
Making my son happy


My step-son’s grades had dropped drastically and it was all due to bullying. I would often see boys laughing at him when I picked him up and it had gotten so bad that he no longer wanted to attend school. I wanted him to get away from everything, so I had left him at his grandma’s home for the weekend. It would give me a chance to search his room for any clues as to what exactly was going on with him. I cared about his grades but I cared more about his well-being and happiness.I cleaned his room but found nothing under his bed or in his closet that would give me any type of insight into his situation. I checked his backpack and looked through his notebooks but everything seemed normal until I spotted a highlighted word on one of the pages.“He never highlights anything,” I thought as I went back to look for the page.My heart hurt when I read the highlighted word and the words that followed, “Virgin – Someone like Brandon McKellar who got rejected by Kelly (who I fucked).” Someone had written that in his notebook and it was definitely the reason why my son was devastated. He had mentioned Kelly to me a few times and I just hoped that whoever was bullying my son hadn’t actually slept with her.I got on his computer and opened the email app on the taskbar. I looked through his inbox and my eyes widened when I read, “Kelly,” as one of the email subjects.“No, please don’t be,” I thought as I clicked on the email.I put my hand over my mouth when I saw a young girl, who I assumed to be Kelly, giving oral sex to my son’s bully. It didn’t look like she was very good at it, but I couldn’t imagine what my son had felt seeing such a video. Like that wasn’t enough, there was a second short video in which she mounted him until they orgasmed. I couldn’t believe that two 16-year old sophomores could do something so cruel to my son.I exited the email and shut down the computer before going to my room to process the mess, “Kelly was just being naïve and probably not in on it, but the little devil knew exactly what he wanted to do,” I thought.I’m a woman who rather stay quiet to avoid problems, but I usually end up thinking back to those moments and wish I had said something. This enraged me to no end and there was zero chance that I was going to stand back with my arms crossed while my baby was being humiliated.I spent a lot of time thinking about it and a certain memory from my childhood kept coming back up. When I was in elementary school, there was a classmate who repeatedly teased me and even pushed me out in the playground. I would tell her to stop bullying me and it would just encourage her to keep going. Things got worse when I told the teacher, because she asked the girl if she had been bullying me. She got so mad at me for telling on her and she angrily approached me about it the following day. She pushed me against the brick wall and that triggered something inside of me to fight back and punch her straight in the almanbahis face. I punched her so hard and later found out in the principal’s office that I had broken her nose. When we returned from suspension, she no longer bullied me and she was actually friendly to me.I needed to do something similar for my 16-year old son in this situation. I had to take matters into my own hands, but I had to make sure it was the right decision. It had to be something that would put all of this in the past and rip out those horrible feelings out of my son. I spent a good part of the weekend researching options and considering everything I came across on the internet. Some methods were traditional and others were completely out of the box, but I knew that none of them would work with my son. I just hoped that in time I would come up with the perfect solution for my baby.A few weeks went by and my urgency increased every time I saw my son’s face. He wasn’t himself anymore and it hurt me deeply. The situation had interfered in our lives and we weren’t spending our usual time together. He would stay in his room and lock the door instead of being down in the living room spending time with me. I was tired of it all and was determined to find a solution by the end of the week.I kept seeing the same ideas online of going to an amusement park or taking a vacation but I knew I needed more than that. I began searching more specifically and many of the results were erotic stories dealing with women sleeping with their step-sons. I opened several stories and they were not what I expected at all. They weren’t just taboo sex stories, they dealt with problems like mine and seemed realistic.“Do some women really do this?” I thought as I began reading one that caught my attention.The story was told from the woman’s point of view, and I felt like she understood what I was going through. She wasn’t exactly in my position, but she was the same as me in the way that she loved her step-son.One sentence that caught my attention read, “I had always had the pressure of living up to his biological mother and this was an opportunity to strengthen my relationship with him.” That struck a chord with me because of how tough it had been for me at first with my step-son.I had been in Brandon’s life since he was 11 years old and it had been tough to earn my place, especially after his father died. His biological mother had been okay with us living as a family as long as she was able to see her son often but the death of his father changed things. He began splitting time with her and me but it was clear to me that he preferred her. I was not going to interfere with them and that led me to step out of the way many times. It wasn’t until high school that he began living with me but even that was only because of the proximity to the school. Regardless of what I felt or thought, I had truly come to love and care for Brandon.I read the story up to the sexual almanbahis yeni giriş part but decided to avoid reading the detailed sex paragraphs as I felt