
Lockie Ch. 01: Bi Now


**Lockie appears in my Mason series. This is the first in a planned series of spin offs from the “In’DaMan’d” Universe.**


“Good night guys, thanks again to everyone that sent me tokens, as always it means so much to me. Check my social media for the times of my next show. Peace.”

Lockie clicked the log out button and closed the tab. It had been a slow night tokens wise. He sighed as he grabbed the grey singlet that was hanging over the edge of his computer chair and wiped off the thick creamy load from his toned torso. He had just wanked on camera for his 50 thousand plus followers. It was one of his first shows back after the feature length movie shoot. The viewing figures barely scrapped 8k.

“Fuck.” He muttered as he poured himself another drink, the days seemed to pass by in a haze lately. It all started when he had gotten his former best friend Mason a test shoot at the porn studio he worked for . Lockie was only trying to help his mate out but Mason’s star soon rocketed to the top. He hated that he felt so jealous, but more than that he felt lonely.

He used to really enjoy camming. It was his escape from the world, he had grown accustomed to all the praise from his viewers and followers but now since reports were spread on social media that he acted like a difficult diva on the set of the feature shoot, he had lost nearly a quarter of his fans.

He had no doubt who had spread those rumours.

He quickly swallowed the first drink, the amber liquid stinging as it went down, poured another and then laid down, naked, on his bed.

“Fucking Dylan O.” He said out loud to no one.

His boss Curtis had offered him a lucrative contract which he had signed, but after the mini backlash against him, Curtis didn’t seem to be answering his calls as frequently as he had done in the past. Neither were under any illusions that the only reason the contract was offered or signed in the first place was to spite Mason. Curtis was hurt that Mr. Gent, Mason’s agent, had advised against signing an exclusivity deal with “In”DaMan’d”.

Lockie could feel himself falling asleep when he heard the familiar ping that announced he had an email. He slowly got off the bed and stretched. Admiring his tanned, toned body in the mirror. He ran his hand through his dark blond hair as he grabbed the laptop and opened the email.

It was from his highest tipper, Wife Life. She had been his number one fan for the last 7 months straight, he sent her his personal email after a record breaking contribution. They had exchanged mails for the last few weeks, she had told him that she had finally plucked up the courage to message him after reading the shit about him online. Her words were just what he had needed and found himself looking forward to her messages. Her husband was currently deployed, Lockies cam sessions made her feel less lonely.

To: LockStar

From: WifeLife

Lockie, how have you been? Great show tonight as always. You body looks amazing, glad to see that you are back in the gym. Has your agent called you back yet, he is a fucking idiot if he is still freezing you out.

I feel silly to be even saying this but you know how a few weeks ago we discussed maybe meeting up?

Well, I was talking to my husband on Skype and he told me he is coming home tomorrow. I have to be up early to drive to the airport to pick him up. These last 9 months have gone so quickly. I was just wondering if you would consider coming over to our hotel room on Friday night. I, of course, would love to meet you and I know my husband would love too as well. I think it would be a nice surprise for him and for us to finally meet. We would cover all costs. I know it says in your Bio that you would never meet fans outside of the site but I just said I would put it out there.

Here is his picture just so you can put a face to the name.

Best wishes always.


He quickly finished his drink as he waited for the picture to open. It was not the first time a fan had asked to meet. He never entertained the thought before but after the last few weeks Monroe had been his one positive. She was 24, a part time pin up model, judging from her pictures Lockie couldn’t deny that she was pretty, platinum blond hair, full red lips, big tits, tiny waist and a full ass. She had sent him a thirty second video to verify that it was her.

Her husband’s picture had finished downloading. It was of topless man showing off his tanned muscular body in camo pants and beige boots. Lockie zoomed in on his face. He had a very strong jaw line and dazzling blue eyes, his dark hair was shaved close to his head. He looked to be the same age as Monroe. Very boy next door.

Locking poured another drink, his cock stirred a little as he pulled up Monroe’s picture alongside her husband’s. They were an extremely attractive couple.

He held the glass to his forehead while he thought. He was in a deep funk lately and thought to himself that meeting up with someone who was really into him might help him out of it. The fact that her husband supposedly cebeci escort knew all about him was a big turn on. He set the glass down and opened up her email once again, quickly hitting reply.

