
Lack of Nooky Makes You Brave


Welcome to my take of a mother and son trapped together because of the Covid 19 crisis. I hope you find it enjoyable, and as always, comments welcome, both good or bad.

Five and a half long months! That’s how long I’ve been stuck living with my mother Connie since the pandemic started. I was going bonkers. Even with constant masturbation I was still suffering from an increasing set of blue ball syndrome. At least that’s what I called my condition. In reality it was just a lack of pussy that had me going stir crazy. At twenty, with a higher-than-normal sex drive, the last thing I had wanted was to be housebound with my forty-one-year-old mom. Not that I didn’t love her to death, because I did, it was just real hard not being able to have women over to satisfy my libido. Another problem that compounded the situation was the fact that my mom was an extremely attractive woman. Not runway model hot, but hot in her own way. She stood roughly five-five, weighed around one-twenty-five or so, with short black hair that framed her oval face. She also had one of the roundest butts I’d ever seen. As far as her tits went I could only guess, but I would have to place them in the upper b-cup range. Now I’ve never perved on mom before because, well, she was mom. The thing that made her attractive in my eyes were her sparkling blue eyes and her infectious smile. She had a way of smiling that made you think everything was going to be okay.

As for me, I took after my dad Mike, six foot even with grey-green eyes and a shaggy head of brown hair. I also sported his wide shoulders and broad chest that was thick with hair, something the ladies seemed to love running their fingers through. Another thing the ladies loved was my cock. On a good day it would expand to over six and a half inches long, closer to seven, and was quite thick. It wasn’t just the size that had the ladies coming back for more; it was how well I could use it. With enough concentration I could prolong blowing a load for close to thirty minutes, at least that was my record for now. If this pandemic lasted too much longer I was sure that the time I could hold off would drastically decline, so in an effort to prevent that from happening I’ve gotten into the habit of edging myself. I’d stroke my cock until I was about to pop then stop until the feeling passed, then start back up. Lately I’ve been doing this usually three times a day, every once in a while I’d go four, but that was rare. Today was one of those rare days.

It was nearly ten at night and I was stretched out naked on my bed watching porn while slowly stroking my shaft. I’d been at it for close to forty minutes when I realized that today just wasn’t my day. For some reason I couldn’t get my head into it. Even porn had lost its allure. It was always the same ole shit. Giving up I slipped on my boxers and headed to the kitchen for a late-night snack. Apparently mom had the same idea.

Mom’s house is a three-bedroom single-story that had all the bedrooms at the back of the house with an open concept design in the front. If you were in the kitchen you could see everyone that was in the front room and vice versa. As I drew closer to the front room I noticed it getting brighter. When I exited the hallway leading to the bedrooms I saw that mom was bent over looking in the fridge, the light inside barely illuminating her. The thick carpeted floor in the living room made my approach soundless. My heart beat faster as I watched her rummage around looking for something, her backside pointing in my direction. Because the only light was coming from the fridge I wasn’t able to make out any details other than I could tell she was wearing one of dad’s old wife beaters. I couldn’t really see anything, but never the less, having her ass pointed at me had my cock straining in my underwear, a problem I solved by pulling my raging boner through the slit in front. It pointed straight at mom and the head oozed pre-cum.

There comes a time in every guy’s life when lack of nooky makes you brave, or in my case, totally stupid. Without thinking, or I should say, while thinking with my little head, I snuck up behind mom with the intention of poking her in the crotch just to see what she’d do. What I had no way of knowing, since I couldn’t really see, was the wife beater had ridden up on mom’s ass and she wasn’t wearing panties. Two things happened almost simultaneously, first; the wet head of my cock made contact with mom’s uncovered slit. Secondly, startled, mom pushed her ass backwards causing the head of my cock to slide past her outer lips and up into her motherly sheath. The sensation of having my cock in a warm pussy overrode any rational thought on my part. Placing my hands on her hips I pulled her backwards until my entire dick was inside her. She let out a little moan then stood and spun around to face me, a look of fury on her face.

“What the fuck! Did you just stick your dick in me?” she screamed.

Why she’d ask that was beyond me, it was pretty obvious I did.

“I’m sorry Mom, that wasn’t supposed yozgat escort to happen,” I croaked as my cock wilted faster than a rose plant in the middle of the Sahara Desert.

