
Making Mom Airtight


(Note to readers: All characters are 18 or older. One character is a gay man, but there’s no gay male sex depicted. All depicted and all referenced sex acts involve only people who are 18 or older, who consent completely. The depicted sex includes analingus, penis-in-anus, fellatio, cunnilingus, titfucking, a thigh job, manual and digital arousal of genitals, and various positions of penis-in-vagina. The referenced sex includes swinging and group. As the title indicates, there are MMMF sex acts in the story. As the description and category indicate, there is mother-son incest.)


Our family has a long-standing tradition. For a week in the summer, we rent a lake house. Same one every year. This continued even after my brother and I had outgrown the main kid thrills of the place. There was still fun, we all love swimming, and the fishing is good. More and more, though, this trip cut into what had become the social lives of Cliff and me. We never saw anyone at the lake, there weren’t any other houses there or anywhere close. Seven days of four humans, only.

I was eighteen, I was about to graduate high school, and my dates with girls had now gotten to sex. Was I supposed to give that up for a week?

Also, didn’t Mom and Dad want to finish emptying the nest? They were, how shall I put this, really energetic for each other. This year I’d expected that they’d go to the lake house as a couple, and leave Cliff and me to fend for ourselves at home. Cliff was ternty-one, studying engineering at a faraway college. Two years earlier, he had come out as gay. Cliff and I were looking forward to how we’d share availability of our home, in terms of guests and partying, each staying in his own lane, dating-wise.

So, it was quite a bummer when Mom and Dad got me and Cliff into the living room one evening in May, and told us in no uncertain terms that all four of us would go the lake house for a week in late June.

“Why?” I spluttered. “We’re old enough to get along here for a week! I’ve got stuff to do to get ready for college!” That wasn’t true, everything important had already been arranged for my own journey to a faraway college. But I was pissed off.

Dad made one of his sort-of smiles. “This may be the last time. A farewell to the lake, for the whole family.”

“You could say farewell for me. I’m sure the lake wouldn’t mind!”

“But you’re about to leave us, Burt,” said Mom, with the slightly sad expression I’d seen from her several times in the past few months. “Can’t you come along one more time?”

It got through to me then that Cliff wasn’t saying anything. He was looking down, seeming dejected.

“Cliff,” I said, “you’re okay with this?”

“Like the man said,” Cliff returned. “One last time.” He didn’t look up. Cliff had just moved back in, his junior year had ended. This was Dad’s first chance to spring this on us.

I looked at my parents. “I don’t get it.”

Dad said, “It’s important to your mother.”

“Please Honey,” she said, leaning forward. I hated seeing her this way, so vulnerable. It was the exact opposite of how she almost always was, joyful and exuberant.

She didn’t fake stuff like this.

“Okay, sure, cut a week out of my life,” I said, standing. I stalked away to my room. Nobody tried to stop me.


I had some dates before and after graduation, and leading up to the trip. The sex was good, and I think I was getting better at it. The girls, also graduating, were having lots of fun, excited about their own college plans. We joked about who we’d meet, and what kind of people we hoped to find. We even used our fucking as practice, thinking we’d become totally sophisticated bangers.

As my family and I piled into the van for the trip, I was resigned to it. I was even smug, because I had dates lined up for after we got back. If my shwanz had to settle for my hand this week, in private, I figured I could cope.

Our tradition was fraying at the edges. While on the way, we always stopped in the town nearest the lake, and ate at a restaurant which I recall having been pretty good. Now, it seemed rundown. The service was slow, and the food wasn’t up to what we could get, cheaper, from eateries at home. Even Dad admitted this, but not so the wait staff could hear him.

After we ate, the four of us went bowling. As young kids, Cliff and I were nuts about bowling. It so happens that we grew up in the era when bowling plunged in popularity. As years passed, Cliff and I gained more interest in skateboarding, which was trending exactly the way bowling wasn’t. At the alley where we always bowled before going to the lake house, management now ran only half as many lanes, with the rest of the space given over to a laser tag room.

Mom had one of her sad looks as she surveyed this. She said, “We can’t stop things from changing, I guess. But we still have the house, and the lake.”

Dad confirmed this, saying, “I’ve checked online. There’s been no new construction on the lake, or anywhere asyabahis yeni giriş near.”

I stopped myself from expressing this thought: So much for me running across a hot babe my age.

