
Kendra , Sam Set Boundaries Pt. 07

Alice Miller

(Note to Readers: This nine-part story follows a young, straight, American couple from dating to marriage and parenthood, and from exclusive sex to separate side action, swinging, and group sex. All characters involved in sex acts are at least 18 years old, and all appearances of, and references to, children, are not sexual in any way. The sex includes lesbian. To make sense of the story, you should read Parts 1 through 6 first. Click on my author name above, or the stories link, to find them.)

* * * * *

June 2015:

Hot again hot again hot again, Kendra chanted silently in time to her rollerblading. Her thighs no longer chafed. Her arms had returned to her free motion range. The nursing bra kept her breasts under control.

And if it’s over, she insisted, it’s over. Fun while it lasted.

She didn’t want it to be over.

Her energy was high. Jeremy had settled into a single middle-of-night wakeup for feeding, allowing her and Sam a predictable sleep schedule. Her diet was as rigorous as it was before the wedding, adjusted for breastfeeding. The supplements she took were carefully vetted and, where reasonable, organic.

If it’s over, she admitted to herself, I’m going to be pissed off.

She had only glimpses of her bare legs as they flashed, sun on sweat, in her stroke rhythm. The legs are awesome, she thought, no question about that. Maybe I ditch the stockings to emphasize them.

At seven months, Jeremy was a demon crawler, but Kendra kept up with that easily. Toddling, now, would demand more, in keeping with the sports edict that defense expends more energy than offense. Except for a few experiments with chairs and playpen uprights, Jeremy hadn’t started a serious campaign to become a biped.

She slowed only a little as she reached the house. Taking the turn from the sidewalk to the front walk confirmed again the suppleness of her ankles and the coordinated sway of her trunk and torso. Am I Momzilla? she wondered. Belief in beauty motivated me to drop the weight and boost my health, but I’ve always shoved aside questions of whether I exploit my looks, and expect them to get me what I want.

Right down to the core, she persisted. Sam and I are deep in love, but would that have started without physical attraction?

Opening the front door brought her to the here-and-now. Despite open windows, houseplants, and ceiling fans, the air indicated Very Recent Diaper Change. It also carried a high, happy cackle that drowned out something Sam was saying. Kendra’s smile seemed to rise from her soul and spread through her entire self.

She freed her feet from the skates and tracked the guys down in the kitchen, where she also found the household’s other male. Nuggins had been even more perplexed by Jeremy than by Sam, but the gray cat had made his peace with this new creature.

There was a complex tripartite interaction involving a big foam rubber ball that better not go in Jeremy’s mouth. Kendra greeted them in Mom-voice as she sat among them. A tooth-minimal smile beamed at her, and hands that were no longer tiny beckoned.

Kendra swept up her son, uncoiling to stand, and kissed and nuzzled and tickled him as she got to the rocking chair. Sam followed, aware of the routine: lowering the zipper on the back of her halter, getting a receiving blanket to drape on her shoulder.

Kendra eased into the rocker and freed a breast. “Poor Jeremy,” she cooed, securing his body in the crook of her elbow as his mouth found her nipple. “You’ll grow up associating your mother’s sweat with happiness.”

“I got dibs,” said Sam. “I was making you sweat long before he came along.”

Their racy banter had never abated, even during the first two months, when her sex drive had often been in a fog. While she expected that the oxytocin rushes she had enjoyed during sex would connect strongly now with lactation, they were still disorienting at first. As they became more routine, she enjoyed husband cuddling more actively. This indication of renewed libido gave her confidence that it would increase. And it had, with each passing week, and each bang with Sam.

Jeremy, coached and conditioned by his parents to accept sleep when it summoned him, already had closed eyes when his lips and cheeks stopped moving. Silently and smoothly, Kendra got him into the crib and Sam cleaned up his face as much as necessary.

Soon the parents sat on the patio with liquid refreshment, and the crib monitor in view.

“How d’you feel about tonight?” Sam asked casually. He was, nonetheless, checking in.

“Waaayy up for it,” she said. “I’ve got months of breastfeeding ahead, so I’ll just deal with it. I’ll express before we leave, and bring a bikini top and lots of tissue if things get too gross.”

