
Lesbian MILF Seductress: In Flight


Summary: Sexy co-ed seduces not one, but two MILF flight attendants.

Note 1: This is the third in a hopeful lengthy series of stories about Bree, a young woman who has the innate ability to seduce older straight woman. The first part was Lesbian MILF Seductress: Neighbor; the second story was Lesbian MILF Seductress: Bride. This story, like those, stand on its own, but if you want to learn more about Bree and her earlier conquests please read them first (or second, it doesn’t really matter).

Note 2: A special thanks goes to my loyal copy-editor Estragon; another special thanks goes to Goamz86 for an early read through.

Note 3: Another thanks goes to all my fans who have patiently waited for this story to be written…it has been a long road and a lot of false starts.

Note 4: Yet another thanks to nylon_master for suggesting the flight attendant concept.

Lesbian MILF Seductress: In flight


Bree wanted to travel the world and usually what Bree wanted, Bree got. So through a couple of connections, both older women who had submitted sexually to the young blonde, she got a first class flight to Germany during Spring Break. The week was a whirlwind of travel and Bree was so preoccupied with the sights and history that she went the entire trip without sex (well, it was also that time of month). So she was already going through domination withdrawal when the perfect opportunity presented itself.

Bree had requested the very front seat of the plane because she did not like people in front of her and she liked the extra leg-room. As usual, she got what she wanted for the lengthy flight back to America…a crazy midnight flight. The stars were all lining up perfectly: there were only three people in first class and the flight attendant in charge was an incredibly attractive short older woman, who Bree instantly decided would be her personal pleasure pet for the long flight home.

Bree dressed, as she usually did, in a skirt, thigh high stockings (Bree never knew when she would have someone crawling between her legs), a simple blouse and heels. She flipped off her heels as soon as she got seated and made sure the tops of her thigh high stockings were clearly visible to the attractive flight attendant.

Vivian was a veteran flight attendant, having done this for twenty-five years, ever since she was twenty-one. She had seen it all. When she noticed the young girl dressed so slutty for an overnight flight, she shook her head, assuming the young girl was intending on joining the mile high club. Vivian smiled as she recalled when she joined the club, fucking a pilot in the cockpit while the other flew the plane. They later swapped positions as she got a ‘fuck one, get a second fuck free deal’. For the first couple of years she was a popular piece of tail for the pilots, before meeting ‘the one’. She got pregnant, then married and had one child, her daughter Hillary, who was training to be a flight attendant as well.

Vivian loved her job, traveling being her passion, a passion her daughter also inherited. She was giddy with the thought of one day working with her daughter, who was a spitting image of her when she was younger. Even though Vivian loved her job, there was almost always a passenger who was a pain in her ass and this time she could already tell it was going to be this young tramp. Sometimes it was a drunk, others a pervert, others a crying baby or a terrible parent or, like today, a diva girl who thinks the world revolves around her. She sighed knowing it was probably going to be a long flight…unless the young lady fell asleep.

Bree read her a book on her Ipad once the plane was in the air. When the seatbelt light dinged it was safe to take the seatbelt off and get up, Bree stood up and stretched. She surveyed the small first class area. Both other first class passengers were already sound asleep and Bree smiled, knowing her window of opportunity was open now.

She sat back down and pressed her button for assistance.

Vivian saw the light flicker and sighed as she thought to herself, ‘I knew it.’

Hiding her resentment at the young diva, Vivian put on her fake happy face and went to her. She asked, “What can I do for you, Miss?”

Bree liked being called Miss and smirked at the fact that the flight attendant’s job made her a natural submissive. Bree asked politely, “May I have a blanket, it is chillier than I expected in here?”

Vivian thought to herself, ‘Of course, it is chilly, you are half fucking naked.’ Yet, the words out of her mouth were, “Of course, Ma’am.”

Bree, showing her first hints at dominance, corrected the older woman, “I am no Ma’am. I am twenty-two. You will refer to me as Miss.” Bree considered adding ‘or Mistress’ but decided to play the seduction slightly slower and less abruptly.

“Yes, Miss,” Vivian replied with the fake smile she had long ago mastered, glued upon her face. Inside she was seething as she turned and went to get the half-naked co-ed a blanket. She purposely took her time, rus escort her own subtle act of defiance.