It wasn’t all that late when we got to the house. As I was hauling my stuff to my usual room, I heard Dad announce to us all, “As soon as you’re settled, everybody gather in the parlor. We’ll talk about what’s different now.”

I didn’t give that much thought. Maybe he’d apologize for sticking to the tradition.

Mom had the most work to do, stocking the kitchen for the week. When I entered the parlor, I could hear Dad lending Mom a hand. Cliff sat in one of the overstuffed chairs, already well into a can of beer.

Cliff smiled and said, “Brace yourself.”

“For what?”

He laughed, really stoked that he knew something I didn’t. “The shock of your life. But I’m pretty sure you’re going to dig it.”

He shook back his long, curly hair, took another drink, and said nothing else.

I took this as big-bro-to-little-bro stuff, and refused to concede. I said, “Bullshit,” and leaned back into my own chair’s overstuffing.

Dad sauntered in, also with a beer. He still had an easy lope, which I hadn’t seen in other men nearing fifty. He was maybe six-foot, but lean muscle everywhere made him seem taller. His genes had imprinted Cliff and me with his strong jaw, narrow nose, and piercing gray eyes. He kept his brown hair short. Mine went over the ears, but the length was way shy of Cliff’s.

Dad sat on one side of a loveseat. He smiled and said nothing.

I heard sounds from the kitchen, drawers and cabinet doors, sometimes Mom singing. She often does that when she’s busy.

I didn’t try to pry anything out of Dad. I was deep into the sullen, put-upon teenager act.

Finally Mom joined us, with a water bottle. She was in a baggy purple t-shirt and white fringed shorts, but even this sight of her almost made me squirm. Thoughts of the coming week had me on edge, with my mother the only woman I’d be near. And with her often in a bikini.

My arrival at legality, if not complete maturity, had really opened my can of worms. Maybe just one worm, but a big one. I was attracted to a variety of women, and my version of Dad’s face and physique gave me success with them. That variety, however, also included my mother.

She had always looked beautiful to me. Her black curly hair was housewife-convenient-short, but that went perfectly well with her face, the high cheekbones and big blue eyes. Her body was amazing, so lithe and sleek, yet voluptuous. If anything, this forty-three-year-old mother of two had aged even less than Dad.

As she sat next to Dad on the loveseat, I couldn’t banish from my mind the almost-wet dream I had of her, three nights earlier. It wasn’t the first.

“Burt, it’s time for you to learn some family secrets,” said Dad. “And they have to remain secrets. Do you understand?”

Cliff was grinning his face off. Mom didn’t look sad, just apprehensive.

“I know what those words mean,” I said, in full chain-yanking mode.

Dad’s look hardened, but he said, “You’re an honest, dependable young man. Will you pledge to say nothing about this to anyone but the people in this room?”

Now Mom looked truly worried. I couldn’t let that go on.

“Yes, I pledge to keep what I hear a secret.”

“Thank you, Burt,” said Mom, now relaxed, but not smiling.

“I think it’s best,” she went on, “to throw you in the deep end right away. I think you can deal with it. What you should know is, I have sex with both Dad and Cliff, at the same time.”

I don’t know how much I blinked. I think the eyelids were the only part of me that worked.

“This is sex that I want, and enjoy,” said Mom, looking closely at me. “And I would like you to join us. I hope that you will give me pleasure, while Dad and Cliff are also doing that. And I want to give pleasure to you, Burt.”

I think I hit my whole-life body burden of cognitive dissonance. Mouth agape, I looked around the room, trying to make sense of what I was hearing.

When I made eye contact with Cliff, he held up a virtual reality headset. “I got some really good gay porn here. When it gets me jacked, a mouth is a mouth, and an asshole is an asshole.”

Dad didn’t look happy with Cliff’s word choice, but he seemed prepared to go outside his usual conversational range. “We won’t go into endless details about this, Burt. This derives from what your mother and I did, many years ago. We were swingers.

“I won’t claim to be modest,” Dad continued. “She and I were, and still are, very attractive. We had a great deal of success, and many sex partners. In time, this became too much of a good thing. Mom and I love each other very much, and we never hurt each other. But some of our other lovers went through too much drama, and dragged us into it. We decided to give up the lifestyle. This calmed down our life, but not our desires.”

Mom said, “I’m sure you asyabahis giriş know how often Dad and I go off by ourselves.” Now she showed a calm smile. “We’re just as eager as we always were. But we’re still aware of what we’ve given up.”

I had an eerie sense of this having been rehearsed. And used with Cliff.

