
June and her kids


June and her kids

A family that enjoys each other

If you’ve read some of my other tales you know I don’t get into the graphic details. I like to think the mind is our biggest sex organ and letting you fill in the details adds to the tale. If you need it described blow by blow please find other authors that can supply you with that type of story.

Sherry and her mom were just sitting there watching a movie when the front door slammed and Jimmy was storming across the living room. June only had, “What are you doing home I thought.” Before the door slammed shut on Jimmy’s bedroom door. “Well I guess I should go and see what the problem is.”

“No, why don’t I go. He might be more willing to talk to me,” Sherry offered.

“Well OK, if you think it might be best.”

“I’ll wait until the next commercial break. Give him a minute to cool down.”

June heard Sherry knocking on the door and voices but couldn’t make out what was being said. It was over thirty minutes later before Sherry returned to the living room. “Well what took so long? You were gone through three commercial breaks. The movie is almost over.”

“Well it took a little longer than I thought it would. He was masturbating and it took a while before he finished and then it took a bit before he finally told me him and Betsie broke up tonight. I feel kind of bad for him. They were together for over a year.”

“What a minute. He was masturbating and you stayed there? Waiting for him? Watching him? Just what the hell is wrong with you? Or wrong with him? He’s doing that and you are in the room with him. I don’t believe it. Are you sick or something? My daughter is watching her brother doing something like that. Don’t you have any shame? And he was letting you?”

“Well ya. I’ve watched him before. He’s watched me and I get to watch him. But I have to tell you…He was so angry I thought he was going to tear the knob right off the end of his pecker the way he was going at it. I mean it was almost brutal. But then again I’ve never seen him shoot so hard before. The first shot almost hit his chin. And so much, there were gobs and gobs of it. All over his chest and stomach, it was awesome.”

“You’ve watched him before? He’s watched you? I don’t believe it. How long has this been going on?”

“Well I guess ever since he turned eighteen I think. So I guess about two years or so. Ya about two years now, when is his next birthday? It is next month right? It’ll be almost three years then.”

“Oh my God…What else have you two been doing?”

“What do you mean? What else would we be doing?”

“I don’t know what else. Drugs, smoking, drinking, what else is there? Fornicating maybe?”

“Mother…what kind of person do you think I am? The only person I’ve had real sex with was that guy in my lab class in biology. And that was just to see what it was like. And we only did it two times. “

“You’ve had sex? You didn’t tell me? When did this happen? I thought you and I were able to tell each other everything? What other secrets are you keeping? Oh…Wait…The fact that you watch your brother masturbate and he watches you. That’s one more little secret also right?”

“Wait a minute mom, you do it don’t you. I’ve heard you, the hum from your vibrator. So what’s the big deal if I do it or Jimmy does?” Then Sherry stormed out of the room as her mother sputtered and stared at her.

For the next three Erenköy Escort days the relations between mother and daughter were strained. Jimmy didn’t have a clue about the problem or that his mother knew about him and his sister. He was wrapped up in his own misery over the breakup.

On the fourth day Sherry got home early and had supper on and ready when the rest of the family got home. After dinner was over and the ladies were cleaning up the kitchen June asked Sherry if they might talk and Sherry thought it might be a good idea. “Yes…I would like that.”

Jimmy had disappeared into his room as he did most nights. June and Sherry apologized to each other and after hugs and promises and more hugs it seemed that maybe things might get back to normal. “I’m so sorry for not telling you about my losing my virginity. It wasn’t a great experience. He wasn’t very skilled and I was a bit ashamed about the whole thing. And the truth is to be told my fingers are a whole lot more satisfying.”

“I was the one that was out of line. Maybe somethings should be private but when I found out you and Jimmy where doing what you were doing I kind of lost it. Then to know you could hear me at night when I was trying to relief some tension it almost broke my heart. But ever since your father died it been so very hard and I get so lonely sometimes.”

