
Little Girl Lost Chapter Two


Hello, I’m Susan Benson, the “Little Girl Lost.” I wanted to write the second part of this story to clarify what followed, since I’ve been a catalyst in most of the events from this point. Officer Bill Smith kidnapped and raped me vaginally and orally in the first chapter of this story. He got lazy after raping me and let down his guard. He dozed off long enough I called my mom. I told her I was with Officer Smith, and he’d found me and would bring me home.
Why didn’t I simply have him arrested? He had been brutally cruel to me, and I’d known he would not have let me live for long as his slave. I may be young, but I’m not stupid. Oh, I neglected to mention I’m only thirteen years old, but Bill seemed thoroughly afraid of what I could do to him now.
Mom had been near hysterics when she heard my voice and would be on the warpath if I were not returned within the next hour. She’d said dad had flown in from Washington, DC. He is no one to tangle with over any of his three children, and I am his Baby Doll. I think it’s because I look like a clone of my Mom he adores so much, yet he and I are compatible and loving 24/7.
Back to my reasoning in not turning my rapist in? When Bill had first seen me I was a powerless thirteen- year-old child, who couldn’t keep the neighbor’s dog from chasing me off my block. Now, I literally owned a police officer’s future. This sex thing interested me, too, a lot! I wanted to learn more about it, and Bill seemed to be proficient at it. He had a house, a car, and an income, and I could learn so much faster from him than from the teen-age boys I knew.
I looked at Bill, and noticed he wasn’t eating the sandwich I’d fixed for him. I asked him, “You’re not hungry?”
“If I ate anything,” he said, “I’d only throw it back up.”
I laughed wickedly at him, “Yes, and I’d make you lick it all up! Listen Bill, if you don’t do anything else stupid I’ll do my best to cover for you. You have to understand, though, if I so much as stub my toe on the way home Dad and Mom will crucify you and make you suffer!”
“Oh, I’m suffering now.” He said. “How could I ever have been so stupid? I am so sorry, Susan.”
I shrugged and told him, “That’s water under the bridge, now. You saw something you wanted and you took it. I’m doing the same. I want you to be my lover, but without all the pain and me taking orders. If you will listen to me we can both have what we want. If you cross me,” I warned him, “you won’t be given a second chance!”
Bill began promising me his undying love and loyalty forever, but I was busy thinking how to get what I wanted out of this screw up of his. “Get dressed and drive me home.” I told him, “The sooner I get there the less trouble there will be. You tell everyone you found me the other side of town, wandering dazed and disoriented. Say I wouldn’t tell you anything. Can you do that?”
“Yes, I will do it, Susan, thank you!” he said. “I owe you my life!”
“Yes, you do.” I said. “As well as your career, your freedom, and the virginity of your own behind. I’ve heard rumors of the things that happen in prisons.”
We both dressed and Bill drove me home. I kissed him passionately in the car and assured him I could pull this role off, if he would do his own part. What are my credentials at acting? I’ve been studying theater under my mom and dad during the thirteen years since my birth. We pulled up at our house and Bill walked me to the door, as he should have done hours before.
Mom and Dad must have been watching for us, because they came running out. Mom swept me up in her arms, though she’s a tiny woman herself. She’s not that much larger than I am.
I’d noticed some moms develop super human strength when their kids are threatened, and I’d been missing for hours. “Mommy!” I cried, “He hurt me!” Mom turned to Dad, and Dad wrapped us both in his big arms. I got a good look at Bill’s face. He was white as a ghost! I was thrilled by that, he deserved to be frightened.
My Dad went into a rage, he’s a big man, six and a half foot tall. He looks even larger than that when he’s angry, and at that moment he was very angry! “Who hurt you, Baby Doll?”
“I don’t know, Daddy.” I wailed! “I don’t remember seeing his face.” I was very sure Bill was heaving a big sigh of relief. I wanted him out of the loop for arrest for now, but for obvious reasons I would have Demetevler Escort to always have him closely under my control.
“Baby Doll!” Dad’s voice sounded tortured now. “Did he touch you sexually, Darling?”
“Yes, Daddy. He put something in my vagina, and in my mouth. There was some sort of thing shaking in my butt, but I think it was plastic.” I knew I’d have to stick with the mostly truthful things or I would never get through this. I had to have the rape tests done, too, to ensure Bill knew he was on probation for life.
“Let’s take her to the hospital.” Dad said. He turned to Bill. “Will you meet us there, Officer?”
Bill appeared to be a little stunned. He said, “Yes, and I’ll request a woman officer meet us there, sir, to take her statement.”
Mom held me in her lap the entire trip to the hospital, then carried me inside. “Mom, I can walk.” I told her. She merely kissed my cheek, sat down and rocked me, comforting me. She really is a great mother. I only wish she were half so good a wife for poor Dad.
I did my best to act disoriented during the examination, and it wasn’t difficult to do. They took pictures of my entire body. It seems Bill had left dental imprints on me as well as sperm and saliva, and skin under my nails for DNA analysis. I was grateful for that, I figured it would help me force him to toe the line.
