
Masculine and Beautiful


copyright ©2010 by A_Satori. All rights reserved.

Author’s note: As with a most of my other pieces, this one could have been placed in a number of story categories.



Mara looked at the digital alarm clock. 12:53AM. She thought about the reasons that were keeping her from falling asleep.

One being Phil wasn’t lying next to her. She wished he was and that it also would have meant she’d be tuckered out from a bout of wild, passionate, gratifying sex, but that part of their marriage had begun to wane five or so years ago, even after her first year at the health club, losing the weight, toning up, looking at least as good if not better than she had in college… okay, maybe not as good as college, but nearly as good. Now sex was about once every few weeks and perfunctory at best. She knew her situation wasn’t unique. She had overheard a few of the other just over 40 women talking at the health club, let alone conversations with her three best friends, to know her sex life and her marriage weren’t out of the ordinary.


She and Phil had promised each other on their wedding night their marriage, their love, their life together would always be extraordinary. She had asked Betty if she had made any sort of promise like that with her husband. Betty had burst out laughing. At first Mara had thought her best friend was laughing at her, but then Betty had settled down and nearly shouted, “Almost word for word!” That had caused Mara to crack up with hilarious laughter too. The thing was though, the truth wasn’t very funny.

Phil missing being one of the reasons she couldn’t sleep now was because she was accustomed to having him or maybe just his weight on the other side of the bed. It just didn’t feel right without him there.

The second least important reason she couldn’t sleep was that the air conditioning system had broken down. The Midwest was having a heat wave. The earliest she had been able to schedule a service call was next Friday. Seven days away.

Even with the windows open and the ceiling fan on, it was too warm in the room to feel comfortable, and she liked to have the comforter over her body. Even the top cotton sheet she had over her earlier was now bunched at the foot of the bed. Her jaw clenched for a moment. Phil was on a business trip to the east coast manufacturing facilities, doing some sort of “in house investigation” for the next week. She just bet he’d come home next Saturday evening and the damn AC would be fixed, blowing out tons of cool air, and he’d not have to endure one minute of the discomfort she was experiencing. She could hear him already– Seems to be working fine now, honey. He had a way of stating the obvious… about some things.

She looked at the clock again. 1:12AM. Her teeth clamped her lower lip. The main reason she couldn’t sleep was that Tommy was out at a party. She had encouraged him to go, even knowing it was probably a “home alone” party. Earlier in the week she had overheard Billy talking to him about it when she brought up the laundry to Tommy’s room. Billy shut up as soon as she stepped over the threshold of her son’s bedroom.

She had asked, “What’s this about a party?”

Tommy had mumbled, “Friday night at Steve’s. I don’t think I’m going.”

She had said, “Maybe you should, sweetheart. Get out of the house for a while. Have some fun.”

Normally she wouldn’t have said that, and normally Tommy would have gone to the party with Marcia. They had been in a relationship for over a year and a half when Marcia had dumped him right before prom. That was about a month ago and Tommy was still moping around the house and looking nearly clinically depressed. She had wished Phil hadn’t come up with the idea that Tommy’s graduation present would be that he’d not have to work this summer, that he should enjoy his last real summer of being a kid, because when college started, although that would be a lot of fun, it was the doorstep of the real world. Mara figured if Tommy had returned to his summer job working for that contractor, he would at least have been around people, been busy, and not had so much time to mope and think about Marcia.

Mara exhaled sharply. Marcia. She thought Marcia was a very nice girl, at least it had seemed she was. Mara thought that even though she was fairly sure Tommy and the girl had been having sex. She and Phil had talked to him about sex like all the books said to do, but when Tommy kept seeing Marcia, Mara made Phil talk to him about it again. She should have done it herself, because Phil basically just told him to always use condoms if and when he ever had sex. The idiot. To Phil’s surprise, and later to her own shock, Tommy had showed him the box of condoms he had in his room. He told his dad he wasn’t stupid, he knew about STDs, and wasn’t planning to get any girl Arnavutköy Escort pregnant for quite a while, if ever.

Mara didn’t like that ‘if ever’ part because she assumed one day she might actually want to be a grandma, especially knowing that sooner than she wanted, she’d be looking like a grandma whether she had grandkids or not.

