
Late Night Music Ch. 02


“Get on with your work,” a chipper voice came from behind Riley, who sharply turned round to gaze up at the slender bodied young male that had stood behind him. He had a tidy mass of spiky platinum blond hair and small yet piercing emerald green eyes that met his bright blue orbs.

“Y-you scared me.” He breathed, relieved.

“I couldn’t do that to you now, could I?” Ryan was fairly well liked, especially with the ladies.

He shook his head dimly, placing the picture back in his pocket. “I don’t know why I carry it around for.”

“‘Cause you love her, maybe?”

Riley swept his hand over his forehead, feeling awful at trying to forget things whilst being at work. It was hard, of course, and had always been hard for him to differentiate between work and home life. “I feel odd and I don’t know why.”

The blond frowned at his cryptic statement.

“I know you might not ever get the same problem, but I feel bored with Tamsyn sometimes. It kind of makes me wanna do things that I really shouldn’t do.”

He came over more concerned. “What sort of things are we talking here, Ri?” He loved shortening the brunette’s name, and had always called him that since they first met – which meant going back a few years.

He was sure his heart skipped a beat at the way Ryan called him that. He swallowed hard at the way in which the blond male gazed at him, and even when he looked away he was sure he could feel his Bağdatcaddesi Escort eyes wandering down his body.

But no, that was a silly assumption to make. Ryan had more of a way with girls. So did Riley, by the same token, but he didn’t feel that much of a buzz when he took them back to his place after a night out. He certainly didn’t feel that much of a buzz when they did other things together.

And what if they did feel such things towards each other? At the very worst, they’d end up as pariahs. Having attraction and feelings for members of the same sex was considered unorthodox in their realm, if not forbidden.

He had to really go over things with himself more, and he could only ever do that if he was alone.


Riley hated the rain. It certainly didn’t help when it got heavier and pelted down onto him – it spread through his dark hair and flattened it all the more. And it was cold.

Shivering, he managed to get into his flat. Already exhausted from the cold, he felt his eyes get heavy and he sank into a deep sleep.

Tamsyn hated the rain just as much as anyone else. She also hated it when the rain had accumulated within the clouds above the city, darkening the sky even more. She expected to finish work a little earlier, it being a Friday, and she was sure that her mates had already started to meet up in town. She called one of them to make sure. Bağdatcaddesi Escort Bayan “…You’re still getting ready, are you?” She wasn’t too far from the flat.

“No! No…I’m not bottling out. I’m up for going out, as long as everyone else is still on…”

When she got in, her gaze inadvertently flitted to a small yet slender mass curled up in the bed sheets, and she gently parted the fairly long bangs either side of their head as she gazed into their closed eyes. Her heart stopped at realising it was Riley – and that he’d seemed to have caught a very bad chill.

His breathing had gotten shaky from losing so much heat within his body and he looked completely exhausted as he lay there.

She couldn’t leave him there when he was tired through from the rain. At her guess, he was probably wet through. Bang went her night out.

Tamsyn draped a relatively thick blanket over Riley, as he remained asleep in bed. All she could do was to stay with him until he awoke. She heard her mobile go off, and she answered it. “Oh. Hey.” She noticed the young male stirring slightly from the sense of warmth, and she slid her fingertips through his dark bangs. “I don’t think I can make it tonight. Something urgent came up…”

Riley stirred more and his eyes slowly opened. “A-am I dead?”

She smiled softly as she hung up. “Far from it.”

“Feels like I am.” He weakly Escort Baağdatcaddesi sat up, allowing his bright blue eyes to adjust a little more to the dim light. He felt thankful that she chose to switch the lamp on that was perched on the nightstand. He settled back down against the headboard, finding it too comfortable to get up from.

He sat her up properly in bed and cupped her face with his hands either side. She gasped softly as he slid his thumbs under her eyes, wiping the areas clear from any fallen raindrops.

He took hold of her hand, guiding it to his chest. The feel of her hand against him didn’t create so much as a warm glow in his stomach, but he carelessly put that down to the assumption that he was still feeling a slight chill.

Tamsyn inched closer to the young male, surprising him at her action. She softly cupped his face with her other hand, skimming her thumb over the contour of his cheekbone. She felt warmth inside her at her hand still pressed up against his broad chest. She rubbed a few of his damp bangs between her fingertips. “You’re still a bit wet.” She mumbled dimly.

Riley’s bright blue eyes softened into hers, as they moved closer together and crashed their lips against each other. He purred in pleasure at feeling her stroke him at the back of his head, tousling his dark hair gently.

The way he was feeling was something he was used to time and time again. But it felt different, and he couldn’t explain to himself how. He started to wonder what it’d feel like with another male…

Their legs wrapped around each other as they moved together.

He didn’t know why he had images of Ryan coming to mind, but he did consider him attractive.

And that was all he ever had to think of when making out with a woman.

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