The Doctor examined my nipples very closely. “Did they use clamps on your nipples?”
“Yes.” I told them, “Like little pliers, with hair ties added.” He held up a hemostat and I nodded. “Yes, like those. That’s how he forced me to open my mouth, then swallow when he finished. He said if I vomited, the clamps would stay on until I licked it up.” The Doctor even winced at that information! It turned out they wanted to hold me overnight for observation, which I knew would be boring.
At least they didn’t restrict my diet. I had two slices of chocolate cake with dinner, and every nurse on the floor came by to ask if I needed anything. I scored four stuffed teddy bears, three bunnies, and some candy and flowers, just from the nurses and doctors. You see, my best role is the one I call “Adorable Susan.” With my wavy blonde hair, blue eyes, and thirteen year successful run in the role, I perform it perfectly!
Mom never left my side, of course, and was determined to sit up in a chair all night. I finally got her to lie down with me in my bed and rest by pleading that I needed her to hold me close. As I’ve said, she is a very good mother. Mom and Dad took me home the next day.
Our school officials had been contacted, since I’d gone missing between the bus stop and home. There had been only final exams left, and a sympathetic administrator proposed my finals be waived and my grades averaged for the term, since they were all A and A+, anyway. That suited me fine.
My rape had increased the tension around the house. My siblings, eleven year old Stephanie, and nine year old Robert Jr. “Bobby”, knew I’d been hurt, and both did everything they could to pamper me. I call my role with the two of them Sweet Sissy Susan. I’m as loving and protective of them as is Mom.
The tension was between Mom and Dad. Dad had been spending most of his time in Washington at his apartment, which seemed to frustrate Mom. This only seemed to further alienate Dad. My personal diagnosis was Dad and Mom both needed more sex! I knew there might not be any way for me to fix their relationship, but if not, it wouldn’t be for lack of effort on my part.
It was decided between them, Dad would take me back to Washington with him for the week. He’d been promising me a tour of the Capitol if I kept my grades up. Our first night there, Dad insisted I sleep in his bed. He said he felt like catching up on some television and a little drinking. I kissed him affectionately and went to bed.
When I checked Dad a few hours later his bottle was down about halfway and he had kicked off his blanket. There was nothing halfway about his erection, though! I decided to do a little improvisation of my own as Seductress Susan and took my nightgown off, and turned off the television so we were in the dark. I kissed him passionately and snuggled up and he put those big arms around me. He was nowhere near awake which suited my plan perfectly.
When I stuck my nipple Dikmen Escort into his mouth he responded hungrily, and sucked my entire breast into his mouth. I switched breasts for a while, and let him suckle the other, then I had to have him in me!
His prick is much larger than Bill’s but I was wet, and hot, and I wanted him. As I slid down on him he moaned, “Elaine, you’re so tight, Baby!” I was happy for the compliment, but Mom wasn’t there, and Dad would be mine for a few hours. I was enjoying this much more than my rape! I slid myself up and down on Dad as I fingered my clit and pinched my nipples.
Dad must have been sobering because he began thrusting his hips up into me, as he held onto mine. His speed increased until we were slamming each other. I thought he must be near cumming, and I felt ready, too! Dad reached up and felt my small breasts. He asked in astonishment, “Oh my God, Susan?” The shock didn’t stop him from cumming, or me either!
My pussy was pulsating around his big prick as he pumped the same cum that had made me deep inside me! We both rode it out, then Dad said, “Oh, Baby Doll! I thought your Mom had flown up when you climbed atop me, and kissed me. I’m so sorry, Baby!”
“It was my doing, Daddy.” I told him. “I turned off the set so you couldn’t see who it was. I’m so sorry, but I had to have you inside me.”
I knew it would be okay between us when he chuckled and cupped the cheeks of my butt in his big hands. “You look like your Mom, but you think like your Dad, don’t you, Baby Doll?”
I reached between us for his big cock. It was hardening again, and I stuck it back inside me. “Yes, Daddy. Now give your Baby Doll another serving of what she just had!”
We didn’t get out of bed until the afternoon of the next day. We showered together, then I couldn’t resist Daddy, and I went to my knees and sucked him adoringly. He lifted me like a feather and carried me to his bed. We’d done most everything except anal by that point, so I asked him, “Lube me and fuck your Baby Doll in my ass, Daddy!”
He licked my pussy and played with my nipples as he lubed and stretched my ass with his fingers. He rolled me over then began penetrating me. I felt his big cockhead penetrate my anus, then he began giving me short strokes to loosen me up. “Oh yes, Daddy! Fuck your baby girl’s ass!” My hands were on and in my pussy and clit as he pinched my nipples and massaged my breasts. I began cumming and it felt like minutes I screamed into the pillow! “Oh, I feel your hot cum in my ass, Daddy! Fuck me!”
We rested a while, then hunger began affecting us and we cleaned up again and dressed. I wore a cute dress Mom had packed, and my first pair of high heels. Dad took me to his favorite Italian spot and several people smiled and commented politely to Daddy about his beautiful “date.” We both returned their smiles and graciously thanked them.
