
Katie and Willie Pt. 02


All that day, after my . . . what should we call it? The day after my ‘caging’, Katie kept me locked up. She continued to use my mouth, my hands, and her dildo, “Big Ronnie” not only on that day, but all that week.

It was a strange week for me. I desperately wanted out of that cage. I wanted to have an orgasm, either inside of her, or even by my own hand, but Katie was determined that I acclimate to my chastity device as quickly as possible. So, I was kept locked up, and at her continuous disposal. But when I was servicing her (and that is exactly what it was, I was no different than Big Ronnie at those times), I found myself thinking only of pleasing her, of earning that ‘Good Boy’ she would give me once she had used me to her satisfaction. My urge to come only came back after I had come down from the high of participating in her orgasm.

At that point, I would beg her to release me from the cage, but she would not grant me that most desired wish. So, I went to school, taught class, met with my students, and met with my faculty advisor, and Katie went to class herself pursuing her pre-med, course work; all while I was locked up that week.

And as far as I knew, no one noticed my personal ‘bondage’. I did notice a few women look at me quizzically from time to time, but Katie said it was probably because I looked bigger ‘down there’. I thought so too and had hoped that it would make Katie a bit jealous, but if it did, I couldn’t see it. She seemed to enjoy that extra bulge in my pants, and she particularly enjoyed fondling it in public when she didn’t think she’d get caught. I frequently had to find creative ways to cover up the wet spot in my slacks from the pre-come that I was continually leaking.

Let’s see now, if I recall, I was caged on a Monday night, and on that Wednesday evening of the next week, I was working on the notes Professor Haze gave me about my novel, she can be a right bitch if you don’t have a VERY good reason for ignoring her suggestions. I sometimes think I should find a different faculty advisor, but I don’t know, I just don’t know, she’s so smart.

Katie called me to her in our living room. She had been studying for an exam on the sofa. She was wearing some very short shorts, and a tank top, her feet were bare. Her red hair, always beautiful, made me want to cry.

I stood before her, “What ch’a need, Hon?”

“Take off your clothes.”

“Take off my clothes? Why”

“I want you naked, I like you naked. You’re a very pretty man who will do anything I want! And I want you to take off your clothes.”

“Okay!” I said with a shrug. I knew I’d pretty much do anything Katie asked, I liked pleasing her, but I didn’t much like that tone in her voice. I found it both demeaning and a bit arousing if you want the truth, but over the last few days, I had grudgingly gotten used to it, a bit.

I stood in front of her, naked, except for my chastity device. I wasn’t sure what to do with my hands, so I let them dangle at my side. She had that predatory look in her green eyes that she gets when she wants to tie me up, but there was something different about her.

Katie extended her long leg and manipulated my caged cock with her foot. “There’s something about your cock cage that makes me feel. . . very powerful. When I see you in it, I feel like you belong to me. That you are mine to use any way I want. Does it make you feel that way too?”

“Yeah,” I said, “Sometimes. There are times when I feel that I have no options but to do whatever you want.”

“Does that bother you?”

“Well, I like having you tell me what you want and then me doing it. I guess, that I don’t always feel particularly loved, sometimes.”

“Yes, I can see that could be a problem I need to work on. Never doubt though, that I love you, and will always have your best interests in mind!”

“I love you too! I know, you will always be there for me, and sometimes, I guess I feel sorry for myself when I don’t get my way, which is weird, since I want you to have your way at all times.”

Katie jiggled my cock cage with her foot once more, “Is this too much for you? Do you want it off?”

I didn’t expect that question and it took me by surprise, I had to think about it a bit. “It makes you happy, and it makes you feel powerful; it makes me feel like I belong to you, and it makes me feel . . . kind of, I don’t know, extra obedient towards you; and, let’s face it, when I go down on you with xslot it on, your orgasms are spectacular! And that makes ME very happy.”

Katie chuckled a bit, “That is true! But do you want it off?”

I thought a bit longer about it, and then said, “We agreed to one month. If you decide to take me out of my cage, either for your pleasure or mine, I still want to at least finish out the month.”

Katie gave me a sort of grim smile, “This is taking us, well me at least, in a direction that I don’t think you expected.”

“Not completely expected, I guess.” I paused to consider the situation, “But we BOTH like it when you tie me up, and we both kind of like you to run things for us as a couple. And, to be honest, I rather like it when you get, well, aggressive about sex. I don’t think we can lay this at your feet alone. I think we are together in this, no matter what!”

Katie stood up, she was an inch or so taller than me, even barefoot. She was every bit the tall Hollywood Goddess, “You don’t mind when I fantasize about you belonging to me, and how you have to do whatever I say?”

I smiled a tentative smile, I wasn’t sure if I was saying too much, “No! I’ve enjoyed those sorts of fantasies for years, and that’s how I think when you have tied me up! You’d be shocked at what I think about when I’m going down on you! If you want to be, more demanding of me, I don’t see that as a problem.”

Katie smiled gratefully, “I think I can manage to keep you, ah, challenged in that regard!”

