
Late Night Fun


So, it’d been almost a month since the whole gym incident. I’d like to say that since I put Jessie in her place that she’s learned to behave, but not a lot has changed. While she had slightly toned down on insulting me and undermining my authority in front of the squad, she was still pretty awful to everyone. It was so frustrating! I mean I didn’t expect us to be besties or girlfriends or anything like that. I mean, I don’t even like her, but I was hoping for at the very least mutual respect… and maybe some occasional scissoring sessions. The girl is the worst, but she’s also fucking hot. Just thinking about her tasting my pussy again made me want to touch myself regardless of where ever I was, even in calculus class. I would have given up anything to slide my clit against hers again. Unfortunately, aside from my randomly catching her intense stares/glares, she hadn’t given any indication that that late gym night even happened, and we hadn’t really gotten a chance to talk. Between practicing for Nationals; studying my buns off to make sure my grades stay high enough to participate in cheer AND graduate; plus applying for colleges, I’d been too busy for anything else. I swear, I couldn’t take any more stress.


“Thank you so much Principal Jones!”

OMG! Jessie and I just had a meeting with the principal before cheerleading practice, and she informed me of Jessie’s subpar grades and what the potential ramifications would be if they were not fixed. Saying that I was freaking out was the understatement of the century. I could barely keep my composure in the meeting, and the worst part was that Jessie was just so blasé about the whole thing. The principal was gracious enough to offer make-up packets to complete to replace her flunking grades. After we left the office, I looked for an empty classroom to try to have a civil conversation with her to see if maybe she would listen to me. I dragged her inside the chemistry lab, and it took everything in me not to explode.

“Seriously Jessie? 3 ‘Cs’ and a ‘D-‘,” I exclaimed.

“Ugh, it’s not that big of a deal you know. If I have to, I’ll just hire that brainy loser that’s always hanging out alone in the library to do the work for me. It’s what the QB does for his assignments. Besides who the hell are you screaming at? What’s got your granny panties in a wad,” Jessie retorted.

“Jessie, do you not see how horrible this is?! If you fail, you get dropped from the team, and honestly, you’re the best we’ve got so please, I really, really need you to do better.”

“Is this you begging? I gotta say I like it better when you’re the one making me beg. It’s the only time you aren’t completely insufferable,” she said as she inched closer, narrowing the gap between us.

“This is not the time for that, this is serious. I’m being serious.”

“Ooo, are you getting mad? Because I remember what happened the last time you got mad at me,” Jessie quipped as she leaned in more, this time close enough for our breasts to graze each other’s.

With her hands at her sides and her eyes locked in on mine, she reached for the hem of my skirt and slid her hands up my thighs, drawing circles and swirls as she inched up higher until she was just a fingertip away from my triangle. She pressed her 32D breasts into my 33Cs. At her 5’10” to my 5’8″, she leaned down to alternate between licking my neck and blowing her cool breath on the trails she left. ‘Fuck this was turning me on!’ I masturbated every night for the first week after our hot fuck session, but I hadn’t been able to touch myself for a whole three weeks, so this was turning me on even more than something like this usually would. My panties were already soaked and I was hoping she would slide a finger in me. Right when I moved my hips closer to hers, she stopped abruptly, stood upright, and headed towards the door.

“We’re gonna be late to practice. As co-captains that would be unacceptable,” she said factiously, flinging her waist-length dirty blonde hair over her shoulder, as she reached the door. Don’t worry about my grades, I’ll get the library loner to do my work. Besides, I’m pretty sure she’s obsessed with me, I mean who wouldn’t be. Convincing her to help me should be easy enough. Don’t you worry your pretty little head about anything,” she sarcastically added as she left. ‘This girl was as frustrating as she was fuckable!’


It had been about a week since our meeting and I still I hadn’t heard any updates from Jessie. I wasn’t sure if she had taken anything that was talked about seriously or not. I didn’t even know if she got in contact with Lacey, the quiet girl who she so meanly dubbed “Library Loner.” I decided it was better to be on the safe side and take matters into my istanbul escort own hands and ask Lacey myself.

