
Maidservant and Her Mistress Pt. 01

Big Tits

Dear readers.

This story is for people who are interested in fetish about leather gloves and boots. In addition, the subject of humiliating a woman by other women is also raised here. If you are interested in this subject, I invite you to read. Other readers who do not feel this climate may feel disappointed in the content of the story. The story is a pure work of my imagination and should not be derived from it as a source of lifestyle for people who do not want it. The story may be unrealistic in ordinary human life. However, I did not mean a faithful representation of reality, but a message of erotic content, which I mentioned at the beginning, for people who are looking for such content and who want to read such content. If any of you after reading will want to share your idea of continuing the story, please contact me. I will try to post your thoughts if possible.

I am not a person who speaks English every day, so stylistic errors may appear in the story. If you have comments, please contact me where I need to correct the content of the story.

That’s it for a little lengthy introduction. Enjoy the reading.


It was a cold winter afternoon. Looking for work, Mary entered the shopping center for a moment to warm up. Her person, her appearance did not match the appearance of other Ladies staying in the gallery, who were beautiful, smiling, and mostly very wealthy. Most passed her by without paying attention to her. Due to the fact that she was an ugly and uneducated 30-year-old woman, she could only afford such a mean job as being a cleaner. The mean job, lack of education and especially obesity and humped back caused that every day she began to have a low self-esteem and it began to excite her more and more. She began to dream about being humiliated by beautiful dominant and wealthy women or young girls. She began to get used to it and think that it must be so in her life. She began to get used to the fact that jewelry, fashionable clothes, hairstyles, makeup, all these attributes of beauty are not for her. She began to dream more and more to be a maidservant of well-groomed women, with beautiful makeup, with a beautiful hairstyle and beautifully dressed. As for the style of dressing Ladies, Mary paid special attention to whether the potential dominant Lady wears high heels. And the perfect Lady for her is the one who would wear boots and leather gloves. Although leather boots and gloves were her fetish, she always thought that they constituted the insignia of women’s power over her, so it is obvious that she herself did not wear this type of wardrobe, because she believed that they were reserved only for dominant women. Mary did not identify with her real name. She associated her person with only one word: “maidservant”. Always in the presence of beautiful women she imagined that she was their maidservant and that they call her in this way instead of by name.

Strolling through the passage among these beautiful Ladies, maidservant noticed this one. She stood aside to look at her. The Lady was in the store with expensive brand women’s leather goods. This Lady was well known to her. It was Madame Veronica. Madame Veronica was the mother of Isabelle, her friend (if you can call it that), with whom she went to high school. Maidservant was lucky, although on the one hand she was humiliated by Isabelle, on the other hand it was then that humiliation and training developed her desire to serve beautiful, well-groomed and rich women.

Madame Veronica was a beautiful mature woman at the age of 55. In appearance, she was about 180 cm tall and has slightly curvy shapes. She had auburn hair. The hairstyle was shoulder length bob. Large glasses added charm to her through which looked beautiful green eyes. These eyes were additionally emphasized by sharp makeup. The large thick lips were additionally emphasized by the color of blood-red lipstick.

Madame Veronica was wearing an ecru coat reaching halfway down her thighs. In addition, she was wearing a black, tight, leather skirt reaching to her knees from under which beige stockings or pantyhose could be seen, which however could not be seen much because her legs were covered with black, shiny leather, knee-high boots with high heels and pointed toes. She had a black stylish hat on her head.

Maidservant has always had a good relationship with Madame in the past. Unlike her daughter, she never humiliated her and always addressed her with a nice warm voice. Although she, like her daughter, had a dominant character, she probably did not know about maidservant’s humiliation by Isabelle. Or maybe she knew, only being a classy woman had saved her this additional humiliation.

Apart from Madame, there was only a saleswoman in the store who was of a similar age to her. She was also similar in appearance. The saleswoman was wearing a beige suit and was also wearing leather boots similar to those of Madame Veronica. It was evident that she also had a dominant character. The saleswoman was probably the owner of the pursaklar escort store.