They made dinner at home and, in order to direct their friskiness outward, they showered separately. Kendra spent probably too much time looking in the mirror as she dried gaziosmanpaşa escort off, knowing that Sam wouldn’t go get the sitter until Kendra was out, and able to keep tabs on the again-awake Jeremy.

She tried to be neutral and critical about what she saw. Her hips were a bit bigger, probably for good, and her boobs were a bit lower, probably ditto. But her skin was sleek, taut, and almost aglow, with only slight stretch marks low on her belly.

Kegels had restored her vagina’s grip. She knew, from Sam’s help in expanding their range, that all of their preferred positions were now comfortable, and could deliver satisfaction. She even knew that she could multitask, thanks to a foursome with Joan and Stu the previous Saturday.

That happy event had actually stirred a little envy, because Joan and Stu were now regulars at Greater Neptune, and were up to date on all the chat and gossip. Even if Kendra had doubts on whether she could enjoy, and be enjoyed, this was enough to impel her to attend the orgy. So many of the people there had become close friends, as well as partners.

When they entered Audrey’s and Vince’s house, there were cheers as soon as they were recognized. People approached to see the Jeremy slide show on Kendra’s phone. The crowd grew, so Sam stepped aside and started the show on his phone. Mom and Dad commented differently for each pic. Being proud parents had not yet gotten old. They nodded when Vince reminded them not to take pictures of the undraped bodies around them, and to keep their phones with their clothes.

It was almost ten minutes later that Kendra and Sam got free, changed, and emerged in their partying undress, which for her still included stockings and heels. Kendra raised her arms and shook her boobs, side to side, declaring, “For now, look but don’t touch, please. I’ll let you know if they’d like some affection.” She had the bikini top tied around an upper arm. Most of the cheering was male, and it arose again in every part of the house she visited. A few times during the night, she said something along the lines of “Double D is comfortable, but not always necessary.”

Aware that they were starting over as orgiasts, Sam and Kendra stayed together and sought out their first partners at Greater Neptune, Ravi and Kim. Together they went to the Couple Doubler and began with slow and gentle kisses and fondles. Sam knew that Kim was following their lead, but he didn’t want her to bottle up her energy for too long. “Do I need to show you,” he said to her, “how much I’ve missed you?”

“Yes!” she declared, beaming at him, “And you have to make up for lost time!”

Sam and Kendra shared a quick smile, then he and Kim started groping and kissing and rolling around. Contrasting from them, Kendra slowly pulled Ravi close. “We said goodbye with legs-up missionary,” she said in her seductress voice. “Can we say hello again with that?”

“My junk is already answering,” he said with a smile, as his wang stiffened along her thigh.

She teased the removal of her heels and stockings. “Maybe next time for standing one-leg-up,” she said. “And, if you go easy, you can put your hands on my ridiculous domes. Away from the nozzles.”

“I respect the work your beauteous bosom must do,” he said, equally sincere and jokey. He and Kim were childless, and while they didn’t volunteer information about this, Kendra inferred that as they entered their mid-thirties, this was their choice for good.

Kim cowgirled Sam, and guided him to arouse her nipples and groin together, and get them to simultaneous orgasms. As far as Sam could tell, that happened, with vaginal contractions joined by upper-body shivers. While that was still happening, she yelled, “Cut loose! Max the stretch!” He did what he knew was always best with Kim, and followed her orders.

By this time Kendra and Ravi had also shared climaxes, and they rearranged to get her legs down. “You may lick,” she whispered, “but at your own risk. And no sucking.”

“Thank you,” he murmured. His mouth settled on the lower half of a breast, and clearly he enjoyed her taste.

Things got a little silly after all four came, with other couples happening along, to reacquaint, of course. A flirty pussy fingering here, a coquettish cock yank there. For Kendra and Sam, it was the best kind of reunion.

Kendra’s bathroom break wasn’t as long as during pregnancy, but she still took her time, washing her bosom carefully. Her breasts felt fine, and seemed to want more fun, but she was hesitant. And also getting tired. She had noticed this with Joan and Stu also, that entertaining more than one lover could wear her out sooner than expected. So post-partum conditioning isn’t finished yet, she noted.

She found Sam at the pool, chatting with several folks, all of whom stopped looking at him when she arrived. At once she worried that a nipple was dripping, gölbaşı escort but could feel this wasn’t happening. Maybe it’s just the visual, she thought. Kendra’s! Biggest! Tits! Everrrrr!

