


Disclaimer: This story is entirely fiction. It does not relate to any real person, living or dead. Any similarity to a real person, whether living or dead, is purely coincidental and completely unintended. While actual places are mentioned in this story, it is not to be the conclusion that any part of this story is real, or ever happened. The following story is a work of fiction containing graphic descriptions of sexual acts between adults and minors. While all of the sex depicted is consensual, the author does not intend to promote incest or sexual relations with underage children. The story is written purely for entertainment purposes only. Those who are offended by such material are strongly encouraged not to read this. Pursuant to the Berne Convention, this work is copyright with all rights reserved by its author unless explicitly indicated. This story is protected under U.S. and international copyright law and may not be reprinted, reposted, or otherwise reproduced without express written permission. This story may be posted to appropriate USENET newsgroups as long as it remains entirely intact and unmodified, including copyright message.

I had only lain down on the couch in the darkened interior of my Winnebago, when there was a panic banging at my motor home door. I went and opened it fighting against the cold icy wind and rain to hold it open. A woman dressed only in a sari her hair in a mess and soaking wet, stood there.

In poor English “Please let me hide here, bad men want to harm me.” She blurted our casting a worried look behind her.

“Come in, Please,” I said glad to get the door closed and us separated from the outside elements.

Even though she was shivering and wet by the look on her face she was amazed at the luxury that these vehicles have.

“I am illegal migrant, bad men brought me this country, to marry but want me to work in brothel, I run away from toilet, please hide me, no let them take me.” She pleaded.

“Well you can’t stay in those wet clothes and I have no clothes for you, what I do have is a pair of pyjamas, I will get them for you, and you change out of these wet things at the back, I won’t let the men take you.” I said trying to be the white knight in shinning armour.

To be on the safe side I thought I had better leave this rest area, but first I would have to fill my tanks. As I got into the drivers seat and swiveled it round into the driving position. I saw three dark skinned men walking around the car park in the pouring rain, no rain gear on looking for someone.

I pulled into one of the numerous filling bays and alighted to fill my tank. As I was filling the tank, one of these men approached me and asked if I had seen a woman dressed in a sari, it was his wife he said.

“Why are you looking for your wife out here in the pouring freezing rain, surely she would be sheltered in one of the warm buildings.” I replied to him.

“She would want a lift, we had a tiff.” He replied.

“Well it’s easy to get a lift here, as you see traffic is continually entering and leaving all the time.” I told him.

At this time one of his friends, a real seedy looking character appeared from behind my motor home and said, “Forget it Ali, she’s not worth it.” Then they both disappeared into the night.

I paid for my fuel, and headed north towards Edinburgh on the A1(M). Shortly after the Indian woman came forward, and I told her to sit in the passenger seat and do up her seat belt. She was dressed in my pyjamas and had let her hair down, and must have used my comb to comb it out. Her hair reached to her bottom, and was luster black.

“Now tell me what this is all about,” I asked her.

The story she told was:

Her name was Kavita Patel, she thinks she is twenty two years old. Two weeks ago; she flew in from Bangladesh, to get married. She came from a small town outside Bogra, her family was very poor, but a friend of an uncle came from Britain and said that the men there don’t want a dowry, and he would arrange a passport and passage for her. Apparently, she didn’t even have a birth certificate; it isn’t compulsory to register births in Bangladesh and especially girls.

On arrival, here there was no marriage, she had been locked up in a room in London, and was told she was being taken to Manchester to work in a brothel there, to repay the cost of her airfare.

She said she had never attended school. She had picked up some English from an English girl whose parents had worked in her village for a short time. Ever since, she had wanted to come to Britain.

All this was said in her broken English. I thought it was strange about the birth certificate bit, and then I remembered a documentary on present day slavery and camel jockeys. Bangladesh was the country of choice because of this very reason. In fact, there was no documentation on this earth to say that Kavita ever existed.

What a dilemma I thought, what am I to do with this poor creature? Here I am off on a three-month solitude bahis siteleri holiday that I have been planning for years and within hours of starting, I now have a woman companion.