Both Ladies were smiling and lively discussing with each other. This lively discussion was accompanied by trying on leather gloves. The Ladies tried on different patterns and lengths, but they were all black. The Ladies exchanged tried-on gloves, put them on their hands and admired their beauty.

Maidservant, like never before, wanted to be there among these Ladies now, kneel before them on her knees near these wonderful feet dressed in beautiful boots and kiss them. She wanted to hear the noise of put on gloves over herself, she wanted to hear how the Ladies once delight over the gloves, and once they mock her and humiliate her by looking at her from above.

After a while, the saleswoman went out into the back room without taking off her gloves and returned with a long narrow box. The saleswoman opened the box and took out a pair of long black leather gloves and handed them to Madame, who immediately began to put the left one on her hand. The glove was unlined and tightly fitted to Lady’s hand and entered tightly. It reached to the elbow. After putting on the glove Madame Veronica raised her hand up and spectacularly began to improve the position of her hand in the glove by pulling it and rhythmically clenching her hand into a fist. Similarly, she put on her right glove. The whole process of putting on one glove lasted at least a minute.

Maidservant, watching as Madame Veronica puts on those gloves, recreated the image of the past as once kneeling on her knees was slapped for fun by Isabelle, who was wearing black leather gloves at the time. She wondered how wonderful it would be to be slapped on her face now by such an experienced woman with a class like Madame Veronica, wearing such beautiful gloves. If someone had told her then that her dreams would soon take real shape and would come true soon, she would never believe it.

The Ladies in the store talked gently for a moment, gesturing with their gloved hands, after that Madame Veronica took the credit card from her purse and paid for the goods. Then the ladies said goodbye, exchanging gloved handshake with each other, after which Madame Veronica left the store.

Maidservant decided to follow Madame, who was clearly heading towards the parking lot. Madame Veronica went on her way to the grocery store. Maidservant went through a little, went outside the gallery and stopped to wait for Madame.

Frost was mercilessly strong.

While waiting for Madame, she thought about how she is doing shopping now, how she does them in her gloves on, how she pays at the cash desk without taking them off.

“Madame feels comfortable now. Her hands are warm and my hands unworthy to wear gloves are freezing now in the cold.”

After waiting for half an hour in the cold, the loud knock of the boots on the tiled floor of the corridor announced that Madame Veronica was leaving the store and approaching maidservant. Soon a longing view of her Lady appeared in all her glory. The woman walked proudly knocking the heels of her boots. On the hands, black gloves hidden in contrasting bright 3/4 sleeves of the coat. In her left hand was the strap of her purse, which it hung on her shoulder. In the right she carried a large bag full of products.

Approaching Madame noticed maidservant and smiling opened her eyes wider in surprise.

“Mary?! Is that you? Really you? What a meeting!”

“Good afternoon, Mrs. Veronica. Yes, it’s really me” she said and shyly reached out her frozen hand to greet.

Madame Veronica put the shopping bag on the floor and tried to remove the right glove.

“Wait, I will greet you soon, I just need to remove my glove.”

“Oh, please do not bother and do not take it off. I do not mind it and personally I think it is really unnecessary trouble. You really do not have to take off your gloves in front of me.”

“Really? You won’t mind? You know, supposedly savoir-vivre requires to take it off before greeting. And in such a cold one does not want to take them off.” – said Madame Veronica nevertheless pulling her glove back, then with a smile on her lips she gave her hand to maidservant to greet, which she gently shook – “Ah, what a meeting. It is a pity that Isabelle is not with me, she would certainly be glad with the meeting. Listen, maybe you would escort me to the car, I park here nearby, we would talk a little, huh? “

“I would love to. I will gladly carry your shopping bag if you don’t mind.”

“You will? That’s great. It’s nice of you to want to relieve me. You know, I’m not used to carrying shopping bags, someone always carried them for me. I admit that I could use someone to carry such loads.” – said Madame Veronica with a cheeky smile, winking at the maidservant and handing her a shopping bag.

“This is not a problem for me. I would love to carry your bag.”

“Oh, really? I really like your behavior. I remember that you always knew rize escort how to behave respectfully in my presence and I liked it. You also deserved praise that I didn’t have to take off my gloves when greeting you, especially that such frost outside.”

