
Loosening Up Bk. 01 Ch. 01-10


Book 1 — Loosening Up: Initial Journey

Chapter 1 — A Crack In The Façade

Alice sedately drove her seven-year old silver Honda Civic into the parking lot of the company she worked for — Knightsbridge Manufacturing. She looked around, but only a few cars were present. Along the back side of the lot four cars were already parked in the spaces under the trees where they would enjoy shade all day, and not heat up so the insides roasted at near oven temperatures until their owner got in and could barely sit or touch the steering wheel.

Alice pulled into the last shaded space between two other cars. One looked like her neighbor and best friend’s car — Dori Winter. She parked next to it, putting Dori’s car on her passenger side. She thought, ‘What we need now instead of the dog days of summer are some lower temperatures.’

Alice got out and firmly shut the door. She glanced into the SUV parked right next to her driver’s side door.

“OH, MY GOD!” Alice gasped silently. One hand flew to her mouth in shock. A shot of adrenalin hit her entire body in one fell swoop. For a few seconds she was frozen in place, the ‘fright, fight, flight’ response uncertain because of what she saw.

Inside the SUV were two people — fucking. The windows were open for ventilation and Alice realized the engine was running, probably to power the air conditioning.

She backed away from the car and the couple, stopping when she was against her own car, but she’d already been seen and seen who the two people were: Dori Winter and Brad Quinn.

Just before she started running for the office building where Dori and she worked, she heard Dori’s voice, “Hi, Alice. Want to join us?”

Alice ran, her two-inch heels loudly clicking on the softening asphalt with every step and sounding like a machine gun since she was moving so fast. She dashed into the building with her mind in a jumble. She dropped her purse at her desk and ran into the ladies’ room, as much to hide from anybody else as to get a grip on what had just happened — what she’d just seen. She couldn’t ‘un-see’ it.

She stared at herself in the large mirror over the three sinks in the room. Her skin was flushed, her eyes was as large as saucers, and she wondered if she’d even blinked since seeing the couple having intercourse. She was flushed and still breathing hard from her short run — a trot really, since her shoes had limited her. Further she felt her heart pounding at about a thousand beats a minute; she’d had a huge shot of adrenalin.

She gasped and even whispered some of the words aloud, ‘My God, Dori — my best friend and neighbor was fucking one of the sales guys in his car. What will I ever say to her again? Will her husband find out? Is she breaking up with Ty? Why would she ever do something like this? I know she’s flirty and all, but I never thought she’d be this crass and promiscuous.

Alice thought more about her friend and colleague Dori; ‘God, she was fucking in public … in the daytime … before work. Should I say anything to her? To her husband? What should I tell my husband? Oh God, this is so unsettling. I’m so embarrassed.’

Alice and her husband Dave were the epitome of propriety. They’d admitted to their close friends that they’d been virgins when they got married seven years earlier, and been teased about it ever since the revelation. If there was a source of moderation to the weekly get-togethers they attended or hosted with some of their neighbors, it was Alice and Dave Prentiss.

Everyone teased them good naturedly, but they also valued their friendship so kept a lid on things most of the time. That said, when the tenor of their informal parties split along male-female lines, they both heard comments and stories of a risqué and sexual nature that would make their hair stand on end. Not surprisingly, they kept those remarks to themselves after the couples got back together. Such things were not polite conversation, even between a married couple.

Alice washed her face and reapplied her lipstick, a pale shade almost the natural color of her lips. She wasn’t one to bother much with makeup. She hoped people would accept her as she was, not who she could jazz herself up to be. Beside that, she’d heard several of the older women in their Bible church chastise a woman her age for being ‘too dolled up.’ My God, what would those women have said if they’d seen Dori?

She went back to her desk, and started to get things organized for the coming week. Before arriving at work, she’d thought about how to tell Dori about the church cookout they’d gone to on the previous afternoon after the Sunday church service. She’d had an interesting discussion with the mayor of their small town about a grant to renovate the library and modernize it into the information age. Those thoughts were long gone.

In their place, all Alice could think about was Dori hunched over the backseat on what she guessed was Brad Quinn’s SUV, with him thrusting into her Çağlayan Escort body with what she saw as a wet and slimy cock — wet and slimy with Dori’s juices. The scene couldn’t be unseen, or forgotten.