I have kept away from women now for over four years, after a very bad experience with my ex-wife. She had been giving free sex to all the male employees of the computer software company I used to own. It appears everyone knew about it except me. So when she gave birth to the child I thought was mine, and he was born black, the truth came out. I had a sympathetic judge who heard my case and she got one of the three houses we owned and only 10% of the company. I immediately sold the company and within a few months, the new owners had bought her out at a lot less than they had paid me proportionally for my part.

The last I heard she had sold the house due to debts, and the father of her child had deserted her. She was now living in some Council flat in East London.

I arranged through a very good friend of mine to allow their son who is attending some religious course for ministers in London to use my home and keep an eye on it for the first month of my holiday. I was getting the use of a camper pad they had in the northwest of Scotland. They had invested in a diesel generator, water and sewage for the site and usually went there each year. This year they are off to Spain camping with a group. Therefore, I took up their offer of their site. I wanted to get away from everyone.

Since my divorce, I wrote a small program, which raw copied CD’s. I was approached by a big record distribution company, who bought out my patient, to prevent their CD’s from being copied, with the new protection. My program made this protection invisible. There was one other company who had a similar program and they were also approached.

Since my divorce I have stayed well away from females, as it appears that all of my generation females are out to drain you dry for there own monetary gain, and the courts are not helping. This was why I said it was strange I now had a female companion not that I was gay.

This Winnebago was my pride and joy; I had always envied seeing these vehicles in American movies and always wished I could own one. I stocked mine out so that it would provide all my needs for a long holiday with all the comforts of a luxury home. I even had a trial bike on a special frame mounted on the rear in a special lockable glass fibre container.

I took the minor road at Scotch Corner and headed for Coldstream to enter Edinburgh by the south, rather than via the coast road.

We stopped at one of the lay-bys as I now had been driving non-stop for eight hours except for the brief stop when Kavita came into the camper. I made a coffee and gave one to Kavita who hasn’t said very much at all since she told me about how she got here.

“You have a very nice, what you call it,” she said, spreading her arms and looking around.

“Mobile home, but I must say you look real cute in my pyjamas,” I said.

It was obvious that she had removed her bra (If she did wear one) for she was very bouncy when she walked around. Now in the light she was a very attractive woman, and it was a pity the way she had been treated.

“Kavita, I am off on a long holiday, you are quite welcome to come with me or I will drop you off where you want. ”

“You very kind, please I stay with you. I know no one in this country.” She replied.

“Well my name is Charlie Brown, Kavita!” I said holding out my hand and she shook it “Welcome aboard”

It was going to be a little difficult as I only had the double bed I had the other beds removed. So I said to her “Kavita I only have the one bed and no spare bedding, you will have to share the bed, but have no fear you are quite safe I won’t be molesting you.”

She thought about it for some time and said “OK I trust you, but no sex please.”

We agreed and she at long last smiled what a beautiful smile it was too.

“When we get to Edinburgh we will have to get you some clothing as you only have one set. I am only passing through Edinburgh I want to get to Perth to spend two nights and visit some points of interest there.” I might have said I am visiting the moon, as she had no idea where these places were.

“I only wear sari, I no like western clothes.” She said very emphatically.

We continued on and entered Edinburgh about 10 and we were able to park in the fourth parking area we visited. Kavita by this time had once more dressed in her now wrinkled sari, underskirt and short sleeved blouse.

The first big shop we entered was Marks and Spencers and I managed to get her fitted out with six sets of bra’s and panties, two nightdresses, a Terri dressing gown and a thick pullover, and cardigan, but that is as far as she would go. One good thing she was talking to another Bangladeshi woman, who came over to me and explained there was a shop nearby where she could purchase good working saris and accessories. canlı bahis siteleri

In fact it was just round the corner and we came out with three cotton lengths and three ready made underskirts and long sleeve blouses all in matching colours.

When we got back into the RV she went and changed into the new sari, when she emerged she did look very nice with her hair rolled into a bun at the back of her head.