She closed her eyes and shook her head. She was getting too concerned about her looks. She had never been like that before, maybe because she had the looks before, both regarding her body and looks from the guys. She had been a little wild in college her sophomore and part of her junior year. She had done some things that, well, looking back now, were extremely hot and also shocking, and very stupid too. One time she had gone home with a guy she had just met at a kegger party. He lived off campus. They had sex for the good part of two hours. He told her to stay the night and they fell asleep. An hour or so later, she got up to use the bathroom and met his housemate coming in drunk from some other party. They sat in the living room and had some whiskey, and she had ended up screwing him too.

And then early junior year there was Randy. She was sort of in a relationship with him, not a love relationship, more a lust relationship for about two and a half months. He got her to do… well, to do some things, especially one thing that she had never told Phil about, that had really scared her afterwards. Not that she had done it, but that she had loved it so much.

She shut her eyes tightly. She didn’t want to think about it, didn’t want to remember how slutty yet erotically thrilled she had felt the half dozen times she did it with Randy. She was usually tipsy if not drunk when they did it, but then the last two times she was sober and had loved it just as much. That had scared her because it truly made her feel like a slut. After the very last time, she broke up with Randy a week or so later.

Then in the spring term of junior year, she met Phil, and as they say, the rest was history. He had been, and in all honesty, still was the love of her life, even with the infrequent, unfulfilling, perfunctory lovemaking.

She looked at the clock again. 1:31AM. Her stomach knotted. Tommy was a half hour late. What if he was drunk, or worse, did some drugs and was lying unconscious somewhere. She had told him right before he left not to get drunk. Why hadn’t she told him not to drink at all?! She took a slow breath. She hadn’t because she knew it wouldn’t do any good. He would do what he wanted. She had told him that quite a few times over the past couple years and when he’d get home from a party, she could tell when he had a few. He was all smiles, and always made sure he gave her a kiss on the cheek and a hug goodnight.

She exhaled sharply. Why was she was always the one waiting up for the kids to come home from a date or party, or lying in bed awake listening for them to return, and not Phil? She couldn’t even get him to do it with her by watching a DVD or something!

She recalled the time Tommy gave her a drunken hug last summer when she realized he wasn’t a “Tommy” anymore, he was more a “Tom,” that he was becoming a young man. She shut her eyes as she remembered the shameful episode. She was sure he hadn’t done it on purpose, he was swaying all over the place before and after the hug, but she was certain he had a very stiff erection and from the feel of it, quite a healthy one. He had also told her how hot and beautiful she was during that hug, adding how pissed he got when the guys also noticed and told him.

It was nice to hear her son thought she was attractive, but it wasn’t his words that thrilled her the most, it was that hard erection against her abdomen, actually it had stroked from side to side just above her pubic mound, he had been so unsteady on his feet. She had clenched her pussy when he pressed that hard ridge against her, and her shame was that she actually felt a very tiny tingle from it, probably his words too, now that she thought about it. Then he had started falling asleep while standing, his weight leaning on her, and she had realized she’d fall if he didn’t wake up.

She had shouted to wake him. Luckily he did and she steered him towards the stairs, up the steps and finally into his room to his bed. He had fallen face forward onto it and was asleep before she got his legs onto the mattress, then as she was untying his shoe laces, he had murmured something, rolled onto his back and gave his crotch a few slow strokes, then pulled his hand away and started breathing deeply and noisily.

She had frozen during that, she could see the bulge illuminated by the hallway light spilling into the room. Her biggest shame of that night was that for a few seconds she had considered opening his jeans, then pulling his underpants down Arnavutköy Escort Bayan to look at his penis.

It had only been a brief temptation and she was sure she would only have looked at it, she certainly wouldn’t have touched it, but she definitely had been curious because it had felt so hard and sort of thick against her. Actually, maybe it had been more than a few brief seconds. She now remembered she had debated with herself whether she should take his jeans off so he could sleep more comfortably, and that probably his boxers would slide down too getting them off. When she noticed she had been clenching and unclenching her pussy during that mental debate, maybe even since the hug in the living room, and although she wasn’t quite sure now, she might have been just a tiny bit wet; she finally had snapped out of her reverie, quickly yanked off his other running shoe without unlacing it, and then hurriedly left his bedroom.