Bree knew she had pissed off the flight attendant and caught on that the long delay at retrieving a simple item was a power struggle statement by the veteran.

When Vivian returned with the blanket, she handed it to the passenger without actually making eye contact.

Bree asked with sugary sweetness, while reading her book, “Could you please put it on me?”

“Yes, Miss,” the furious Vivian responded as she thought to herself, ‘Want me to tuck you in too?’

Once done, Bree said, her condescending tone as subtle as possible, but clearly there, “Thank you. You are a very good servant.”

Vivian considered clarifying that she was not a servant, but decided to let it go. “Is there anything else, Miss?”

“Yes,” Bree replied, not looking up at her, building on the servant treatment, “I will have a glass of red wine.”

“Of course, Miss,” Vivian replied, hoping the wine would make the young bitch tired.

Bree smirked. She loved the game, the hunt, the sly manipulation. The thrill of the chase was usually way more exciting and sexually stimulating than the sex that would inevitably end the cat and mouse game.

Returning with the wine and a glass, Vivian poured a generously full glass of wine.

Bree joked slyly, “Are you trying to get me drunk and take advantage of me?”

Vivian stammered, “I-I-I beg your pardon?”

“Ooooh, a beggar, even better,” Bree flirted, playing on the suddenly ruffled MILF.

“What? No. Please, stop,” Vivian argued, trying to regain the situation.

“Please, yes,” Bree countered, allowing the blanket to slip to one side. “Could you fix my blanket?”

Vivian was flustered as she hastily fixed the blanket, her face suddenly flushed.

The plane bucked in a bit of turbulence, and half the glass of wine spilled onto Bree’s blouse.

Bree saw this as a great opportunity, and wasn’t angry, but acted it. “Fuck! What the hell?”

Vivian apologized profusely, as she did when an accident occurred, “I am so sorry. It was a complete accident.”

Bree unbuttoned her blouse and demanded, “Accident, my ass! Get this in water. If this stains I will have your job.”

Vivian grabbed the stained blouse and couldn’t help but notice the girl’s voluptuous breasts. She looked away just as quickly and took the blouse to a sink. She soaked it thoroughly and used the special stain remover that worked like magic usually. She took a deep breath as she tried to regain her composure. She grabbed an extra flight attendant blouse to bring to the bitch. She sighed when the light flashed, alerting her that passenger in seat one, was in need of assistance again.

While the older woman was gone, Bree slipped back into her heels, knowing they added a sense of power to any seduction.

When Vivian arrived back to the young woman she gasped. The big-breasted blonde was no longer wearing a bra. She began, handing the young woman the blouse, “Miss, you need to be wearing something.”

Bree glared at the stunned flight attendant and pointed out, “If you wouldn’t have overfilled the glass trying to get me drunk to fuck me I wouldn’t be half-naked.”

Vivian was flabbergasted. The girl’s accusations were so off-base they were absurd, yet she suddenly couldn’t resist taking a couple of peeks at the young girl’s firm breasts. She thought to herself how her breasts used to be that perky and firm but age and gravity had not been so kind to her. She stammered, “It-it-it was an accident.”

“Whatever,” Bree replied, dismissing the older woman’s defensive reply and tossing the blouse on the seat beside her. Bree could see the trepidation and confusion in the older woman’s eyes and knew the first pivotal moment was at hand. She said, “The least you can do is make it up to me. My feet are killing me. Could you please massage my feet?”

Vivian couldn’t believe the nerve of this young lady. Regaining her composure, she attempted to regain control of the absurd conversation, while desperately trying to ignore the young girl’s still uncovered breasts. She couldn’t tell if the young girl was flirting with her, or just playing games. She didn’t really care either way, she just wanted the flight to end and to get home and in her nice warm bed. Two weeks away from home was too long and her mind was beginning to play tricks on her. A small part of her, just the slightest tingle inside, was intrigued by the young blonde’s flirting. She had resisted many offers to play some lesbian games when she first started, but she loved men and men only…yet there was something suddenly drawing her to the seductive passenger. Ignoring the small flicker of curiosity, she said, “Sorry, Miss that is not part of the first class package.”

Bree didn’t flinch as she responded, “I know, but I want the full first class package.” Bree finished the glass of wine and stood up. In her heels she towered over the just five-foot-tall forty-six year old.