We proceeded over the Forth Road Bridge and within an hour, we were in Perth. Parked in a Camper site, and connected to mains and sewage.

After a quick shower, Kavita was amazed that there was a shower in the RV, she had one too and changed into her new underwear. We then went to a restaurant and had a good meal. Well I did, Kavita was really out of her depth and I should have realized from what she had told me that this would be the case. She was determined and watched me like a hawk and followed my example. The food also must have been strange for her too.

After the meal we took a stroll through the centre of the town and visited the gardens on the inches. This is what they call the parklands on the bank of the River Tay. We drew a lot of stares from the locals. A white chap out walking with a Bangladeshi woman wearing a sari wasn’t a daily sight. Especially since she had her arm linked into mine.

We got back and eventually I got into bed, dressed in our night attire, she at one side of the bed and me at the other. Some time in the middle of the night we had met in the middle and I woke up with her cuddled into my back with her breasts against my back and her arm thrown over my shoulder.

“Good morning Charlie,” her voice sounded in my left ear and she planted a kiss on my cheek.

“Morning, Kavita did you sleep well.” I asked.

“I was frightened at first, in case you attacked me, but now I know I need not fear, you can be trusted.” She replied.

The previous evening I saw a notice about local day tours, starting at 9-30 so we got to the designated start point and joined about 10 others and had a tour of the immediate area. The tour included a lunch so we were well catered for. On return that evening we ate out at an Indian restaurant but Kavita didn’t like the way hey had made their curries.

“I will make you a good curry,” she told me “not the swill that the restaurant made.”

“You will have to wait until we get to our destination.” I told her.

We watched a video on our TV before retiring for the evening. This time we got into bed and made no pretense of avoidance. After saying good night she lent over and gave me a kiss on the lips.

“Thank you for treating me so kind.” She said.

I was awakened in the night by her sobbing and crying. I tuned and pulled her to me and she cried on my shoulder and fell asleep in that position. She was still there in the morning but when I woke she was lying looking up at me.

“You very good man, no touch, when could, I now trust you very much”. She said planting a kiss on my lips, whilst holding my head.

“Come on I want to reach Scourie by to-night.” I said rising and dressing. I made a cup of tea and made a couple of slices of toast. Disconnected all the attachments and left the park. We were on the road north by 7 o’clock.

We passed through Aviemore, Inverness, and at Lairge cut inland towards the west coast. At last we saw our destination on the sign posts. Then just a few miles the other side of Scourie we took a private road to the camping site of my friend.

It was as he described it, desolate and looking over a bay. The bay of Eddrachillis. I Turned the RV so that the door and the retractable annex were on the lee side and parked on the concrete slab. The water and sewage connections were standard fittings. I had a key to the stone hut that contained the generator and tested it for starting. There were solar panels on the roof to keep the Starting batteries charged. The generator was big enough to supply a small village.

My satellite dish was a bit of a problem as it kept blowing over. A few rocks to wedge it soon solved the problem and we had TV and I could access the internet.

I never thought in the British Isles anyplace could be so desolated. There was only the birds and the wind and the sea crashing on to the rocks below. This was what I had come for to get away from the false world I lived in and just enjoy the sound of nature. I hadn’t planned for Kavita but so far she has been no trouble, in fact she is quite good company.

I made a trip daily to the shop in Scourie to collect bread, milk and the newspaper. Other than that we had no contact with anyone. We walked the cliffs and the beaches on the few we could get to and just relaxed.

Kavita did make very nice curries, we stopped for a rest in Inverness and she came out of an Indian shop with a bag of spices. She made her own mixtures and they had more bite than the ones in the restaurants.

We even tried fishing, güvenilir bahis and managed to catch a few, but nothing to brag about.

After about a month, we were very comfortable with each others company, and her English had improved dramatically. She was very worried about being deported. The reason she said was she wanted to stay with me, forever.

That night in bed she started sobbing and crying again. So this time I asked “What is the matter Kavita, what brought on this crying.”