that it would make me uncomfortable. I jumped to the end to see the conclusion and it was such a heartwarming ending that it forced me to go back and read the sex. It was passionate, lustful, and it captured the love the step-mom had for her step-son. It was hard not to fantasize while I read it and it was even harder to not have a reaction between my thighs.The following morning, I woke up with an intense sexual desire and that helped me make up my mind. I booked a hotel room in a city three hours away from us and started planning out the weekend. I called work to tell them that I wouldn’t be showing up and then I carefully looked through my closet for the perfect outfit. Nothing in my closet convinced me, so I would have to make a trip to the mall to find something special for Brandon.I prepared his favorite breakfast and then went upstairs to wake him up. I wanted to say something about the trip we would be making, but I decided it was best to act normal and wait for the afternoon. He ate quietly and didn’t say a word on the drive to school either. It crushed me to see him so down, but I knew it was only a matter of hours before everything changed.After dropping him off, I drove to the mall to get ready for the day. I went directly to the lingerie store and spent some time looking through the bras and panties. The store had a wide selection but I focused only on the sexy bras and panties. I wanted a strong reaction of surprise and lust from Brandon when he saw me, so I decided on a red bralette and a matching panty with lace-trim. I then went to get my hair and nails done for the first time in years.It was a bit past noon when I left the mall but I didn’t want to wait any longer for Brandon. I drove to the school and told the lady in the attendance office that I was going to be picking up my son early. She called for him over the intercom and while he made his way to the office, I exited the school to bring the car to the front.A minute later, he walked out the front door and got in the car, “What’s going on, mom?” he asked with a puzzled look. “We are going on a little trip,” I said, noticing how he looked at my hair and then spotted the pink bag in the backseat.“Where? Why?” he asked.“You’ll see, it will be fun,” I replied.He didn’t say anything after that and I knew that I had some things to tell him before we got to the hotel. I didn’t know how much I wanted to tell him about what I knew and what I planned to do. For the meanwhile, I made small talk and tried cheering him up anyway I could.About halfway to the hotel, I stopped at the gas station to fill the tank and buy some snacks. I was in line waiting to pay the cashier when I saw my son reach to the backseat for the bag. He grabbed it and looked inside before putting it back almanbahis giriş in place, but I was too far to see the reaction on his face. I nonchalantly handed him the snacks and saw that he was blushing.“I guess he liked my purchase,” I thought as I walked over to the gas pump.He was a lot quieter for the rest of the drive, and I hoped it was more because of what he had seen in the bag instead of his bully and Kelly. My thoughts shifted back to the story I had read the previous night and it reminded me that I had a few things to tell him.“You know that I love you, right?” I asked“Yes, but what is going on?” he replied.“I love you is all that is going on,” I said with a smile. “And I don’t want to see you down and depressed all the time.”He stayed quiet until we pulled up to the hotel and then asked, “What are we doing here?”I parked the car without saying anything and then grabbed the bag from the backseat. I got out of the car and said, “C’mon, sweetie.” He stayed in the car seemingly confused while I headed to the lobby to get the key for the room. I turned around and was disappointed to see him still in the car.I went up to the room and texted him, “430,” which was the room number. I made sure everything was okay with the room before I went into the bathroom. I showered quickly without wetting my hair and then placed the shower head between my legs while I checked my phone to see if he had replied. I shook my head and got out of the shower. I was drying my body when I thought that maybe he had walked in. I slightly opened the door to look outside but I didn’t see my baby. I finished drying myself then walked naked towards the bed. I grabbed my new bra and panty from the bag and placed them on the bed.“Oh! I know what he will like,” I said as I took a picture of them and texted it to him.I picked up the red bralette and felt its softness and lace with my fingers. I put it on and then stepped into the panties. I was looking at the reflection of my ass in the mirror when I heard a knock on the door. My heart skipped a beat and began racing as I walked towards the door.I turned off the lights and opened the door. “Come in, honey,” I said.The room was very dark, so he couldn’t see what I was wearing. “What are you doing, mom?” he asked.“Showing you how much I love you,” I said to my virgin step-son.“The picture, I don’t get it,” he said. He maybe didn’t get it but he sure liked it because he hurried up to the room.“Could you turn on the lamp to your right? I can’t see where I’m putting my phone,” I said.He walked slowly to his right and touched the nightstand to guide himself to the light switch. He turned on the light while I was still nonchalantly trying to place the phone in a good position. I turned around and smiled when I saw his shocked reaction. His eyes were glued to my body and I loved it! I went back to placing the phone, acting like it was no big deal that I dressed in a sexy bra and panties in front of my son.I began recording and the phone’s light turned on. “Turn off the light, baby,” I said.He turned off the lamp and asked, “Why are you recording, mom?”“When we are here, I’m not your mom,” I said before walking towards him.

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