look I could see enough to tell that she had hair under her arms.

Mrs. Praga not shaving was something I noticed after her husband left her, but since she never wore sleeveless clothing I never got the look I wanted. You see, my first girlfriend had hair under her arms that her mother forbid her to shave for fear it would grow in heavier, and while I never thought of women with hair under their arms before that I kind of liked it. In that era it wasn’t all that unusual to see a woman unshaven so it wasn’t the rarity it is today.

I remember mentioning his mother’s armpits to Kenny one day and he looked shocked and asked how I knew. After I told him about my habit of peeking up sleeves he seemed relieved but said it embarrassed him and didn’t want me to tell any of the guys, which I had no intention of doing.

“Sometimes she’s outside gardening and she wears this tank top,” Kenny confided. “I always pray nobody comes by here to see her like that.”

I told him he was crazy and reminded him that several pseudo hippie girls at school didn’t shave their pits and one of them was a girl Kenny had unsuccessfully asked out once, but he said it was different because this was his mother, who should act more ladylike and look feminine. All I could do was shake my head and change the subject, but I confess to popping by unannounced a lot after that in hopes of catching Mrs. Praga in that tank-top. No such luck however.

So I enjoyed talking to Kenny’s mother that morning, sipping an iced tea and mentally undressing her, when all of a sudden she excuses herself. When she comes back she’s holding a joint, Çanta Escort the last thing I was expecting to see.

“I found this in Kenny’s room,” Mrs. Praga announced. “I wasn’t snooping and if he kept his room clean I wouldn’t even go in there at all, but anyway… you two smoke this stuff Billy?”

“I – er – uh – well – uh,” I babbled, finally shrugging and admitting, “a couple times.”

“I bet.”

“No really,” I insisted, and that was the truth because Kenny and I were not all that hip.

“Want to smoke this with me?” Mrs. Praga asked, almost knocking me off the chair. “I’m curious. Just don’t tell Kenny.”

“He’ll notice it’s gone,” I reminded her, but she correctly said that he would never have the nerve to ask her anything about it and would figure it misplaced it.

“Okay,” I agreed, because this was certainly not something I would ever forget, smoking a joint with the woman I had a major crush on.

“Tell me what to do,” Mrs. Praga said, and after I gave her a couple of tips she changed seats to be next to me because the passing across the table was a reach.

Being this close to Kenny’s mother only made my head spin more because she smelled so nice and the occasional contact of our hands and knees made my dick hard.

As the joint shrunk Mrs. Praga got a little giggly and our passing got a little sloppy, and I loved her laugh because in recent years she hadn’t laughed as much as she used to.

“What’s so funny?” I asked when we neared the end of the joint.

“Everything,” Mrs. Praga laughed and then said, “the hair on your legs tickles when we bump under the table.”

“Sorry,” I lied.

“Don’t be,” I was told. “That’s another thing about you that my Kenny is jealous of.”


“Kenny. You know you’re like his hero,” Mrs. Praga told me, and while I knew we got along great I thought of myself more like his brother than an idol, something that made me uncomfortable for whatever reason. “He talks about you a lot, just between you and me Billy.”

“He’s a great guy,” I noted.

“I know, but since his old man is pretty much out of his life I end up getting asked the questions that a father probably gets and he confides in me,” Mrs. Praga admitted. “I remember one day he asked me how come his legs weren’t hairy like yours are.”

“Uh – It’s no big deal,” I mumbled.

“Well, he looks up to you. Always says that he wishes he was as good looking like you, or how he wishes he could play sports like you do,” Mrs. Praga related with a pat on my arm.

“I’m not good looking,” I replied, which was pretty true as my lack of much success with the opposite sex would confirm. “Kenny – he’s smarter than I am. His grades are way higher, so he shouldn’t be jealous of me.”

“Well, he is,” Mrs. Praga insisted, and after a few seconds of silence she cleared her throat and in a quieter voice she added, “Kenny even asked me if there was any way that he could make his penis bigger. He told me that he wanted his penis to be big like yours is.”

“He – he said that?” I stammered.

“Well, not in those exact words,” she admitted. “He didn’t use the word penis. I think he said cock. I told him I didn’t think so.”

“Well?” Mrs. Praga asked after a minute of awkward silence.

“Are there ways to make it bigger?” I mused aloud, not ready to suggest that maybe pulling on it and jerking off all the time had helped me.

“No,” Mrs. Praga said. “What I was asking was that if Kenny was right. Do you have a large penis?”

I was dumbstruck, blankly looking at Mrs. Praga’s glazed eyes, or maybe it was my eyes that were glazed. I couldn’t tell and I couldn’t talk, and finally Kenny’s Mom got a little flustered and stood up and went to the sink.

“Boy, that grass really makes you goofy, doesn’t it?” she asked as she rinsed out her glass, her cheeks red.