After my last class, I went to the library to see if I could find her. She was all the way in the back. You could barely see her over the large stacks of books she had heaped on her desk. She was a sweet girl, quiet and a little awkward, but kind nonetheless. From what I saw of her, she seemed to be very passive and a people pleaser which is how she probably became the homework jockey for about a third of the senior athletes. If it weren’t for her personality and style, she could probably rival Jessie in looks. She was petite with long, flowing waves of red hair and alabaster skin, dusted with freckles. She may have worn a lot of baggy and ill-fitting clothes, but I’d seen her in the showers on several occasions for gym class and her curves were captivating. On her 5’7″ frame, she had full breasts, that couldn’t be any less than double Ds, a slim waist, supple hips, and an ass that just wouldn’t quit.

Her breasts looked like they’d be a generous handful and her rose pink nipples seemed to always stand at attention, just begging to be tweaked and sucked. I’d always been polite to her, but never really had a reason to talk to her. After my little foray into intimacy with another girl, it awoke a whole new side of me I didn’t know about. After sex with Jessie, I starting noticing all the hotties around me and couldn’t help wondering what they would taste like on my tongue and feel like on my fingers. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t fantasize about coaxing Lacey out of her shell and showing her all the fun she could have if she would just open up a little.

“It seems our little Loner has finally decided to grow a backbone,” Jessie whispered in my ear as she snuck up behind me.

“Jeez, Jessie, you scared the crap out of me. Also, what are you talking about?”

“Lon- Lacey didn’t seem particularly fond of the moniker ‘Library Loner’ when I propositioned her earlier about helping me out. She flat out turned me down. I’m not sure why. I was nicer to her than I am to most people. I even smiled after I told her what she was going to be doing. I mean can you believe it?” she genuinely inquired.

“Wow, I’m shocked she didn’t jump at the opportunity,” I replied trying my damnedest not to roll my eyes at her incredulousness. “What if I try asking her. Maybe it’ll go smoother with a gentler touch.”

“Suit yourself. I’m leaving. I’ve got better things to do than to wait around watching her two goody goodies try to out-polite one another. Just get it done.”

‘This girl really is just the worst!’ I walked over to the large piles of books and introduced myself to Lacey. She stared at me completely stunned, and was a little guarded. I couldn’t blame her. She just had an encounter with a mean cheerleader. Seeing me in my uniform towering over her might not have been that comforting. I smiled and took the seat next to her in an attempt to reassure her. She continued to stare at me intently. After a little awkward silence, we engaged in small talk. Thankfully she was a bit more receptive to me. I tried to explain why we needed help with Jessie’s work and why it was so crucial.

“She already explained to me what the problem was and why she needed my help. You do know that she is awful right? She spent like a full five minutes insulting me and then switched to telling me what I ‘would’ be doing for her. Even I have my limits,” Lacey stated.

“I completely agree and totally understand. She is… putting it nicely, a handful. I wouldn’t be sticking out my neck for her if it wasn’t really important. We — I really need your help. I will do ANYTHING if it means getting her to pass. I may not like her, but I need her to pass those classes.”


“Yes! Anything. You name it, I’ll do it. I’ll do your chores, your homework, scrub floors, hell, I’ll bath naked in the fountain at the mall, anything.”

There was a flash in her eyes when she heard my last offer. I almost regretted saying it for fear that she really would have me do something incredibly embarrassing. The worry went away slightly when the look in her eyes looked more excited than sinister. If I didn’t know better, I would have said she was checking me out. At my height with my olive skin and waist-length jet black hair in this small town, I was used to the stares, but they rarely piqued my curiosity the way hers did in that moment. She sat quietly for about five minutes as she thought of her request.

“Well, it’s my senior year, and for these four years, I haven’t done any socializing, made any real friends, had crazy adventures, or anything fun. I haven’t done anything wild or experimented with, well, anything. So that’s what I want, even if just for a day I want a wild, fun time I’ll never forget.”

“That I can do.”

“A-and, I want Jessie there too.”

“Sure! Anything you want. This is perfect. Let me take your number istanbul escort bayan down and we’ll plan a day. There’s a party in two weeks. We could take you to that.”

