
Lake Timberland


First-timer here, so please drop a comment and share your honest thoughts. With helpful feedback, I’d love to improve as an author. This is a fictional story from my overactive imagination. All characters are 18+ Thank you, and enjoy.



After riding in the backseat for almost nine hours straight, my ass was officially numb. I’m sure the rest of my family’s was also, as they too were more than ready to escape the confines of our family SUV. Thankfully, we were almost to the cabin.

“Ten minutes,” Dad announced from behind the steering wheel, after passing the Lake Timberland road sign.

As we trekked the last few miles, I peered out my backseat window, admiring the rocky mountain landscape. I loved driving up to this beautiful country every summer. The happy memories we’ve made over the years, are dear to me.

My tranquil thoughts were interrupted by the latest in hundreds of heavy sighs coming from my little sister’s side of the backseat. She too was gazing out her window, except she acted as if her life was slipping away with each mile.

My sister, Molly, wasn’t thrilled about spending yet another vacation at the cabin. Two weeks prior she’d been invited on a trip to Florida. Her friends had rented an airbnb as the venue for a week long, post graduation beach party, and they wanted her to join. There was only one problem, it was the same week as our current, annual family vacation.

It came as no surprise when Dad immediately shot the idea down without even considering it. Him and Molly ended up getting into a big argument over it, and he wouldn’t budge. He gave his famous “As long as you’re still living under my roof, you’ll do as I say” speech. Whenever he said that, his decision was final. Molly could do nothing but sit and stew.

I knew Molly well enough to know her peeved attitude would be short lived. I knew this would all blow over once we got settled into the cabin. Although I can’t blame her for being upset. What 18-year-old wouldn’t want to spend a week in florida, partying with friends?

Mom turned to face us from the front passenger seat. “When we get to the cabin, guys…” she began, speaking to Molly first. “You and I will go inside and get everything unpacked, okay?”

Molly rolled her eyes. “Yeah yeah. I know the stupid routine!”

Mom glared at her with disapproval before peering over at me with a genuine smile. “Danny, you can help your father unload the truck, okay?”

I returned nod and a smile.

Ten minutes later, just as Dad said, we turned onto the cabin road and crept down the long densely wooded lane. When Dad finally put the truck in park, we all spilled out, all in need of a good stretch. I stretched my aching arms high in the air and inhaled deeply, taking in the refreshing aroma of pine-infused, brisk mountain air.

Right away, the girls disappeared into the cabin to get the rooms all powdered up for the week ahead. It was the same cabin we rented each summer, so they had a routine.

Outside, Dad and I started unloading the vehicle. We had to be careful not to let everything spill out as we lifted the rear hatch. I swear everything we owned was shoved in there. Pillows, blankets, fishing gear, luggage, coolers, you name it…

Dad unloaded the fishing gear, while I carried everything else into the cabin.

Our cabin was laid out pretty simple. It had an open floor plan with the kitchen and living room conjoined, creating one big spacious area. The master bedroom, where mom and dad slept, is also on the main floor. Above Mom and Dad’s room, there’s an open loft overlooking the main level. Molly and I slept on the two beds provided in the loft. The main floor’s sliding glass doors lead outside to a large wooden deck with a hot tub overlooking the lake. The view from the hot tub is as beautiful as any postcard.

Dad and I got the vehicle unloaded faster than I thought we would. The last two bags of luggage left to carry In, were my suitcase and another one of Molly’s smaller bags. Molly’s smaller bag looked like a baggy purse with an open top that snapped shut by a single button.

I pulled up on the extendable handle at top of my suitcase and set Molly’s smaller bag on top of it. I rolled both bags inside, rolling them through the main level over to the bottom of the ladder that led up to Molly and I’s shared loft.

I’m sure I looked pretty funny struggling to carry both bags up the ladder at the same time. Molly’s bag blocked my view of anything in front of me, so when I reached the last rung of the ladder, I didn’t realize it, I thought I had one more rung. I blindly took a step on the nonexistent rung and fell forward, landing on my suitcase. Molly’s bag slammed to the ground and everything inside flew out.

“Hey Careful!” cried Molly from across the room. She rushed over to the belongings scattered across the floor. I sensed panic in her eyes and followed the direction of her gaze to the middle of the mess. Scattered on the floor in front of me, I saw an assortment niğde escort of little plastic makeup things, a straightening iron, a few hair ties, and -Oh-My-God!!

