
Luxurious Leather Lady Pt. 10


Back inside the house, I quickly made my way from the front door towards the stairs and up to the guest room to get dressed.

As I did so, however, I found that just as at breakfast, it felt almost wrong to be standing there fully dressed knowing I was still under Miss Vera’s roof. I must admit it was quite incredible how, after less than twenty-four hours here, she already had me so well-trained as to truly believe it was wrong to be clothed around her.

That said, we both knew if I was to take her shopping once again, I needed to be dressed and so once I was, I picked up my phone, wallet and keys and made my way back to the front door.

Upon exiting, I found Miss Vera waiting for me, and without a word, she locked the door behind us and walked toward my car.

Had anyone been passing by and happened to see us, it may have appeared to them that we were simply some well-to-do couple heading out for a later morning drive, even if the truth of the matter was as far from that as possible. Even so, it felt good to appear so inconspicuous, even if on the inside I was a blubbering mess of a man simply being in Miss Vera’s presence.

Just as with her car, I opened the door for her, the passenger’s side this time though, then shut it gently before taking my place in the driver’s seat- the only time in which I could conceivably say I was in it while Miss Vera was around. After all, it was clear to me that in all other aspects of my life, it was she who held that distinction.

Miss Vera did not comment on my choice of car- a far cheaper one than any of the ones in her garage, although I realized she likely had a good reason. Though it would have been easy for her to look down upon my car, especially after seeing the ones she was used to, the sheer fact that I chose such a less elegant one was proof that my money was not going towards such foolish things but rather where it should be.

To her.

And I had a feeling I’d be spending quite a bit of it on her before the day was through.

“Take me to town, Edward,” Miss Vera said as she slid on her seat belt. “There are a few shops I’d like to stop in today.”

“Yes Miss Vera,” I replied, putting the car into drive and heading away from the previous days’ den of decadence and denial.

The ride into town took nearly half an hour, almost all of which was spent in comfortable silence. And yet, simply being there, knowing that Miss Vera was indeed sitting in my car, was nearly enough to blow my mind. If everything else I had experienced up to now had seemed nearly impossible to comprehend, this was even more so. Being in her presence was one thing. To have her in my car? That was nearly unbelievable.

Several times during the drive, however, I noticed Miss Vera smooth out her gloves, the sound of leather on leather echoing out in the car and driving me mad. Not only that, but once or twice, one of her hands made its way to my leg, and even clothed, I found I still shivered at the contact. Though she was not being overly teasing, at least compared to earlier, it didn’t matter. The slightest touch, the smallest bit of acknowledgement from her, was like water to a man dying of thirst. I craved it.

The lights and morning traffic of town came into view, as did several shops, and Miss Vera silently pointed me towards our first destination.

As I parked the car, I looked outside at the store. It was far from the high-end boutique to which she had first brought me, yet I could see a fair amount of clothing suited to one such as her through the front window. Yes, Miss Vera would find something she wanted here, and I would pay for it.

Exiting, I moved to open her door and even offered her my hand. Miss Vera smirked and took it in her leather-gloved one, allowing me to lead her out of the car even as. Yet standing there on the curb, the sensation of the smooth black leather in my hand, I swore I would explode in my pants, so addicted was I to even the slightest contact with my Goddess.

And she knew it.

“Calm yourself, Edward. You wouldn’t want to make a mess now, would you? Especially since I’d still make you follow me around the shops so everyone could see.” She smiled wickedly as she said this, and I shivered at the thought of such humiliation. Luckily, she had no such designs in store for me. “Now now, kiss my glove and relax.”

Even though we both knew such a thing was more likely to increase my desire than to calm it, I did as she commanded, and pressed my lips to the leather. The scent of it wafted into my nose but for a moment, yet it was still enough to bring me back to my senses, as well as to remind me who was in control.

After all, if Miss Vera wanted me to cum in my pants right now, she could and would make it happen.

We entered the shop, I holding each door open for her, and once inside, Miss Vera led me straight to a rack showing various leather dresses of varying lengths and colours, my eyes practically glued to each one. She looked at them, midyat escort passing over some and stopping on others until she seemed to decide on the ones that interested her.

