
Loosening Up Bk. 09 Ch. 06-10


Chapter 6 – Checkups

Dave sat in an easy chair in the home of Cory and Lean Donaldson, two members of the Atlanta Group. The home was on newly acquired private property on a large plot of land about halfway between Atlanta and Macon, Georgia. The land owner was Owen Bennett. Dave, Alice, Owen, Julie, and Cricket had flown up in Dave’s jet on Friday afternoon to see how the group was progressing in becoming more like the Circle — their group’s espoused goal.

Everyone in the room was naked, and mostly they faced a large 65-inch television in their host’s living room. They’d been watching the pornography that Jean and Riley had done two weeks earlier with two men Mike Holiday had recruited from the university. The DVD was a preliminary cut at what the final video would be, but that didn’t take away any of the arousal and stimulating sex that everyone saw. The two couples in the video kept swapping back and forth as they worked their way towards duplicate messy money shots across the women’s faces and then their clean-up and snowballing of the effluent.

There were at least a couple of other videos that would be based on the footage shot that weekend when Bret, Jean, Brittany, and Riley had come to Sarasota to spend time with Circle-X Productions doing the filming. There were other videos to watch in the package Dave had hand carried to Bret, the leader of the Group. Those also included a new video by Alice Angel — Dave’s wife.

Lean sat is Dave’s lap. His long cock had been inside his hostess for most of the previous hour as they watched the first video. One or the other of them would squirm around or flex or twerk to keep them stimulated, aroused, and unquestioningly aware that they were fucking someone they really liked. Lean and Dave had kissed often during the showing. He also kept stroking her clit to keep her on edge.

Elsewhere in the room, Dave’s wives also sat on naked laps with cocks embedded inside them. The other men hadn’t lasted as long as Dave. He figured it was a matter of will power plus an overriding desire to please Lean. After she’d sucked on his shaft, matched what Riley and Jean were doing with two well-hung studs in the video, she maneuvered the cock into her pussy. She said, “Let’s watch the film. See if you can last until the end and stay inside me.” Dave did just that.

Lean sighed and came again. She seemed to have an orgasm every five or ten minutes, at least as the video played. She groaned, “Oh, fuck. So, fulfilling. You can cum now.”

That prompt was all Dave needed. He felt the last flutter of Lean’s vagina around his cock as she gave a final twerk for her own orgasmic pleasure, and he erupted, spewing a gallon of passionate man juice deep inside her. They kissed with abandon.

As they floated down from their highs, Dave felt a tongue lap his balls, cock, and knew it had progressed into Lean’s slit to her clit. She moaned. Dave said, “That’d be Julie or her protégé Cricket.”

Julie collected a wodge of cum and other fluids from the union and came up and French kissed with Lean and then with Dave. She then left the two of them to snowball what she had captured back and forth between them.

Julie had been with a new man that had recently joined the Atlanta Group — Kit Karson. Earlier, he’d explained that his parents had the last name Karson and that they were history buffs. Kit Karson was a well-known American frontiersman in the middle 1800s, so they decided their son should be named Kit. He’d learned to live with the name.

Kit was a delightful and well-mannered man with an excess of manhood that the women seemed to like. Julie and Alice had both ridden him during the movie, enjoying several notable orgasms a piece.

Kit also seemed well off. He’d been a computer nerd and happened to co-create a mystery game that sold pretty well between 1990 and 2010, when he and the others sold the business and their patents to Sega. He didn’t say it, but Dave guessed that he walked away from the sale without ever needing to work again in his life

Kit did work, on computer games. He was waiting out ten-year a noncompete clause in the sale, and he was all but ready to go back to the market he confided.

As the Atlanta Group had acquired the large plot of land to put their homes on (with Owen’s help), Kit had come along and wanted to be in that locale. Their polite discussion had eventually revealed some of the inner workings, culture, and ethos of the Atlanta Group. The Circle — made famous by the TV show — was also invoked as part of the underpinnings for the group.

Kit did his homework. Over the span of a week he watched all thirteen episodes of season one, and read Cricket’s book. He was hooked.

One Saturday morning, Bret found Kit on his doorstep with hat in hand. Kit said, “I want in. You’re building the kind of group and relationships that I want.” In some ways, Kit became their first pledge.