I couldn’t believe what I saw! At first glance I thought it was some sort of toothbrush case…but then realized it wasn’t a toothbrush case. It was the thing that ultimately changed the course of this whole family vacation. It was Molly’s pink rubber dildo, and for the life of me, I couldn’t look away.

Molly frantically dropped down on one knee and scooped it up, throwing it back into her bag.

A series of dumbfounded questions flooded my mind- “My sister has a dildo?” “Why does she have a dildo?” “When did she get it?” “More importantly, why did she bring it on vacation?”

As soon as the dildo was out of site, Molly shot me a look.

I gave her a blank stare, giving no indication that I realized what she was hiding. I didn’t want to embarrass her, so I just played dumb.

She didn’t say a word either, just stared at me with the same blank stare I was giving her.

“Sorry.” Was all I said, before getting up off the floor. I tried to help her clean up the mess, but she wasn’t having it.

“I got it!” She hissed.


The sun was down by the time we got settled in. Molly still hadn’t retreated from the seclusion of our shared loft. I think she wanted space, where she could sulk in peace, distancing herself from the rest of us and our positive attitudes. Either way, we gave her space.

Mom and I finished up odds and ends throughout the cabin, while Dad sat at the table jotting things down on paper, forming a shopping list. This was part of the routine. Mom and Dad would always go on a grocery run once we got settled in. It was important to Dad that we bought all our food from the local supermarket instead of wasting precious cargo space by hauling food up here from home.

Dad looked up from the table, deep in thought. “Hm, I can’t think of anything else,” he said, lightly tapping his pen on a pad of paper. “Danny, can you think of anything we need from the store?”

“Actually yeah! Could you grab us some beer?” I requested brightly.

“Already on the list,” he smiled knowingly, pointing to where he’d written it down.


I wasn’t much of a drinker, neither was Dad, but we liked to throw a few cold-ones back on special occasions like this.

Dad hollered up at the loft. “Molly, your mother and I are leaving soon! Do you want anything specific from the grocery store?”

Molly leaned her upper body over the banister. “Nope!” she retorted, not giving him the satisfaction of fulfilling her requests.

Dad chuckled. “Allll-righty then.”

That being settled, Mom and Dad were soon out the door. The closest town was 17 miles away, a rustic mountain town named West Timberland. Between the curvy roads and reduced speed limit, I knew they wouldn’t get there for at least half an hour.

Not five minutes after Mom and Dad walked out, Molly finally climbed down from the loft. She was dressed in nothing but a black string bikini. I knew what that meant. Molly’s routine was to head for the hot tub as soon as we got settled in.

“I’m going for a dip,” she said as she passed me.

Unashamedly, I let my eyes follow her bikini clad ass until it disappeared out the sliding glass door.

Yes, I’ll admit it, my little sister has a nice ass. I know I’m not supposed to have those thoughts about my little sister, but I was too far gone at this point in my life to think anything different. It’s not like I’m the only one in the world who has the hots for their sister, I’m just the only one perverted enough to admit it. Admit it to myself that is, I’d never say it out loud. Whenever my friends would tease me about how hot she is, I’d simply disagree, then slugg them in the arm.

I could explain all my sister’s physical features, but who’s got time for that? Let’s just say she’s a fit, brunette beauty with average size tits and a sculpted ass that I really like to ogle at. And speaking of my sister’s sculpted ass that I really liked to ogle at, a dip in the hot tub didn’t sound too bad. I threw on a pair of trunks, grabbed a towel, and went to join her.

Molly was fully submerged in shoulder deep water when I stepped outside. “BUBBLES!!” she shouted with a renewed smile.

I laughed. BUBBLES was a game we came up with as kids. The hot tub’s jets were controlled by an old dial switch mounted onto the exterior wall of the cabin. The jets would only run for twenty minutes before you’d have to drag yourself out of the warm water, walk the fifteen feet over to the switch, and crank it back to start. Over time, it became an unwritten rule that everyone in the hot tub would shout “BUBBLES” to any newcomer stepping onto the deck. The newcomer would be required to reset the switch before entering the hot tub. It was like a fun game for the whole family.

“Mind if I join you?” I asked, after resetting the switch. I didn’t wait for an answer. escort niğde I climbed over the edge of the tub and sunk to my neck in hot steaming water. “Hmm…this feels amazing,” I laid my head back, taking in that initial euphoric feeling.

Molly adjusted to a sideways sitting position on the bench seat directly across from me. “So, tell me about college.”

