
June and Barb

Female Ejaculation

I first met Barb when I was a senior at Texas Tech University in Lubbock. It was April, the cold weather gone for good, and the party season was in full swing. Even though I didn’t belong to a fraternity a friend had invited me to a Delta Omega party. I wasn’t interested in going, but there wasn’t anything on TV so I decided what the hell. The party was rocking when I arrived around midnight. People were standing around outside and music was blaring inside. After wandering around for a while without seeing anyone I knew, I noticed my friend coming down a flight of stairs. When Greg saw me a grin burst onto his flushed face.

Grabbing me by the arm he steered me toward the staircase. “Dude! You have got to see this damn slut upstairs. She’s fucking everything that moves.”

Oh shit! I absolutely did not want to be involved in a damned gang rape. “Shit man if you guys slipped this girl something and are up there taking advantage then I’m so gonna call the cops.”

“No, dude, it ain’t like that. She came with this other guy and he started daring her and then she started dancing with all the guys. Hell, she ain’t even drunk. She was dancing and then just jumped up on the table and said she wanted to fuck everyone at the party. Some guys took her upstairs and I’ll be damned but she is doing just that. She has sucked four different girl’s pussies and fucked probably a dozen guys. Even after all that she ain’t slowing down.”

“You sure about this? If you are hurting some girl up there I’ll kick your ass so hard you’ll sneeze brown for a month.”

“Dude! Just come upstairs and check it out.”

So I went. I figured that if it was what I feared then I would dial nine-one-one and break it up. If it was legit, then I’d always wanted to see a real-life gangbang. When we got upstairs there were guys and girls just standing around in various states of undress. The music was lower here, but everyone was talking and laughing making it as loud as downstairs. Just outside the door to the room a guy was standing with a topless blonde kneeling in front of him sucking his cock. I pushed past the fellatrix and squeezed into the crowded room. Just as Greg had promised there was the girl, completely nude, lying on a bed with a boy between her legs and a blonde girl sitting on her face. The blonde was holding the girls jet-black hair, pulling her head up to her pussy as she swayed from side to side. The writhing blonde wailed giving testament to the supine girl’s skill at cunnilingus. Arching his back, the boy between the girl’s legs grunted and drove his hips forward. He screwed his face up in obvious oblivion as he came.

I needed to make sure the girl was okay so I pushed closer to the bed. Before I got there the blonde girl threw her head back and let out a guttural moan as she ground down onto the girl’s face. The boy between the girl’s legs pulled out and, over the shoulder of a short brunette in front of me, I could see the girl’s puffy pussy dripping cum down onto the bed. A guy from the other side of the bed roughly pushed the spent boy out of the way before he climbed between the girls legs and unceremoniously shoved his cock into her well used pussy. The blonde, now spent as well, limply slid from the girl’s face and would have fallen off the bed if another guy hadn’t caught her.

“Damn, that slut sucks pussy like a pro!” The blonde gushed, “I may turn lesbian after that.”

The guy that caught her put his arm around her waist. “Come on Jackie, let me turn you back straight.” He led her through the crowd toward the door but from the way Jackie looked back at the bed, I wasn’t sure the guy was going to be successful in his boast.

Pushing past the brunette I made it to the side of the bed. The girl on the bed had cum and pussy juice in her unkempt hair. Her lipstick and eye shadow was smeared and her mascara was smudged. Cum speckled her face and heaving chest. Her open full lips, caked with drying cum, looked as soft as silk. She licked the cum from around her mouth causing her lips to shine. Bright green eyes looked around the room locking with mine. I would have thought that a girl that had been used like she had would have dull eyes, just wanting the ordeal to end, but this girl’s eyes were shining and as we connected she smiled. She didn’t look drunk or on drugs or like she was doing anything she didn’t enjoy. I bent down so that she could hear me.

“Are you okay? Is this what you want?” I asked her.

“Fuck yeah! To both questions.” She smiled.

Her obvious enthusiasm made me feel better. At least this was what she wanted. I stared at her. She was still watching me even though she was being fucked by another guy. Looking into her beautiful eyes I knew I wanted to get to know her better. She looked eminently fuckable, but I wanted to know who she was, what she liked, what kinds of books she read, everything about her. I was totally fascinated that a girl lying there getting fucked by boy after boy could still be so eager for more. gorukle escort

Beside me the brunette had found Greg and was kneeling beside the bed sucking his cock. Greg looked at me and grinned, giving me a thumbs up. “Didn’t I tell you? Best party ever!”