One thing that helped sell the group on Kit, was that he had contacts. He knew anadolu yakası escort of others he was sure would want to be part of the Atlanta Group. He bonded with Owen when they got together, and they shared some friends. Further, Kit also knew some other women he thought might like to join or at least be ‘friends’ with the group. Kit meant ‘friends with benefits’. When he showed them pictures, they were all model quality women. His male friends weren’t any slouches either.

After a few trips to different bathrooms in the relatively new home, people congregated again in the large living room. After everyone was present, Alice asked, “So, are you happy with your progress?”

Everybody in the Atlanta Group nodded. Bret said, “Owen really helped us put a stake in the ground about how we wanted to live. Finding this land and moving three homes to it as a starting move certainly got us rolling. We have four other homes under construction, and we’re all homing in on what we want our core space to be like. I admit that we’re insufferable copycats; this will look amazingly like a smaller version of the Circle when we’re through.”

Owen sat with Sianth on his lap; both were still very naked and there had been no doubt about their earlier intimacy. He blushed at the mention of his name, and then further when Sianth moved and kissed him on his lips.

Dave chuckled, “I’m convinced that we’ll never be through developing our Circle. We continue to have an influx of new members … and returning members.” Most in the group knew the story about Jake and Tanya, and their rocky path back to being a member and a pledge, respectively.

Amber asked, “How do you recruit?”

Everyone from the Circle chuckled. Dave responded, “We don’t. People come to us. They find something or someone that they like and that becomes the tiny wedge that opens up more and more to that person until they want to be included. The TV show and Cricket’s book sure help trim off the mostly curious. We’ve made it clear that people self-select in or out based on their friendships with us and our group philosophy or ethos.”

Alice chuckled and added, “There’s no doubt but that the sex we share is a large attraction to outsiders. They see us initially as either a swing club or a place to go get laid. We try to abuse them of either assumption pretty quick, and spend a lot of time focusing on the development of relationships. Dave’s class we call Circle 101 puts a lot of emphasis on a full relationship, albeit one with novel characteristics. That comes through in the TV show, too.”

Cory asked, with Nikky squirming in a sexy way on his naked lap, “Have you been approached by people that have seen the TV show?”

Nikky responded, “Fan mail. We get a large bag or two of letters every week — every episode. We’ve been culling out the hate mail, the you-are-sinners mail, the cock pics, and so on. That leaves us with maybe fifty to a hundred serious letters each week that want more information that even Cricket’s book gives. They want to know how to start up and so on, just like you guys.”

Cricket picked up the thread, “We’re putting together a smaller booklet on how to get started — kind of the things we just talked about, but in steps with criteria that should be met to be a success. For those that give us an address, we’ll reply with a form letter and see what happens; they can order the booklet if they’re that serious. I’ll get it up on Amazon. We’ve created a small data base of those names and addresses, so in a few weeks we’ll answer them. If they pass through that screen, maybe we’ll actually have them talk to someone. Beyond that, who knows?”

Val said, “You got a bunch of students from your university, didn’t you? Cricket mentioned a toga party towards the end of last term. How’s that going?”

Dave nodded, “We had sixteen students express interest after being with someone from the Circle and also visiting us. We lost over half of them over the summer, and I thought only one or two would come back and remain interested, but they all did. So, all sixteen are pledges.

“At the party, which got a little wild, I have to admit that sex was one of the big draws, but this group saw through that, even after getting to the Circle and seeing some of the swapping going on so we could be with other people.”

Julie snickered, “Plus, Dave gave The Experience to about half the women over that weekend and they all fell in love with him. THAT made them stick around.”

Dave rolled his eyes. “I guess that was a contributing factor. Most of the women were from a sorority on campus, Kappa Delta Alpha. The fraternity is Phi Theta Rho. The others don’t know this, but Hank Butler from PTR and Austin Dunn from KDA approached me last week about doing ‘something’ related to the Circle on campus. Nobody has a clear idea of what that might be but the thought and intention is out there. Something is sure to happen, but lord atalar escort knows what.”

Val said, “Would you have PTR and KDA say something like ‘Affiliated with The Circle’?”

Dave shook his head. “We just don’t know, yet. Maybe yes, maybe no. The second season of the TV show will start on the cable channels in a few weeks. I guess we’ll see what shakes out of that. Of course, the other thing is that some of those kids will bring friends and siblings because they’ve found such a great thing.”