Bill and Donna, with whom they’d had encounters here, gave them a lot of attention. As they all bobbed in the pool, waiting for jacuzzi openings, Donna asked, “How did you two meet?”

Sam gave them edited highlights, on their acquaintance in overlapping friend circles in early 2011. Despite their sexual openness with everyone here, he felt the need to guard some privacy, and knew Kendra did also.

Bill asked, “What got you into swinging?”

“Curiosity,” said Sam. Then, with a chuckle, “Horniness.”

Kendra smiled in agreement, but on some level, this conversation felt wrong to her. When the subject had arisen before, she’d had an impulse to say that there wasn’t anything lacking in their life as a couple. They were just really excited by more sex with more people, with the group aspect bigger fun than one-on-one mate swaps. While she thought this was still true, she was more defensive about it.

The anxiety she felt before her return to Greater Neptune had been physical, on her appearance and her ability to perform well. She was surprised to find that the real impact might be emotional. Is it in my head, she wondered, that by banging men who aren’t my child’s father, I’m betraying my household?

The thought didn’t stay with her for long. She and Sam had a fine foursome with Bill and Donna, with Kendra’s breasts continuing to feel good from light loving. Audrey invited Sam and Stu to join in her Big Finish, and Kendra had fun kibitzing with Joan about how eager their husbands seemed to be as they penetrated the hostess. In all, Kendra counted her return to Greater Neptune a success, and a relief.

For Sam it was also a success, with relief based on his looks at Kendra for much of the night. After his bang of Audrey, and his task of attaching the condom on the corkboard and signing it, he turned back towards the action and found himself breast-blocked from each side.

“Poor thing,” said Kendra, picking up Sam’s shriveled dick with thumb and index finger.

Joan tsked, and said, “Just another demonstration of female superiority.”

This convergence got to Sam even more than the evening’s sex acts. His wife, nude, and her best friend, nude, with happy faces, leaning on him, nude, all pleasantly relaxed, enjoying lighthearted fun. Which is what this should be, he thought. Why is it so tough to accomplish that? Why does sex have to make so many people hateful? Then he had to check in with himself: I have it easy. Pretty much anyone I want to have sex with wants it with me.

He put his arms around the women’s shoulders, tried to ignore wobbles in his knees, and said, “Nothing a two-pound sirloin won’t fix.”

In the car on the way home, Kendra shared with Sam her unexpected feeling.

“It might be cultural,” he said. “We went into marriage determined to make our own rules, and swinging fit right in. Having a kid, though…we may have incorporated values about that without realizing it.”


“Yeah, I was a little uneasy, talking to Bill and Donna. But some of that was trying to maintain a privacy boundary.”

She looked out through the windshield without seeing anything, thinking things through. “In that moment, I was uncomfortable about sex, like I haven’t been since before I met you.”

“I’m listening.”

She smiled. “Yeah you are. You always do. It’s how I knew I had a keeper.”

“Sex didn’t work for me either. For a long time.”

“Ooooh, superhero origin stories! I’ll go first.” Despite a lightened mood, it took her a moment to get going. “You know some of this, but I don’t think I’ve ever unrolled all of it at once. In college I was too eager to do stuff I shouldn’t. I drank, and let that be an excuse for dropping my inhibitions. Not very often, though, and mostly I looked after my health. But when I let my libido do all the thinking, I made bad choices, on people, and on time spent in quasi-romance.

“I did better after I graduated and started work. I met more people. Also, and this was the key, I changed my attitude on dating. Before, I was so eager to be liked that, when a guy showed interest, I encouraged it, like a reflex. Finally it got through that so many guys were interested that I must be more attractive than I thought. So I held back when I met a new guy, even if I liked him. I was friendly, but I gathered information. Joan, bless her heart, encouraged me. By the time I got into bed with a guy, I knew he wasn’t a selfish asshole or a controller or a liar. And sex became okay.” She gave his nearest arm a little squeeze. “Then I hit the jackpot.”

He didn’t hide his smile. “So Joan was your example?”

“Not really. She was like my polar opposite, rarely returning anyone’s interest. keçiören escort But I decided that what she did made sense, as far as self-respect overriding impulse. She helped me get away from my extreme. Then, after much badgering, I got her to do the same. And we settled around the middle, sometimes in a fuckpile with you and Stu. Happy, with no intention of ending.”