For the next fifteen minutes we chatted about my third year at college. Molly drilled me with questions- “Hows the curriculum?” “What’s the campus like?” “Any wild parties?”

I was happy to answer any questions she threw at me, and she liked hearing about the college life she had to look forward to. After Molly ran out of questions about college, she asked me if I was excited to go fishing in the morning. I told her I was, which was mostly true. I admitted I wasn’t thrilled about waking up at 5AM, but I was looking forward to spending quality time with Dad. He and I planned to take the boat to our favorite side of the lake as soon as the sun came up. The boat we’d be taking was an amenity included with our cabin rental. It was just a small boat with only two seats, but it worked perfect for the simple type of fishing we enjoyed.

“Remember how cold the water felt when we’d jump off the dock?” Molly asked, changing the subject again, pointing towards the lake.

I glanced in the direction of the dock where we used to jump off. “Yeah,” I grinned.

“Remember how we’d race to the water?” she laughed, recalling the memory. “You’d always try to push me off the side when we ran down the dock.” She paused for a moment, then looked at me sharply. “You were kind of an asshole!”

“Yeah, probably,” I laughed.

Her smile returned. “God, that water was so cold after the hot tub. It literally made my whole body tingle, then I’d have goosebumps for the next fifteen minutes!”

“Yes, I remember that,” I said, thinking back. I remembered the effect it would have on her nips too. “The water was pretty cold!”

“Ice cold!”

The water in lake timberland was the result of nothing but recent snow-melt trickling off the surrounding mountains, so I’d be surprised if it ever even broke 60 degrees.

Molly fed me a coy smile. “I dare you to go jump in.”

I thought she was joking until I realized she wasn’t. “Wait you’re serious!?”

“Yeah,” she giggled. “Unless you’re chicken?”

“Its like pitch black out there,” I whined, quickly coming up with an excuse.

“Ah c’mon, don’t be such a scaredy-cat, it’ll be fun!”

I huffed. “Then why don’t you do it!?”

“Fine. I’ll do it if you do it,” she challenged, standing up on her bench seat. And before I had a chance to further protest, she fully climbed out and flashed me a daring look.

I wasn’t one to back down from a dare, so I reluctantly drug myself out of the warm water and stood next to her.

Molly’s smile widened as she crouched down into her best racing stance. Her body faced the lake and her head faced me. “Race ya!” she challenged, raising her eyebrows.

I felt like a little kid again when I crouched down beside her, returning her an intimidating grin. “On your marks… Get set… GO!” I shouted, and we raced down the deck’s stairs, giggling like a couple of six-year-olds. I could feel every pebble, pine needle, and rock beneath my bare feet. When I got to the dock, I sprinted to the end and leaped off. In mid air, I hiked my knees up to my chest. “CANNNON BAAAAALL!!” I bellowed in the same exaggerated tone from my youth.


The shock of the ice cold water hit me exactly as I remembered. It felt like a million needles poked all the way into my spine. Underwater, I used my feet to feel for the bottom. Even as a full grown adult, I couldn’t touch. My head soon bobbed up, breaking the surface of the water just as Molly’s moon-lit body was mid-cannon ball above mine. I looked up just in time to see her sailing over me.


Molly’s head soon poked up next to mine and the shock of the frigid water initially took our breath away, but somehow, we managed to giggle at each other.

We hurriedly swam to shore until we could touch, then used our feet to trudge through the shallow water. It was now a race back to the hot tub. I let Molly pass me half way through the yard, she needed this small victory more than I did. Also, with me behind her, It gave me a chance to check out her cute butt as she ran.

When we reached the hot tub, we couldn’t climb into the hot steamy water fast enough. I jumped in and sank into my original seat.

It took us a moment to catch our breath, but once we did, we broke out into a fit of laughter, the kind of laughter that makes your stomach muscles sore. “Okay, I’ll admit it, that was fun,” I told her between laughs.

She fed me a proud smile. “Its your turn to ask me now…ask me truth or dare.”

I smiled, realizing this turned into a game. “Okay. Truth or dare?” I asked.

“Hmm…” she pondered, taking a minute to think it over. “Truth.”

It niğde escort bayan didn’t take me long to think of something to ask her. It was something I’d been wondering for years. I wanted to know how the hell she was still single. Not only was Molly sexy-as-hell, she was very smart, charismatic, and usually kind-hearted. It’s hard to find all those qualities wrapped up into one girl. How she’d not been snatched up yet was beyond me.

