
Maria the Closer


Chapter One

Maria Williams checked the time on her iPhone… three o’clock… time for her weekly call to Angela. She and Angela are best friends, and have known each other since attending kindergarten together at Mariposa Elementary School. Their relationship could be described more like sisters, than best friends. They confide in each other about everything in their lives. They even tell each other the intimate details about their love lives. Angela knows everything about Maria’s husband, Marcus, like the fact that he loves looking at, sniffing, and eating pussy, and Maria knows that Angela’s husband, Jason, loves getting pegged in the ass with a strap-on dildo.

Maria has known Jason since high school. In fact, they dated their sophomore and junior years. Jason was the first boy she was intimate with…having given him a blowjob that she still remembers fondly. They broke up amicably at the start of their senior year. She even arranged a date involving her best girlfriend Angela and her ex-boyfriend Jason, which was a resounding success. It was true love at their first kiss, and they were happily married immediately after they graduated from college.

Jason and Marcus know each from playing together on the Mariposa High School football team. Jason was the first string quarterback and Marcus was his most dependable receiver.

Maria has also known Marcus since high school, but only as a good friend and her afterschool study buddy. They attended different colleges, but kept in touch during their college years. Over time, Marcus started to have feelings for Maria. Being her friend was wonderful, but he decided he needed more. One day at dinner he shared his feelings with her. They agreed to give dating a try, and to take it slow. That was a nice idea, but they discovered on their first date that there was a smoldering sexual attraction between them that they couldn’t deny. A month later they were married, and Angela was the maid of honor.

Over the years the two couples have become the closest of friends, and they have gone on several vacations and trips together. The trip that cemented their friendship happened about five years ago. Jason had been offered, and he had accepted his dream job. Unfortunately, this job would require relocating out of the United States for several years. The two couples decided to go on one last backpacking trip together in Yosemite National Park. Their destination was Mattie Lake, which is a pristine alpine lake in the Yosemite high country. It’s not on any established park trail, and they knew that they would have the location all to themselves.

Angela and Jason were first to arrive at the lake. They weren’t expecting their friends for a few hours and decided to spend that time making love to each other. Unfortunately, Maria and Marcus walked in on them with Jason’s dick buried in Angela’s pussy, which was a little awkward to say the least. Maria decided to lighten the mood, and stripped off her clothes, and encouraged Marcus to do the same. In no time at all, everyone was feeling comfortable being naked in front of each other, and they all went skinny-dipping in the cool waters of Mattie Lake.

Later that afternoon, Maria was lamenting the fact that the two couples were going to be separated for a long time. She offered a suggestion… that they should seize this opportunity and use it to become even closer friends. They were going to be together for four days, and she suggested that each day one of them share a sexual fantasy with the group, and that they would do whatever that person desired, no matter how bazar of kinky it might seem. They agreed to trust each other and be open about their feelings.

Well… here’s what happened.

Maria’s fantasy took place on the first day of the trip. Her dream was to be fucked from behind and to suck a rock hard cock at the same time. The two husbands took turns.

Jason’s fantasy occurred on the second day. His desire was to have his sexy wife sit on his face while Maria fucked him in the ass with a strap-on dildo.

Marcus’ fantasy took place on the third day. He wanted Angela to pee on his dick while Maria jacked him off. He also requested that Angela and Maria suck Jason’s dick and balls at the same time, while he watched. As it turned out, the two men ended up facing each other, with Maria rubbing the heads of their dicks together. The result was a semen festival.

The fourth day was Angela’s turn. She had the men tied up, naked on the ground, and the women did whatever they wanted to them. Afterwards, she had Jason fuck her in the ass, while Maria fucked her pussy with the strap-on dildo. At the same time, Marcus had his big black cock in her mouth.

All four of them had a wonderful experience that they’d cherish forever, after which they had a special bond between them… love.

Maria picked up her iPad, started the Facetime application, and selected Angela from the contacts list. After a few seconds she saw her girlfriend’s face on the screen.

“Hi Angela. How’s the weather in Paris today?”

Her girlfriend gave her a warm heartfelt sakarya escort smile. ‘Oh Maria. It’s so nice to see your face. I love living in Paris, but I still miss you so much. But good news! Jason is being transferred back to California in two months. I’m so exited. I can’t wait to be with you again!”