I shook my head and returned my attention to the girl on the bed. The guy between her legs was pounding her hard, shaking her entire body. She looked away from me focusing on her current lover. I gazed down at her body. Her full breasts were bouncing with each of her lover’s thrusts causing enticing ripples in their soft roundness. Red bite marks decorated those breasts in random patterns. Red and distended, her nipples topped her breasts like priceless crowns. My eyes drifted lower. Her stomach was thick and firm, not fat, but not the rail thin skinny of a model either. Her tight abs weren’t ripped but were flat. Letting my eyes trail lower I realized her pussy was hairless. A full rounded mons sloped down to her smooth pussy. She had large lips and I could see them stretched around the cock fucking her. As the boy pulled back they stretched out leaving his shaft slick with her juices. When he pushed in, they slid up his shaft taking his cock with ease. Her clit stood out boldly, begging to be touched, licked, and sucked. Beautiful legs wrapped around the guy in her pussy, pulling him in then loosening to allow him to withdraw. Like her torso, her legs weren’t slim but athletic with taunt thighs, flawless knees, and rounded calves.

The guy between her legs grunted as he shot his load into her pussy. Another guy moved to the head of the bed and the girl smiled at his cock, not even looking up at the guy’s face, before she took it into her mouth. The man between her legs stayed there for a minute or two before he was roughly pulled from the bed by others waiting to get their turn. I stood there transfixed watching as six or seven more guys and several more girls fucked this beautiful angel, coming in either her pussy or her mouth or just letting her jack them until they came. She did it all with an unbridled enthusiasm that could not have possibly been faked. This girl loved sex!

Around two the party was breaking up and the last guy rolled off of the girl. My friend had disappeared with a red-head who had been getting fucked while she sucked the girl’s breasts. The last guy stumbled from the room leaving me alone with the angel. She sat up and looked around, her eyes finally focused on me and she smiled.

“Don’t you want to fuck me?” Her eyes went to my crotch where my erection was obvious. “I think you do.” She giggled.

“Not here. Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” she said in a dreamy voice, “I’ve wanted a gang bang for a while and now I’ve had one. I loved it.”

“Can I help you get home?”

“Is it over?”

“Yeah, I think it’s over.”

Suddenly she seemed to realize how she must look. She looked down at herself and then strained up to see her reflection in a mirror across the room.

“Oh.” She turned her head back and forth looking at different angles in the mirror. “Damn, I look sexy.”

And she did. Her tangled hair was mussed with globs of cum in it. More cum and slick pussy juice covered much of her face and dripped from her chin. Her full, round tits were covered by bite marks and cum. Sitting up with her legs splayed wide, she displayed her red, swollen pussy dripping cum onto the bed. There wasn’t a single part of her that didn’t look fucked.

After studying herself in the mirror for a moment she looked around. “I should have a pair of shorts and a t-shirt around here somewhere.

I looked around but didn’t see shorts, t-shirt, bra, panties, or any other piece of women’s clothes. “I don’t see them.”

“Oh well.” She shrugged. “Hmm, I can’t go back to the dorm like this. Can you take me to your place?”

I blinked. She didn’t even know my name and she was asking me to take her to my place. Well, she had just fucked an entire frat party so maybe that wasn’t so outrageous after all.

“Where is your boyfriend?”


“The guy you came with.”

“Oh!” She giggled. “He wasn’t my boyfriend. He’s my roommate’s brother. He knew I wanted a gangbang and knew the reputation of this frat house so he brought me over. Do you know? Did he fuck me?”

I shook my head. “Sorry, I don’t know.”

She looked serious for a moment. “I hope not, I want to remember the first time I fuck him. He’s a nice guy. So how about it, will you take me to your place?”

I lived off campus, in a small one bedroom apartment but it was nice, not ratty like so much of the off campus housing in Lubbock. I shrugged.

“I’ll find a towel to wrap around you.” I started to go for a towel but she put a hand on my arm and stopped me.

“It’s okay, I’ll go like this.” She started to stand up and immediately fell back on the bed.

“Are you drunk?”