“Uh yeah, it does,” I replied as she looked over at me and gave me a weak smile before going down the hall to the bathroom.

“I should have just stood up, unzipped, reached in and pulled it out to show her,” I mumbled under my breath with false bravado now that Mrs. Praga was gone.

There was no way I could have done that, the main reason was that my cock had been so stiff it would have been impossible to get the thing out of the fly of my shorts, but it was so far beyond crazy thinking that Kenny had told his Mom about my dick, not to mention that she goes and tells me about it.

I had noticed Mrs. Praga’s nipples had popped out when she had gotten up and walked to the sink. The outline of those thick pegs were clear to see right through the blouse and her bra. Maybe it was from the cold water hitting her hands. Maybe it was from what we were talking about.


Mrs. Praga’s voice called out from down the hall, and after I responded she said she wanted to show me something.

I got up and went down the hall, wondering if she had found another joint or something, but she wasn’t in Kenny’s Çanta Escort Bayan room and she wasn’t in the bathroom either. There was only one room left to look for her so it was no surprise to see her in there. The surprise was what Mrs. Praga was wearing.


Kenny’s Mom was standing by the bed as naked as the day she was born, wringing her hands and breathing heavily, and I swear I could see her trembling from across the room as she stood there shifting her weight from foot to foot.

“At least you didn’t run – or laugh,” Mrs. Praga said in a quivering voice, trying and failing to laugh after she spoke while I stood there frozen in place gawking at my fantasy in the flesh.

“Say something Billy,” she finally said, almost looking like she was about to cry. “Please.”

“Don’t know what to say,” I managed to get out.

“Always thought you kinda liked me,” she suggested.

“Like you? I’m crazy about you. Always have been, Mrs. Praga,” I responded, and those words seemed to calm her a bit.

“I think you should call a naked woman by her first name,” Mrs. Praga advised with a bit of a smile, and as I fumbled to recall her first name which I never used she helped me out by saying, “Maria”.

“Maria,” I repeated like a parrot and then admitted, “I don’t know what to do.”

“You’re a …” Maria said with a confused look on her face, and after I nodded she said, “But Kenny – he says that all the girls…”

“No, I might have claimed to have done things, just like Kenny does, but while I’ve had dates and messed around some, I never – you know,” I confessed, knowing full well when a grown woman takes off her clothes and calls you into her bedroom she didn’t want to neck or get felt up. Clearly I was out of my league.

“That’s sweet,” Mrs. Praga said softly. “I understand if you would rather just leave and forget anything happened. Blame it on the grass.”

“NO!” I almost yelled, startling both of us. “I’m just scared.”

“Join the club,” Mrs. Praga answered and as if suddenly becoming aware again that she was naked and I was leering at her, shrugged and started apologizing for the way she looked, telling me, “This is what 49 years does to a woman.”

“You look amazing,” I quickly interjected before she told me what she considered her faults. “You know whenever I would come over I would spend a lot of time mentally undressing you. I was doing it at the kitchen table just now.”

“Not what you were expecting, I imagine.”

“No, you’re even sexier than I dreamed,” I told her, and even though it sounded hokey it was the truth and I sensed Maria Praga knew I was sincere because she brushed a tear off her cheek with the back of her hand.

“You can take your clothes off Billy,” Mrs. Praga told me when it was clear I would have just stared all day at her. “Either that or I can put mine back on.”

I shook my head at that and pulled my t-shirt up and over my head while working my socks off with my toes, all the while continuing to stare at the most beautiful naked woman I had ever seen. The fact that she was the first one I had been in the same room with didn’t matter because even all these years later no woman has ever looked sexier to me.

Her breasts, larger and fuller than even my fertile imagination had guessed, hung down to her slightly thick waist where there was little hint of a belly. The crimson areolas were slightly oval in shape and quite large, and the nipples that had been trying to burst through her clothes earlier were almost as big as bullets.

Below, while the size of the thick triangle of black hair that filled her delta startled me, it also aroused me. Nothing like the little wisp of curls that Marcy Sector had let me explore for a minute one night, the jungle that grew between Mrs. Praga’s legs was lush and wild.

After I dropped my shorts I was left with just my white fruit of the looms to go, and I noticed that Mrs. Praga was looking at my utterly unremarkable body with interest but when I started to pull down my underwear Maria stopped me.

“Wait,” she said as she held her hand up, and for a minute I thought she was having second thoughts, something that would have crushed me because I was starting to get a little brave.

“You should do underwear ads,” Marie suggested, and when I looked down I cringed.

At that time I was still wearing white cotton briefs even though it ]made things very crowded down there, mostly because boxer shorts reminded me of my father walking around the house in the morning, not a pretty sight.

So when I looked down at saw what Maria was staring at, I wasn’t embarrassed about what looked like a snake stuffed in the briefs. What bothered me was the large wet spot that I was sure Mrs. Praga wouldn’t understand.