“Oh, thank you. I really don’t deserve such praise. I have to admit that you look very beautiful in your gloves.”

“Oh, really? I’m glad you like them. Imagine I just bought them here in the gallery. You know, I’ve always loved wearing leather gloves. I wear them at every opportunity. For me, autumn and winter could last a whole year, then I wouldn’t have to take them off my hands at all. Recently, I also started to parade in them at home. “

“Indeed, you look beautiful in them. You can see that they are new. The leather is not wrinkled yet.”

“Yes. I have to tell you that with Isabelle we care a lot about our gloves. We always make sure that they do not wrinkle. Whenever we buy new ones, we pay special attention so that they are not too loose and that they fit tightly in our hands. And that’s why it takes some time to put them on and take them off.”

“The leather probably smells new.”

Madame Veronica put the top of her right hand to her face and admired the smell.

“Uhmm. Indeed. See how lovely they smell.” – and put her hand with the same side to the face of the maidservant, as if she wanted her to kiss it.

The maidservant put her nose to Madame’s hand and felt the intense smell of brand new leather. What humiliation. She was carrying a heavy shopping bag. Her hands almost fell off, and Madame told her to fill in the scent of her leather. She must have enjoyed seeing the maidservant’s frozen hands from frost.

“Wonderful – aren’t they?” asked Madame, moving her fingers lightly in front of the maidservant’s nose.

“Yes. Indeed. They are wonderful. Mrs. Veronica, how is Isabelle doing?”

“Ah, you know. She makes a career. She graduated from a reputable university. Now she holds a managerial position at one well-known large insurance agency. It’s good to settle for the future. She is still unmarried, we live together in two in one house. And so life goes on slowly. And how are you? How was your career? “

“Ah, you know, there is nothing to talk about. I have no career whatsoever.”

“Well, but you must do something because you have to make a living from something.”

“In fact, it’s a shame to admit.”

“Well, but you don’t have to be ashamed in front of me. You know that in the past you could always talk to me honestly.”

“Thank you. You know I was as the only girl in the class in the high school that did not pass the final exams and did not do any studies. Hence now I have problems getting a job, and my appearance pushes people away from me.”

“You say appearance? … what do you mean?”

“Well … you know … I don’t know how to say it … you definitely noticed that … that I’m ugly, fat … and that … you know … my spine.”

“Your spine?” – Madame looked at the maidservant from the side – “Ah … I already know … you wanted to say you are a hunchback, didn’t you?” – said Madame Veronica smiling.

“Well … basically that’s how it can be called.” – answered the maidservant and at the same time she felt very humiliated in front of Madame, who began to humiliate her even more. The maidservant knew that she was not the same Mrs. Veronica anymore. It can be seen that it has become more dominant.

“Yes … I remember when you went to high school with Isabelle, then we watched you closely and noticed that you were starting to slouch more and more, and I must admit that you have grown a large hump since then. Turn your side to me.”

The maidservant turned as the Lady commanded her, then felt a touch on her back. Madame Veronica touched her with her hand in a tight glove and, smiling, said to her:

“Well, I understand now why you have a problem finding a job. I have to say honestly: you are not very beautiful. You know, now is modern time. Women care about their appearance. Every woman wants to be beautiful and every woman wants to be with beautiful, a well-groomed woman. That’s why now no one wants to hire an ugly cleaner who is also expected to look pretty. With your hump you will now always have problems. And now you have any work?”

“I just work as a cleaner from time to time, but I’m currently looking for a job.”

The women have just reached the Lady’s luxury car (white SUV), which stood alone at the very end of the parking lot. This place was isolated in which there were no people. The maidservant felt that Madame Veronica would take advantage of the situation and would play even more humiliating her without unnecessary witnesses. Madame opened the car trunk. Instead of the word “thank you”, the maidservant received a command that sounded like a delicate order from Madame’s lips.

“Put this bag in the car trunk! Just be careful and put it so that it does not fall over!” – said Madame extending her ankara rus escort hand towards the interior of the car trunk and nonchalantly moving her fingers with a black gloved hand.

