
Las Vegas


These stories are meant for people who are Adults. If you are not at least 18 years old, or are offended by erotic or sexual material, please do not read.

I post the entire story each time so that people do not ask me to send them the earlier parts each time. The story is a work in progress that sometimes changes in addition to being added to. If you like the story please let me know. Thanks, Lynne

Nichole called on Wednesday to say that she and Sara had a special weekend planned for my birthday and that I was to just show up at the airport in Salt Lake City on Friday after classes and a plane ticket would be waiting for me for Las Vegas. I was turning 23 and it they had planned a big weekend for me. We would be staying at Caesar’s and they promised it would be a weekend I would never forget. Based on my previous two weekends with both of them, and my numerous nights with Nichole, I expected nothing less.

I packed for a weekend away and told my roommates I was going to see a friend up in Ogden. I had never been to Vegas before but expected a weekend of dancing, gambling and dining, as well as some other fun things up in our hotel room. While I got some of that, I never expected the weekend to be as wild as it was to be.

When I got off the plane in Las Vegas it was about 8:00 there was a limo driver waiting for me. I had expected Nichole to pick me up, since Sara never came to the airport to meet me before, but never expected the limo. But there was a woman dressed in a limo driver uniform holding a placard with my name on it.

“I’m Lynne,” I said as I walked up to her. She was about my age. She was Hispanic with dark hair and dark eyes. She made me think of what Sara must have looked like when she first came to Vegas. She had told me the story before. She came seeking fame and fortune, ended up working as a dealer and then a stripper before she met her husband. Then after 15 years of being married to him and taking his verbal, physical and sexual abuse she had finally left him but not before she got a nice eight figure settlement.

“Hi,” she smiled as she looked at me. “My name is Isabelle and I was told you were going to the Palace. The limo is right out front.”

She took my bag from my hand and led me through the airport. I was amazed to see that there were slot machines right in the airport. All over the place were ads for casinos and shows. But what I found most interesting was watching Isabelle’s well fitting tailored slacks hug her very well shaped bottom.

We got to the limo and I was awestruck. I had never seen a limo that was this big. Isabelle opened the door for me and I started to climb in. I stopped at the door just so I could look at it for a moment. It easily could have seated a dozen people inside, had a full bar, a entertainment center, several telephones, curtains on the windows, two moon roofs and the upholstery was very dark, very nice leather. I noticed a bottle of champagne, chilled and opened was sitting in an ice bucket with one flute. After I climbed in Isabelle climbed in after me. She poured me a glass of champagne. I then noticed the shopping bag that was sitting over in the corner. Isabelle handed it to me as she put my bag on one of the seats.

“I was told to tell you that you are to change into what is in there, since I will be picking up your friends at the Palace and taking you all to dinner and then a night out. You can either put what you have on in either that bag or your luggage. I will bring them all back to the hotel after I drop you off for dinner.” Isabelle climbed out of the back of the limo and closed the door. She got in the front and closed the privacy window.

I leaned back into the luxurious leather and took a sip of the champagne. This had Sara’s fingerprints all over it. The surprise limo, the bag with what I was supposed to wear and most of all the surprise of everything. She seemed to love to keep people off balance. I took another sip of champagne and opened the bag. On top was a note from Nichole.

“Dearest Lynne,

Welcome to Las Vegas. Sara and I went shopping last night and decided that for your birthday you should have something nice to wear for your first night in Las Vegas. I hope I remembered your size. Everything is in this bag. You will find a dress, shoes and a small purse. Sara thought this should be enough. Everything you have on can either goes into this bag or you can put it in your luggage. Isabelle will be taking everything back to our suite while we have dinner. After dinner we will be going to a club at the MGM for a special party that is being held for the fight that is in town this weekend and from there who knows. If there is anything special you want to keep in the limo please give it to Isabelle because she has been instructed to take everything else to the room.

Oh, and before dinner we will make one stop. Sara has made you an appointment to get your hair and makeup done for tonight.