He gave himself a second or two to bask in that, then forced himself onto Memory Lane. “You remember, when we first met, I wasn’t exactly a physical marvel.”

“Neither was I,” she inserted.

“Yeah, but it was worse before. Freshman year of college, I struggled in class, and ate too much. I dated a girl, really cute, and I worried that I’d aimed too high, and wouldn’t compare to other guys, because of my weight. I tried to be cool, told her I was okay with her seeing other guys. And I lost her.”

“Can I be sorry and happy about that at the same time?”

He snickered. “The water under that bridge has cycled through the atmosphere several times. Long story not short enough, I eventually lived up to male expectations about myself. I got my degree, and used it to elevate my worklife from mechanical auto repair to fixing and predicting problems with electronics and cybernetics. That gave me confidence. I got into friend circles that overlapped with yours, and the women I dated liked me enough for casual fun. Then I met you. And I was scared that I aimed too high again, and might get hurt. But you were nice, and friendly.”

“You were worth all of my nice. And it meant so much to me that, as nervous as you were about it, you got us to talk through having sex on the side.”

“Like you said, happy, with I hope no ending in sight.”

“But now we’re parents,” she said. “Is this a problem?”

“I say a flat no,” he said at once, “unless something happens that I can’t foresee. We’re responsible adults. We love our son. If something might impact that boundary, one of us will bring it up with the other. We’ve always checked in before, so we will again now.”

She let that permeate her thoughts. The new worry remained, about being a mother while staying in the lifestyle, but now she saw the worry as a useful source of red flags. No other part of her mind felt any need to shut down her sex life.

“Okay,” she said, “that works. For now.”

* * * * *

August 2015:

Having attended several orgies at Vince’s and Audrey’s house, cavorting nude with dozens of people and enjoying sexual congress with them, it was an odd experience for Sam and Kendra to be there with these people, fully dressed. Nobody was even making out. They sat on chairs in the living room, like the more boring kind of congress. But Kendra and Sam had decided that it was time for them to attend a management meeting of the Greater Neptune Pasta e Fagiola Gulping and Behind-the-Back Juggling Society.

It was a Tuesday night. When Kendra had e-mailed Audrey that they’d attend, word circulated quickly to other women within the extremely secure network of the membership. What got back to Kendra was an invitation for them to bring Jeremy to this gathering. This would count as family-friendly, because the grown-up talk wouldn’t corrupt a nine-month-old.

Invitation? More like a request. Request? More like a command. Kendra was fine with that, accustomed to bringing her son to various places in his carrier/car seat, and glad she wouldn’t have to find a sitter.

Sam made sure they arrived before the start of the meeting, so Jeremy could be fawned over as he demonstrated his crawling skill and smiled at the attention of so many smiling ladies. Once the meeting convened, Sam and Kendra sat towards the back to facilitate feeding, trips beyond the living room for diaper changes, and general attention-paying for their firstborn.

Serious stuff was discussed by longtime members. Reggie, a CPA in real life, gave a treasurer’s report to the effect that the most recent orgy’s net income was $426, bringing the total for the year to $2079. It was debated whether some of this should go towards a new Sybian for The Toy Chest. Sam and Kendra sat quietly through all of this, respecting their elders, waiting to see if anything arose that could benefit from their involvement.

Soon Audrey brought up captain assignments for the next orgy. In addition to a list of volunteers who had already e-mailed, she took names from those present. Kendra and Sam each got a single shift.

Later on, Ken, a cybersecurity pro, requested help in beta-testing some software to maintain Greater Neptune’s firewall.

“We’d be glad to help,” Kendra called, handing Jeremy to Sam so she could stand. “I’m looking into whether I can start an online travel agency, and Sam’s been tutoring me.”

Ken smiled at her, for more than one reason. “Sounds great!”

“Let’s pretend that the people have a will,” declared Vince, before the matter could be settled without him. “There’s a motion on the floor—”

“No there isn’t!” said Myrna in a snarky sing-song.

“The autocrat says there is,” Vince retorted, “and that the huddled masses care about it. It’s been moved that Kendra and, I guess, Sam, help Ken with his beta-testing. All those in favor?”

There was a mass attempt to imitate Austin Powers. “Yeeahhh Bay-bee!”

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