“I’d like to try these on,” she said almost absent-mindedly, sliding off her jacket as she did. “Hold this Edward.”

I did as she asked, the leather still warm from being wrapped around her body and the faint traces of her scent lingering on it and mixing into an exquisite aroma, then followed her to the changing room. Miss Vera stepped inside once, then turned to shut the door, but not before offering me a teasing wink from behind her lowered sunglasses. “Wait right here. Don’t want you dawdling off you naughty boy.”

With that, she shut the door and was out of sight, yet even that did not prevent her from teasing me further. From inside the changing room, I heard the unmistakable sound of her boots slipping off and dropping to the floor, followed by her removing her clothing.

Mere feet away from where I stood, my Goddess was stripping down to her skivvies, and the thought of that alone drove me mad with lust.

The thing was, in nearly all of her content, Miss Vera remained clothed. That was part of her charm, of her power. It was not the possibility of nudity, of seeing her bare breasts or backside, it was the fact that seeing her dressed in leather was far more tantalizing and erotic. Any woman could flash her privates on the internet. Only a true Goddess like Miss Vera could command countless men’s attention while retaining her modesty.

After a few moments of waiting, the door opened, and Miss Vera stepped out wearing a long, tight black leather dress that seemed to have been made especially for her. The leather hugged every curve of her exquisite body, while also showing off just enough of her assets to tempt even the most chaste of men into sin. The fact that she kept her gloves on only added to the image, and my jaw dropped at the sight of her.

“Like it, Edward?” Miss Vera asked with a giggle, knowing I was completely unable to answer, my mind frozen by the sight standing before me. “I’ll take that as a yes… But you really should use your words, sweetie…”

I nodded as she stepped back inside the changing room, forcing my mind to find any words with which to describe what I’d seen and would likely see again soon. She would be back soon to show off the other dress, and I did not want to disappoint her by not showering her with the proper admiration.

The second time the door opened, Miss Vera appeared in a shorter black dress, the cut of which was mere inches past her waist, thus showing off her stocking-clad legs quite incredibly. “And this one, Edward?”

“You look ravishing Miss Vera,” I managed to sputter out, hoping that would be enough as my mind still could scarcely function beneath the veritable wave of sexual power emanating from her. “Simply ravishing.”

That seemed to do the trick, seeing as she smiled those lovely red lips of hers and blew me a kiss off her glove in thanks, before waltzing back into the changing room. I could hear her remove the dress, as well as put the rest of her outfit back, ending with the familiar zipping up of her boots.

Then she stepped back out and handed me the two dresses in exchange for her jacket. “Come along, we’re only getting started.”

Although I’d assumed we would continue shopping at this particular establishment, Miss Vera had other plans, and instead, I found myself by the cash paying a rather large amount for the two dresses she had chosen. Once upon a time, I would have found such an act ludicrous, but now? Just the idea that I might see her in them again was more than enough to justify the cost.

We returned to the car, I opening the door for her once again before placing the bag with the dresses in the trunk. Then I took my seat and drove, Miss Vera quickly directing me several blocks to another shop. Oddly enough, this one appeared to be a thrift shop of some kind, which was as far from the high-end boutique from our first trip as one could get.

Almost as if she could read my thoughts or sense my confusion, Miss Vera smirked. “A great many of my gloves were purchased in places like this. With proper care, they can be just as lovely as brand new ones.”

I simply nodded and followed her inside, curious to see what sort of hidden treasures someone like Miss Vera could unearth in such a place.

The shop was far busier than the previous one had been, attracting a rather varied clientele in search of bargains, yet Miss Vera’s choice of outfit did not stand out even if her beauty did, at least in my humble opinion. She also seemed to know the shop quite well, barely taking a moment to hone in on precisely what she was looking for.

Over by the back wall, there was a veritable smorgasbord of gloves, from long silk and satin ones to leather of all sizes, and while it was clear some had seen better days, Miss Vera handpicked her way through milas escort the rabble and removed nearly a half-dozen pairs of leather ones which, had I seen them outside of here, I’d have firmly believed they’d come from a store like the one we’d previously visited.