Alice got some of her papers out and tried to get ready to work, but then realized that she was just staring off into space replaying in her mind over and over again the scene she’d taken in for a few seconds only minutes earlier. She couldn’t even define what she felt other than some degree of shock over the public nature of what she saw.

She again repeated to herself what she’d seen, drawing some prurient satisfaction at the scene. Dori had been naked, her pendulous breasts swinging around wildly as she knelt on the reclined back seat facing her. Brad had also been naked and bent over her body with his back near the car roof. His shiny cock had been pumping at a rapid rate into Dori’s body. There were the slapping together sounds. There was no doubt what was happening; no alternative explanation and no misinterpretation. The couple had been making love … or fucking. That was the term Dave used when there was more lust than love in the coupling. The two didn’t even slow down or stop once she’d caught them. They’d made no attempt to even hide despite the unavoidable eye contact with each of them.

Alice came out of her reverie when the door to the office area opened and Dori came in with a bounce to her step and a smile on her face. She waved at Alice as she went to her desk about fifty feet away. She dropped off her purse, and went directly to the ladies’ room. Alice speculated about the cleanup job Dori required.

Alice also debated with herself about going into the girls’ room and confronting Dori. She couldn’t come up with a cogent series of comments to make, and so she just sat and stared at the door to the bathroom. Other people were starting to arrive, so a natural tendency to look busy over came her flustered emotions. She turned to her computer screen and started to familiarize herself with the accounts she’d been examining on Friday when she’d left work for the weekend. Roy Goodman, her boss, arrived and greeted her in a friendly tone before disappearing into his nearby office.

Her mind chastised her for being so nosy about Dori’s business. Maybe she wouldn’t say anything. Just being caught in flagrante delicto might be sufficient to awaken Dori’s morals. But then, suppose this was a long-term relationship. Dave and she were friends with Dori and Ty — her husband, and she had strong feelings of affection and friendship for both of them. She wouldn’t want anything to happen to their relationship or marriage. Alice dithered back and forth about whether to comment, and then if she did about what to say.

Dori came out of the girls’ room, and came over to Alice. She grinned and said in a low and secretive tone, “Sorry you caught us in a compromising position. I hope we didn’t throw off your morning.” Her comments were light and airy, and not at all apologetic. There didn’t seem to be any remorse there.

Alice admitted in an almost angry tone, “You did. I don’t know what to say.” She looked up at Dori, almost pleading for her to reassure her that she and Ty were still solid.

Dori said, “Let’s have lunch together. We can go to that salad bar place on Main and talk. I guess I owe you a little explanation.”

Alice nodded acceptance, but resolved to organize her thinking and what she intended to say to Dori over lunch. She wanted to say certain things, but not have it appear to be a lecture.

A little over three hours later, Alice let Dori drive the two of them to the restaurant named Fresh Salads. They went through the cafeteria line, got their salads and soft drinks, and then found an isolated booth where they could talk in private.

After they sat, Dori held her hand up to stop the onslaught of condemnation she felt certain was coming from her staid friend.

Alice had just inhaled with the expectation to speak. She had a question ready too, ‘What are you doing to your marriage and what about Ty?’ She figured that was a good place to start. To her, it put the most important and salient points regarding the impact of her fucking Brad Quinn right out on the table.

Dori scooped her. “Alice, before you say anything there are a couple of things you need to know about Ty and me. We’ve kept them kind of private, especially from you and Dave because the two of you are such goody-goodies; we didn’t want to shock the two of you. First, Ty and I are swingers of sorts. We don’t do it too much, and only with a few friends we’ve met over the past five years, but we enjoy it. Yes, we both have sex with them.

“Second, Ty knows that I like to fuck Brad. Usually he likes the details and we get off on telling each other what we’ve done. He has a couple of lady friends that he has assignations with fairly frequently, too. I like to hear about those too. We arouse each other Escort Çağlayan that way.”

Dori sat back and worked preparing her salad to eat. She looked up at Alice’s startled face. “I can imagine you have a few questions, so go ahead.”