“I don’t think you want me, you won’t let me stay with you.” She said through the sobs.

“I never said such a thing, Kavita I love you beside me.”

“But you never said you wanted me, to be with you.” She answered.

“Kavita, will you stay with me after this holiday?” I asked her

“Oh Yes I will always stay with you.” She said throwing her arms around my neck and locking her mouth on to mine.

It was just a natural thing to do I put both arms round her and pulled her to me. She thrust her lower body on to mine and I had a sudden erection, not just an erection but a very hard painful one.

She couldn’t say she never felt it for her pubic region was pressed on my penis. Her breasts were pressing on my chest. And she was grinding her mouth on to mine and the tears were still flowing down her cheeks and dripping on to my face.

“Charlie I am a virgin, I don’t know what do I can feel your hard thing pressing against me, I don’t want you to hurt me.” Mari declared.

“Don’t you worry I won’t force you to do nothing you don’t want, so calm down please, Kavita.”

I moved my hands from her back and through her nightdress I took her fair sized breast in my hand and started running my fingers round working into the centre of her areole on her breast. She inhaled a deep breath and pressed her breast into my hand.

I took my hand off and slipped the strop of her nightdress off and down her arm. It was rather awkward getting it over her elbow but she at least helped leaving her breast bare. This was the first time I had ever seen her breast the one I saw was as big as a rock melon, with a dark brown areole and an almost black nipple now standing out proud.

I pushed up and took her nipple in my mouth and rolled it between my lips. Kavita pulled my head to her chest and moaned with her head slightly back.

“Charlie, you are making me feel so funny and it goes down to my legs.” she said.

“Come take off your nightie as I removed my pyjamas top. She seemed a bit reluctant at first but she relented but tried to hide her breasts by holding her arm across her chest as she once again got under the bed clothes.

This time when she came to me it was bare chest to bare chest, and it was Kavita who was rubbing her chest on mine. I once again slid down and kissed and sucked her breast whilst I caressed the other. When I tried to run my hand down her body she just took a hold of it and brought it back up.

I could see she loved this breast petting and she wasn’t going to go any further for now, I respected her for this. There was plenty of time. A good thing is worth waiting for anyway as long as it’s not too long.

For the first time ever she said, “Charlie I love you!” and kissed me on the mouth.

The next morning I awoke, and as usual I woke with an erection but this time I was cuddled up to Kavita and she had my hard cock between her legs hard up against her mons so the only way it could have got there was by her placing it there. I could feel the coarse pubic hairs rubbing against the head. I was more aware than normal of this close proximity.

I had my hand over her body and I gently took hold of her breast and as I did so Kavita pressed her hand on top of mine and held mine on her breast and gave a little wiggle of her hips. I now knew that she was awake, and quite conscious of what was going on.

“Morning Kavita,” I said in her with y mouth close to her ear.

“I like this feeling Charlie, is it always as hard as this in the morning,” she asked.

“Yes Kavita, it’s because I need to pee.”

“Do you want me to let you go?” she asked

“Oh God no Kavita this is lovely and comfortable,” I said to her drawing her closer to me

“I like it too Charlie, do you love me too Charlie,”

“I won’t lie to you Kavita, I really like you a lot, and I think I love you a little, you have definitely become part of my life, please give me. time sweetheart.”

“That’s the first time you have called me that Charlie”

“Called you what Kavita?”

“Sweetheart!” she said.

“Is it, well I do mean it Kavita.”

She pushed even harder into me, and squeezed her thighs tighter, then relaxing them, almost masturbating me with her actions.

“Kavita if you keep doing that with your thighs, you will be getting a surprise.” I said.

“Oh! Charlie I’m sorry, it was so nice too.” She said

At that point she turned and faced me, and I just couldn’t help it I slid my hand between her legs and ran my finger between the lips of her vagina and gently stroked her tender area.

Instead of pushing my hand away she pushed herself on to my hand, and let out a sigh. “Charlie that is lovely please don’t stop, I love you so much.” Kavita said as she hugged me.

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