Her eyes stared in the dim light at the ceiling. She was chewing her lower lip. Yes… yes, she might have wanted to look at it, but never in a million years would she have touched it. She wouldn’t have touched it. Her brow pinched. She tried to remember the last time Phil had an erection that sturdy, and then tried to recall the last time she actually had a desire to touch it, feel it, play with it.

At first she had no answer for either question, then she did: ages ago. She knew if Phil would show interest and actually played with her goodies, she certainly would want to reciprocate and do the same with his. She was 42 but she looked good! She really did! All her friends said so and she knew they were telling her the truth because a couple of them couldn’t hide the hate in their eyes when they gave her the compliment! Okay, she wasn’t a Playboy centerfold for the Over 40 Special Issue or anything, but she was still attractive! She didn’t look like a grandmother yet! Tommy said she was hot! He said he had punched out one guy who had called her a MILF! Why didn’t Phil get turned on by her?! She had even tried to be sexy and flirty with him! The best she got from him was ‘rollover sex.’ A minute of foreplay, then dunk-dunk-dunk… maybe a dozen or so of those with his barely hard enough erection, a grunt, then the roll-off. Half the time she didn’t even get a Goodnight, honey from him afterwards!

Mara cringed with shame. She was having her self-centered, self-absorbed, circular, silent conversation with herself again, when she should be worried sick about Tommy. She was worried sick about him, that’s why she was still awake! Her stomach knotted tighter. Oh god, what if he got drunk and decided to leave the party driving, or… or just walk away and for some reason he chose a path down the center of the street, all drunk and stupid and then a car hit him! Oh god!

She looked at the clock. 1:47AM. A vision of Tommy’s body mangled on the pavement flashed in her mind. She bolted upright, turned on the bedside table lamp and grabbed her cell phone. She had all Tommy’s friends’ numbers in it. She’d call him first, then if no answer, start calling his friends. She thumbed in her son’s speed dial number. A few seconds later she vaguely heard heavy metal music down the hall. It was Tommy’s ring tone. She swung her legs over the bed. “That idiot!” He left his phone in his bedroom! She hit the end button then opened up the phone book option. She started scrolling down to find Billy’s number. She noted a subtle wave of light from car headlamps enter the second floor bedroom, then heard a car engine and loud voices.

She jumped up still holding her phone and hurried downstairs. She was only wearing her T nightshirt. The hem was just below mid thigh and as she neared the foyer she realized she hadn’t put on her bathrobe. She also wasn’t wearing panties. She never did when she went to bed. The T was long enough, longer than a couple short skirts she bought recently on a whim.

She could hear drunken male voices coming towards the front door. She closed her phone and saw it was almost 2:00AM. She had “ordered” Tommy to be home by one o’clock. She prayed Tommy wasn’t hurt, and if he wasn’t, she was going to KILL HIM!

She put her cell on the parson’s table in the foyer as she rushed to the door. She looked out the side lite and not only heard but saw her son, his arms over his friends’ shoulders. Billy was on one side of him and it looked like Jimmy on the other side. They were all swerving up the walk. Tommy’s head was bowed and bobbing, and he was walking the most erratically, sometimes dragging his feet. His friends were half lifting him up as he stumbled along. Billy and Jimmy were laughing and talking loudly, all of them swaying and slurring words like drunks, which they obviously were. As they neared the door, both boys shouted at each other to be really quiet. Escort Arnavutköy Mara exhaled sharply, then unlocked and yanked the wide entry door open.

Her voice, just above a whisper, was harsh and emphatic, “You idiots! Keep your voices down! Is Tommy hurt?”

Bill looked at her first. His voice loud, “Oh! Hi, Mrs. D! No… no, li’l Tommy’s snot hurt, he’s jus’ really, really-really dur-runk!”

“You idiots! Get in here!”

Jim was grinning from ear to ear. “Gawhhd, Mrs. D, you look so fu… I mean… I mean, you look so fu… I mean, you uh… look so freakin’ hot in that T shit!”

Bill burst with more laughter. “He was gonna say fuckin’! And then he said, T shit not shirt!”

The advance of the boys had stopped. They were all swaying, Bill and Jim couldn’t stop laughing.

Tom raised his head with a huge drunken smile on his mouth. “Wha’? Wha’ was sho funny?!” He started laughing.

Mara stepped outside, her voice continued the harsh whispering, “Get him inside, you dopes. Come on, get him inside.”