Maria clapped her hands. “Wow Angela. You just gave me an early Christmas present. We’re going to have so much fun getting caught up. I can’t wait!”

“Yeah, it’ll be great. How’s your family doing? Your kids must keep you pretty busy.”

Maria chuckled, “I love my kids, but four is a handful. I love Marcus more than ever, but I told him if he got me knocked up again I’d turn his balls into mash potatoes!”

Angela laughed out loud, “Yeah, I’ll bet you’d do it too!” Anything new with Marcus?”

“Well, as a matter of fact, he has an appointment to get a vasectomy at the UC Merced Medical Center this afternoon.” She checked the time on her cell phone. “He should be there by now. I just hope everything goes smoothly for him. I know he felt pretty nervous about it.”

Maria looked at Angela’s face and immediately she could tell something was wrong. Her smile had faded and her eyes began to shine with tears. He lips began to tremble.

“Angela… honey… what’s wrong? Please tell me.”

Angela’s face contorted and she began to cry. “Oh Maria… I’m so, so, sad. Every time I think about it.”

“Tell me about it, Angela. Maybe I can help.”

“Ok, Maria. You know we’ve been trying to have a baby for the last year. I started getting concerned that we couldn’t have kids, so I had myself tested, and I was ok. But when Jason got tested, the results showed that he couldn’t get me pregnant. His sperm count is way too low. This is making me so depressed… I can’t stand feeling this way, especially now that something good has come along… moving back home. Every time I see you with your beautiful children I know I’m going to feel jealous of you.”

Angela began to sob uncontrollably.

Maria let her friend cry for a little while. She started thinking of ways she could help Angela.

“You know Angela, there are alternatives. You guys could adopt, or you could try artificial insemination with an anonymous sperm donor. You have options, you know.”

Angela sniffled a few times, and then blew her nose into a Kleenex.

“We’ve talked about that. Jason said adoption is not an option he’s willing to consider. He’s open to me being the biological mother, but he can’t accept the sperm donor being a total stranger. He said he might be open to it if we knew the donor. He’s afraid of passing on bad genes to an innocent baby. You know, like a predisposition to cancer or schizophrenia.”

Maria processed what Angela had just told her in her mind for a few seconds. Then it dawned on her. The solution was so obvious. She got exited and clapped her hands.

“Oh Angela! I know how to fix this! Marcus can be your sperm donor! He loves you and Jason like family, and so do I, honey. Please, let us do this for you! What do you say? Can we knock you up?”

Her friend looked back at her from the screen of the iPad. Then she looked away for a few seconds, trying to imagine in her mind how this could work out. The two couples were already so close; this child would almost have four parents, instead of the usual two. Finally, she made her decision.

She smiled at her friend. “I think it’s a super idea, Maria. I’ll talk to Jason tonight when he gets home from work. Do you think Marcus will be ok with being a father again, even though it would be more like an uncle?”

Maria chuckled, “I think I can convince him it’s a good idea. He loves you Angela, and I’m sure he’d do anything in his power to help you and Jason.”

Maria smiled. She felt good about her idea, and that what they would be doing was something noble. Then she thought about how she would present her plan to Marcus. She thought about him, and how happy she was to have him as her husband. Then she remembered where Marcus was.

She clapped a hand over her mouth but still managed to scream out, “Oh shit! Marcus is supposed to be getting a vasectomy right now. I have to stop him!!”

Maria picked up her iPhone and entered a text message to her husband.

Chapter Two

Marcus exited the elevator and walked over to the office directory hanging on the wall in front of him. He scanned it quickly and found the department he was looking for, Outpatient Surgery, which was located in suite 701A. He noticed that the Family Planning Clinic was in 701B.

He’d been dreading this day for months. Today was the day he would get a vasectomy. He thought to himself, “Ok Marcus… there’s nothing to be afraid of. Some local anesthetic, and a little snip-snip, and you’re out of here. What’s the worst that could happen? Just a little tenderness down there for a day or two, and you’ll be back to normal… piece of cake? Right? Right! Let’s get this over with.”

He walked slowly down the hallway, reading the suite numbers as he passed by the doors. When he came samsun escort to the door with 701 on it he stopped.

He thought to himself, “Wow, maybe this is a bad idea. What if Doctor Kawashima’s hand slips, and he accidentally castrates me? What if he severs an artery and I bleed out? Shit! Why the fuck did I get myself into this mess?”