I decided to be blunt about it. “How do you not have a boyfriend?” I asked. “I mean seriously? You’re smart, fun, beautiful. How are you still single?” I figured saying the word beautiful sounded a little less creepy than calling her sexy-as-hell.

Molly didn’t respond right away which worried me I’d somehow offended her. After a momentary silence though, she smiled teasingly. “First of all, thank you for the compliments.”

Her bright grin was enough for me to know she was not offended by what I said, rather flattered.

She continued. “To be honest, I don’t really want a boyfriend right now. It doesn’t seem worth the hassle since I’ll be going off to college in the fall, and the thought of having a long distance relationship seems exhausting and miserable!”

“I get it,” I told her. “I remember feeling that exact same way when I ran off to college.”

“Don’t get me wrong,” she added. “I still go on casual dates and stuff, just nothing serious, y’know?”

I nodded.

She giggled with an afterthought. “I just have friends with benefits…”

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. “So is that what you call your pink little friend, a friend with benefits??” I teased, feeling brave.

“My pink little friend?” She asked, confusion written all over her face.

“Yeah, your PINK little friend…” I emphasized the word, and let that hang in the air for a second, wearing a cheesy grin.

It took her a minute, but as soon as she realized I was referring to her dildo, her eyes went wide and her cheeks burned. “I knew it! I knew you saw it!” she cried, playfully splashing a handful of water at me. “Ugh! I hate you sometimes!”

“Busted!” I teased, returning a playful splash.

She buried her face in her hands, too embarrassed to look me in the eye. “I got it as gag gift, alright,” she mumbled.

“Surrre you did…”

She unburied her face. “It WAS a gag gift, I swear!”

I laughed. “Who from??”

“If you must know, Alyssa got it for me! It was for my birthday and it was only meant to be funny, jerk!”

“Just to be funny huh?” I couldn’t help but smirk. “It doesn’t seem much like a gag gift when you bring it on vacation with you.”

“Ugh! I hate you,” she blushed. “Let me guess, you’re going to tease me about this all week?”

“Of course!” I confirmed, as only a big brother would.

“Okay, jerk, I think you’ve tortured me enough for one turn? It’s my turn now! Truth or dare?”

I chuckled. “Truth.”

“Okay. Same question! You’re a pretty good look’n dude, smart, funny. Why don’t you have a girlfriend,” she paused and made a fist in the air, jerking it up and down. “Or do you have your own friend with benefits?”

I ignored that last naughty comment with a head shake. My innocent answer about not having a significant other was similar to hers. “I only have one more year of college ahead of me, and don’t know where my career will take me, so I don’t want to get tie-down with anyone until figuring that part of my life out first, so, I’m waiting until after college.”

“Fair enough,” she shrugged, letting me off easy, and it was my turn again.

“Truth or dare?” I asked.

“I’ll do another truth, but be nice this time,” she ordered, pointing a finger at me accusingly.

“But what’s the fun in that?” I joked.

Honestly though, my mind was in the gutter, and I wanted to know more about this dildo. “How many times a week do you use your…toy?” I asked, refraining from saying the word dildo to my little sister.

“Oh c’mon! you can’t ask me stuff like that!”

“Sure I can,” I smirked. “How many times?”

She glared at me for a silent moment, then turned coy. “You actually want to know, don’t you?”

I didn’t want to come off too eager, so I nonchalantly shrugged like I was neither here nor there. “Sure.”

She rolled her eyes. “Gosh, I cant believe we’re even talking about this. I would say like three…maybe four times a week.”

I’m not sure what I was expecting to hear, but it wasn’t that. The shocked look on my face must’ve been evident because she got all defensive. “What??” She questioned, not seeing the big deal. “As if you jerk off any less?!”

I wasn’t ready for that. “Maybe like once or twice a week,” I lied. Truthfully, it was more like once or twice a day, but she didn’t need to know that.

“Liar,” she teased. “Truth or dare?”

These sibling revelations were fun, but I was ready to change it up. “Dare,” I answered.

A silenced filled the air as she thought of a dare.

“Okay, I got a funny one,” she giggled. “I dare you to sneak into Mom and Dad’s room, steal a pair of mom’s underwear, then come back out here wearing them over your head until your next turn.”

‘Where did she come up with this stuff?’ I though. I guess as long as Mom and Dad wouldn’t find out, it did seem like something silly enough to be fun.

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