While I tucked the limp remains of my cock back in my boxers mom went over and flipped on the overhead light. When she turned back to face me I felt a spark of life in my shorts. I don’t think she was aware that by turning on the light she was effectively on display. I could clearly see her nipples through the worn-out materiel of the white wife beater. Her areolas were a dark brown, the size of half dollars, and as my eyes sank lower I could also see the triangular shape of her bush through the shirt. More life surged in my boxers as I eyed her up.

Still unaware of her vulnerability she placed her hands on her hips and asked, “What were you thinking Paul?”

“I-I guess I wasn’t thinking Mom,” I meekly answered.

“Apparently not, I’m your mother for Christ sake,” she replied.

“I really am sorry Mom,” I once more apologized.

She gazed at me for several long moments before saying, “Just go back to bed. We’ll talk about this in the morning.

As I went down the hall the memory of how good it had felt inside my mother’s pussy had my cock returning to an erect state. A quick detour to the bathroom fixed that problem. It didn’t fix the problem I had falling asleep though.

With the dawning of morning I decided to take my medicine and be done with it. I’d made a huge mistake and now I had to own it. With those thoughts in mind I dressed and headed to the kitchen for some much-needed coffee. I was on my second cup when mom strolled in looking like she hadn’t slept much either. She was bundled up in her floor-length robe, the sash around her waist tightly tied leaving me no chance to see anything. After getting herself a cup she came over and sat across from me at the table. Neither of us spoke for some time. Mom sat there silently sipping her coffee as I sat there waiting for the axe to fall. When it didn’t I took matters into my own hands.

“Listen Mom, I can’t apologize enough for what happened last night. All I was going to do was goose you, I didn’t plan for my co…penis to go in. I thought you had panties on.”

Mom glanced my way and gently said, “Then why didn’t you stop when you realized I wasn’t wearing any? Instead you deliberately pulled me back onto your cock.”

Mom saying the word cock made my head spin. Looking down I mumbled, “Because it felt so good.”

Leaning forward mom said, “What did you say, I couldn’t hear you?”

Gazing into her eyes I said, “Because being in you felt sooooo good I couldn’t control myself.”

Mom stared at me for a few seconds, her eyes clouding up as if she too was remembering how it had felt. I saw her shake her head before she resumed talking.

“Sweetheart, I know how hard this lockdown has been on you. Hell, it’s hard on me too. But we can’t let our base instincts take over. We can’t let things get out of hand just because masturbating isn’t quite cutting it anymore.”

“Wait, are you saying you masturbate too?” I stammered.

Mom chuckled before replying, “Honey, I have needs too. Your father has been gone for over four years now, you don’t really think I’ve been celibate for that long do you?”

I hadn’t ever given my mother’s sex life any thought. My father had been a captain in the fire department. On his last day on earth him and two other firefighters were on the roof of a structural fire when the roof collapsed killing all three. As for knowing what mom did or didn’t do, I wouldn’t have a clue. Being in college and living on campus two states away hadn’t allowed much time to spend with her. Now I was doing online studies while mom worked from home in her job as a school teacher.

“Honestly, I’ve never thought about it before,” I told her, my eyes involuntarily gazing at the top of her robe.

The smile mom gave me made me feel like all was going to be okay. When she volunteered to get us more coffee I watched with rapt attention as she went to the coffee maker. On her way back I noticed that the top of her robe had loosened and offered a small amount of cleavage for my viewing pleasure. She sat her cup down first, then came around the table to put mine in front of me. As she bent over to set my cup on the table I got a fleeting glimpse down her robe. It wasn’t much of a look but in the short span she’d been bent in front of me I did get an eyeful of tit flesh, certainly enough to make me uncomfortable in the crotch area. Now, all children are aware that moms know everything, and judging by the smirk mom flashed me I was positive she knew I had been looking down her top. Taking my cup I told her I had some studying to do and got the hell out of there, before the little head took over.