“No. But I have been royally fucked. My legs are weak. I don’t think escort bayan I can walk by myself. Will you help?”

So I did, I cradled her in my arms carrying her to the stairs. She wasn’t light but I’m fit enough. Growing up on a ranch does that for you. As I carried her out of the room, one arm under her legs near her butt and the other under her arms, I could feel her pussy dripping down over my arm. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me, almost making me stumble on the stairs.

With no hint of alcohol, her mouth tasted like cum, pussy juice and peppermint as she pushed her tongue deep into my mouth. I kissed her back passionately feeling her breast press into my chest. Finally she pulled away.

“You don’t have to carry me. Just put your arm around me to keep me steady.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah.” She gave me another quick kiss.

So we walked down the stairs together; me fully clothed and her stark naked. As we reached the bottom of the stairs the few people there, a couple of girls and three guys, cheered. The girl on my arm laughed and took a bow. As we headed out the door, I expected her to try to cover herself but she just walked like she owned the sidewalk. She laughed and swung her arms as she stumbled down the sidewalk. If a cop had come by we would have both been busted but the street was empty and we made it the half-block to my pickup without being arrested.

My pickup is a fairly tall four wheel drive with big tires. I’d tricked it out a with chrome stepsides that helped but even I had to climb to get into it. She looked up at the pickup and laughed.

“You’ll have to help me.”

I helped her step up into my truck. As she did I got my first really good look at her fantastic ass. Full, rounded cheeks with good muscles sat above her muscled thighs. It was without a doubt the best ass I had ever seen in person so I patted it as she got in. She twisted her head around and smiled at me and then finished climbing in. After I made sure she was fully in, I climbed into the driver’s seat. Once I was in she scooted over to the middle, leaving a wet smear that I could see in the light from the dome.

“I’m Ray,” I said as I started the truck.

“Barbara, but everyone calls me Barb.”

“Hi Barb, nice to meet you.” It felt odd to introduce myself to a naked girl. I pulled away from the frat house and headed down ninth street toward University Avenue. My apartment was near Clapp Park on thirty-ninth.

“So why didn’t you fuck me? I could have used another cock and it looks like you have a good one.” She reached over and grabbed my crotch.

“I didn’t want to be just another cock to you.”

She looked up at me with a strange smile on her lips. “Oh? So you wanted to be my hero, swooping in to rescue me and earn my undying love?”

“Nothing like that, but I do want to get to know you better.”

That earned me a serious look. “Really? I mean I could understand that if you’d met me in physics class or even in the SUB, but most guys don’t want to get to know a girl they just watched have a gang bang. They just want to get their rocks off and then disappear.”

“I’m not most guys.”

“Hmm, maybe not, but you are taking a completely naked girl you’ve never met before to your home. I hope you know you aren’t going to get through the night without fucking my brains out.”

Now I laughed. “Are you sure you are up for that?”

She laughed and then smiled at me. “I’m always up for a good fuck.” She gave my cock a squeeze through my pants. “And I think we are going to have a very good fuck.”

This girl took my breath away. I have always been a sucker for wild girls, party girls, whatever you want to call them. My first serious girlfriend was a stripper. Four years older than me, Cathy had taught me a lot about sex before I ever graduated high school. Then she had moved on. I didn’t blame her she wanted to see the world, not be held back by a love struck boy. But I had never forgotten her and a part of me still loved her. I just wasn’t sure how I was going to convince Barb that I was interested in more than sex with her.

University Avenue is a big street but my truck was tall enough and traffic was light enough that I didn’t think people could see Barb. That is until we pulled up next to a car full of college guys. Barb quickly scooted over, lowered her window, and hung out of it to have a conversation with them. Her breasts were hanging out the window letting everyone up and down the street see them. She laughed and joked with the guys in the car until the light changed. As we drove on down the street she pulled back inside and scooted back over to me.

“I’m making a mess on your seat.”

“It’s leather. It’ll clean up.”

“You didn’t mind me talking to those boys?”

“Why should I?”

Barb grabbed my face and kissed me. “God you are the sexiest man I’ve ever met. I can’t wait to suck your cock.” She proved her words by unzipping bursa escort bayan my fly and taking my quickly hardening dick into her mouth. She didn’t rush. Instead she took her time licking around the head over and over again before taking another inch between her lips.

