
LaCour Academy Ch. 02


I can’t even think how stupid this jerk can be I mean gosh leave me the fuck alone please! After that episode and as soon as we got to our dorm I bust out crying. I can’t believe this is affecting me this much. I think I like him or something because I feel weird and…. I don’t know. I told Ian and Justin how I was feeling and they said I must like him to. How could I though? This is just too weird for me.


My friends and I have not seen Draven or his friends in about two of three weeks. I think this is really affecting Yalena because she hasn’t been herself since this all happened. I feel sorry for her and I wish I could make it better but I know I can’t. I have been thinking about what he said that day about I only asked him to hang out with us to be nice. I know it must have meant something but I just don’t know what.

I decided to talk to Lena about it and she figured it out pretty quickly.

“Chris you remember the day when you grabbed my tit?”

“Yeah. What about it?”

“After you asked Draven to hang out with us you said I only did it to be nice. He probably heard you and thought you were talking about him.” Yalena exclaimed excitedly. “So if we tell them it was a misunderstanding then we can all be friends and you can fulfill Büyükçekmece Escort your fantasy and have sex with him!” She practically yelled this and I was thinking how in the hell did she know all that.

“You talk in your sleep man.” Josh and Nick said at the same time. “We are totally cool with you being gay cuz if Draven was a girl I would so tap that.” Josh said and we all knew he wasn’t lying.

The next day we found Draven and his friends laughing and talking. As soon as they saw us they got up to leave.

“Wait we just want to tell you something please hear us out.” Yalena said obviously about to cry. They sat back down and listened to the whole story and looked quite amazed. Draven smiled and Yalena jumped for joy. He still wouldn’t look at me but I knew we were cool.

“We are sorry for being dick heads.” Draven said and for the first time he looked at me and I felt warm all over. Things took off from there and we all ate together and had a lot of fun. I know I have the hots for Draven and Yalena is still trying to hook us up. I notice he doesn’t show any interest in me and that is really getting to me I think I should tell him how I feel.


Chris has been staring at me a lot. I Escort Büyükçekmece know he likes me but I don’t have the courage to tell him I like him too. I know I should because this is tearing me apart maybe one day I will tell him but not now.


I took Draven to my dorm so I could tell him that I like him. He came to my room and said.

“You don’t share a room?! You must get really bored.”

I laughed at his remark and blurted it out.

“Draven I like you a lot maybe more than I should I thought you should know this because I can’t hold it in any longer.” I hadn’t meant for it to go like that but it’s too late now. The look on his face was pure shock I don’t think I can handle rejection.


I saw Chris’s room and was amazed that he had it to himself. Lucky him jack off any time he wants. I was looking at his stuff when he randomly I mean out of nowhere said.

“Draven I like you a lot maybe more than I should I thought you should know this because I can’t hold it in any longer.” Of course I was shocked but he looked relieved. Before I could give it a second thought I walked up to him and kissed him. Now it was his turn to be shocked. He started stuttering so I kissed him again Büyükçekmece Escort Bayan but this time he responded and Yalena, Josh, Nick, Ian, and Justin walked in. we didn’t notice them till we heard laughter erupt from behind us.

“Wow you guys I didn’t know that Chris was that smooth Yo Chris you trying to get some!”Nick said through his laughter. I was fucking red as hell and so embarrassed that I bust out crying and left. I didn’t know why I reacted like that but it was humiliating! I heard them running after me but I was gone. Once I got outside I went to my car and locked the doors. I crawled in the backseat laid on the floor and cried half laughed my ass off I heard knocking on the doors but I ignored it until I was composed enough.

As I got out the car they all started apologizing. I said I was ok and just wanted to go to sleep.


I have no idea why he started crying but it took a lot of persuasion to get him out of his car. He told us he was just sleepy and wanted to rest so I suggested he go to my room and sleep there for the night he was a little reluctant at first but then he agreed. When we got back to my room he was really tired and I had to help him up stairs. I let him go to lock my door and when I turned around he was laying in my bed looking at me.

“Why don’t you come sit down and talk to me. We do have a lot to talk about now that you are taking me on a very special date tomorrow.” He said in a very seductive tone. I don’t know what happened after that but the next thing I know he’s wrapped in my arms and we are making out.

To Be Continued…

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