Alice stared at her friend, the friend she thought she knew so well. For four years they’d had a growing friendship, seen each other at work almost daily, spent many Saturday evenings together with them and some other neighbors, and at other times had been casual drop-in buddies. Ty and Dave were close too, often doing ‘guy things’ together on the weekend.

Alice said, “But … your marriage?”

Dori nodded, “Very solid, and also very open. We have an open relationship, meaning we are free to be with others as we choose. We are committed to each other, and to each other’s growth and personal development in mind, body, and spirit. I love Ty more now than at any time since we met. I know he’d say the same thing.”

“And Brad?”

Dori said dismissively, “Oh, he’s a nice fuck once in a while. I was getting coffee at Starbucks this morning and ran into him. We said a few things to each other, and the next we knew we were fucking in his SUV and you were looking in the window after parking next to us. Brad and I have done this about once a month since he joined the sales team two years ago.”

Alice gasped, “Wow. I just didn’t know.” She shook her head in disbelief. She thought she knew Dori, and now realized she’d barely scratched the surface.

“Eat your lunch, Alice. We came here to eat. You’re like numbed out by all this. Don’t be. This is how the world works. It revolves around sex a lot of the time. You do have sex with your husband, don’t you?”

Alice nodded. She blurted out, “Oh, yes. We enjoy making love.” She almost volunteered that they did the sex act once or twice a week, but quickly decided that was too much information to share.

Dori posed, “And you’ve discovered the many emotions that accompany the act, and you vary the pace with your husband from surprising him naked at the front door eager to have him plunder your body, to being the soft and submissive wife willing to take direction and obey his every command? You do fuck in other than the missionary position, too; right?”

Alice blushed, “We’re pretty conservative, I guess.” Dori’s comments stung a bit.

“Well, get with the agenda. Let me ask you, do you like sex?”

“Oh, yes. I really enjoy it. I kind of wish we did it more.”

“How would Dave answer that question?”

Alice was shocked, “I don’t know what he’d say. He seems pleased. It’s a taboo topic. We don’t talk about it. It’s … embarrassing.” She looked down at her lap as she talked.

Dori probed, “Why don’t you ask him tonight … after you’ve fucked his brains out.”

Alice promised, “I will. I’m not sure how to do the latter part of what you propose.”

Dori laughed, “To fuck his brains out? Think about it, but here are some tips. You are the aggressor; you are the one that wants wild and wooly sex with him. You want to fire him up so he can’t think of anything other than ravaging your body. Perhaps you start with a little nudity, a seductive dance, and of course a blowjob. You get him to eat your pussy until you have a dozen orgasms. Then you pounce on his body, demanding more attention. Get him to fuck you blind and in lots of different positions. In the meanwhile, you fuck back; none of that passive stuff for you. You writhe and squirm under him telling him what a hot fuck he is, what a great cock he has, and how you want more and more sex with him. Tell him you want to fuck him morning, noon, and night, seven days a week for the rest of your life. Tell him you love him more than life, especially when he has his cock buried deep in your hot and wet little cunt.”

Alice had started to hang on every word out of Dori’s mouth. She found delight in the way Dori could just rattle off all the sexual suggestions and not struggle to think about the subject the way she did sometimes. She wished she had the same facility with sex that her friend seemed to have.

Dori pushed her even harder. “You know, tomorrow morning, I’m going to come by your house before work. We’ll carpool. I want to be sure that both Dave and you are barely able to walk because you’ve had such a night of intense sex. Didn’t you do stuff like this in college?”

Alice shook her head; “You know Dave and I were virgins when we married after graduation. We’d messed around — petting, kind of, but never made love until our wedding night.”

Dori rolled her eyes, “Yes, I forgot. You need an education, my dear. Maybe we can change the G-rating of our Saturday get-togethers to bring them up to an R-rating like all the other get-togethers adults have. The others are ahead of you on that score — way ahead, in some ways.” She muttered, “At least, I think so.”

“The others?” Alice asked. “What do you mean?”

“Yes. Çağlayan Escort Bayan Dev, Wendy, Sean, and Kat at least know that Ty and I are swingers. They don’t partake, but we’ve had a couple of brief discussions about it. They’re interested, but haven’t followed up since we told them a few months back. With that group, they’re a more relaxed about talking about or kidding each other about sexual matters.”