I laughed, I was full of happy thoughts about our life together so far. I was in the perfect relationship with the smartest, most beautiful, and sexy woman on the planet! “I wonder what our parents would say if they knew what our relationship was REALLY like?”

Katie’s mood, softened even more, “You know, I’m pretty sure my mom and dad have a relationship, kinda like ours.” She turned me around and then sat back down on the sofa, pulling me down with her. I landed between her legs. She reached around me and started playing with my nipples.

“Oh!” I said with great pleasure, then I realized what Katie had just said. “What? Your parents talked to you about something like that?”

Her dad had been my hero when I was growing up, before I even met Katie here at the University. My dad was a distant asshole, and I sort of imagined that Katie’s movie star dad was really my dad, and he would take me fishing, like he did that kid who played his son in “Thunder Moon”.

I sort of kept that fantasy right up to the time when I told Katie about it, and she said she was sure he has never gone fishing in his entire life. I watched all his movies and even knew some of the dialog by heart, and now I find out that he can’t fish and was every bit as submissive as me! I wasn’t sure HOW I felt about hearing this stuff.

“No, my parents would never talk to me about something like that!”

“Well then, how do you know?”

“I sort of figured it out. Kids always know more than they let on. I could hear things through doors and walls. I was aware of those ‘looks’ and those little comments with multiple meanings, and as I got older, I started to put things together. Then too, I kind of caught them once.”

“Whoa!” I said, Katie was still pinching and tweaking my nipples, and my hips sort of involuntarily started to gyrate to her efforts, “What did they say when you caught them?” I groaned a bit in fruitless pleasure. If any ladies read this, I can assure you, guys really can compartmentalize like this!

This must have delighted Katie, her voice took on an amused tone, “They didn’t know I caught them. I came home a day early from College, when I got in the door, I heard a Mom’s voice, like she was angry, coming from Dad’s study. The door was open a crack, and I don’t know why, but I peeked in, not saying anything. I saw my dad, standing at attention – naked. His cock locked up like yours, while my mom scolded him like a child. She called him a bad boy, and that he needed to be punished.”

“She ordered him to bend over her knees for a good spanking. And he DID IT! She spanked his ass like she used to do to me when I was misbehaving, only a LOT harder.”

“Dad started crying, sobbing like a child! He was promising to be good for her, to please, please, please, stop spanking him! It seemed to go on forever, then she made him stand up again and promise to be her very good boy and to never forget who was xslot Giriş the boss. He promised he would never forget, and never disobey her again.”

Then my mom told him to kneel in front of her. She spread her legs and told him that he knew what he needed to do. The he leaned forward placing his head between her thighs, and I guess he ate her out.”

I was still gyrating my hips. The story, combined with her teasing my nipples had made me as horney as I had been all week. “You guess?”

“Yeah, I backed away from the study door and went outside as quietly as I could, I didn’t really want to see my parents having SEX! But, I found mom’s control over dad to be . . . ‘arousing’. It wasn’t the sex, it was the control she had over my dad. I knew that I wanted that sort of control someday too!”

“So, you had to wait until you found me!”

“Not really,” Katie gave a little laugh, “I called that sweet, dumb, goof, Big Ronnie. He had no problem doing whatever I said, but the ropes, and the spanking kind of freaked him out. He broke up with me after the fourth date.”

“You can spank me whenever you want!”

Katie stopped stroking me and kissed me on the back of the neck, “THEN, I had to kiss a few frogs until this Hollywood Princess found you!”

I don’t know what came over me! I was a free spirit! Not willing to be tied down! (well, you know what I mean!) But I guess I was overcome by optimism and love, “Let’s get married!”

Katie again kissed me on the back of the neck, “Well, I already decided that I would marry you some time ago, but I’m glad you came up with the idea on your own.”

“I think we’ve both sort of assumed that we’d eventually marry for a while. I can’t imagine my life without you!” I said.

“You’re sweet!” Katie said, as she pinched my nipples HARD!”

“Ye-Oww!” I jumped a little.

Then Katie continued, “But you need to understand, I’m going to be the boss! I will always ‘outrank’ you. Any decision I make is final, and you must live by that decision. I won’t humiliate you in public, especially in front of friends and family, but I do expect you to display an appropriate level of respectful, loving, obedience at all times. Can you live by those rules?”

It was my turn to be amused, “That’s pretty much how we live now!”

“No, it’s different because, right now, you can simply walk away. Once we are married, you won’t have that choice. You will belong to me.”

“Katie, I can’t imagine ever walking away from ‘us’. I like the idea of belonging to you!”

She, once again, kissed me on the back of the neck. “Stand up and face me, I think you’ve earned a few minutes out of that cage.” I practically jumped to follow this command.

I stood still, while she took the key to the lock on my cage. I was a little messy, I had been seeping a lot of pre-cum when I was sitting between her legs, and once the cage was removed, my penis sprung to full erection, and she smeared my juices down the shaft.

I gasped in pleasure! It felt so GOOD to be free like this!

“Do you want me to lie down here or on the bed?” I asked.

Katie giggled like a schoolgirl, “Oh! I’m not going to fuck you! No! You’re going to put on a little show for me!”