To: WifeLife

From: LockStar

Great to hear from you as always, that is great that your husband is coming back . No word from agent yet, will call him again in a few days. I’ve thought over your offer and think I can make a visit work, I will email you tomorrow with some questions to see if we can come to some kind of arrangement.

Glad you liked my show.



The last few days had been a drunken haze, Curtis still wasn’t returning his phone calls so all he could do was go to the gym, sleep, perform online and drink. Monroe had been messaging him for the last few days, updating him, she had booked the hotel room in the city, her husband was over the moon that they were all going to hang out, she even described in vivid detail their first fuck after his tour of duty. He could feel her happiness radiating in each message.

Lockie’s mind was racing as the day of the meet up drew closer, he had had threesomes in the past but they were either on film or with two girls, he had never done male, male, female. The fact that he sometimes got a boner looking at the husbands picture confused him. Even though he loved the money he received from doing male scenes for Curtis, he classed it as a job, the nagging thoughts about his attraction to guys was bugging him. This would be different though, it would only be the three of them and not a chat room with thousands of people getting off on him.

To ease his confusion he had sent Monroe a big list of demands. He had hoped it would turn her off or make her realize that this was a type of business meeting for him but she had complied to every request and even added more. They really wanted to meet him.

During the day of the meet he kept picking up his phone to cancel but something always held him back. He put the phone on charge in his small living room and went into his bedroom, sitting at his computer he did what he usually did when he was pissed off, he loaded Mason’s first scene on the site. It was his test shot with Lockie. Seeing both of them together naked, smiling and looking carefree, gave a pang in his chest. He missed the way they were, Mason truly got him and Lockie had fucked it all up through his stupid jealousy. He cursed himself for ever suggesting Mason to Curtis.

He felt hollow as he walked to the kitchen and poured himself a drink. His phone beeped, it was a MMS message from Monroe. It was a picture of her in her underwear in front of a full length mirror, in the background her husband was lying down on the bed, his back to the camera ,he was naked.

“Just arrived!” The caption read.

Lockie drained the drink and zoomed in on the picture, Monroe’s body looked amazing in her red and black polka dot bra and panties, her giant gothic fairy tattoo on her thigh really stood out. Her husband’s tanned, muscular back and peachy ass cheeks vivid against the white sheet sealed the deal. Lockie quickly fired back that he was just getting ready and would see them soon . He ended it with a smile and wink emoji.

“Fuck it.” He thought as he stripped off and walked to the bathroom to shower.


He could feel his cheeks flush, the hotel bar was packed full off well dressed people. Lockie looked around as he waited, men in business suits were laughing and joking really loud to his left. Two older ladies were at a high table whispering to each other, if he wasn’t mistaken he thought they were staring at him. Un-nerved he moved to a booth and signaled for another drink, not that he needed another one, he was still buzzing from the drinks he knocked back before he left. He had a hard time choosing what to wear, in the end he reminded himself that he was about to meet his biggest fans and it didn’t really matter what he wore. He settled for a pair of skinny jean shorts with grey sneakers and a black tee, it hugged his muscles and enhanced his tanned skin and sleeve tattoos.

He seen Monroe’s husband first, he walked in and held the door for her. She was wearing a navy blue summer dress, he was in a wine green shirt, rolled up to his elbow and black pants. Both looked very well. She seen him first, a huge grin crept across her face as she half ran to Lockie’s table.

“It’s so good to finally meet you in person.” She boomed hugging him.

“Yes, you too.” He replied quietly.

“This is my husband Carter, Carter this is Lockie.”

Carter extended his hand. Lockie couldn’t help noticing his thick forearm as he shook his it.

“Very nice to meet you. I can’t tell you how excited we both are. We have not done anything like this before.”

“Let’s just get a bottle or two first and then we can talk.” Lockie said, trying to fight the second thoughts that had just begun to creep into him.

They drank a full bottle çukurambar escort of whiskey between them. The conversation began to flow easier about three quarters in.