By the time we pulled into my parking spot in front of my apartment she had worked her way all the way down my shaft and my cockhead was deep down her throat. She definitely knew how to suck a cock. Once she had my knob down into her throat, she swallowed over and over. It was heavenly and I leaned my head back and began to groan. I knew I wasn’t going to last long.

“Barb, I’m gonna cum. Oh damn, that is so good.”

She pulled her mouth off my cock and looked up at me. “Cum in my mouth, Ray. I want to taste your cum.” She immediately went back down on me, but she only took my knob into her mouth.

The intense sensation of her tongue swirling around the head of my cock brought me to the edge and I felt my balls tighten. My cock swelled and then my orgasm exploded and I began to ejaculate into Barb’s mouth. Watching this sweet angel fucking a series of men and women had kept me horny all night and my load was as big as any I’d ever had. I watched as Barb swallowed again and again and still my cum leaked out of her mouth dripping down the shaft of my cock.

After I had shot the last of my load into Barb’s mouth, she swallowed one last time and then licked the cum from my shaft and balls. She sat up with a big smile on her beautiful face. “Mmm. Your cum is delightful and you gave me such a big load. I like guys that can fill my belly.” She laughed. “Are we ready to go in?”

Her laugh was infectious and I laughed with her. “Yeah.” I tucked my cock back into my pants.

“Coward.” She laughed again.

I just nodded. Climbing out of my pickup, I walked to the other side and opened her door. Barb turned in the seat to face me, spread her legs giving me another great beaver shot, and then leapt out of the pickup onto me. As I caught her she wrapped her legs around me. Pressing her lips to mine, she kissed me deeply. That girl could kiss. Our tongues played together for a long moment before she pulled back. Once the kiss ended I sat her down on the sidewalk and she strutted, bare naked, beside me as I walked her to the door. I had never met a girl as open, free, and happy as Barb. More than my cock was becoming infatuated with her.

I mentally chastised myself. Girls like this don’t fall in love with guys like me. Hell they don’t fall in love period, at least not until they settle down. I wondered if Barb could love me or would she just play with me for a while and then disappear. Either way, I knew I was willing to take whatever she would give me, even if it was just one night.

At the door to my apartment, Barb spun and put her back to the wall stretching her hands up above her head as she waited for me to work the lock. A car drove through the parking lot just as I got the door open and I was sure they saw her in all her glory. She seemed happy with it. I think she even stalled a little to make sure they saw her. I just had to smile.

Inside my apartment she looked around. It only had three rooms with the kitchen, dining room, and living room all sharing the same space. There was a bedroom and a bathroom to make up the three rooms. The living area was tidy with one notable exception. A part of my porn collection was out with the “Big Cocks Bigger Tits” DVD sitting out on my coffee table in front of the TV. I’d forgotten that Tom had been there earlier. He loves big tits and he comes over mainly to watch porn. Of course that was the first thing Barb saw. I grimaced as she picked it up.

“Wow! I have this DVD. I love it!”

That wasn’t the reaction I’d expected.

She sat the DVD down and picked up the next one. “Mellon Tits,” she laughed. “I guess you’re a tit man.”

“Mmm, a little, but my buddy Tom picked those out.” I walked over to the rack by the TV and pulled out “Gangbang Sluts 1.” I handed it to her with a shameless grin. “This is more my style.”

She took the DVD and looked at it. “Fuck me! I’ve been trying to find this. It’s a fucking classic. I have three and four but I want one and two to make my collection complete.” She handed it back to me reverently. “I want to watch it with you later, but right now I really want to take a shower. All this cum is drying and getting itchy.”

I led her to the bathroom and started to turn on the shower for her. She stopped me. “I have to pee and brush my teeth first.” I started to leave, expecting her to want privacy, but she sat right down on the commode with her legs splayed wide and a huge amount of cum gushed from her pussy.

“Whew,” she sighed, “I love having my pussy full of cum, but that feels so much better.” Barb noticed my startled look and laughed. “Oh! You didn’t expect me to do that did you? Were you hoping to eat my cream pie?”

“No. To both questions.” I grinned at her. There really wasn’t a need to leave after that so I slid my shirt over the top of my head to the sound Barb urinating. As my shirt came off I could see the stream coming out of her pussy. I’ve never thought of pissing as erotic, but with her it was.

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