They started moving but the boys were still laughing. Bill spoke, “We don’t do any dope, Mrs. D… much!”

She was walking at Billy’s side. She swatted his shoulder. “You better not, you idiot.”

Jim laughed. “Yeah, we don’t do dope, Mrs. D, we do idiot!”

More drunken laughter.

Mara mumbled, “No, kidding.” She herded the boys into the house and closed the door. “Put Tommy on the couch. Is he feeling sick? Did he get sick?” She saw her son’s head was flopping forward again and his feet were again stumbling. The other boys really were nearly carrying him. She frowned and shook her head slightly.

“Sick? No, he’s snot sick.” Bill laughed. “No fever at all.”

Jim grinned. “Unless you count puking.”

Mara exhaled sharply. “Bring him back, get him into the powder ro… the bathroom here in the foyer.”

“Wha’? We were jus’ there, Mrs. D!”

“Bring him back here… please.” She entered the powder room and raised the toilet lid and seat, then stepped back into the foyer. The weaving boys brought her son. “Stop.” She held Tommy’s face and raised it. “Tommy?” His eyes opened.

“Oh… hiya, Mom… wha’re ya doin’ here at da party? Huh?”

“Do you feel sick?”

“Huh? Wha’? I’m not… ahhh… uhhhhh…” Tom started repeatedly swallowing.

“Quick! Get him in the bathroom! Don’t drop him! Get him to the toilet!”

She watched his two laughing friends bump through the powder room doorway, but they got her son to the bowl. Tommy leaned forward, grunted then vomited, not much was expelled. The other boys laughed. Mara pushed next to Jimmy and flushed the toilet. “Tommy? How sick are you feeling?”

“I dunno… but ‘m not gonna puke ag…” His back began to arch again. “…ahhh… burrrrrrhhharrkkk!” A stream of projectile vomit splashed into the toilet.

Again Bill and Jim burst with laughter.

Mara’s jaw clenched as she flushed again. “Tommy, kneel down. Hold onto the toilet bowl and keep your face over it. Billy, Jimmy, help him down and hold his head over it.”

Bill laughed. “Yeah, drive the porcelain bus, dude!”

“Hold him there, watch him so he doesn’t pass out or something. I’ll call your parents, tell them you’re staying here. I should tell them how dru…”

Bill interrupted, “What?! Don’t call my parents!”

It took Jim a couple moments to realized what Mrs. D just said, “Don’t call my parents neither!”

“Well, if you don’t want to stay here, then someone has to come and pick you up.”

“We got a car, no one needs ta pick us up!”

Mara nearly shouted, “I’m not letting you drive a car! You’re both drunk!”

Bill’s brow pinched. “I’m not drivin’. Julie’s drivin’ da car. I’m too dur-runk to drive. She’s not dur-runk. Sheesh the denigrated driver.”

Mara’s brow pinched. “You mean the designated driver?”

“Yeah, tha’s what I said.”

“Julie who? Julie, your girlfriend, Julie?

Bill grinned. “Yeah, Julie, wha’ other Julie is there?”

“Your mother’s name is Julie.”

His brow pinched again. “Huh?” Then he grinned. “Oh yeah, Mom’s a Julie, but I don’t call her Julie.” He looked at Jim and laughed. “She thought my mom was drivin’!”

Jim laughed. “I always said you had a epideral complexshitty!”

Mara sighed. “Billy, go out and get Julie. I want to see for myself that she’s not drunk.” She looked at Jimmy. “Can you hold Tommy by yourself?”

Jim gazed at the hot mom and smiled. “I think I might need help, Mrs. D. We could hole him together.” Bill was moving behind him, then slid passed Tom’s mom. He noticed how his hands had given her shoulders a little squeeze. Jim felt his cock coming to life as she stood in the doorway watching Bill go outside. He’d enjoy her standing next to him. She was definitely not wearing no bra. Very nice tits. He could see her nipples pokin’ up a little.

Bill opened the front door and took one step outside. He cupped his hands around his mouth, then shouted, “HEY JULIE! COME INSIDE! MRS. D WANTS TA SEE IF YOU’RE DUR-RUNK!” Smat! His head dipped forward from the swat. He turned to look behind. Mrs. D was there glaring at him.

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