
Kinky Adventures of Robin Ch. 02


Jim had barely arrived back on Dave’s doorstep, already imagining the many ways in which he was going to drool over Robin, when Alex screeched her ride to a halt beside him, sunglasses on and short hair so gelled-up that it did not even shift a single hair out of place during her drive over there. More boyish in appearance, at times, than womanly, anyone other than Jim would have been able to see just were Alex’s interests lay but, too horny for Robin with his eyes elsewhere, Jim had been too keen to simply take what he could get in terms of womanly attention.

Well, it wasn’t as if he was not still a virgin but, still… A man could hope on that count. Hope rather hard, in fact, while staring straight past the girlfriend in question in search of sweeter, more bubbly femininity.

She ignored Alex as she bounded up to the door to greet Robin, her eyes intent on the woman who had featured, strangely enough, in many of her own sleeping fantasies, waking wrapped up in the sheets when she would have preferred really to have Robin herself wrapped up in her arms.

“Hey, stranger!” She drawled, leaning against the frame of the door as Robin blinked and took a step back, putting space between them. “How’s it going? Haven’t seen you around in ages!”

Robin did a double-take, eyes impossibly wide. Did she know her? She’d seen the girl around, yeah, but to speak as if she had been friends with her for years? Now, that was a stranger thing… What had gotten into that woman? Robin giggled nervously and ran her fingers through her hair, although her hesitation allowed Alex a chance to take in her tiny, pink, string bikini that, really, hardly even covered her breasts. Just the nipples were hidden with the mass of curvaceous flesh on show, drawing attention that Alex simply could not resist giving.

And the rest of her was gorgeous too, the pink bikini bottoms completing her ensemble. And that was it. Sunglasses perched atop her head didn’t really count when they didn’t hide anything, although her hair was drawn back behind her shoulders, a little of the curl lost from it but still bubbalicious and beautiful. The sun glinted off her glasses, hinting at what was to come and, waiting there for words to come to mind, she pushed up onto her toes, heels rising out of her ballet flats, the light wrinkles on her feet drawing clean and smooth with the manipulation of flesh and muscle.

Alex… Alex should not have stared and yet she did anyway, her lower jaw slightly dropped and a hint of drool at the corner of her lips. It should not have been so easy to fall under Robin’s spell but there was that allure of her, that sweet innocence that had been broken already by a man — and yet only partly. Maybe that was part of what drew her in so much but it didn’t matter, at least not too much, when she only had to look and enjoy the show that her cute little Robin seemed all too willing to put on for her.

The problem with Alex, however, was that she preferred women to men. Or that would not have been so much of a problem, per se, if she had not been in the closet and dating a guy who thought that, well, she was his honest to god girlfriend. How the hell that was supposed to work for much longer as his fumbling hands and gropes sought out more and more from her, she didn’t know, but she was willing to keep her secret hidden for as long as possible. In her usual style, however, it was likely to come out in sensually dramatic fashion but that was something that she would just have to deal with when it happened.

Until then, she’d gawk happily and ogle all the lovely gals from a distance, taking her thrills and kicks where she could find them.

“Sorry about that!” Jim bustled in, disturbing the moment as Alex rolled her eyes and took on her role of girlfriend, playing the part that she’d been working on for so long, all to hide the truth. “This is Alexandra, I’m sure –“

“Oh, I prefer Alex. It’s Alex, just Alex.”

In a far too masculine fashion, Alex stuck her hand out for Robin to shake as if they had not crossed paths for many years already, even though this was the first opportunity she’d had to really get up close and personal without arousing suspicion in any way.

Robin giggled and shook her head, blonde hair bouncing back and forth across her face, but no one was looking there.

“Cool! Alex then! You seem to know me!”

She was good at what she düzce escort did, appearing personable and sweet to everyone and anyone, although that could have been more to do with other things that she didn’t really think about. Her feet were already getting sweaty in her black ballet flats but she wasn’t worried about something like that, choosing to simply deal with the discomfort of it all in preference for something more sensually sweet and cute.

Jim had already changed too and presented himself in an old pair of grandpa-style swim trunks that came down way past his knees. Alex flinched. Did he even wear anything at all masculine? She dressed more like a man than that loser! Just a white T-shirt, something that fit her nicely, jeans, socks, sneakers — the usual bits that suited her just fine. The flick of gelled-up hair at the front highlighted her narrow face, which could have been denoted as more feminine if she had been wearing any make-up at all. Still, Jim with all his anti-zit treatments had to surely have more creams and potions than her, regardless of anything else. But it was a little too far to hurt her boyfriend like that, although she knew all the while that she wanted to use him above all else.