After closing the car trunk, Madame Veronica stood next to the car door and in her warm nice voice continued the conversation, and basically her play in humiliating the maidservant. One must admit that she did it perfectly, but with grace as a classy woman.

“And what, are you satisfied with your work?”

“It may sound silly, but yes, I really like my job.”

“Well, yes. With no education and the hump you have, every job is valuable to you. And how do you take humiliation from strangers, because it’s probably a humiliating job?”

“In fact, I’ve already got used to it.”

“They laugh at your hump?”

“Yes. But basically only women and teenage girls.”

“And how did they address you?”

“In fact, it is by name” – here the maidservant thought that she would lie and give false facts to further humble herself in front of Madame – “but recently I have just worked for a certain period of time for two ladies, mother and daughter, who called me maidservant.”

“And how did you feel about it that they called you so?”

“I got used to it quickly.”

“Hmmm. Interesting. Well, nowadays women can be really cruel. But they are not all like that. Some can be forgiving. What would you say, for example, working only for the comforts of women you know who are not foreign to you and that you wouldn’t have to be ashamed of before? “

“What do you mean?”

“Well, you know, I would have an offer you can’t refuse. I listened to your story and thought I could help you. What do you say?”

“Oh, I don’t know how to thank you.”

“I noticed you didn’t mind carrying my shopping and you liked it. I don’t know how to say it gently so as not to offend you … would you mind being … my maidservant?” – asked Mrs. Weronika smiling and pulling on tight gloves.

“Of course. It would be an honor for me to serve you and Isabelle.”

“Great. But you realize that from now on the relationship between us will not be the same as before. Well, if you work for me, our relationship will be that I will be your Mistress and you will be my maidservant.”

“I know. I am aware of this, but I dream of working for you and I will accept all the conditions that you will ask me.”

“And one more thing. You will be called to me by Mistress or Mistress Veronica. However, I will not call you by your real name but only like the last Lady you worked for. I admit that it will give me great pleasure to call you maidservant.”

“I know. I am aware of this and I agree to all your terms.”

“Great. You’ll definitely enjoy working for me. You’ll see. You won’t regret your decision.”

“What would my scope of duties be?”

“The detailed scope of your duties and how your work will look like, we will have time to discuss it calmly on the next meeting at my home. For now I will tell you only that your main responsibility will definitely be keeping the house clean, namely cleaning, vacuuming, and above all washing floors and toilets. We attach great importance to cleanliness, especially the cleanliness of floors and toilets. We walk around the house in shoes, so you will have to wash the floors even sometimes several times a day. In addition, when you have free time and that you don’t get bored, it will be your duty to clean and polish our shoes and boots. “

“Thank you very much, Madame. I promise to do my job diligently.”

“Well, I hope you won’t let us down.”

“I promise I won’t, and what will Isabelle say?”

“Oh, I guarantee you that you don’t have to worry about her. If I know life, she would definitely like my idea. Anyway, as you know, we are very similar in every way, we do the same things, dress the same and even think same. Isabelle is very forgiving and will understand your life situation, so you do not have to be ashamed in front of her. For sure, if she were in my place now, she would suggest the same to you. “

“And how will I have to address Isabelle? What will the relationship be like between us?”

Mrs. Weronika laughed softly again.

“The right question. Isabelle and I were always like distracted princesses who dream of having a maidservant. Anyway, we’ve often talked about it while relaxing over a coffee in a comfortable armchair. I know that this could be an uncomfortable situation for you, because you were going to one class together, but it would be advisable for you to call her “Mistress Isabelle”. Anyway, if I know her, she won’t allow you to call her name only by Mistress. And surely it will give a lot of pleasure to Isabelle when she calls you a maidservant. You will certainly manage somehow. You know, it will be difficult at first, but then you will definitely get used to the relationship between you. I believe that you will work well together.”

Maidservant now wanted to kneel before Mistress on her knees and kiss her feet in these wonderful black boots in gratitude, but she refrained. She thought that the time would come for her to pay her back at home.

Mistress Veronica took her purse off her shoulder, opened it and took out a golden smartphone from it and asked:

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