Dad ordered wine for us and I drank two glasses with our dinner. We held hands through most of our dinner, and that made me feel even more special. I had to tell him, “I adore you, Daddy!”
He kissed my hand and whispered, “Forever, my love!”
Our entire week together was all that and more. We finally did get out of bed two half days to get some sight seeing done. On our last evening together before returning home I felt like it was time for us to have a talk. We were lying in each other’s arms after making sweet love for most of the day.
“Daddy,” I told him, “our past week together has felt like magic to me.”
Dad said, “I know, Darling. It has been sheer magic for me, too.”
“I hope we can continue to have our special times together the rest of our lives. You’ve shown me how romantic and gallant you can be, not to mention so damned sexy!” I kissed his nose, then his sweet lips. “I have one thing to ask of you, Dad. Would you consider taking another week off to do the same things with Mom?”
Dad looked at me. I suppose he was incredulous I’d fucked him senseless the entire last week and was now imploring him to do the same to Mom. I told him, “I know you adore each other, Dad, and Stephanie, Bobby, and I are love children. You just spend so much time with your job, and Mom is so fixated on us kids. You both need more magic in your lives, for the good of our family!”
A light seemed Elvankent Escort to dawn in Dad’s handsome eyes. “I think you’re right, Baby Doll. It’s time for a step change in our lives.” This wasn’t just talk from Dad either! When we arrived back home Dad greeted everyone then took Mom to their bedroom for a discussion.
We didn’t see either of them until noon the next day. I’d fixed a big spicy pan of cheesy lasagna and two loaves of garlic bread. I have a role of Little Susan Homemaker I’m good at, too. We three kids knocked on their door, then served them their lunch in bed. We smothered Mom and Dad with hugs and kisses and then promised them we’d entertain ourselves the rest of the day.
Everything went swimmingly at our house for weeks. I’d noticed Bill’s patrol car pass by a couple of times, but my week with Dad had completely turned me off to juvenile men like Bill. I didn’t even think of Bill again, until one day I was out shopping and he approached me, handed me a card, then asked me to call him later.
When I called him that evening, he was super affectionate and told me he couldn’t get his mind off “his adorable little Susan.” I warned him that sort of thinking could only lead him to more trouble and told him I had grown up a lot since then. I no longer wanted anything to do with him.
He told me about the online site where he had posted “Our Love Story” and begged me to write my own version of it. I agreed to at least read it. I looked up the site, and logged into his account. What I read made me physically ill. His remarks about how hot my Mother was and wishing he could rape her alongside me sealed his fate! It hurt me to realize I had kept this sick puke from meeting swift justice.
I could tell the idiot had become obsessed and I decided I’d have to keep much closer tabs on him in self-defense until I could decide how to deal with him. The next day I bought a police scanner. I was listening a few days later when I heard he was given a duty that would keep him busy for several hours.
I bicycled over to Bill’s house to train Zippy, Bill’s bad dog he’d threatened me with. Remember the day Bill had abducted me and had duct taped my mouth, then nearly smothered me with two fingers pinching my nose? He’d taught me something useful about training. I snagged Zippys chain with a wire, as he snarled, slobbered, and bit at the fence. Next, I wired him securely to the fence, then I got his five gallon water bucket and dunked his head into it until his legs gave out. I pounded the water out of his lungs after every lesson. After only three lessons Zippy adored me in my role as Sadistic Susan!
Another two days later all hell broke loose! Mom and Dad had taken Bobby shopping with them, and Stephanie had said she’d be playing in the house. I’d taken a nap, then got up to check on her. Stephanie was nowhere to be found. There was a note on the dining room table from her saying she was going to bicycle to the park to meet a friend and return something she’d borrowed and would be back in twenty minutes. The time on the note was two hours before!
I put on some street shoes and rode my bicycle to the park. Stephanie’s bicycle was in a rack there, but she was nowhere to be seen. I felt like I had pure ice water in my veins. I knew for a certainty what had happened.
Five minutes later I rode up in Bill’s yard. Zippy was hanging out by the back gate, but never barked at his good friend Susan, who controlled his breathing. I entered the garage, and Bill’s patrol car was in it. The back door of the house was open, and I went straight to his bedroom. His uniform, belt, and revolver were there. Taking the revolver I went to the bedroom he’d tied me in.
The scene before me gave me a feeling of having been there before, which of course I had. There sat Stephanie on his toilet, with hemostats on her nipples and tears of agony streaming down her little girl face. Bill’s big prick looked so vile in her sweet mouth!
Bill may have seen some movement in the bathroom mirror, because he turned to get his first and last glimpses of my then current role as Satanic Susan. Bill came toward me. I told him, “I’ve had enough of your stupid shit!” I shot him in the chest until his revolver ran out of bullets. He was so stupid he’d raped my little sister!
I went to Stephanie, knelt down and gently removed the hemostats from her nipples. I hugged her, kissed her, and assured her she was safe with Sissy Susan now. I reached one hand to Bill and shoved those damned hemostats up his dead ass! I picked Stephanie up and carried her to another room to comfort her and dialed 911 on Bill’s home phone.

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