Thanks to images of mom’s tits being fresh in my mind I had a fantastic wank session, then sat down to finish some overdue homework. Around noon mom stopped by my room to inform me she was ordering supplies yozgat escort bayan online and wanted to know if I needed anything. I didn’t but stalled for a bit so I could enjoy her outfit. Being a teacher using zoom as her virtual classroom she still had to dress the part. Today she had on a pair of black slacks that hugged her round ass nicely with a cream-colored blouse tucked neatly into the waistband. The effect highlighted her trim figure without being too enticing. Even so, I knew with certainty that if I were a student in her high school history class I’d never get any work done, I’d be too busy trying to hide my boner.

Around two in the afternoon I finished my work and leaned back in my chair with my hands behind my head. Just two more weeks until summer break I sighed as I teleported my work to my instructors. I was finishing up my second year of a four-year quest to get my Bachelor of Science degree, with possible plans to get my Masters. Although I was fine with just a master’s degree, mom has been hinting that she’d really like to see me go the distance and get my doctorate.

My mind drifted from those thoughts and onto thoughts of mom. Specifically mom’s pussy. Last night when I had my cock buried in her I didn’t have enough time to truly appreciate how it felt. Now I had plenty of time to dwell on it. As the memory of how tight she’d been came flooding back a shudder ran up my spine. I should have been thinking about how wrong it was that I’d even been inside her, but I wasn’t. Instead my mind focused solely on how wonderful it had felt. My cock responded to the lewd thoughts running through my brain until the jeans I was wearing became unbearably tight in the crotch. In order to relieve the pressure I stripped out of both my pants and boxers, fighting valiantly to resist the urge to rub one out. Throwing on an old pair of silk basketball shorts I headed to the kitchen for something cold to drink, and while I was there I decided to do something nice for mom.

I knew that one of her favorite things was iced tea, so I made her a tall glass and headed to the spare bedroom. When I reached the door I saw that it wasn’t closed all the way, so using my shoulder I nudged it open enough to slip inside. She had done a fantastic job of turning the spare room into a classroom. There was a long folding table she used as her desk, on it sat her laptop with the built-in webcam for communicating with her class. Behind that she had her highbacked chair, and on the wall directly behind that she had even installed a large chalkboard, which she was in the process of writing on as I watched unnoticed. A smile played on my lips as I observed how sweetly her slacks molded themselves to her firm round cheeks. I could just visualize what it would be like to sit in her class and stare at that wonderful ass. I knew if I didn’t hurry and get out of there I’d sprout a woody, so I cleared my throat to get her attention. When she turned to look I saw her eyes spot the glass in my hand. I was rewarded with one of her ‘everything will be alright’ smiles.

Staring into her laptop she said, “Class, I’ll be right back, so while I’m away I want you all to turn to page fifty and read the first chapter.”

Mom walked over and took the glass from me.

“Thanks sweetie, this’ll hit the spot,” she told me, then took a small sip and sighed.

“Your welcome, I thought you might need some refreshments.”

She had another sip then whispered, “Ahhh.”

When she started to turn away and head back to teaching I placed my hand gently on her shoulder and leaned in close to her ear.

“Mom, have I told you how beautiful you are?” My question brought a sparkle to her eyes, right before she leaned in and kissed me tenderly on the cheek.

“Thank you, now get so I can finish,” she whispered.

I spent the next two hours flipping from one channel to the next on the TV to no avail. There wasn’t a damn thing worth watching. When mom came out I spent the next fifteen minutes sneakily watching her. The smirk on her face as she came out of the kitchen told me I hadn’t been sneaky enough.

One of her favorite things to do after work was yoga. She was almost fanatical about it, always has been for as long as I can remember. So when she told me she was going to her bedroom to do it an idea popped into my head.

“Why don’t you do it in here? I’m sure you didn’t use your bedroom before I got home,” I told her.

“Oh honey, I don’t know. I wouldn’t want to traumatize you by making you watch a middle-aged woman doing yoga.” The chuckle in her tone told me she was just funning, but I was dead serious. I’d much rather watch her do yoga than what was on the television any day.

“Please, forget about age, because you’re smoking hot. I’m sure I’ll survive unscathed, besides there’s a hell of a lot more room out here than there is in your bedroom. More room to stretch, or whatever you fitness nuts do,” I was almost pleading with her, and I think she knew it.