He already knew Monroe’s life story, she started modelling at the age of nineteen, did a bit of glamour shoots before deciding to adopt the retro pin up girl persona. Her and Carter were high school sweethearts, they got married pretty young once he joined the army and was about to be deployed for the first time. Carter told him how most of his family members were also in the army so it was a no brainer what he was going to do with his life, he asked Lockie how he got started in camming, what his family thought of it and had he ever been recognised. They were pretty standard questions that Lockie had heard before. He noticed that Carters hand never left his wife’s leg throughout. Lockie found that sweet.

“So what made you want to get a friend to play with?” Lockie asked looking at Monroe. Her platinum blonde hair was almost white.

“We always wanted to try it out but we were always too nervous and we couldn’t really agree on what type of person we wanted to join us. But then I found your room on the site and we began talking and something just clicked. I asked Carter to view one of your sessions to see what he thought and he agreed nearly straightaway.”

Carter looked down shyly.

As he began to feel tipsy he looked at them both through different eyes. He would have no problem sleeping with a girl like Monroe if he met her in a club and he would quiet happily film a scene with Carter if it was work. His thoughts turned to sex then and he began to get horny.

“I just need to run to the bathroom real quick, then you can show me your room if you want?” Lockie said standing up.

“Yes.” Monroe answered instantly. Lockie looked at Carter.

“Sounds good mate.” He said looking into Lockie’s eyes.

Lockie half stumbled to the washroom, he put one hand above the urinal and leaned against the wall. He could feel someone beside him.

“Lockie, I just wanted a quick word with you on our own.” Carter said standing three urinals down.

“What is it, you gonna lay down the law?” He said shaking his cock and doing his fly up.

“No, it’s not that, I want this as much as she does and now that I have meet you I feel better. I was scared earlier but now I am fine. I always wanted to try stuff with a guy if I am being honest.”

Lockie raised an eyebrow at him.

“Monroe knows.” He said joining him at the sink. “I was just wondering where you stood on it, I have seen your clips.”

“That’s work though, this is play.”

“OK.” Carter said dejectedly. “I understand.”

Lockie felt bad, he hadn’t grasped how much that this married couple wanted this to happen with him.

“Let’s just see how we go, alright.” He said placing his hand on Carters shoulder. It was broad and rock hard under his touch. “But whatever happens I am sure we will all have a good time.”


“Here you go.” Carter said handing him a drink, “Monroe said it was your favorite brand.”

Lockie nodded as he accepted it, now that he was in their room he was starting to relax a bit. Monroe was in the bathroom putting on some sexy lingerie. He looked around, one queen sized bed dominated the room, it had a small area that housed the kettle and two cups. A flat screen TV hung from the wall, the news was on but the sound was down.

Carter kicked off his shoes and poured himself and Monroe a drink.

“Cheers.” He said and extended his glass, “Here’s to a fun night.”

Lockie too slipped off his shoes.

“If it’s OK with you and you feel comfortable doing it, I was thinking maybe you and I could put on a bit of a show for her. She has been having it tough with me away the last few months and I thought it would be nice for her. She told me that she isn’t expecting you to do anything with me but I just thought I would throw it out there.”

Lockie sat on the edge of the bed, his drink buzz really kicking in. He thought of all the money and messages that Monroe had sent him these last few weeks.

“I am sure we can do that.”

Carters body sagged with relief.

“But you need to chill and relax man, your stressing me out.”

“OK I am coming out guys.” Monroe called before she emerged from the bathroom. She was wearing a dark red bra and panty set. On her feet she had black stilettos. Carters eyes nearly popped from his head.

“Babe you look so fucking gorgeous.”

“Very nice.” Lockie said as he drank in the woman before him, he could feel a chub coming in his pants. “How about you sit beside me on the bed.” He patted the mattress beside him and leaned back to rest on his elbows. Carter gave his wife a passionate kiss before letting her walk towards Lockie.

She stood before him before sinking to her knees.

“Not just yet. I think Carter should strip first, what do you think Monroe?”

“Yes,” She replied quietly, demetevler escort her eyes never leaving Lockies.

“You heard the woman. Strip.”

Carter stood momentarily dazed before he began to unbutton his shirt. He slowly dragged it off his muscular frame before throwing it on the floor. Underneath he was wearing a black vest. Lockie pulled himself up to the top of the bed.

“Lie between my legs.” He said to Monroe who complied quickly. “It’s easier to enjoy the show.”