“I didn’t pee,” I tried to explain. “Kinda excited being around you all morning.”

“I know about that stuff,” she grinned, showing she knew a thing or two about guys, and after she nodded for me to Escort Çanta continue I pulled the underwear down and straightened up awkwardly, almost falling on my face as I tried to step out of the tangle around my ankles.

Mrs. Praga’s big brown eyes got a little bigger and she took a deep breath in and out as she looked at my equipment, shivering and grinning before saying, “Kenny usually has a tendency to exaggerate, but…”

I didn’t know what to say as her voice trailed off, but the dick she was watching sway a little wasn’t totally limp even though it still pointed down. It wouldn’t get much bigger than it was at that moment, but unlike a couple of the girls that I had tried to introduce my member to, while Maria Praga was impressed at what erect would become a little over 8″ of penis, she was not scared.

She motioned for me to come over and she met me halfway, looking up slightly at me as we tentatively put our arms around each other and kissed nervously.

“Been a while since I’ve hugged a man,” she told me, the idea that I was a man hitting me for the first time. “Especially one that wanted me.”

When we kissed again it worked out less awkwardly and more passionately as our bodies ground together. Maria’s breasts felt sweet against my skin and as my cock rubbed into her bush it felt soft as a cloud.

Mrs. Praga backed up and went down to the bed, taking me with her, and as we necked I felt her hand grab me, rubbing the head of my cock into her bush.

“Now honey, before I chicken out,” she suddenly whispered, rolling onto her back with me ended up on my knees between her thighs which spread wide.

“Be gentle at first Billy,” Maria was saying as she looked up at me with big doe-like eyes while I nodded and looked down at my dick bobbing near the bush.

Even with Mrs. Praga’s plump thighs spread wide, I couldn’t see her opening, the dense black jungle completely hiding her pussy, so I just leaned forward and probed. And missed. And missed again.

I started to panic, and the more nervous I got the more inept I became. Then I started losing my hard-on, which I thought was impossible. Not now, of all times, I mentally scolded myself. Look at the woman underneath you, for crying out loud.

“It’s okay Billy,” said the voice of an angel below me. “You’re so sweet. Don’t be nervous. I’ll be nervous enough for both of us. Let me.”

Mrs. Praga reached down and grabbed my deflating dick, patiently pulling on it while telling me everything was alright, and all of a sudden I believed her.

“See?” Maria said as I surged in her grip, and then she was rubbing the tip of my dick between the lips of her sex. “Mmm… so big and hard. Never had a man built like you before honey, so be gentle at first.”

Then she pulled me into her, and while my cock was unusual in length it seemed to be normal in thickness. That was a good thing because as my erection sank into Mrs. Praga it felt like I was pushing into a keyhole, the tightness making her pussy feel like a vice, in a good way.

I tried to block out Maria’s voice, which spat out a series of obscenities mixed in with various exclamations, but that was impossible. The one thing I could avoid was seeing Mrs. Praga’s face, the vision of her eyes rolling and the veins bulging in her neck while she clawed at my arms, because as my cock got swallowed up I was fighting not to cum already.

Then Maria was chanting, “yes yes omigod yes”, and I was moving up and down as my dick slid in and out of a wet and warm paradise, with my friend’s mother having a seizure of sorts under me.

Well over 40 years later, I suppose I could embellish my efforts, exaggerating my lovemaking skills and inflating the length of time I managed to last, but there’s no point. It was special as it was.

If I lasted more than a minute I would be shocked, and my thrusts were frantic bumbling, but they would good enough to have the woman of my dreams thrashing around in the sheets as she came. Seeing that, along with my dick being pulverized by the contracting pussy, had me cumming as well.

As my dick deflated in a much nicer way than it had earlier, it fell out of Mrs. Praga and I eased down next to her, resting on my hip and looking over as her chest heaved and her breathing went back to normal.

I didn’t know what you did next. Do I say thank you and leave? That was out of the question. If Mrs. Praga wanted me out she could tell me, but otherwise I was staying, and since I had barely touched her there was a lot for me to explore.

I put my hand on her breast, softly squeezing the giving flesh of a tit that would need another hand to lift because it was so full. Leaning over to kiss her nipple, Maria sighed, something I took as a sign that I wasn’t bothering her, so I kept licking and sucking the nipple closest to me while playing with the other boob.

They didn’t stick straight up but sort of collapsed on themselves, but they still looked impressive with her on her back, and when I felt Mrs. Praga’s fingers running through my hair I was in heaven.

Glancing up at her from behind her bosom, Maria had a strange look on her face, so I stopped what I was doing and asked her what was wrong.

“Wrong? Nothing honey,” Maria answered. “It just hit me that I don’t feel guilty.”

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