There was a pair of red driving gloves, a similar green pair, two elbow-length white ones, a shoulder-length black pair, and a short, just past the wrist black pair which may as well have been brand new they looked so exquisite. Miss Vera removed her current pair and handed them to me, then slowly tried on each one.

My eyes widened as the rainbow of luscious leather slipped over her fingers and hands, taking form and sending shivers through me. My mind reeled at the thought of feeling each one against my skin, being teased by them at Miss Vera’s whim, and my cock strained against my pants with each new fantasy.

One of the white pairs as well as the shoulder-length black ones didn’t seem to fit quite right, and Miss Vera returned them to where she’d found them before passing the rest to me, slipping on her original pair and pointing across the shop, to a rack of vintage leather jackets.

Miss Vera picked one up straight away, switching it out for the one she was currently wearing, and smiling at the fit. She quickly added it to the pile in my arms before turning her attention and mine to the cash.

Another purchase taken care of, we returned to the car and our next destination. This one was a little further into town, but once I saw it, I knew it was worth the distance.

Our third stop was a classy store indeed, one that from the front I knew would cost me a pretty penny, yet whose products I was sure would suit Miss Vera wonderfully. Even before we got out of the car, my mind reeled with what she would find inside, and how incredible it would all look on her.

If only I had the chance to see it for myself.

Were scarcely inside the shop five minutes when a voice called out my name from several feet away, and I froze in place. I had never considered the possibility that anyone I knew would be around here, it being far enough from my home and place of business, and now that it seemed one was, I wasn’t sure what to do. Miss Vera eyed me curiously, and I gulped as the speaker made their way over to us.

I recognized him straight away as a former client whose company I’d done business with several years ago, John Daltry, and he seemed as surprised to see me here as I was to see him. “Edward, I thought that was you. It’s been ages, how’re you doing?”

“Fine,” I replied curtly, hoping to cut any further discussion short. Unfortunately, John was a rather gregarious sort, and as he opened his mouth, I knew I was in trouble.

“What brings you out here? Business I suppose?”

I nodded, then reconsidered my answer given where we were. “Um, well, shopping really.” I felt like a right fool saying that however, seeing as we were standing in a shop, so what else would I be doing there? Even so, that was far from the worst thing. For a moment later, John’s eyes moved over to Miss Vera, who had remained silent by my side, and though his were not filled with the same lust and desire that mine were whenever I gazed upon my Goddess, they were filled with something far worse.


“And who is this lovely lady?”

My mind instantly went blank. I hadn’t the slightest idea what to say, how to possibly answer such a question. Were I thinking clearly, there were several responses I could have given, but I was so taken aback, so flustered by the unexpected appearance of my former client, that I was unable to think of a single one.

So instead, I stood there like a right idiot, my eyes wide and my jaw clenched, with John waiting for an answer and Miss Vera staring at me with disdain. That alone would have been awful enough, but what came next was even worse.

Rather than leave me hanging, Miss Vera took charge of the situation, although I could tell she was far from pleased at having to do so. Holding out a leather-gloved hand, she replied kindly “Vera, darling. A friend of Edwards, as well as a client.”

John took her hand and gave it a friendly peck, much to her glee and my growing dismay. “You couldn’t find a better accountant. Edward is a whiz with money. Saved my company a fortune he did.”

I smiled like a fool and nodded, still unable to say a word. Miss Vera, on the other hand, was not finished. “Oh, I agree. Edward has certainly been quite good at handling my money.”

Her tone and choice of words meant far more to me than John could ever hope to understand, but it seemed to be enough for him. “Glad to hear it. I shan’t disturb your shopping. Have a great day Edward, and you as well Vera.”

Then he was gone, but the chill in the air which had begun the moment he had inquired about the identity of my Goddess remained, and in fact, only grew stronger as Miss Vera turned to look my way. Displeased did not mudurnu escort cover the expression on her face. She was downright angry with me, and frankly, I couldn’t blame her.