Love bursa otele gelen escort you,


I opened the bag and sure enough there was a beautiful dress. I took it out and examined it. It was dark red, very short and actually a size too small for me. I am sure that this size was not a mistake. It was silk and had to be very, very expensive. It would also be very, very revealing since there was no way to wear a bra with it and the material was so silky that panties were out of the question. I laid it on the seat next to me. Also in the bag was a matching pair of shoes, with very high heels, also very expensive. I put these next to the dress. The final thing in the bag was a tiny evening purse that would hold maybe a pack of cigarettes but not much more. It went next to the shoes. That was everything. After reading the note again I understood what Sara and Nichole were expecting. What was in the bag was all I would have with me, or on me, for the night.

I drained the glass of champagne and poured myself another one. I was sure to need it. Something told me that Sara and Nichole had some plans for the evening that I was not yet privy to.

I put my champagne down, closed the curtains of the limo and started to undress. I had worn a pair of jeans and blouse for the trip down, fully expecting to change once I reached the hotel. I took off my sandals and put them in the bag. Next I unbuttoned my blouse, took it off and folded it up. In the bag it went. Next I took off my jeans and placed them in the bag. I looked up at the privacy window. It was very dark and I could just barely make out the shape of Isabelle’s head as she drove through traffic. I unhooked my bra. It felt so strange to be driving in traffic getting naked. I felt that familiar tingling sensation between my legs as I let my bra fall from my shoulders. One hand instinctively went to my nipple and my fingertips started to caress it. My other hand dropped the bra into the bag. I leaned back against the seat, took another gulp of champagne, emptying the glass for a second time and then filled it one more time. I ran the cool glass across my nipples. They were responding nicely. Not only did I like my nipples because of how playing with them made me feel, but I also liked the way they looked, especially when they were hard. I dipped one finger in the champagne and then ran that finger over my nipple as I took another sip from the flute. I let myself side down in the seat and closed my eyes. My hand started to travel down from my breast, down my tummy to my fabric-covered mound. I took one more sip of champagne and put he glass down. With both hands I slid my panties down my legs and let the fall to the floor around my ankles. I lifted one foot, placing the heel on the edge of the seat as one hand went to work on my mound, the mound I had so carefully shaved just this morning.

I was lost in myself, thinking about all the people driving by, thinking about Isabelle, just a few feet away, none of them knowing what I was doing, when suddenly Isabelle’s voice came over the intercom.

“We are about two minutes from Caesar’s,” she said.

I realized that my hand that had been working on my mound was covered with my juices. I looked around and saw a box of tissues and quickly grabbed a couple. First I cleaned up my mound and then my hand. I quickly slipped the dress on and zipped it up. Not a moment too soon as the limo came to a stop. I just had put on my heels when the door opened. Sara and Nichole were standing there, dressed for an evening out. Nichole was in a short dress, much like mine, short but without the plunging neckline mine had. Sara was dressed in a knee length dress that really showed off her ample, if enhanced, breasts. To look at the two of them you would not have guessed either of them to be in their 40’s.

As Nichole got into the limo she gave me a big hug and kiss. Her tongue was instantly searching for mine. Nichole was the best kisser I had ever known, and the feeling of her tongue exploring my mouth instantly renewed the feeling of excitement between my legs that was only now ebbing. We kissed for several seconds before we broke it off. I blushed when I realized that Isabelle was standing right outside the door watching the whole thing.

Sara and I gave each other a quick hug and kiss, as we usually did. During her hug she reached up under my skirt as she always did. I had been told the first time that I had met her that I would not be allowed to wear underwear in her presence, and the first thing she always did was check. Her fingers roamed over my bare buns and then, reaching around from behind, brushed between my legs. Satisfied she sat down next to me. Nichole sat down on the other side.

Isabelle leaned in the door and asked for both the shopping bag and my carry-on. I was embarrassed by what she had seen when I greeted Nichole and Sara. It was made even worse escort bayan when she smiled at me as I handed her both bags, smiled and looked at my now very erect nipples that were very visible through the thin silk of my dress. My face must have been as red as the dress I was wearing.