She fixed me escort yozgat with an odd look then said, “Alright, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

I’d almost given up hope that she would return because she was taking so long, so I resumed my fruitless search for something to watch. When she did show up my jaw hit the floor. She was carrying her exercise mat and a bottle of water, but that wasn’t what had my undivided attention. It was what she was wearing that had a lot of blood rushing to my lower region. Her top was a light grey sports bra that clearly showed she had nothing on under it, and the grey yoga pants she wore looked painted on. After she placed her mat on the floor she turned my way just long enough for me to see her nipples making twin points through the bra and her pants were so tight there was some serious camel toe going on.

She gave me a crooked smile and said, “Last chance to change your mind.”

Where she had placed her mat forced me to turn sideways on the couch to watch her, but it also prevented her from getting a good look at my tented shorts too, so I was golden for now.

With a chuckle and a wave of my hand I said, “By all means, knock yourself out.”

Over the next forty some minutes I was in hog heaven. I had no idea my mother was so flexible. She bent this way and that way so fluidly I thought it had to be an optical illusion. No one should be able to contort themselves like mom was doing. Each time she struck a new pose she’d try to explain it to me, but it all went in one ear and out the other. Hell, I was so entranced by her gracefulness I couldn’t even remember what she’d just said. But when she said she had one more pose to do, the downward facing doggie, I snapped to attention. I was sure I was salivating by the time mom’s ass was sticking high in the air. I was positive that this was my new favorite position in the world.

“God Mom, that pose just begs for me to come over there and swat your ass,” slipped from my lips before I could reign the thought in.

“Go ahead, then see what happens young man,” she shot back.

Laughingly I replied, “Ooohh, I’m scared!”

Still in the pose she glared at me and said, “Don’t make me break open a can of whip-ass on you son, because I will.”

It was on like Donkey-Kong with those words. Before she had a chance to move I jumped off the couch, yanked off my t-shirt and raced over just in time to snap her on her nearest cheek with my shirt. Grinning from ear to ear I turned and started back to the couch, that’s when she pounced. Before I knew it she had one arm around my neck and her legs wrapped around my waist. With her free hand she began to give me noogies on the top of my head. Laughing hysterically I lost my balance and we ended up crashing onto the couch before momentum rolled us onto the floor. Mom ended up under me, so I squirmed enough that I was facing her. I think both of us realized the position that put us in at the same time. Mom’s legs were still wrapped around me, her hands pressed against my chest, with my rigid cock nestled into the crotch of her stretchy pants. I thought I heard her moan when I involuntarily thrust my cock harder against her cunt, but I wasn’t sure, for all I knew it could have been me. For what felt like ages we just stared into each other’s wide eyes as it dawned on us how this must’ve looked.

Finally mom lightened the mood by saying, “Have you had enough, or are you thirsty for more.”

Cocking my head I smiled and said, “Bring it on girl.”

Mom’s eyes sparkled with mischief right before she started pulling on my chest hair. Caught by surprise I rolled to the side trying to get away. Her body followed and we ended up with me on my back and her sitting on my crotch. She gave both of my nipples a pinch then busted out laughing. I figured tit for tat, so I reached up and tweaked hers.

“I can’t believe you did that,” she squawked.

“You did it first,” I reminded her.

“Yeah, well see if you can top this,” she cried.

Before I knew it she lay flat on me and swiftly pushed herself down until her face was level with my crotch. I didn’t have time to guess what she was going to do before she leaned her head in and bit my cock through the silk of my shorts causing me to squeal like a little girl, not out of pain but from surprise. Next she rolled away from me and jumped to her feet, a look of total triumph on her face.

“I can’t believe you just bit my dick,” I huffed.

Placing her hands on her hips she gazed down at me and replied, “Just consider that punishment for sticking it in my pussy last night.”

“Fair enough,” I conceded.

With a truce called she helped me to my feet. I sat on the couch gingerly rubbing my crotch. Mom saw what I was doing and said I was lucky I had shorts on, otherwise it could’ve been worse.

“It was bad enough; these shorts are super thin. I’ll bet you left teeth marks,” I said in my little kids voice.

“Oh stop your crying, you big baby, and show momma where it hurts,” she laughed.

I was sure she didn’t think I would, but she was wrong. Very wrong. I was still hard so when I pulled the leg of my shorts up, out sprang close to seven inches of rock-hard throbbing man meat. Mom stared at my cock as if in a trance, the tip of her tongue coming out long enough to wet her bottom lip.

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