Vivian suddenly was intimidated. The young girl’s firm breasts and stiff erect nipples were just yenimahalle escort inches from her. She was speechless as she tried to process what was happening. Unthinkably, she felt a slight dampness in her vagina and her mind reeled.

Bree, like the predator she was, could tell when a prey was weak and went in for the kill. She put her hands on the woman’s shoulders and gently, but firmly, guided the dazed older woman to her knees.

Vivian felt herself being gently led to the floor and although she knew she should resist, the confident demeanour of her passenger had her in a trance. She glimpsed to the two other passengers to make sure they were still sleeping before she looked up at the young woman.

Bree sat back down and ordered like a rich woman would a servant, “Take off my heels.”

Vivian’s face was flushed with the humiliation that comes with servitude, yet she couldn’t deny that it turned her on. Her damp panties were impossible to ignore. She obeyed the simple task and waited for further instruction.

Bree, happy with the older woman’s obedience, continued, “Now please massage my feet.”

Vivian took the stocking-clad left foot into her hands and gently began massaging it. She couldn’t explain it but the touch of nylon, mixed with the girl’s perfectly manicured toes and her purple toenails, mixed with the clearly subservient situation that had somehow occurred, had her pussy was unexplainably tingling.

Bree knew she was in control, yet that there was still a fine line to get the flight attendant to cross. So Bree just relaxed and allowed the massage to relax her.

Vivian, accepting that it was easier to just appease the young passenger than to cause havoc in a sleeping plane, massaged the young girl thoroughly, just like she liked to have done to her. When she switched feet, she glanced up and gasped as she realized she could see right up the young lady’s skirt and that she was not wearing any panties.

Bree noticed the older woman’s reaction. It never got old, watching a straight woman slowly weaken to the point they are not only no longer straight, but also are submissive and eager to please a much younger woman. Bree teased, hinting blatantly at the obvious, “Don’t worry, you will get to massage that later too.”

Vivian who had just grabbed the passenger’s other stocking-clad foot suddenly realized, any lingering doubts now confirmed, the intentions of the young woman. Vivian had no idea what to do. She was not a lesbian. She hadn’t frolicked with a passenger in over twenty years and yet she could feel her responsible, professional self fading away. It was like when she used to get really drunk and her standards and morals dissipated, and she became a horny cock craving slut…although this time she wasn’t drunk and it wasn’t cock she was beginning to crave. A couple of minutes after seeing the young girl’s shaved pussy, she decided she had to end this now before she did something she really regretted. Adamant that she had to resist the growing temptation to submit to this young girl, she let go of the girl’s nylon-clad foot and abruptly stood up.

Bree, seeing a glint of resistance in the older woman, quickly regained control. “Did I give you permission to quick massaging me or stand up?”

Vivian, appalled at the young woman’s attitude of entitlement, replied, “I’m done.”

“I beg to differ,” Bree said, before threatening, “you have five seconds to resume your position, slut.”

Vivian couldn’t believe the half-naked passenger would have the gall to call her a slut. Vivian had only slept with one man for over twenty years; she was as faithful as Old Yeller. Vivian glared at the blonde passenger and retorted, “I am no slut and this little charade of yours is over.”

Bree laughed like the wicked witch of the west. “Reeeeeally,” she rolled out all dramatic.

“Yes, reeeeeally,” Vivian replied, sarcastically copying the young passenger.

Bree flipped her iPad to show her prey what she had been recording while the older woman assumed she was reading.

Vivian went as white as snow. She was watching herself on her knees in front of the young girl.

Bree explained, “Now obviously with one click this video can go to your superiors or to any number of stocking fetish websites. The best part is all they will see are my nylon legs, toes and thighs, but I think as you can see your pretty little face is very clear. And unless I am mistaken, and I seldom am, you sure seemed to be enjoying yourself down there.”

Vivian’s heart sank. She was being blackmailed and portrayed as some kinky pervert when it was the young woman, half naked, that was the real pervert. She tried to spin a way out of this in her head, but nothing came to mind.

Bree pointed out. “It has been way more than five seconds, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt, considering it is obvious you have not actually accepted our new reality.”

Vivian, defeated and confused, returned to her knees and continued massaging her blackmailer’s foot, an anxiety-riddled mess and yet just, as absurdly and unlikely, horny as hell.