Carter stood and watched as Lockie began to rub Monroe’s breast while he kissed her neck, he hadn’t seen such wanton desire on her face since their wedding night.

“Now the pants.” Lockie said not looking up, he started to lick her ear lobe and pull down her bra exposing her nipples. He slowly began to tweak them as Carters pants fell to his ankles.

Monroe moaned under his touch, the sight of her husband stripping and getting groped by another man at the same time was driving her wild. She had always been adventurous sexually but this was on a whole other level.

Carter stood at the end of the bed wearing just his socks, vest and underwear which now housed his boner.

“Lose the vest and socks.” Lockie said increasing the pressure on her nipples.

Carters mouth began to get dry, he was worried that seeing another man with his wife would make him angry but it had the opposite effect it was the biggest turn on. He started to pull down his jocks but Monroe held out her hand for him to stop. She instead pointed between her legs.

He slowly eased his way on to the bed, gently kissing her legs as he separated them . He rubbed his nose against her pussy, a move he knew drove her wild.

“Fuck.” She moaned. Reaching down, she placed her hand on his shaved head and pushed his face deeper into her crotch.

Lockie was throbbing now, his erection was pressing into Monroe’s back. He was really enjoying this.

“Eat her pussy.” He said as he cupped both breasts and began to massage them forcefully.

Carter moved the fabric of her panties to one side before spitting on her gash. He slowly began to fan her opening with his tongue. Her pussy was so wet that it made a squelching noise as he slurped up her juices.

She was writhing now, her hand was rubbing her clit while her husband ate her out and her favourite cam star was playing with her tits. She couldn’t believe this was happening.

“I need your cock Lockie.” She muttered breathlessly.

He whispered in her ear, “I know.” He slowly pushed her up and slid out from behind her. Carter didn’t stop but Lockie could see him staring at him. He quickly drained the remains of his drink. He was caught up in the moment now.

“Carter, give me a hand.” He slurred. Monroe stared at them agog as Carter moved away from her and towards Lockie.

He slowly began pulling up Lockie’s black tee. Monroe had moved to the edge of the bed, her hands rubbing between her thighs furiously as she watched her husband undress another man. He made quick work of the shorts. Carter stood to his side rubbing his hand up and down Lockie’s torso slowly. His muscles put his own to shame.

Lockie ran his hand up and down Carter’s strong bicep. He looked him in the eyes before slowly pulling his face towards his. Carter replied hesitantly at first before their lips connected, then he eased into it, massaging Lockie’s tongue in kind. Monroe was driven wild. She never thought her husband would kiss another man.

Lockie pulled away, he had kissed men in the past but it was usually for a drunken joke, he tried to push the conflicting thoughts running through his mind, he couldn’t deny that he had a stiff cock after the kiss.

He moved back towards Monroe, pushing her onto the mattress and kissing her deeply. He could hear Carter once again go back to work on his wife’s cunt. Monroe’s hand snaked down Lockie’s six pack and into his underwear. She grabbed hold of his meaty dick and began to pull it slowly at first before quickening her pace as their kiss intensified.

He pulled down his jocks, his cock springing out. He moved up her body as she still lay on her back, guiding his prick into her mouth. Her full red lips soon parted as she took him.

Carter looked up, his wife was now licking the full length of Lockie’s cock, he felt a sensation in his body that he had not felt before. He couldn’t contain himself any more, he kicked off his own underwear and grabbed his wife’s legs, lifting them up and resting them on his shoulders. He spat on his hand and rubbed it over his helmet before he stuck it into her. Her body reacted instantly. A huge moan escaped her and her hand flew to her pussy.

Lockie looked down at Carter, his body was better in person, the V line between his hips was so defined it could have been made of marble. His cock was about 6.5′ and nearly as tanned as the rest of his body, his balls hung close to the shaft, he was smooth.

Monroe continued to give him head, her mouth was like a vacuum. She could take all of his 7′ with ease. Feeling her lips press against his bollocks was driving him crazy. Her tits began to jiggle with the motion of Carter fucking her. He slapped one of them, instantly it turned pink. Watching Carter slam in and out of her made Lockie’s asshole contract. He had never felt such pent up sexual desire. He began to rub his own nipples and forcing his dick further down Monroe’s throat.

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