Which made me think this threesome must have been going on during the previous two or three trips to this house.

Or at home.

Was I that sound a sleeper?

“Mom gives me what’s known as hall passes,” said Dad, “for when I go on business trips. I have what my parents used to call ‘a girl in every port.’ My lovers are discreet, and have no desire to break up my marriage.”

“I don’t have hall passes,” said Mom. “That just wouldn’t work for a stay-at-home mother. And what I want most isn’t a constant parade of swinging males. I’d like pleasure on more of my body. Dad helps me with this.” She looked at him. “He serves me, I suppose you could say. We have many sex toys, and they’re fun.” Then her smile grew as she looked at Cliff. “But it’s so much better to be loved by the warm flesh of beautiful men.”

I finally caught up to the point where I could say, “Including mine?”

She looked at me in a way I couldn’t quite define. Tender? I think so. Seductive? No way. Worried? Yeah. Frightened? Not really.

“You’re a consenting adult,” she said. “Consent includes the power to say no.”

“Our parents don’t want to say this out loud,” said Cliff, pointing at my crotch. “But your chubby is obvious, Li’l Bro.”

Like I didn’t know that.

I said, “So…Mom…you like getting, uh, double penetrated?”

Before she could reply, Cliff said, “She’s hoping for triple. She wants to be airtight.”

“I want to be loved by the men I love,” she said, voice rising.

“I don’t know,” I said, “There’s a word for this–“

“There is,” said Dad sharply. “But with no chance of consanguinity. Mom and I make sure of that. With that prospect eliminated, all that remains is a matter of personal ethics, and consent.”

Mom looked at Dad. “Maybe more than that,” she said quietly. She looked again at me. “Burt, would you like to talk about this privately?”

“Yeah, I would.”

“Let’s go to a spare.”


The lake house is bigger than we need. Bigger than where we live. Big enough, I guess, for sex in seclusion. Anyway, most of the bedrooms in the lake house have attached bathrooms. Mom led me to a bed-bath combo none of us had chosen for personal headquarters.

We stood face-to-face. She held my hands lightly.

“Burt, is this too much for you?”


Damn. Any straight man would want not just to fuck her, but steal her away forever. Despite Dad’s implication that he and Mom were blameless in their swinging, I could definitely see him getting jealous as hell, if he was afraid of losing her.

“You have every right to say no,” she told me. “This is nothing more than a silly indulgence, for me. I don’t want you to feel that you’re being used, and on the weak side of a power imbalance.”

“Oh no,” I babbled. “You and Dad, you’ve always been square with me. I’ve never felt, uh, that you’ve ever coerced me into anything.” It was true, neither had ever tried to make me into what they wanted. Their insistence that I join them on this trip was trivial. They were okay with me majoring in psychology, which had emerged as my passion. As an engineer, Cliff would probably always earn twice what I would.

“And now?” she asked. On her face was a serious, concerned expression I had seen many times. Nothing like her flirtatious or smoldering glances towards Dad, which I had glimpsed over the years.

“Now…” I thrashed through my feelings. “I don’t, uh, feel threatened. And, uh, you want to have fun, right? There’s nothing wrong with that.”

“Only if it’s fun for everyone. With no baggage. From what you’ve studied, do you have intellectual or emotional disgust about incest?”

“Uh, no,” I said, calming down a little. Maybe because she said the ‘I’ word with no inflection. “I’ve read case histories where it’s very, very bad, but like you said, it’s because of the power imbalance. I feel for the victims. Um, because in those cases, there were definitely victims.”

“Do you think Cliff is a victim?”

I didn’t. Cliff seemed to hit the beer hard sometimes. But he was in good spirits pretty much all the time, and now that I was at legal age, he happily told me about some of his exploits. Initially, he hoped they’d gross me out. When I remained ungrossed, the talk became brother stuff, with him listening to my exploits with women. Each provided the other the brotherly support we’d shared all our lives, only now it was about our partners and erections and orgasms.

When Cliff looked resigned, as Dad sprang the news in May about the trip, it may have simply been from having to go a week without gay action. Was catering to Mom a good enough substitute?

“It seems like he’s okay with this,” asyabahis güvenilirmi I said at last.

For an instant I thought Mom was ready to move in. Then she seemed to remember her real priorities. “Should we discuss this again some other time?” she asked. “Or never?”