They made an odd couple and everyone knew it, but it was something between them that she was sure would come to be in good enough time. Jim would know the score and, until then, it wasn’t as if he was the sort of guy to grab her every which way, wanting sex at all times to the exclusion of all else. That was the way, sadly, with some guys and it seemed like getting herself a guy was the only way she could fend off all those arseholes who thought they could get into her pants. Yet there were many more things that could come to pass, if only she was bold enough to seize the moment that the day at the beach presented to her.

The problem with so many more of them going out together quickly became apparent: the car was far too small. All Dave had to drive was a two-seater Corvette Convertible, which had the bucket seats too. Maybe that was more than good enough for getting him around and the like with just Robin draped into the passenger seat, but for more people than that was a bit of a problem to say the least. Dave grumbled and scratched the back of his neck, the light rise of hair there needing trimming once again. Another thing that he didn’t have time for with his hectic social life and study, study, studying!

“How is this going to work? I can’t pack everyone up in this.”

“But we can’t take two cars,” Alex cut in quickly, before the obvious choice came to light. “That would be silly, just for size people…”

“I can sit on the middle console,” Jim offered, ever the appeaser, although he was wondering if sitting on that console, really, could get him in closer to Robin. “That’ll leave the seats for the girls.”

Mabe if he’d seen the girls as women, things would have been different for him but, as was the case for most of his life, he couldn’t see the wood for the trees. Alex grinned and slung her arm around his neck, dragging him into her even though Jim was taller than her, though lankier.

“Jim! What an excellent idea! I’ll sit on the passenger seat with Robin!”

She didn’t have to state everything in such explicit detail but that, at least, meant that everyone knew what they were doing. Dave quickly took the driver’s seat, his rightful place, and Jim squeezed in, awkwardly balance in the middle. It was not the most comfortable position but it gave him a nice little vantage point to watch Robin as she posed there in her little pink bikini, showing so much that his poor eyes near enough bugged out of his head. How could one girl be so freaking hot?

Alex took the seat first, then smiled, patting her lap.

“Come on, Robin! Get in!”

Robin hesitated, biting her lower lip lightly. How was that going to work? Sometimes it was all too easy to simply parrot her boyfriend.

“Err… But, like, you’re sitting there? Can you scoot over?”

But Alex saw her chance and she took it then right there in that moment, scooted in as if t o say that there was no possible way that she could take up less space than she already was.

“Don’t be silly, you can sit in my lap.”

Her heart pounded. Had she really just suggested that? But Robin just looked so damn hot there in her edirne escort little bikini and Alex thrummed with nervous tension at the thought of having her squashed up against her body, those big tits jiggling so sweetly…

Robin’s mouth opened and closed but the choice was made for her as Dave swore under his breath and beeped the horn.

“Come on! The day is wasting, girls!”

That was enough, seemingly, to hustle them along and Robin found herself squashed in on top of Alex as the woman that she had to suddenly get up all close and personal with. She wriggled, striving to get comfortable, but Alex was too quick to smirk and tuck the seat belt over both of them, effectively pinning Robin onto her thighs as if she was there to be a centrepiece, something in the moment for Alex and only Alex to enjoy.

Robin giggled nervously and leaned back. It would be okay, wouldn’t it? Alex was a woman like her, they’d get along. There was surely nothing untoward going on there — but Robin could not have even have said that the thought did not cross her mind as she squirmed, thinking of the beach ahead. Of course, she was not comfortable but that wasn’t something that she had to worry too much about as she leaned back into the warmth of Alex, needing it just a little as the cool wind grazed her skin, of which much was bare. Truth be told, she would have worn even less if she’d been able to, but that was something for just her to know.

The car ride, however, could have proven to be less eventful than it was. Alex’s heart pounded from the sheer closeness of Robin and, without even casting a glance Jim’s way, the car in motion, she rested a hand on her thigh. So smooth and perfect, hardly muscled and all woman… Could she have possibly have wanted anything more than what and who Robin was right there in the moment? Robin didn’t need to be anything or anyone else and she could let her body too do the talking for her, something that Alex was at least somewhat less comfortable with.

Ah, but the car journey… Well, Alex was nothing if not an opportunist and she pretended to hold onto Robin going over a bump, arms tight and warm around her as she pulled the buxom blonde’s body in even closer to hers than it already was. How was it possible for one girl to be so freaking hot? Grinning madly, Alex hid her face against Robin’s shoulder and upper arm, the girl squealing on her lap.


“Oh! You’re going to slip!”

It was cute and flirty and even Dave gave her a bit of a strange look out of the corner of his eye, although she knew that those astute enough to suspect her of not quite being who or what she said she was would not care all that much either. They had their own hidden agendas too, skeletons in the closet, and things to take into account, things that were their own ‘stuff’ to deal with. No one would notice as long as they were all busy enough dealing with every last bit of their own stuff that would have to come out in the wash in the end.