I looked down at her in confusion.

“You’re going to masturbate for me!” Katie practically purred when she said this. “And while you do that, you are going to speak whatever pops into your head! I want to hear what you think about when you are flogging yourself! I want you to tell me your deepest and darkest sexual secrets.”

I didn’t mind masturbating for her, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to share everything that ran through my head at a time like that. I sort of stared at her. I’m sure I had a look of shock and horror on my face. On second thought, I was pretty sure I did NOT want to share that information with her.

Katie stroked my cock one more time, “Come on baby! You know you can’t have secrets from me! Our relationship won’t survive something like that!”

I moved my right hand to my shaft and gripped it lightly. I stroked myself once, then twice, and a third time. It felt good, and I told myself that if Katie wanted me to do something, then I needed to do it.

“Come on, Baby! Talk to me! Don’t forget who’s boss here!”

I knew I needed to say something, anything to break my emotional logjam, “I love you! I like it when you boss me around!” That seemed safe enough xslot Güncel Giriş since we had been talking about this all week.

“That’s a good start baby! But we’ve established that! Go deeper!”

“I want to lick your asshole! I love licking your asshole!” My dick was seeping ever larger amounts of pre-cum, and the stroking felt great. I was getting into this weird ‘head space’ where the images and words started to appear magically within my consciousness, and all I had to do is talk about them.

“Good Boy! Tell me more!”

“I’m a slave! Your slave! I want you to punish me when I’ve been bad! I want you to tell your girlfriends about me, make me grovel at your feet, and at theirs!”

“Yes, Baby, Yes! But you still can’t come yet! You haven’t told me everything. Tell it all, Baby, Tell it all!” On some level, I knew Katie had her own hand in her pants, and was masturbating as well. It barely registered, I was at the point where I WANTED to bare my soul to her, I wanted her to know the man she would eventually own!

I was really getting excited, but somehow the pleasure of exposing my inner self to her was more powerful than the physical pleasure I was giving myself, I knew I wouldn’t come until I dug deeper into ‘Me’ than I’ve ever been before. “I see you squatting over my face and peeing into my mouth! I drink it up because I’m your slave!”

I continued, “I want to know that you are the center of my universe, my mistress, my reason for being! I want you to accept me for the slave that I am, and when I die, I want to die with the image of my mistress standing over me!”

“Good, Baby! Good! You are my slave! I am your queen, and I will own you for the rest of your life, and I will never allow you to disobey me! Oh! Oh! Oh!” Katie was coming, hard. Again, I knew this on some level, but my own sexual frenzy was still front and center in my mind.

When Katie was done with her own orgasm, I had one more thing to say, “But most of all, at this minute, I want you to suck my dick, and tell me I can come!”

Katie started laughing while I continued to stroke myself, I was in this alternate reality where I knew I couldn’t come without her approval and I didn’t care if she laughed at me.

Katie got herself under control and said, “OK baby! I love sucking your dick, so that will be my ‘love offering’ to you! And when I pinch your butt, you can come, but if you come before that, I’m going to spank you! OK?”

“Yes, Mistress! Please!”

Katie knelt before me, and she applied herself to my cock vigorously. I had the feeling she was trying to make me come without permission, but I was in this trance where I simply couldn’t do that without her permission. It was a sublime torture! But I simply couldn’t come.

“Mistress, Please! Let me come!” I was not above begging.

I felt her slowly reach around and stroke my ass! “Pinch me please!” I prayed silently to my queen. She cupped my butt cheeks in her hands and pulled me deeper into her mouth, I felt her thumb and forefinger of one hand slowly move closer together.


Then she pinched my ass, and immediately, I came in her mouth.

“Ahh, Ahh, Ahhhh!” I hadn’t come in about a week, even though I had serviced her orally several times each day. I ejaculated quite a bit of semen, and my spasms didn’t seem to quit. I could hear Katie trying to swallow some of it, and maybe choking a bit.

Immediately, I became concerned for her wellbeing, it seemed so . . . presumptuous, coming in her mouth like that! So, I withdrew my still relatively hard dick from her mouth.

I looked down at her, and she looked up at me, smiling. She is so beautiful. Even at a time like that, “Are you OK Katie?” She gave me a closed mouth smile, winked at me, and nodded her head.

Then she stood, wrapped her arms around me, and kissed me on the lips, forcing my own ejaculate into my mouth.

“Swallow.” She said, and I did.

Katie gave me that little predatory smile that thrills me so, “Get used to that taste, Willie. You’ll never come again without eating it all up!”

“Whatever you say, Katie. I love you!”

“Yep!” she said, “Whatever I say!” She slapped me on the ass, and said, “I love you, too! Now go clean up so I can put you back into your cage!”


“I liked it better when you called me, ‘Mistress’!”

I was surprised, “Did I call you ‘Mistress’?” I genuinely did not remember using that word.

“Yes! You don’t have to call me ‘Mistress’ all the time, but it would be smart of you to learn when I think it is appropriate!”

“Yes, Mistress!” I hurried to the bathroom to follow her instructions.

To Be Continued . . .

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