Isabelle closed the door and Sara, Nichole and I started to chat. They asked me about my flight and filled me in on what our night would entail. We were first off to a friend of Sara’s salon, where the two of them had spent the afternoon, to get my hair and makeup done. Nichole told me that they would also be happy to give me a manicure and pedicure while they were working on my face and hair. After the salon it would be off to dinner, at a place also owned by one of Sara’s friends and then onto the big pre-fight party that was being held that the MGM.

“And from there, who knows?” Sara said after Nichole had finished. Something in her voice told me however that she had definite plans for us after the party.

As we sat in the limo I noticed both Sara and Nichole appeared to have a lot more on than I did. While Nichole was obviously braless, since she rarely wore one nor did she really need one since, as she often said, if she didn’t have nipples she would have no breasts at all. Both also either were wearing pantyhose or stockings, although I couldn’t tell which. Sara also obviously had a bra on since there was no other way her very ample breasts could be held up and together simply by the fabric of her dress.

We chatted on the short ride to the salon. They asked how the beginning of the new semester was going and how my summer was. I asked how their trip to Hawaii had gone, and told them how much I wished I could have gone with them, something they had offered but for obvious reasons, such as being gone from home for two weeks without any really good excuse, I had to turn them down. They said it was great and that they had no tan lines, not that they usually did since they both spent so much time at Ten Thousand Waves in Santa Fe.

We arrived at the one of the other hotels and Isabelle dropped us off at the front door. We walked through the casino to get to the shops and I was amazed at all the people that were there playing all sorts of games. Slot machines were flashing and ringing, people were yelling at some of the tables and money was flying everywhere. We arrived at the salon, which was more like a spa and Sara’s friend greeted us at the door. It was obvious they were waiting for me because I was instantly whisked away to a private room by someone who was introduced to me as my ‘beauty consultant’ in the back while Nichole and Sara left with the owner into a private lounge where they could wait for me. As I was led right past everyone who was waiting I was given the evil eye by several women who were in the front reading a variety of magazines or catalogs. This place even smelled like money and I couldn’t believe I was here.

The little room I was taken to had everything you could imagine a spa/salon having. There was a massage table, and luxurious leather chair that was more like a lounge chair than a salon chair. The put a short white smock on me, to protect my dress. It was only an inch or two longer than the dress I was wearing. As soon as I was seated I was offered some caviar, something I had never had so I had to try it. It was salty but didn’t taste as bad as it looked. I was also offered my choice of champagne or several other beverages. I chose a glass of Cristal. From some door I didn’t see, suddenly 4 other people appeared. One would be doing my make-up, another my hair, another my manicure and the last my pedicure. I was told that normally they would start with a massage, but because of the rush that Sara had requested they skip that part. They let me finish my glass of champagne and then quickly got to work.

The chair seemed like something out of a science fiction movie as various trays and rests seemed to appear out of nowhere. First I was reclined and a portable sink was brought over so my hair could be washed. At the same time the arms of the chairs opened and became manicure stations and the foot rests extended and separated to hold my feet for the pedicurist. I quickly had three women working on me, one doing my hair, one my fingernails and the last my toenails. The woman who was to do my makeup was checking out certain colors, matching them with my hair, skin and eyes. She decided that because of my tan, naturally rosy cheeks and coloring that I would only need some light work around my eyes and lips and almost no other makeup.

I closed my eyes as the woman finished shampooing my hair. To call it a shampoo really didn’t do it justice, it was more like a great head massage. I could feel my tension melt away as she massaged my scalp, shampooing and then rinsing with water that was just hot enough, but not too hot. I started to drift as I enjoyed the pampering.

Soon mudanya escort my head was wrapped in the thickest and softest towel I had ever felt. I could almost feel it pulling the water from my head it was so absorbent.. The hairdresser quickly squeezed the water from my hair and started to slowly dry it with a blow dryer as they continued to work on my fingernails and toenails.