Tears and more hugs and promises they had cleared the air and for the next three weeks things got almost back to normal. Jimmy still was still sulking but he was slowly coming around to the normal person he was.

“Mom…Jimmy and I are going to get together tonight. You want to maybe join us?”

“What movie are you going to watch?”

“Ahhh…No mom, not a movie, the other thing, you know the thing that made you so upset a while back.”

“That thing…The thing you two do, that thing? No…No…No. I can’t do that thing with you guys. That would be so wrong.”

“OK but if you change your mind. Feel free to, you know, join us. It’s so much better than doing it alone. I bet if you asked Jimmy might even do it to you if you wanted. We’ve kind of done oral a few times and it can be real special. You know, a hug or two and fingers can be a really good but tongues are even better. Sometimes we do that. For a special treat, ya know.”

“You’ve let him touch you down there and more?”

“Down there? My pussy is down there and ya I let him do it to me. I mean I’ve done it for him and he’s done it for me. Sometimes just for it to be different. Jimmy thinks I have a special knack at doing it to him. Better than any of his past girlfriends. I bet you could really get his motor running if you wanted.”

As June couldn’t take it and ran out of the kitchen. “If you think it over and want to join in let me know, ok?”

Later that night all three of them were sitting on the couch with Jimmy in the middle watching the news. The local portion was over and the national just wrapping up when June happened to glance over. ‘Oh my God she’s got her hand over his pants and she’s moving her fingers. What am I going to do?’

She looked away quickly hoping no one had noticed. Knowing what was going on between her kids was bad but seeing it was even worse, wasn’t it? But then how long had it been without touching or even seeing a penis? It looked like maybe what Jimmy had was impressive. ‘I’m such a bad mother. Thinking about this God is going Erenköy Escort Bayan to strike me dead. But why am I feeling that itch?’

June jumped up and ran into the kitchen asking if they wanted popcorn or something for the movie. “No mom. I think I’m just going to go to my room for a bit.”

Jimmy added, “I’m kind of worn out from work today. Maybe I’ll lie down also. We could watch in an hour or so if you want.”

“You don’t have to make up stuff anymore. Mom knows what’s going on.”

“You told her? Why would you do that?”

“I tell my mother everything. We don’t keep secrets from each other. Do we mom?”

“She knows everything?”

“Ya, I think so. She knows about the hand jobs and that I suck your pecker. That just about covers it I think.”

By the time June looked back both of them were gone. But she only heard one door close down the hall. ‘Are they really going to just do it? With me knowing what’s happening? Maybe only one closed the bedroom door and the other left it open. Should I check?’

So June looked down the hallway. Jimmies door was open and a quick peek showed he wasn’t in there. ‘They are really together. In my daughter’s bedroom and I bet doing it. Is she doing him? Should I check? What if Sherry is touching my son or he’s touching her? Should I stop them? This is so wrong.’

Standing in the hallway thinking and trying to hear if anything was happening. Making a decision June was knocking on the door. “Sherry…Jimmy…Can I come in? Please.”

When the door opened Sherry was hiding behind the door show only her head was visible. “Hi.”

“Can I come in?”

“Well now might not be a good time. I’m a…kind of busy, if you know what I mean. And if it’s ok I’ll be out in a little bit.”

“Is Jimmy in there with you?”

“Ahhh…Yes. That’s kind of what is keeping me busy. So maybe we could talk a little later?”

Blushing deeply, “You offered, said that maybe I could join you. If I wanted to that is. I’m kind of thinking I want to. Join you if that’s ok. You know…If the invitation is still open? And you both want me to that is.”

Jimmy’s voice in the background, “Sherry let her in. You told her so she knows what we’re doing. She can watch if she wants. It won’t bother me.”

The door swung wide open and a naked Sherry headed back toward the bed. Her butt checks bouncing and keeping time with her footsteps. Over her shoulder June could see Jimmy laying on the bed with his cock in one hand and holding his balls with the other.