Alice murmured, “So, Dave and I are sort of the wet blankets on things?”

“No,” insisted Dori. “We love you both, and you’re our good friends — even my best friend, especially now that you know all about me — or rather us. We just would like that you loosen up a bit.”

“How would I even start that?”

Dori chuckled, “Wear a sexy bikini on Saturday; show a lot of skin. You always look like you’re wearing a bathing suit out of the 1900s. Do what I told you to with Dave tonight and every night the rest of the week, and let me worry about the coming up with ideas or challenges for you. I’ll put the word out subtly that you’re trying to be a little more hip about the steamier side of life. You’d better tell Dave about this too, otherwise, he’s apt to be caught off-guard.”

Alice was so eager to beat Dave home that she left work ten minutes early. She rushed into the house, ran to their bedroom and stripped off her clothes. She rummaged in her underwear drawer for some sexy lingerie, disappointed in her findings when that was the criteria, but settling on a thong she’d bought years earlier on a whim and then never worn, and a push up bra that put her shapely breasts on display. She put on some high heels, and then a sheer cover-up she’d last worn to go to the pool at the resort they honeymooned at seven years earlier.

A quick circuit through the bathroom, and she added a little eye shadow, eyeliner, rouge, and soft red lip-gloss. She wanted to be dolled up. She fluffed up her hair a little as she heard Dave’s car pull into the garage. She ran through the house, and was nonchalantly leaning against the doorframe to the living room when Dave came in through the front door.

“I’m ho … Wow … Holy shit … Alice!”

Dave was frozen in position just inside the door. He was spellbound by the sexy woman a few feet away vamping at him. He could feel his dick thicken in his pants. Lust had just over-ridden every other thought in his mind.

“Baby,” Alice said. “I’ve missed you all day. You have something I really need, right now.” She intentionally looked at her husband’s rising bulge. She hoped she wasn’t coming across as silly or making him angry.

Alice strutted over to Dave, hooked a finger into his belt and started to unclasp his pants. As she did, she looked up at him, and gave him several hot and sultry kisses that left them both gasping for oxygen. She whispered to him, “I don’t think I show you how much I love you enough.”

Dave Prentiss wanted his wife, almost like never before. The situation he’d walked into was totally unexpected and out of character for his prim wife, but he’d take it. His response was even out of character for him. Later, he’d figure out what had happened to Alice to become this apparent wanton woman obviously intent on having sex with him.

He started to un-do the buttons on his sport shirt. Alice batted his hands away and said in a teasing tone, “My job!” She kissed his open neck.

He reached out to fondle her body, trying to cup her full breasts through the thin fabric of her bra. Alice batted his hands away and said, “Not yet. I’ll tell you when.” His touch had been electric; she’d felt the surge of lust not only on her breasts, but also deep in her lower sex.

Dave stood, cooperating as Alice stripped his clothes away, tossing them across the back of a living room chair. Dave tried to recall whether he’d ever been naked in his own living room before. He was sure he hadn’t, and Alice had never worn anything this scandalous outside of the bedroom, if then. Hell, the sun was still up; it was daytime and nearly the longest day of the year. He could see her thong and bra through the gossamer cover up she wore. She had makeup on, too; she looked really hot.

When Dave stood naked, Alice took his cock in both hands, fondling his balls and tumescent shaft as she knelt in front of him and looked up. He nearly fainted when she latched onto his cock with her mouth, trying to ingest his entire shaft. She toyed and played with him with hands, fingers, mouth, and tongue, finding new and creative ways to entice her husband. She hadn’t done much oral sex, and this was more fun than she’d expected. She liked this — the illicit act, the taste of his pre-cum, and the manly aromas.

Dave loved it. He had rapidly achieved the hardness of steel, and gained an impressive length. Although he hadn’t thought about it since college, he had learned that he was significantly above average in penis size. If he’d been a pussy hound, he would have left a trail of happy and satisfied co-eds behind. He’d been devoted and faithful to Alice ever since they met in high school. She loved their lovemaking, and told him so every time they merged on their once or twice a week special nights.

“Honey, if you keep that up, I’m going to cum … it’ll be kind of messy for you this way.”

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