“That’s not really what I had in mind. I’m not too interested in parties and crowds. I want a more private, intimate setting, no loud music and crazy distractions.”

“Umm, okay, a day at the spa then?”

“That’s not really us spending time together though, is it? That’s just a couple hours were we barely interact and then we go our separate ways. I was thinking more along the lines of a sleepover. I’ve got the house to myself next weekend. We can do that.”

“Sure, whatever you want, we’ll be there!”

“Great. See you then. I’ll send you my address!”


“A sleepover? Really? What are we fucking middle schoolers? Are we gonna paint each other’s nails and talk about popstar crushes?” Jessie asked, clearly annoyed at the deal.

“Look, we’ve –scratch that– you’ve got no choice. We’re doing this,” I replied thoroughly exasperated. “You’re the one that got yourself into this sticky situation, it’s your job to fix it. We’re going over to Lacey’s on Friday after cheerleading practice and that’s final.”


Jessie and I pulled into Lacey’s driveway late Friday evening. When we arrived, we couldn’t help but marvel at the gorgeous house.

“Wow, I was expecting her house to be as frumpy and unkempt as she is, Jessie remarked.

“Behave,” I commanded in a threatening whisper. “Whatever, and I mean whatever, she wants, we do, remember that.”

“Yes, master”

I rolled my eyes and tried to ignore the tingle I felt deep below when she called me master. Lacey answered the door with a huge grin on her face. She told us to grab a bite to eat and make ourselves at home while she took a shower. Jessie and I went through the pantry looking for snacks and talking about practice. While I was in the middle of admonishing Jessie for her snide remarks yet again, Lacey joined us in the kitchen. When I saw her my jaw dropped. Her wavy, red hair was pulled up in a messy bun. She wore a short, red silk robe that clung to her damp skin and left little to the imagination. Her nipples poked through the soft fabric and although her robe was tied securely around her waist, the top was almost strategically loosened. This caused her ample bosom to look as though it was ready to spill out at the slightest jostle. While she gushed about how excited she was for tonight and how grateful she was, I couldn’t help but to take in every inch of her deliciousness. She looked so delectable. When I finally caught myself staring, I looked over to Jessie and the look on her face just screamed, ‘Fuck me.’

“Hello? Did either of you hear anything that I just said? Don’t tell me you guys are ignoring me already,” Lacey pouted.

“No, no, of course not. We just had a long day. What was it you were saying again?” I replied.

“I was saying that I hope we have a lot of fun tonight. And I hope that you remember that you said you two would do anything I wanted.”

“Yes, yes, anything you want. Now what is it you do want, huh? Do you want mani-pedis and girl talk. Or maybe a makeover?” Jessie asked as she sipped from the glass of Moscato I expressly told her not to pour.

“No, I’m not interested in that. What I want is to fuck you both. I want to know what you two taste like, what your moans sound like, and how your faces would feel in between my thighs as I grind my pussy on your tongue.”

“W-w-w-what,” Jessie sputtered as she tried not to choke on her drink.

“Did I not say that clearly? You two are the hottest girls in school. I have masturbated to the thought of fucking both of you separately and together since I first saw you in your uniforms last year. You said you’d do anything I wanted to pass your classes. What I want is this sleepover and to experiment and have wild fun that I’ll never forget. Now I’ve bought the toys I want to use and I’ll tell you both how I want to fuck and be fucked.”

I was speechless, and I think for the first time in Jessie’s life she was as well. I mean I noticed her checking out Lacey so lack of interest wasn’t an issue, and I knew from first-hand experience she was into girl on girl so I didn’t think there would be any argument there. I was definitely game.

“From the lack of objections and the fact that neither of you have stopped checking me out since you’ve arrived, I suppose that means that you’re both up for it. Great! We’re going upstairs to my room. My king size will be way more comfortable than that couch,” she related as she led the way upstairs. Jessie was almost eerily obedient. By her standards, she hadn’t mouthed off much since escort istanbul Lacey came into the kitchen wearing next to nothing. We both followed behind Lacey not saying a word. The shock had rendered us both silent. As we entered the bedroom, we saw the aforementioned king size bed. It was covered in red silk sheets, matching Lacey’s robe.