Sherry flopped on the bed on her side facing Jimmy. “Let me do that for a while. Let mom see what we do. She may want to join us.”

Looking back over her shoulder, “Come in mom. Don’t just stand there. Come sit on the bed and watch me bring your son to a boil. Better yet…Take off your blouse and slacks.”

In a trance June walked to bed dropping off her outer clothing. “And your bra should come off to. Let Jimmy see those bobs of yours. I bet he’d like to touch them. You would, wouldn’t you Jimmy? Yes…Just like that. Now sit on the bed where he can touch you.”              

When Jimmy reached out June almost bolted but when he touched her breast it was alright. It felt good, so gentle. Her nipple tingled and got hard. It had been so long that a man had touched her there. “Ahhh…That feels good.”

“You want to touch him mother?” Without wanting Escort Erenköy for an answer Sherry took her mother’s hand and pulled it over and made her wrap her fingers around the hard warm shaft. “Ya…Just like that. I bet you remember how to do it. Just start moving your hand…Up and down…Real slow at first. Let the tension build until he starts groaning and moving his hips. You’ll remember the signs. Here why don’t you lie down right here? Then Jimmy can return the favor. You know, maybe touching you in that special place. Let me help you take those panties off. He’s so very good at it. And if it’s ok I’ll just do this to your bobs. Real softly like this. Feels good doesn’t it?”

It only took a short time and Jimmy was humping back at his mother’s fist as it stroked him. “I’m coming…Don’t stop…Don’t…Stop…Please.” And then he exploded. “Ahhh…That was just what I needed. Thank you. That was a really good. You’re very good at that. Give me a moment to recover and then it’s your turn.”

“Can I help? I’m feeling a little left out here. I want to help…OK? Maybe a little clean up?” As Sherry leaned over and licked up a big puddle of juice from his stomach.

“Let me to.” As mom did some spots on his chest. “There all clean and shiny. Now is it my turn?”

Sherry reached over and pulled her mother over the top of Jimmy so she ended up between the siblings. “You want to do the top part or the bottom part?”

“How about you start on the bottom and I’ll do the top and when she gets close we switch?” For the first time in her life June felt two sets of lips and tongues and fingers touching her all over. She was in heaven.

It was unbelievable.

Sherry knew her mother was getting close. “Quick, lets trade places. Get down here and finish her off.”

Jimmy had barely given her a lick and a suck when it was time. June was a silent comer but there was no mistaking what was happening. Her face and neck and chest turned red. Her breath came in gulps. Her legs trapped Jimmy’s head and almost squashed him. Her hands were gripping the sheets so hard her knuckles turned white.

Her kids continued to work their magic on her until she begged them to stop. She had to; she was finishing her second orgasm and it was all she could handle. “Please stop. I can’t take any more. I’m tender down there.”

“Down there mom, what’s down there?” Sherry asked.

“My pussy, ok, is that what you want to hear, or maybe my cunt. You like that better?”

“No pussy is good. But now it’s my turn. Are you going to help Jimmy, or does he have to do it all by himself?”

“Oh…I think I’ll help. I haven’t lost what I learned in college all those years ago. You just lay back and spread those long legs of yours and I’ll show you a thing or two. Jimmy you can stand back and watch how it’s done or give those little tits some love and affection while I work my magic on this tender pussy.”

June didn’t tell any lies. She hadn’t lost her touch. Sherry was screaming out her pleasure in less than five minutes. And just to prove her point June brought her to two more orgasms before lifting her head up and asking, “”Had enough or should we do it again?”

“Oh God no…I surrender. Please no more. Maybe another time, like maybe tomorrow? I don’t think I can take any more.”

Thankfully Sherry had a queen size bed and with a little cuddling they all feel asleep in minutes, Jimmy in the middle, holding one of his mom’s breasts and Sherry with her head on his stomach just inches away from his pecker. Just in case she felt like nursing during the night.

Thanks for reading this tale. I hope you enjoyed it. I appreciate comments and votes.

The end

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