Bree, going for the sexual jugular, teased, “You look hungry, are you ready to continue giving me the next part of the full-service first class treatment?”

Vivian knew it was coming and a growing part of her was excited but she knew this is where she had to draw the line. “Please, Miss,” she began but was interrupted and her message construed.

“Begging,” Bree teased, “I like that.”

Vivian stammered, “I-I-I wasn’t….”

But Bree shushed her and opened her legs. “I know what you are thinking right now. A part of you is dying to submit to me, to bury your face in my oasis of sweetness, but another part of you, albeit slowing shrinking, knows it is wrong to submit to a passenger. Go ahead take a good long look at my cunt, Vivian.”

Vivian obeyed staring at the enticing, slightly glistening, pussy. The young girl was completely correct in her assessment as well, as her conflicting emotions were causing complete turmoil in her head, body and loins.

Bree continued, “It’s ok, slut. I have already made your choice for you the moment I met you. I could tell you needed this, and now I am going to make it happen.” Bree paused to make direct eye contact with her about to break prey, before ordering, “Now crawl between my legs.”

Vivian knew she should resist, but she also knew Bree had the video of her. And although a weak excuse, it was the one she used to convince herself to do it. In her mind she was not doing it because she wanted to, but because she had no choice. She obeyed the pretty passenger and positioned herself between the stocking-clad legs of this seductress.

Bree knew she had won, like she always did. She purposely didn’t blackmail the MILF, wanting her to give in because of her own free will, as that was the best part for her, watching the stages of submission in action.

Part one: the initial shock. The idea of submission is presented subtlety, usually a moment that has never crossed their mind…at least not seriously.

Part two: the denial. After the prey gets past the original shock of such an originally ludicrous idea, she denies adamantly the idea even as her body and subconscious begins to get intrigued by the thought of submission. The prey convinces herself she is straight and would never submit to a woman, especially a younger one.

Part three: the consideration. Yet, the longer the temptation lingers the tiny morsel of intrigue in stage two grows and spreads like wild fire in a dry forest. For some they have always been remotely curious, for others their sex-life at home is stagnant and desperately needs to be ignited, for others they are in powers of authority and such submission gives them the stress relief their mind and body is craving and for others it is just a natural transition of their sexual being. For many it is a mixture of all or some of them and for the some it is just the intoxicating aura that Bree exudes without trying, like a sexual perfume that entices the innocent and corrupts them into the sin that deep down inside of them has remained dormant and ignored. But we are sexual beings and such sinful desires are in all of us just begging to be allowed to be let out…Bree has the ability to bring it out in spades. For the prey, this usually includes an inner battle between propriety and society’s expectations and the raw carnal lust that exists deep inside. The inner turmoil causes much anxiety and trepidation at first but these feelings slowly shift to excitement and intrigue as they consider becoming the sexual beings they are.

Part four: submission. Inevitably, regardless of the inner conflict, all the prey eventually submits. Some do so eagerly once they let go of their shame and insecurities, while others pretend to be forced into it. But once they are on their knees, between Bree’s legs and they have that first sample, they are addicted…always. They become addicts of her pussy and will do almost anything to taste it again. Most will wonder why they have never tried it before and regardless of their relationship with Bree after the submission, they will search and crave similar submissions for the rest of their lives.

Vivian stared at the young seductress’s pussy unsure what to do next. An invisible line was all that stopped her from final submission.

Bree allowed the older woman to hesitate. Bree loved to watch the final last second struggle before the inevitable. Finally, Bree, wanting the MILF to cross the threshold on her own, instead of ordering like she often did, offered sweetly, “Go ahead, Vivian. We both know you want to.”

As she heard the words, Vivian knew that they were true. What started as an absurd idea from a pretentious young passenger had slowly become an inevitable evolution to the undeniable. The young girl’s scent of sin was as appetizing as the scent of freshly baked cookies. The kind that mom used to make that she devoured whole. Without even feeling the shift occur, she felt herself lean forward, extend her tongue and submit. She couldn’t believe how sweet the young girl tasted, like peaches and yet like a whole new forbidden fruit. Vivian was tentative at first, but once the taste triggered her taste buds it was like an aphrodisiac shot straight to her brain, numbing any sense of wrong or morals and releasing a hunger that could never be completely satisfied ever again. She was hooked and began to lick with determined focus to make this young girl flood and feed her hungry lust.

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