He took a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself. Then he remembered why he’d agreed to this. There were four reasons for getting sterilized… Marcus Junior, who’s five years old, Jason is his four year old, Angela is three, and finally the little shit disturber, Willie, who’s in his terrible two’s.

His beautiful wife, Maria, had given him an ultimatum… get himself fixed or she would never peg him in the ass again, and if he got her pregnant again she would give him a vasectomy the old fashioned way… say goodbye to your balls, asshole! She threatened to “stomp on them until they turned into mashed potatoes.”

Marcus saw the logic in taking care of the problem, but he was really paranoid about having surgery. He finally came to the conclusion that he had no choice… his fate was sealed. He opened the door and walked into the waiting room of suite 701.

There were two counters along the walls for patients to check in. The one on the right had a sign on the wall that said “Outpatient Surgery.” There was no one behind the counter that he could talk to. He looked over at the counter to his left, which had a sign on the wall that said “Family Planning Clinic.” A beautiful young Hispanic woman in a white nurse’s uniform sat behind the counter. She had shiny long black hair that was tied in a ponytail, and she was staring at the computer screen in front of her. He decided to check in with her.

He approached the counter and waited patiently for the nurse to notice him. He looked at her more closely while he waited. Her lips were plump and colored bright red, which he found very attractive. Her eye makeup accentuated her beautiful brown eyes. She reminded him of that sexy television actress, Sophia Vergara, whom his buddy at work calls “Sophia Viagra”.

Marcus noticed a gold chain with a turquoise cross hanging around her neck that was resting an inch above her ample cleavage. After admiring the cross and its location for a few seconds, he turned his attention to her hands and noticed she wasn’t wearing a wedding ring.

Marcus shuffled his feet a few times and the nurse finally noticed him. She looked up at him and smiled warmly, “Oh, hi there! Are you checking in Sir?”

Marcus stared back at her for a few seconds before answering. His nerves were affecting him more than he realized. “Uh… um… I mean, yes… checking in.”

She looked at him closely. She’d seen many nervous patients before and knew the best way to handle them was to make them feel welcome.

“That’s great, Sir. So… will you be making a donation today?”

Marcus gave her a puzzled look. He wondered why she asked him about making a donation, and then it dawned on him that she worked at the Family Planning Clinic and she was asking if he was there to donate sperm.

“Uh… No Miss. My name is Marcus Williams, and I… um… have an appointment you see… I mean I have an appointment to see Doctor Kawashima at the Outpatient Surgery. I thought I’d check in with you, since there’s no one at the other reception desk. I hope that’s ok?”

The nurse giggled, “Oops, sorry about that. A lot of our donors are nervous the first time, so I thought that’s why you’re here. Let me check your doctor’s schedule.” She perused her computer screen for a few seconds and found his name.”

“Ok, there you are. Marcus L Williams… and you’re here today for a… vasectomy?” Her bright smile disappeared and for a second she had a look of disappointment on her beautiful face.

The nurse grabbed a clipboard and attached some paper work to it, and then handed it to him along with a number two pencil. “I need you to fill out these forms. While you’re doing that, I’ll call over to the surgery department to see if they’re ready for you.”

He took the clipboard from her, and then he noticed the nametag on her chest. It said “Maria Blanca, RN” and under her name in parenthesis is said “The Closer.” He smiled at her and said, “Thank you for your help, Maria.”

As he took his seat he thought, “that’s odd, why does her nametag have “The Closer” on it?” He decided he might ask her about it if there was an opportunity.

He proceeded to fill out the paperwork. It was the standard medical questionnaire; name, address, date of birth, medical history and medications, allergies, etc. Under the questionnaire there was another list of questions from the urologist, and a liability release form for the surgery.

He scanned the first page and then looked up at the nurse. She picked up a phone handset and dialed. A few seconds later she said, “Hi Jenny, it’s Maria The Closer from Family Planning. I have a Marcus L Williams here in the waiting room. He has an appointment with Doctor Kawashima.” She listened to Jenny for ankara sarışın escort a few seconds. “Sure, I can help. I don’t mind at all. I’ll bring him over in a few minutes. The receptionist should be back from lunch any time now. Bye Jenny.” She put the handset back on the phone base and turned her attention back to her computer screen.