Kit posed, “You’re still pretty open to visitors, yes?”

“Yes,” Dave said. The others nodded.

Val said, “I, for one, would like to visit you some weekend and see what I’ve heard about first hand. Perhaps you need some sort of pre-screening process that your guests would need to go through, lest you get besieged with masses of people wanting to join up with Swinging Disney World.” People laughed, but the thought was clear.

“Good idea. When we get home, we’ll get a think tank of folks started on some of these ideas. You should be adopting them as your own, too.”

Val said, “Since we gelled as a group two years ago, we’ve only had Kit join up with us.”

Kit laughed, “And Kit has a sister, a single mother, and lots of friends, both male and female that he’d like to share with.”

There were a few gasps.

Dave said, “People will find out from you eventually about how you live. Bret what would you ask if someone said your wife called?”

“Errr, which one?”

“Now, right there that response provokes a much larger discussion. Bret, I know you’re not shy about how you, Jean, and Riley live together, but you can see how a simple question can initiate a huge discovery process. Believe me, when I say ‘Which one?’ there’s a real melee about to happen.”

Kit laughed, “I bet, with ten wives.”

“I’d love to be the fly on the wall when either of you give that response,” Jaime said.

Dave said, “There are other questions, often asked innocently or naively. How’d you spend your weekend? Are you friendly with your neighbors? If you’re single, how do you meet members of the opposite sex? My wife is [fill in the blank], how about yours? You get the idea. You can brush some of them off, but I have difficulty lying, so I start with limited information and see if they follow-up. If they do, they get a little more, and a little more, until it comes out.

“Oh, one fun discussion you’re sure to encounter involve parents — either your own, your spouses, those of someone who pledges, or simply someone that’s interested.

Those questions can be even more probing and dangerous to answer. We told you about Alice and Julie’s parents, and their other sister Karen. What a disaster that turned out to be.”

Julie was sitting in Ed’s lap squirming around like some of the other women. She announced, “I have a hard and lovely thing poking into my little cunny, and I really want to do something about it. Would anybody else mind if we kind of just sat here and got to know each other better including in a carnal way?”

Alice was on Stan’s lap, “I have the same situation over her.”

Owen mentioned that he couldn’t control his penile response to Renata’s sweet pussy squishing around over his cock with her leakage from an earlier fuck. He also wanted some relief.

Everybody else coupled up and lights were again dimmed. This lovemaking session went on for a long time.

* * * * *

“Circle Airport, November-One-Two-Echo-Romeo is on ten mile final for runway two-seven. We have information Sierra from SRQ.”

Dave heard an unfamiliar female voice respond, “Two-Echo-Romeo, welcome home. Altimeter two-niner-niner-five. Pete had a student doing touch and goes up until ten minutes ago; you might want to watch out for them. Airport out.”

As the jet touched down, Dave got a visual flash of three golf carts waiting beside the hangar. He couldn’t tell who was sitting in them, since the drivers were in the shade. After bringing the jet to a stop, he taxied to the parking area for the jet.

There was no lineman to direct his plane to some perfect parking spot. The lineman was a line-woman, and a perfect specimen, at that. Clee Noel had assumed the role. She wore only one tiny item of clothing plus her flip-flops, namely a thong that did little to hide her sexuality. He’d never had an almost naked lineman with classic boobs direct him — anywhere. Further, she knew what she was doing with the red batons and directed the jet perfectly.

Alice had been Dave’s copilot on the trip back to Sarasota from Macon. She teased, “I bet all the pilots get a hard-on or get wet when she directs their jets to parking areas.”

Alice and Dave quickly went through the shutdown checklist. Meanwhile, Cricket had opened the door of the plane and together with Julie and Owen were getting the small amount of luggage out of the plane onto the tarmac.

Alice and Dave ataşehir escort got out of the plane and completed the tie-down. Dave then went and hugged Clee and Merry Noel, who were there to greet the plane. Clee had been the hot, naked woman directing the plane.

Dave asked Clee, “How’d you know the hand signals to give a pilot?”