Up until this point I was enjoying being spoiled so much that I really hadn’t thought about anything, but now that I was a little more upright I had a chance to watch a little more of what was going on. While most of the staff was working like a well-oiled machine, the young woman who was doing my pedicure seemed to be having a little trouble concentrating on her work. She kept adjusting herself on her stool and glancing upwards. Only then did I realize what must have been happening. Between my short skirt and white smock, the partial reclining of the chair, and the way the individual foot rests had my legs slightly spread, she must have had a full, unencumbered view of my naked mound.

The woman who was doing my pedicure seemed to be a year or two younger than I was. She had short jet-black hair, dark eyes, multiple piercings in her ears and one in one eyebrow and one in her lower lip. I could also see, peeking out just a little, on one breast, a tattoo of some sort. As she worked she also kept licking her lips and I could see that she had a pierced tongue. The more I looked at her the more she reminded me of my ex-girlfriend. She was much more butch than I was and very into body piercing and body art. The more she reminded me of my ex-girlfriend, the more excited I became. I scooted down a little lower in the chair and opened my legs a little more. She glanced up my legs once more and this time her eyes opened a little wider. Her hands gave her away as she accidentally dug a little too deep under one of my cuticles, causing me to jump slightly.

“Sorry,” she said looking up at me. I just smiled, leaned back and tried to scoot down a little more.

I could tell the other women in the room were not happy with my friend’s little faux pas. They gave her disapproving looks and the woman who was in charge crossed her arms and shook her head.

“It was my fault really,” I said, trying to undo some of the damage I had done. “I moved my foot, I am sort of ticklish down there.”

As if to tell her what down there I was really talking about, I spread my legs a little wider. She tried to concentrate on my feet but I caught her glancing up once again, at my increasing excited and wet mound. Now I was the one who was having a problem sitting still.

I closed my eyes and let them work on me. All the time however I could feel myself growing more excited. Every few minutes I would open my eyes, to check and see if my friend was still sneaking peeks. If she weren’t, I would wiggle a little and make sure I closed and opened my legs. That seemed to always get her attention. Finally I was able to make eye contact with her. When I did, I closed my eyes and licked my lips. Then I contracted my muscles and could actually feel a little moisture get pushed out of me. I opened my eyes and her eyes were locked on my mound. I pulsed my muscles and her eyes widened and she dropped the little tool she was using. When she looked back up at me, I licked my lips, closed my eyes and let myself relax one more time. I knew if I kept this up I would have a stain on the back of my dress and that would not do with the big plans Sara and Nichole had for the night.

I relaxed and tried not to think about my friend working on my toenails and just enjoy the experience. I had never been so pampered in my life. Soon the manicurist was done with my nails but the woman working on my toenails seemed to be taking an unusually long time. I smiled when I thought that the reason for this was that she must have been enjoying the view I was providing her. Soon my hair was done and they started working on my makeup. Finally the pedicurist stated that she was finished. I asked them to stop for a minute so I could look at her work. I pretended that I couldn’t see them very well from so far away, and I pulled one foot up and put the heel on the edge of the chair. If the view she had before was something, this one was even better. She smiled one last time as a complimented on how much I loved what she did.

“It was my pleasure,” she responded with a smile. This time it was she was the one who licked her lips. She gathered up her tools and left leaving only my beauty consultant and the woman who was doing my makeup.

It was a few more minutes before they announced that they were done. I had avoided looking at what they were doing with my hair and face. When I did look in the mirror I was very happy with it. My hair was done up, something I rarely do, and looked beautiful. It had just a couple of strands of curls dropping down on the sides of my face. My makeup was better than I had ever seen it. She had done a great job pulling out the colors in my eyes and my lips were so luscious looking I almost wanted to kiss myself. I thanked them both and was led back to a waiting area. Here again I had my choice of champagne and snacks, if you can call caviar a snack.

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