I was way turned on. But also, reassured. What my mother was sharing with me didn’t conflict with what I knew about her. It actually fit in with her pragmatic, iconoclastic self. For her, and Dad, this was an alternative to sex with strangers, as long as they could be sure that their sons were not abused or traumatized.

“I think I’m okay,” I said, “but can we go one step at a time?”

“Certainly!” Now she had her thrilled smile, like from earlier at the bowling alley, when she picked up a 5-7 split. “Would you like to undress me?”

“Oh yeah!” Suddenly the barriers were cleared, and I was a horny guy with a hot babe. She was maybe three inches shorter than my 5′-11″, so she was a bit taller than my sex partners. I had stood face-to-face with one of them, like this, when we decided we were ready to go the distance.

Now, blood zoomed to my crotch, stiffening my chubby. I pulled Mom’s baggy t-shirt up and off, and almost creamed at the sight of the deep blue bikini top I’d seen her wear a hundred times. Gasping, I knelt to unbutton her bermudas.

“Touch me as much as you like,” she said, seeing my hands tremble as I tried not to go inside the fabric. “We’re going to be lovers now, Burt. There’s only one thing you and I won’t do.”

I looked up at her eyes, trying to sort through what I’d heard before. “Because you do that only with Dad?”

She nodded. “His penis is now the only one that enters my vagina.” I think she tried not to show regret. “We did some difficult negotiating to get to the terms of our sex life after swinging. But I welcome your hands, your mouth, even your feet, to pleasure me there.”

My boner was almost painful. My face was level with the triangle of her bikini bottom. My nose was maybe an inch away. I didn’t know if she’d switched to swimwear when we got here. I didn’t know if she planned a late swim in the lake…or this, with me.

“And we can have lots of other fun,” she said, her hands on my shoulders, gently urging me upward. “One step at a time, as you said.”

As I straightened up, she leaned forward enough so that my face rubbed past the bikini top. I jolted. She giggled.

“The girls you date are very cute,” she said, amusement now in her voice, “and I’m sure their bodies are very fresh and enjoyable. Now you can compare them with mine.”

Somehow I focused again on her face. Her smile was past flirtatious.

She took my hands in hers, and directed them behind her back.

I found the clasp on her top, and undid it.

She raised her arms. I lifted the fabric up and away.

I gasped at the sight. Her breasts were now maybe an inch lower than when the top had covered them. They pointed directly at me, the russet nipples and wide areolas puffed out from the proud, round bulk.

They looked even better than in my dreams.

She half-whispered, “What would you like to do, Burt?”

“If I touch ’em,” I said, then gulped, then said, “I’ll cum!”

“Then you should undress first.”

I yanked at belt, snap, zipper, denim, and finally boxers. When I looked up, Mom was holding out a condom. “You should enjoy,” she said, “with minimal damage.”

I rolled the rubber on while still staring at my mother’s amazing abundance. I started throbbing inside the condom.

She leaned at me. “Fondle and suck. Just don’t bite.”

I fondled and licked and fingered and kissed and cupped and sucked. And I came, whimpering. She held my head to her bosom, slowly shifting or leaning in response to my pathetic slobbers. My tongue circled a stiff, wide nipple, and I kept spoojing. I splayed my fingers on a great, goosebumping mass, and I continued gunking.

“Love them all you like,” she said, quivering, from my touch! “Cliff does too. He can snark all he wants about breeders, and make misogynistic jokes, but your gay brother cums very hard when I let him have my titties.”

I felt her fingers gently stroke my twitching putz, She slid the tips back to my balls. I came some more, my trembling hands squeezing her warm soft glory into my face.

I lurched off balance, and almost fell. She steadied me.

In a while my spasms ended.

“Let’s get you cleaned up,” she said.

I expected her to take me to the bathroom, but she had me sit on the end of the king-sized bed, then lie on my back. She knelt on the floor between my legs. I was now shirtless. I didn’t recall how that happened, and didn’t care.

“Do you have a problem, coming so soon?” she asked as she carefully rolled the condom up my gooey shaft.

“Uh, I did once,” I said. “Then I started doing stuff I read about, like squeezing the frenulum.”

“Do the girls like the sex?” she asked, again with her concerned look. She was checking in with me a whole lot, maybe to see if I got to a line I didn’t want to cross.

“Uh, yeah, I think so,” I said, watching Mom continue the rollup, as she kept most of the spunk in the rubber. “Muriel hooked up with me again the next day. Her idea. Pretty sure she came twice.”

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