Clee looked at him in a surprised way. “I’ve been flying since I was fifteen. I’ve probably watched five hundred of them direct me to a parking space since then. I’ve owned six planes up until now and have about five-thousand hours logged. I’m between planes right now. The last one was a Cessna 412 — nice twin that trued out at about 260 knots. The Circle having so many pilots was one of the many features that attracted me to become a member. Merry Noel is a pilot, too, but on a more casual basis. She doesn’t have her multi-engine rating yet.”

Dave shook his head and wondered how he’d missed this major pursuit in two of his favorite women in the Circle. He knew that Clee was usually away midweek as a consultant, and Merry was an elementary school teacher at Southside School.

Dave said, “I am truly embarrassed that I didn’t know that about either you or Merry.”

Merry said, “Since I became a member, I’ve started to work on my commercial-instrument ratings with Pete and Doug. Mom has her instructor’s certificate, but she doesn’t do anything with it. I’ll pick-up an ME rating along the way.”

Clee said, “It’s my fall back career when nobody wants a computer security consultant.”

Dave stated with a glance, “I don’t think you’ll ever be out of a job.”

Clee shrugged and her breasts shook in a desirable way. “It pays well. I’m getting eight hundred an hour for my services.” She shook her breasts more in Dave’s face, “And speaking of service, one of the reasons Merry and I came down to meet your plane is that we’d like some mother-daughter time with you — now, unless you have plans? We wanted to be sure to be the first to ask.”

“I can’t think of a nicer way to end a Sunday afternoon. Your townhouse?” He looked at Clee and Merry. He added, “Clee, I don’t know where you live. My home is apt to be a bit of a zoo for the next few hours.”

Clee said, “Colleen and I are living with Merry in her guest room. I don’t think Colleen is there. Let’s go to Merry’s.”

Dave bid goodbye to Alice, Owen, Julie, Cricket, and Nikky, and headed off in a golf cart with Merry and Clee. The others took the other golf carts up to the Circle. Merry lived in Townhouse Six.

Soon they were all in Merry’s living room, and she pulled the drapes across the windows. The two nearly nude women doffed what little clothing they wore and then ensured that Dave was also in a similar state.

The two dropped to their knees on the floor and worked their tongues up and down the sides of his hard cock. Each held one of his cheeks ensuring that he could be maneuvered to just the right position for their dual blowjob. They took turns encapsulating the mushroom cap, changing the decorator color from its flaccid pink to hard-on purple in only a minute or so. Dave leaned over and fondled the breasts he could reach.

Clee said, “We’re going to do something with you that we saw in a porn film one time. We’re both going to fuck you at the same time.”

Dave smiled and said, “I’m ready. Show me.” Years earlier Alice and Pam had figured out this trick, but it was long forgotten and a lot of fun. Everyone got off, if things were handled right.

All three got down on the plush carpet and Clee got a pile of cushions from the two sofas. She explained, “Merry and I are going to start tribbing in a scissoring position. We want your cock between us.” She proceeded to arrange the three of them.

Dave noted that Merry was no stranger to the lesbian sexual practice as the mother-daughter pair positioned themselves over his body, using the pillows to ensure proper positioning.

Dave’s cock was surrounded by pussy from each side — Clee on his right, and Merry on his left. The two started to grind together with their vulvas snug against his hard-on. Merry came with practically no other stimulation only about thirty seconds after they started.

Merry moaned, “I’ve been primed for that all day, since mom mentioned the idea of fucking you to me. You know I always fire off at the least little thing.”

Clee came a few minutes later. By then, Dave worried that his explosion might ruin every piece of cloth in the room — drapes, valances, sofas, chairs, and probably the posh rug. He could feel the pressure mounting and warned the women.

Clee laughed, “We love cum. We’d bathe in it if we could. Supply is so limited.”

Merry just nodded and again ground her wet slit into the union the three were sharing.

Eventually, Dave just said, “Now! Coming, now!” The first shot of ejaculate rose about six feet in the air and fell back onto Clee’s lower body. She moaned and said, “Oh, fuck. Orgasm. Ooooooh!”

Merry started yet another for her collection from the late afternoon assignation the three of them shared. She got covered with his second and third shots, and then Clee seemed to end up with the rest.

Dave said, “THAT was the greatest.”

All three of them were panting when a third female voice said, “Oh, a private party in our own living room. How hot is this?”

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