A minute later an older woman wearing surgical scrubs came into the waiting room and walked over to the Family Planning reception desk. She called out to the nurse, “I’m back Maria. Thanks for covering for me.”

The nurse smiled back at the woman, “You’re welcome, Margret. How was lunch?”

Margret answered, “It was ok, I guess. I’m on another diet. It’s hard to get excited about a green salad with dressing on the side and herbal tea. You’re so lucky Maria. You can eat anything you want, never gain an ounce of weight, and still have that gorgeous figure. How the hell do you do that?”

The nurse chuckled, “I think I’m just lucky… good genes… my sisters all have hour glass figures, but besides that, I do get a lot of physical activity here at work.”

Margret took a seat next to Maria behind the reception desk.

It took about fifteen minutes for Marcus to complete the paperwork and answer all the questions. After he was done he got up and walked back to the reception desk, and laid the clipboard on the counter. The nurse looked up at him and smiled, “Alright Mister Williams, I’ll escort you in. They’re short handed today so they asked me to assist Doctor Kawashima. Follow me please.”

She stood up and walked around the end of the reception desk. Marcus was stunned. Nurse Maria was a very tall woman. He’s six feet tall, and she was almost the same height as him. Her tight nurse’s uniform clung to her womanly body. Her breasts were large, round, and firm. Her uniform was zipped up front but not all the way to the top, and the tops of her breasts were exposed. The hem of her uniform was six inches above her knees, showing her attractive legs.

Maria “The Closer” was a most unusual nurse. She was wearing white high heel shoes and black silk stockings with seams in the back. She walked confidently across the waiting room to a door that was to the right of the reception desk of Outpatient Surgery. Marcus stood still, watching her ass as she walked away from him. She had a great ass! It was plump and round and it wiggled when she walked. Marcus thought to himself, “Man… I’d like to tap that! That is one sexy woman! Damn!”

Marcus walked quickly across the room to catch up with her.

She opened the door and held it for him to walk through. Once inside, she had him step onto a scale and made a note of his weight on the clipboard in her hand. Then she had him stand against the wall so she could measure his height.

She looked at him, “You’re six feet tall and your weight is one hundred and eight-six pounds, which is ideal for your height.” She looked up and down at his muscular body, before looking into his eyes. She gave him a warm smile, “I can tell you’re very healthy. Do you go to the gym, Marcus?”

He smiled back at her, “I usually go on weekends. During the week it’s hit and miss… kind of a busy schedule.”

She returned his smile, “Yeah, I know what you mean.”

She turned around and walked down the hallway. She stopped at the third door on the right, and pointed her finger towards the inside of the room. “We’ll be using this room for your surgery today. There’s a surgical gown hanging on the wall. Please take off all your cloths and put the gown on. I’ll be back in a few minutes to check on you. Any questions, Marcus?”

He walked into the room. There was an examination table in one corner of the room, and next to it was a straight back chair. Just to the left of the doorway was a counter with cabinets below it, and a service sink in the middle of it. Marcus sat on the chair and took a deep breath. His nerves were really kicking in now. He was thinking, “What did I get myself into?” His lips were pressed tightly together when he answered her in a hoarse whisper, “Do you think this will take very long?”

She came into the room and put her hand on his shoulder. She looked into his eyes, “Wow, you really are scared, aren’t you? Well, there’s absolutely nothing to be afraid of. Doctor Kawashima can do a vasectomy in his sleep with one hand tied behind his back. He’s the best.”

She squeezed his shoulder, trying to reassure him. “The prep for the surgery takes about fifteen minutes, and the surgery itself takes less than half an hour. You’ll be out of here in an hour.”

She turned around and headed towards the doorway. As she was exiting she said, “I’ll be back in a few minutes to prep you. After you change you can take a seat at the end of the examination table.”

The beautiful nurse closed the door behind her as she exited the room. Marcus pulled the gown from a hook on the wall. Behind the gown there was a large canvas shopping bag with writing on it that said, “UC Merced Medical Center.” He decided the bag was for storing his clothes. He quickly stripped off his clothing and placed them in the bag, and then hung the bag back on the hook. He placed his cell phone on top of his cloths so he could get to it easily. He put on the gown and sat down on the end of the examination table. It felt cool on his naked butt cheeks.

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