“Don’t do anything I haven’t commanded you to. First things first, those clothes are in the way. I want you two to undress each other, slowly,” Lacey directed as she sat on the adjoining loveseat. Jessie wore a white crop top and a pair of high-waisted bold red leggings, while I opted for an off the shoulder yellow crop and navy running shorts. We did as instructed, with me taking the lead. Jessie put up no resistance and raised her arms to make it easier for me. I removed her top which already left little to the imagination seeing as she was already bra-less and her nipples had been stiff since we saw Lacey. Next, I slipped my hands in the waist of her leggings and eased them down past her rounded hips and muscular thighs until they hit the floor. Apparently, she decided to wear no panties as well. Once she was fully nude, showing off her gorgeous beige skin and slight dusting of freckles, I stood up so she could undress me. I raised my arms and she pulled my top over and off to reveal my black lace bra. She promptly unsnapped it and slid my shorts and black lace thong off in one fell swoop. As we both stood naked, beige contrasting with olive, I couldn’t help but get flashes of the last time we were both completely naked in front of each other. The sexual tension and desire loomed in the air the same way as back then, but there was something new and even more tantalizing now. Maybe it was because we were both going to be someone’s play things tonight. Maybe this was why Jessie was so eager and obedient last time. Having someone else in control was such a turn on!

“Kelly, kiss Jessie, and start slowly. I want to see the passion between you two build.”

I did as I was told. I leaned in and slowly took her bottom lip into my mouth. After, she opened her mouth and playfully flicked her tongue out. I enthusiastically reciprocated and we frenched, tongues intertwined, barely giving each other time to come up for air. We both came closer to one another, my hands on her plump ass pulling her mound closer to mine, and her hands in my hair. I nudged my knee in between her legs so that my thigh would be nestled in right by her fold. Feeling her wetness on my thighs, I bucked my hips more, grinding as I felt myself become more aroused. Jessie moaning matched my movements. Our hard nipples caressed each other’s making our grinding all the more titillating.

“Fuck,” Lacey exclaimed.

We were so enraptured in our own pleasure that it wasn’t until we heard her moan out that we remembered we weren’t alone in the room. We looked over to see Lacey. Her legs were spread wide on the sofa. She had one hand on her ample breast, pinching and tweaking her nipple as she pumped her two fingers in and out of her wet pussy, faster with each thrust. We stopped kissing but continued to grind against each other, playing with each other’s nipples as we watched on as Lacey played with herself. It was a sight! Her milky breasts were now both exposed, freed from her robe’s weak bondage. She moaned begging us to keep going as she drew nearer to her own climax. As she reached the peak her face and breasts were flush, deepening the color of her freckles. She removed her hand from her glistening cunt but stayed in the same position as she caught her breath. We weren’t sure if that was all she wanted or if she had more in store for us, but we eagerly awaited her next command.

She stood up and removed her robe, tossing it on the loveseat. She walked over towards us and grabbed one of each our nipples in between her fingers and started gently twisting and pinching them.

“Now that we’ve all had our appetizers, it’s time for the main course,” Lacey teased.

“So, what did you have in mind,” Jessie coyly asked. This was the first time a sound other than moans escaped her mouth since we came upstairs.

“I want to watch you two fuck each other and then I’ll join in. First, you’ll eat each other’s pussies on the bed as I watch you and I’ll touch you whenever and where ever I please. Then when the time is right, I’ll bring out a special toy for us to take turns with,” Lacey responded.

They always say watch out for the quiet ones and now I see why! There was just something so fucking hot about this surprising turn of events. Watching the seemingly “goody goody” being so bad and seeing the mean and dominant one be so meek was nothing short of glorious. The thought of getting to fuck Jessie into submission again was something I had been aching for all month. I couldn’t wait to do it, if Lacey would let me of course.

“Kelly? Are you ready?” Jessie inquired. When I looked up, Jessie had already gotten on the bed and was facing upwards, propped up on her forearms with her legs open waiting for me to find me place between them. Lacey slapped my ass hard and nudged me towards the bed.

“She’s waiting for you, don’t disappoint. Also, don’t just dive in, I want a little show first,” Lacey said.

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