But that wouldn’t stop her, knowing that they were getting sidelong glances and long looks that lingered, although maybe that was her own imagination. Maybe Alex wanted to be looked at too, on show after spending such a long time in the closet. Maybe that was something that she deserved too, a woman in her own right in the spotlight, on display and loving it. She needed it, needed the girl in her arms, the one that made her feel strong and handsome and powerful, like she’d always been the one in control, controlling every single last big of her destiny, the world laid out before her to take.

Destiny could only be snatched as she played it cool, keeping things down low as she ran her hands down Robin’s arms and legs, one hand briefly managing to rest on her hips. Of course, it was all under the guise of holding her in place so that she wouldn’t bounce off her lap, keeping her sweetie-cutie comfortable at all costs. Really, it was a big sacrifice she was making in keeping Robin on her lap like that as if it was at all comfortable for her! But Alex would have given up any manner of comfort in the world to have Robin on her lap like that.

The back of her hand brushed a breast and Robin stiffened, sucking in a breath.

Too far.

She had to be careful, so very careful not to arouse suspicion. She was not immune even though she was a woman, slipping elazığ escort under the radar as she did with so many things. But was that not just what being in the closet was all about at the end of the day too? She had to be covert and sly but that was not going to stop her from sneaking in all the gropes and tickles that she possibly could, hands wandering as the car bounced along, hardly a smooth ride even though Dave was damn well in love with the car for some reason.

Could she be a little slyer? Oh, she had to try, tickling her fingers down Robin’s side as the girl on top of her squeaked. And yet Robin must have been more oblivious than even her boyfriend or Jim himself to not realise one bit what was going on there, not shouting or complaining in the slightest. Alex smirked privately. Did she really think that well of people? Well, wasn’t that cute!

That made her bolder, bolder than she’d ever been before. Covertly tickling Robin, she snuck in a brush of her upper thigh too, daringly close to her bikini bottoms, fingers teasing and dancing sweetly as if they had any right to be there. Alex knew just where to touch too, as it was not as if she hadn’t had the few sly experiences in the past for herself, although she had never found anyone who was willing to keep things quiet as yet. She knew she’d come out of the closet when she was ready on that count but Robin gave her all the fantasy fuel she needed to provoke further delicious squirms and jumps from her sexy body.

Helpless to do anything, Robin squirmed and twitched away, shivering as those fingers groped and wriggled and made contact with her bare skin over and over again. What was with all of that? Oh, maybe it had been a silly idea to sit on Alex’s lap, after all, the poor girl must be so uncomfortable having her there! She didn’t know where to even put her hands, after all! Maybe it was too innocent of a way to look at it but it was how she was, trying to get comfortable all the while, yet still trying to position herself in such a way that she didn’t get in Alex’s way. Maybe her seat bones were jabbing into the other girl?

Ah, if only she understood what was really going on but that would have spoiled Alex’s fun as another tickle on her inner thigh — how had her hand gotten in there? — made Robin squeal, eyes wide and staring, lips parted.


“What was that, babe?”

“Nothing… Nothing, Dave!”

She couldn’t say anything as she tried to lean back, but something stopped her — Alex’s arm. What was that doing in the way? Why was she always in the way? Something touched her under-boob but, when she jerked her head around, the feeling was gone as if it had never been. Was that real? Had she imagined it? Hot under the collar, she blushed and swallowed hard, trying to work out what she actually felt and what she saw, how much of it was real and how much of it was her over-active imagination spinning off out of bounds. She really, really, really must have needed a cooling dip in the sea, even if she did really rather prefer laying out on the beach instead!

The tickles and pokes and gropes continued and Alex grew less and less shy, her boldness rising with every turn of the wheels. Truly, it was surprising that Robin didn’t catch on to what was going on as Alex even managed to get in a squeeze of a breast, fingers lightly brushing Robin’s sides in unison, the pretence of holding her steady falling by the wayside. It seemed that she could do anything she wanted and Robin wasn’t going to complain — just how could she say anything bad about that? She needed the closeness of the babe, heat rising between her thighs, that kinky thrill racing through her, wanting to drag Robin completely up against her, to take her as she so very desperately too needed to be taken.

If Robin had known just how badly Alex wanted to fuck her, maybe things would have been different. But she didn’t know and things weren’t different. She was one of the lucky ones.

Jim didn’t even look at Alex the whole time. How could he when Robin was wriggling and squirming, her big tits vibrating with the mere motion of the car as they trundled along their way. It was not smooth and he was glad of the position he was in, looking down her cleavage even though he kept looking back at Dave too to make sure he wasn’t on to him, seeing that he was eyeing up his girlfriend. And yet even Jim could feel pleased that he was not the most oblivious one of them all as Dave stared at the road ahead, lost in his own world, although only Dave himself knew right then and there just who he was fantasising about at that moment in time.

Robin, of course, was the babe on everyone’s mind…

To be continued in chapter three.

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