“Give me your wallet,” she said coldly, holding open a gloved hand. I did as she asked, and once she had possession of it, she slid it into her jacket pocket. “Go and wait for me in the car Edward. Now”

I wanted to protest, but the look in her eyes as well as the tone with which she’d delivered that “Now” told me in no uncertain terms that such blubbering would fall upon deaf ears. Instead, I silently left the shop and returned to the car with my head hung low.

As I sat there, my mind raced with countless wonders and worries. I wondered what Miss Vera was trying on, what she was going to be buying with my money. Gloves, boots, dresses, I did not know, nor would I be granted the opportunity to see them firsthand. I had been denied that by my own foolish actions.

And that’s where the worries came in.

I had clearly made a rather big mistake, and Miss Vera was not the sort to let such a thing slide. What would she do to me when she finished up her shopping spree? Scold me, punish me, send me on my way never to see her again? Each possibility was worse than the one before, and neither one was something I wanted to face.

All I could do was sit and wait and hope that things were not as bad as they seemed.

The moment she exited the shop, however, I realized they were.

Miss Vera stood there holding several bags, and I immediately went out to retrieve them for her. Instead, she ignored me and walked over to the trunk of my car to place them inside herself, not even giving me the opportunity to serve her in such a way.

In fact, the only acknowledgement of my existence was when she handed me my wallet back, and even then, she did so in silence.

I was in big trouble.

There would be no wagging of a finger nor calling me naughty this time around. Miss Vera was quite cross with me, and the worst part was I could not blame her in the slightest. I’d left her hanging, seemingly unable to answer a simple question as to her identity, not even make a proper introduction.

She took her seat and did not say a single word at first. Instead, we sat in silence, her radiating fury and me sinking further into my seat, waiting for the proverbial other shoe to drop.

After several minutes, it did. Miss Vera put her sunglasses back on and said four words that did little to fill me with hope.

“Take me home, Edward.”

Then she turned to look out the window, and I started the car. The drive back to her estate would be just as silent as the one here, yet where before there had been a sort of comfort, now there was only unease and worry. And that was far worse than any tongue-lashing I could have expected. At least then I could have gauged just how angry Miss Vera was, but the silence made that impossible. All I could was wait and see.

Nearly an hour later- the growing traffic of the day not helping matters, we pulled into her driveway, the afternoon sun beating down and reflecting off her leather in a way that should have made me melt, yet which now filled me with worry. Worry that this might be the last time I ever had the chance to see any of it.

I cut the engine and sat there for a moment, waiting to see if Miss Vera would simply exit the car without a word or say something. I hoped it would be the latter, even if whatever she had to say was as bad as the silence.

“Are you ashamed of me, Edward?”

My eyes widened at such a question, and I struggled to answer.

She didn’t give me the chance.

“I’d understand not wishing to tell someone all the naughty things I’ve had you do behind closed doors, but you couldn’t even say my name.”

“I…” was all I got out before Miss Vera cut me off, turning her attention to me and glaring from behind her sunglasses.

“Perhaps the time has come to turn you loose.”

My blood ran cold and my heart nearly stopped beating. I’d considered the possibility of such a response, but hearing her speak it aloud filled me with a dread I’d never before experienced. It was as if I’d been told I had less than a day to live, yet somehow even worse, for in this case, that day would be spent without Miss Vera in it.

“I’m sorry Miss Vera, I was caught off guard and didn’t know what to say, what you wanted me to say, and I panicked and…. I beg you please, do not turn me away. I will make it up to you any way you wish, just allow me to keep serving you.”

The words flowed out of me, half-begging and half-praying, and I could only hope something in that mess would be enough for Miss Vera to reconsider such a terrible punishment. Then idea of returning to the life I’d lived before her was so unnatural that I couldn’t bear to think about it.

She seemed to consider my plea, and after a moment or so, relaxed ever so slightly. “Hmm… Well, you are still in training, so perhaps I can be lenient, just this once… However, if you ever pull something like that again, there will be no second chance You will be sent away and banned from all my sites. You will never see me again, in person or online. It will be as if I never existed.”

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